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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Oh myyyyyy...

That is the only word I have right now.

Heiiy, it has been a while since my last visit to this thread. And after my tiring day, I found my instagram full with uri beecouple kisses scene.

Mmmm, and I think its worthed for us. Finally they made it. We have wait for long time (how many years exactly?) to see the kiss, that kind of kiss scene. JH has proved, he is good and has kissing skill, and the most important part is: she is sY btw.

I am happy shipper.


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Annyeong chingu-deul :wub:

Just watched two episodes and I was engaged by SY's acting! She is indeed showing her versatility and charm as an up and coming actress. I am truly impressed!! And ya, she was damn good at cursing and even her scream when the palm landed on the windscreen. 대박! 

And as for JH, I cannot help but laugh whenever I see his cheeky expression. And did you guys notice the inconspicuous touching like how he placed SY's finger on his lips to shush when the guards heard the noise? I JUST FREAKING LOVE IT :heart:

These WGM feels are back, alright! Ok, gonna try to watch another episode before I call it a night. Sign up for Netflix for a month's free trial and binge watch MOLS as much as you can. I do hope someone will eventually download these and share them online for keeps.

Night y'all :blush:

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Dear Brownie, I was thinking that MOLS nothing surprise me, that I was ready for anything we get from this project... I was so wrong:blink::lol: When I saw translation SY curse my jaw just drop:lol: I don't know if its for real or polish translator little coloring some of the curse? I was still shock when SY looking old books pornography, and when our couple has a conversation with interesting subtext...B).But when SY give princess sex education lesson I think I was just died for a second because I was laugh so much:lol::lol: SY is hilarious with her face expresion in this drama and JH when he try to be charmin:wub::lol:

I hope in this weekend our forum will be keep going and going...





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You may want to give Hola VPN a try for your Google Chrome browser ..add the extension to your chrome. What it does is allows your browser to look like you are in another country. For example I use this .... I'm in the US , but my browser will think I'm in S.Korea when a site blocks me because I'm NOT IN S.Korea.Once it detects my faux country, it will allow me to access the TV program I want. This may allow you to get Netflix because it will think you are in the US. :wink:


PS ...this drama is HILARIOUS ...I'd like all Brownies to keep their eye out for the chicken feet reference, made me bust out laughing! 

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I stayed up so late as I couldn't stop watching MOLS.  I have seen two kiss scenes and oh boy, they ARE real kisses. I know there will be more coming:D.

It felt almost unreal we are seeing our couple together again on screen, and the chemistry is definitely still there. It was a great surprise both SY and JH characters, as they show different sides of them they had never shown before.  To be honest I was a bit worried about JH as I had not seen him act since OM though we have seen SY doing such a great job in current drama.  But I am pleasantly surprised by JH's act too and the role unexpectedly suits him.   More episodes to go and I sadly will finish them all this weekend...  Oh, and I love all those BTS pics they show at the end of each ep!

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I remember how exciting it was watching JH being charged up by just the smell and touch of SY's Hand in the car during WGM!!!  But this is greater than anything I could imagined or dreamed or even hoped for....   Forgive me I haven't seen it yet either but from what others have shared.  Dang when JH played with SY's ear I thought I would pass out from pure delight I may never be the same!!!!   What an amazing time for this ship and what a lovely new look at recharging and most likely the best kissing in a drama this year!!!!! :blink::rolleyes::wub::w00t:

all credit and thanks to all original owners....

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 For Ep 3 & 4,

I love how they referenced back to WGM days and incorporated them in the script. About how SY likes to eat chicken feet which JY doesn't and her Busan accent (hilarious to the bone!).

JY is pretty comedic in here; his facial expressions whenever he sees potential money and screams at SY's driving especially during the time slip to Jangan Palace (hope I got this right).

And is it me? ^_^

JH seems to be grabbing at every opportunity to hold SY close whenever possible. Hahahahahahahahaha :D:D:D

So so cute! They are really too deliriously cute... can somebody pinch me now? 

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Dear fellow Brownies/GongLee02!

Enjoying all your posts, I love MOLS not only because of our Bee Couple as main leads in what is basically their love story on WGM, plus things added for comedic purposes. Is funny, full of wit, has drama, and even social comentaries. We got more kisses than we thought we would, and real ones, not your typical "dead fish eyes" ones, we got real playful interactions, plenty of skinship, and all kinds of actions to spazz on, laugh and tears. The whole cast and crew did a drama worth to be viewed by all audiences. :heart:


Will 'My Only Love Song' Return For Season 2? The Historical Romance Has A Built-In Fandom

"Will 'My Only Love Song' Return For Season 2? The Historical Romance Has A Built-In Fandom
(Picture on article)
SOURCE: Courtesy of Netflix


On June 9, Netflix is adding to its roster of South Korean TV shows with its premiere of the historical drama My Only Love Song. According to Netflix’s official site, My Only Love Song stars Gong Seung-yeon as Song Su-jeong, a spoiled actress who storms out while filming a historical drama and accidentally gets into a time-traveling van (as one does after storming off a film set). The whole season will be available to marathon all at once, but will My Only Love Song return for Season 2? As of now, the new series, which combines time travel, romance, and comedy of errors featuring two beloved Korean actors, has not been renewed by Netflix.

