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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Guest AoiYagami

I've been wanting to start chiming in but didn't have much to think about until that last episode. Daebak~! Its been on repeat on my second office monitor all day at work. Especially that proposal. So good.

Anway, I haven't done fanfic writing since my old SNSD days (sundavar427 on soshified. If you know that name... don't hate me pls TT___TT I've been busy...*pleads for forgiveness*) but this couple made me want to write something special and I can't not write it!!! But I must ask. where do you guys usually post fanfics for this couple? Or look i mean.  I would like to do as the Romans do and follow the leader. This way I can make my work more accessible to you guys.

Although note that most of my work never have a happy ending... ^___^ We shall see what happens. Kekekekeekekeke.

Anyway, you guys are pretty awesome ppls. I look forward to communicating with all of you.


PS: Also thank you WGM for introducing me to my new kpop obsession Choa... ^____^ So adorable.

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Guest diechan

After saw the sub, I can't help to keep smiling :wub:, sooooo romantic. There is something came in my mind about how Seungyeon always granting Jonghyun wish. I think if Jonghyun asked her to kiss him on the lip, I think Seungyeon will granting it too.

I don't know how I must called it sad or funny about the fact that in this Busan trip, Jonghyun made some miss opportunity. I mean he want that lip kiss so badly. Saw their car scene, I think if I were Jonghyun I will said this

JH : Yeobo, even if I feel really thankful for your cheek kiss, but there is another kiss that I wanna do right now

I believe Seungyeon will has a face reaction like "what? what do you want?"

SY : What ? what kind of another kiss ? (with stutter voice)

JH : Can I borrow your lipstick?

SY : What for?

JH : Just ... (with a smile eyes)

After get the lipstick, he apply it on Seungyeon lips so slowly. 

JH : Yeobo, can I kiss you ? (with tender voice and look into her eyes)

Arrrrrrrggghhhh if only he do that, I will scream and close my eyes like this 


Bwahahaha I think I'm going crazy because of this couple, Need some rest I guess. Mian ne yo :sweatingbullets:

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How playful SY is :phew:

Because I'm reading old posts again. Hahahaha I can't stop myself mygad. And before, I'm so giddy/happy seeing them holding hands. I can't even explain the feels. How much more now that they're in the kissing stage. Someone, help me segregate my feels for them. :D

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Watching the kiss scene again and curious how others felt about two points --

1) The MCs/commentators note that JH is disappointed, presumably because the kiss was on the cheek, rather than the lips.

2) Why does SY immediately wipe off the lipstick from her lips after the kiss?


Rewatching JH's reaction, he doesn't utter a word during/after the kiss, so it's purely body language. I didn't get the impression JH is disappointed, but perhaps more so confused? He's smiling widely and opens his mouth immediately after the kiss, seemingly out of joy. So everything is as well as can be at that moment.

Then after opening his eyes, he immediately looks to share the moment with SY (to exchange a smile, laugh, "wow", etc.), but she is looking down for the tissue/napkin, leaving JH somewhat unclear about how to react. Only after seeing SY wipe off the lipstick does JY realize that he should be looking for the lipstick mark/stain... Is this how others view the situation, i.e. JH was momentarily confused as he sought to make eye contact and celebrate the moment with SY, rather than the MC's assessment of disappointment? Or do folks interpret his expression to mean something else, completely?

This brings me to the second question, as to why SY immediately wipes off the lipstick after the kiss. Is SY just completely flustered by the kiss and just wanting to do something, anything, to momentarily move past the nervousness? Such that the only practical action she could think of in the spur of the moment is to wipe off the lipstick? Or do folks feel the act is more intentional, like SY is being self-conscious about her make-up and the bright, bold red lipstick contrasted too much against her more natural make-up?

The other reason I considered was SY just wanting to ward off the "wolf' and to avoid exposure of her tantalizing lips... but I discounted this reasoning because I think JH has more than sufficiently demonstrated his ability to hold back, such that SY trusts him at this point...:wub:


Anyhow, very interested in how others feel about these two points :)


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i have been staring at this gif for like 1 minute asdhekksjsljdj i can't wait for all the gif to be out so that we can stare at them on repeat without having to rewind any video ;_________; does that even make sense AND DRIVING ON A RAINY DAY JUST MAKES EVERYTHING SEEMS SO MUCH MORE COSY 


thank you for sharing my dear! <3 

once you kissed~ you'll kiss non-stop :phew:



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I've been wanting to start chiming in but didn't have much to think about until that last episode. Daebak~! Its been on repeat on my second office monitor all day at work. Especially that proposal. So good.

Anway, I haven't done fanfic writing since my old SNSD days (sundavar427 on soshified. If you know that name... don't hate me pls TT___TT I've been busy...*pleads for forgiveness*) but this couple made me want to write something special and I can't not write it!!! But I must ask. where do you guys usually post fanfics for this couple? Or look i mean.  I would like to do as the Romans do and follow the leader. This way I can make my work more accessible to you guys.

Although note that most of my work never have a happy ending... ^___^ We shall see what happens. Kekekekeekekeke.

Anyway, you guys are pretty awesome ppls. I look forward to communicating with all of you.


PS: Also thank you WGM for introducing me to my new kpop obsession Choa... ^____^ So adorable.

welcome, the amazing author here, post their fanfic in Asian Fanfic. Just go back one page, you'll find the link to jongyeon fanfic

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Guest AoiYagami

@GongLeeAddict Hey hey. thanks! Will do. It's been a while so I hope I still got it :P

Also there was this one song playing in the background on an earlier episode that I'm totally obsessed with because of this couple. Bit by Bit, Slowly to You by No Reply ft Taru. Perfect for this couple up until this point. Helping me cope with waiting for the next episode. 

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Guest gingerschnaps


about your first question i dont think he's totally disappointed. But you know when u silently hoped for something but got the next best thing? He's still elated but would be gobsmacked if she really kissed him on the lips. But i can see he's happy with the lips mark, he checked it on the mirror to see if it's really there. Sy removing the lipstick for me can be both ways. Its either she's nervous and don't know how to mask it and just kept herself busy, or she is conscious about her bold lipstick. She really went in for the kill though. I'm thinking she wanted to save the lip kiss on their wedding. Afterall she deem to make her relationship fantasy come true through the show. She planned everything carefully. From jh family's gift, to her playing the instrument, to her radio message and lastly the kiss. She's very detailed and im glad it went well, mission accomplished for her. She was just slightly caught off guard with the proposal, i think it was quite unexpected from her. It was a darn good episode.

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@pre  This is something I thought about watching the raw a few times:

1. I think the MCs misinterpret it, I don't think he was disappointed.  I think he was, much like you said, confused about what happened because at first she acted like she was gonna give him the "finger" kiss again so I don't think he really knew what happened at first.  Her kiss, honestly, even though it was full mouth, was extremely quick.  SY definitely did not linger.  Maybe too fast for JH to gauge whether it was truly real.

2. I think the lipstick mark has now become a trademark for them, or that how I think SY perceives it.  In that vain, she's marked hand with lipstick.  She gave him a lipstick imprinted shirt and I believe she thought it would be cute to up the skinship by using the lipstick mark as a cover-up for for it.  It feels like with SY she's wary of acting too real in certain situations so she makes it playful yet still gives JH want he says he is wanting. So, I think it wasn't actually intended to be a "kiss" per se but a "lipstick" mark like the one on the shirt.

3. Much like SY doesn't like to wear accessories, she also goes for the very natural look.  JH has expressed that he likes the very natural look.  In Ceci photo, he liked the dynamic but admits that bare faced SY is still the prettiest. Frankly, that lipstick made her look way older and the angle they showed us in the car when she plants the kiss isn't very flattering.  No joke, the 1st time I saw it I thought, "wow, how sad with this camera angle and that bright lipstick.  It makes SY look like an ajumma not a fresh faced young lady."  I am not kidding. That was my thought.  I think SY is aware that bright lipstick is not necessary with her natural beauty and she didn't want JH to see her with it on really.... She just wanted to make the mark, so she tried to take it off so fast that he wouldn't notice too much when he opened his eyes.

....at least that's what I saw...

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Guest ice308

@pre glad you brought this up coz I too noted that look on JH's face after the kiss. My take on this is that when JH saw SY wiping her lips, it was like "why is she wiping her lips after kissing me?" You know when your lips touch something and you don't like it so you wipe your lips kind of thing?  Like maybe he thought she didn't like it thus she was wiping it off.. :) We didn't see SY but maybe she signaled for him to look in the mirror? 

For SY, I think it was just because of the bright color. She just put on more lipstick so that it would stain on his cheek so she wiped it off immediately after. :) 

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Interesting to note their progression.  JH holds SY's hand. JH sniffs SY's hand. BRI SY says she was disappointed he didn't kiss her hand. JH kisses her hand. JH gets mission for pose and tests the 'up against the wall' move. SY expresses she likes it.  JH continuously puts her "up against the wall" at FNC. SY comes to FNC concert and gives JH a full hug. JH side hug, back hug, full hug, wrap his arms around her head and shoulder hug and everything in between kinda hug. SY kisses JH on the cheek.  JH kisses her multiple times on the forehead.  