Netflix has not released any information regarding Season 2, but American audiences can start by following the Season 1 adventures of Song Su-jeong. When Song Su-jeong travels back in time, she struggles to fit in and meets On Dal, played by Lee Jong-hyun. Song Su-jeon and On Dal are complete opposites — where she is spoiled and selfish, he is generous and kind. The time chasm between the two doesn't help at first, but as with most romantic comedies, their differences will only bring the two characters closer together.

Although the show hasn't yet been introduced to American audiences, this isn't the first time Gong Seung-yeon and Lee Jong-hyun have worked together. The actors were featured on Season 4 of the Korean reality show We Got Married, where celebrities are paired up and asked to complete daily tasks as a married couple.


Courtesy of Netflix

In fact, their time on We Got Married encouraged South Korean audiences to 'ship the couple in real life, even creating a celebrity couple name of "GongLee." The duo have been the center of Tumblr, Twitter, and fan-made YouTube videos, mostly inspired from their time on the reality show. Now fans have gotten their wish for more of the pair with My Only Love Song, which will reunite "GongLee" once again.

Along with the obvious chemistry between Gong and Lee, My Only Love Song may set itself apart from other foreign TV shows on Netflix in a couple of other ways. The genre aspect may be the most unique, since the romantic comedy mixes history and fantasy to bring together two people from completely different time periods.

Considering the growing GongLee fandom, one season of My Only Love Song probably won't be enough. Stay tuned to see if Netflix invests in the pair for more episodes."

Thanks and full credit to all original owners/sources.

Me: Netflix: My Only Love Song, Season 2! Yes please! :wub:

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I just finished!!!!sad and happy at the same time..MOLS is so good.too bad it wont be on south korea local tv too along with netflix..

their chemistry was amazing and seem so natural that sometimes i wonder did the director instruct them or did they direct themselves?and man,jh sure can kiss..who would've thought huh?i thought it was gonna be the usual peck or something like that.

everything is amazing..gonglee sort of gave us the closure we all need after their abrupt departure from the show..one thing that kinda sorta a bit bothers me is the ending..i mean i love the ending but it seemed like a bit rushed and hastened..

@luckystars23 i encountered the same problem at first,then i used a different account and it worked fine..some banks does not allow for international transaction like this so either you have to use another account or call your bank to change the terms..sorry.hope that helps..

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Jonghyun can sure KISS ....dang if it didn't look like he was deep in it, and SY was just as enthusiastic! What a fun story line I was literally laughing out loud and have to say I'm so glad they up'ed the age limit on this one. Jokes were not watered down to make it family friendly ... I'm so not used that kind of thing in a Korea drama, but they did an excellent job..it was truly funny!! 

I loved how they put the selfies and photos of each episodes BTS at the end of each segment. Looking to see if Soompi is going to write an article about it!!!!!! 

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WOW! just WOW! (I cant help to smile ear to ear now :D)

I have not finished 20 eps yet though I planned to spend whole night for MOLS, I still need to work today :( . MOLS is soooo fun, so hilarious, its story is good as well and what can I say? both SY and JH is super cute. And their chemistry is not only unchanged but leveled up. haha. I am sure after finishing ep 20. I will make rerun(s). 

Those who still have not yet watched, please do because it's so wait-worthy , its a paradise for Gonglee shipper, you are sure to be drowned in honey. 

Warning: Don't forget to breathe, guys! :tongue:

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I am on episode 16. Show is totally hilarious in a good way. I will totally watch season 2 in modern setting. Things are gonna be more hilarious, fun and romance will look more swoon worthy in modern cool clothes..

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I could only watch till episode 5 yesterday! :( I'll watch the rest today! :D:D:D Honestly speaking, i was expecting a melodrama :tongue::tongue: But it's the opposite! So much fun and light hearted from what i've seen till now :D:D:D:D:D I couldn't stop smiling watching them! :D I love SY's character in this! I wouldn't have expected her to curse in Busan Satoori :tongue::tongue: Here also, few of his lines! :tongue: 

She'll be like "You're such a cyber bully" and he'll be like "Fine. I'll be a cyber bully. Only for you." :tongue::tongue: (I hope i'm right)  MOLS is wayyyyyyyy more than what i expected! :D <3 <3 *smiles like a babo* 

I can't wait to finish watching the rest of it and watch it again and again :tongue: I hardly watch anything on TV these days, since all i watch are korean dramas these days. And even other shows i just watch on my laptop :tongue: But MOLS, i am watching on the TV :D:D:D:D First i hadn't subscribed to HD thinking that the quality would be fine but it was blurry, so i upgraded to HD just to see them :tongue::tongue:

And SY's amber eyes can be seen clearly in many of the scenes! :D Good job PD-nim! :D:D And i like the article posted above :D Season 2 hehe no problem! :D GongLee fandom will keep waiting :D 

Babo On Dal and michin nyeo Su Jeong have done really well :tongue::tongue: I like the BTS pics at the end of every episode but it would be really awesome if we get to see videos too <3 Pleasee PD-nim upload some bts videos too! :D Bloopers! Anything! :D 

Just reminding..there is a MOLS thread created way back! Even i forgot about it :tongue::tongue: Feel free to post there too :D

My Only Love Song Thread

1 hour ago, Urnaa said:

Where can i get GongLee2 under my avatar picture?

I don't know :( There was a poll long back asking for the names and the fandom name.

I guess someone else can help you out.

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Jonghyuns sister got married an hour ago ...the same day his drama came out on Netflix ....He'll never forget this day of multiple blessings!!!! :D She gives him a "peace" sign t the end ...judging where he is standing I bet he's singing at her wedding.


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