JH is EXTREMELY respectful.  If she's okay to do it then he'll do it no holds bar!  He's in 100% to it.  But he won't cross a line until she's crossed it first. He's leading her in every way except skinship... and when it comes to your woman that you truly love that's how you do it.  A player will make the moves on the woman and coax her into it whether she's comfortable or not.  He's only looking at the physical end result.  The guy in love won't even think about going there without her 100% on board.  It's the respect and earning the right to touch and feel your partner without ever feeling like she'll push you away or reject you.  JH is not about to have SY reject him in that way on national TV.

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Interesting to note their progression.  JH holds SY's hand. JH sniffs SY's hand. BRI SY says she was disappointed he didn't kiss her hand. JH kisses her hand. JH gets mission for pose and tests the 'up against the wall' move. SY expresses she likes it.  JH continuously puts her "up against the wall" at FNC. SY comes to FNC concert and gives JH a full hug. JH side hug, back hug, full hug, wrap his arms around her head and shoulder hug and everything in between kinda hug. SY kisses JH on the cheek.  JH kisses her multiple times on the forehead.  


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hi guys!!!! i'm a new fan of this couple and wow, i mean wow!! i've never been here in  soompi for sooooo long but i just had to search for the JH and SY forum/thread, what is their official couple name? and most importantly i'm watching their every episode non stop, i mean i stopped watching wgm since khuntoria couple and my last fav was AnBi couple it has been that long but this couple brought me back to wgm. I mean for me honestly they're the first couple in wgm that i feel the sincerity, you know where i feel like it's not wgm that i'm watching.. it feels so real, like minhyuk said they wake your love cells up (not exaclty what minhyuk said i'm getting excited here im having a hardtime constructing my sentences.).. igniting it and you'll just want to fall inlove all over again.

anyways i know that i'll be an avid fan!!

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@jly31 there is another source for rumors... you just need to make one up yourself if soompi, Dispatch (...) take to long... lol

@IAmSoulReader and @mnjhs775 lol true. I just read on twitter how one of JH's fan got upset about the fake "dispatch" photo and is demanding that person to be sued for misusing "dispatch" logo. So I wouldn't be surprised if JH's fan decided to spread some fake rumor to kill off the brownie's current buzz.

that person is me~ :D i didn't mean to create rumor, i wrote on my post that i just kidding~ :)

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@pre I don't want to say this, because it differs from most, but here it goes. Yes, I felt like he was a little let down, an anti-climactic feeling that it wasn't on the lips. I can see that JH is disappointed, but it was a little bit after the gif you posted. If you noticed the sounds that come out of his mouth and where he looks when he rolls his eyes, he seems a little bummed. (but in her defense he was stinkin' smiling so much she would have to open her mouth for a full on lip kiss LOL).  He sucks his teeth and makes a sound like "tchsh" like, "Is that it?" then rolls his eyes a little and looks out the window. He accepted it quickly and he appreciated it of course and moved along. The MC's probably didn't notice the body language part I'm talking about because they were so focused on the fact he sprayed his mouth, but watch his eyes and listen to the sounds he makes. Sorry, sorry, sorry everyone...but this is just my opinion of what it looks like. HE WANTED MORE, but was thankful that was all it was. 

Wiping her mouth...nothing big imho, she probably didn't want all the stuff on her mouth in case he really wanted to kiss HER  ;):D 


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Based on the comments, it's like SeungYeon will throw the ball and JongHyun will hit it? Just like KhuntoRia?

And then kiss cam.. and then announce they're dating and then get married and have babies!:))


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Interesting to note their progression.  JH holds SY's hand. JH sniffs SY's hand. BRI SY says she was disappointed he didn't kiss her hand. JH kisses her hand. JH gets mission for pose and tests the 'up against the wall' move. SY expresses she likes it.  JH continuously puts her "up against the wall" at FNC. SY comes to FNC concert and gives JH a full hug. JH side hug, back hug, full hug, wrap his arms around her head and shoulder hug and everything in between kinda hug. SY kisses JH on the cheek.  JH kisses her multiple times on the forehead.  

JH is EXTREMELY respectful.  If she's okay to do it then he'll do it no holds bar!  He's in 100% to it.  But he won't cross a line until she's crossed it first. He's leading her in every way except skinship... and when it comes to your woman that you truly love that's how you do it.  A player will make the moves on the woman and coax her into it whether she's comfortable or not.  He's only looking at the physical end result.  The guy in love won't even think about going there without her 100% on board.  It's the respect and earning the right to touch and feel your partner without ever feeling like she'll push you away or reject you.  JH is not about to have SY reject him in that way on national TV.


Love everyhing your wrote @Amatris... :D now... when he wants to get mark again.... not hand but cheek :D :wub:

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Guest wilddove

I want the next episode after this week to be their wedding ceremony then followed by their honeymoon :P:lol:

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