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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Ahhh, this couple, what am I to think?  What am I to do?  MY MIND AND MY HEART ARE ON FIRE because of them.....!!

I have said this before, never before have I seen or experienced a unique couple like them on WGM.

They are just so THERE for each other and nothing else.  using WGM as their own personal dating service and not caring about fans or management companies or how they are perceived on WGM makes them so special that I just cannot say how much I hope and pray they stay together after WGM, but I want them to be on WGM for a long, long, time so I (we) can continue to experience this (shared) happiness with them as their relationship continues to grow by leaps and bounds!

I hope JH sticks to his beliefs and doesn't let FNC push him around as far as his love for SY goes, I hope he says "SHE is what is important in my LIFE now" and FNC lets him pursue her to whatever end they desire.

As someone here already said, SY should just marry him and raise and take care of their puppies and their babies, maybe shoot a commercial here and there and pick up an acting gig once in awhile, but don't let her career get in the way of her romance, if that is what she desires!

I had a strange dream about these 2.  Actually, it weaved Jongyeon, Yongseo and CNBlue together. (Yes, I DREAM about them).  It was a CNBlue concert, but they all were older and married.  Their hot wives were standing off to the side stage enjoying their husbands perform, and when the concert was over the wives all came out on stage and hugged their husbands and then walked off the stage with them.  Seohyun was there for Yong Wha (yep, still ship them too!), SY was there for JH, and it looked like Krystal for Minhyuk and some tall girl like Sooyoung (of SNSD) for Jungshin chingu.  They all walked to the backroom behind the stage together, each husband/wife pair hugging and laughing.  When they went into the backroom together there were babies and little kids and puppies there to greet them!  They were all together, The CNBlue boys, their wives, their kids and their pets, all happy together.

What a wonderful warm feeling that dream left for me when I woke up this morning!

It's hopelessly delusional, I know, BUT...BUT... wouldn't it be nice if this dream would come true??!!             

I believe they will be true to themselves and to their feelings...And i believed too they are ready to go into a real relationship during or after the show...This two were destined by fate to come together in their most perfect time as we read and learned from their interviews before joining this program...And more to that both parties are so happy and supportive to them.....There is no doubt they love so much each other...There is nothing and no reason for them  not to be bold abt their feelings....this is what a true love can do...I just want to give my sincerest CONGRATULATIONS FOR FINDING EACH OTHER AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!♥♥♥ You deserve to be happy with the one you love the most~~~

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The one thing that stands out for me (I keep thinking about it) during the baseball game was how SY entered that beer contest and guzzled a beer on national TV.  I don't know if it was broadcast on TV that night, but there were certainly enough cameras and cell phones around that it became public very fast.

What impressed me the most was what a natural, "girl next door" action it was for her to do.  Gutsy, IDGAF about my image, natural, fun thing to do.  Chugging a beer is not what you would see any girl from SNSD do in public, or any other K-POP girl group member.   Heck, you wouldn't see a K-POP boy group member do it where anyone could see it or record it!

And the whole time she did it you could see she was looking for her man in the stands and seeking his approval and enjoyment!

It was just so....awesome.   Kind of like when she decided to ride the roller coaster at the amusement park.   She first said it looked scary, but then just decided "the hell with it, it looks like fun, let's do it!" 

It seems like she has come to a point in her life where she feels she has lived comfortably and securely but without much excitement or thrills and now that she has JH by her side to protect her she can reach out and try new and exciting things and live like a 'normal' girl and have some fun.

Maybe because she is now free from SM Entertainment and works for an agency that doesn't control everything in her life, she has discovered this new freedom to experience the new and exciting things in her life?   And she has her man by her side to protect her and guide her should she fall or fail.

I think they are both at a point in their lives where they are looking for a change, for something more fulfilling in their lives, and they have found what they are looking for in each other, and it happened because of their pairing on We Got Married.  Kismet, fate, karma, unrequited love from a past life, call it what you will, but I think this was/is what they were both searching for and seeking.    

She must have been blasted!   for such a little thing (she can't weigh but 90 lbs.) to chug a beer like that would leave me with a pretty good buzz - and I'm at 190 lbs. - I can't imagine what it did to her little head!  I'm hoping we'll see more about it in future episodes!

All in all, I'm in love with her more now.   At first she was just pretty, but now I can see the beauty of what she is inside her head.  Her personality is shining through now more than the beauty that is only skin deep.

JH is a very lucky man.   I hope he realizes that to the very core of his being, and continues to protect her heart!



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I went back and watched the scene with these two in the springs on their Japan trip and I noticed the water was only steaming around the two of them. The rest of the pool was calm and cool.  I think they created their own hot spring. Now put them back in the water with JH looking at the recent photos of SY and I think it will be boiling! Hopefully this lovely couple can go back again for their real honeymoon. 


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Guest Soumi

She must have been blasted!   for such a little thing (she can't weigh but 90 lbs.) to chug a beer like that would leave me with a pretty good buzz - and I'm at 190 lbs. - I can't imagine what it did to her little head!  I'm hoping we'll see more about it in future episodes!

Goodness, I sure hope she's not 90 lbs! I'm 5'6" myself, and at 105lbs, I'm considered just slightly underweight. I wish for her to be healthy. 

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OFF TOPIC:rolleyes:

It's another great day already not only with the new photos of them & SY but also the preview which makes this next episode worth waiting for!!!:w00t:  So we didn't get the cam kiss because either they were not willing to share or WGM wanted to protect and save the best for the show.  Either way its enough to make a Brownie dance, scream & shout!!!:lol:  Yesterday I thought What the heck?  Today I am thinking.....Bring it on!!!! :wub: Kiss by accident,  kiss by impulse, kiss because they were urged to, kiss #2 #3 etc..., kiss because their lips were like magnets.  Kiss because it felt right and they both got caught up in the moment....  I am sure each of you has an idea of your own!!:rolleyes:  I am not sure why the kiss happened. :huh: The only thing I am sure of is that every Brownie & Fan of this couple.   Will feel their hearts beating faster and their:blink: eyes wide & glued watching and waiting for this moment!  For a few seconds our souls will be lifted and Bam!!!:crazy::o:w00t: 

Internet explosion:w00t:B)B)pictures, thoughts, and fingers will be moving at the speed of sound Just the thought of it is to exciting for words!!! ( PS..  SOOMPI :angry::angry:don't even think about not letting us in or crashing!!! 

How will we ever make it if a happily ever after truly comes? :wub:  It's like seeing a rainbow looking up and believing that at the end.   True love & our couple together is the pot of GOLD.....  I always have liked gold LOL!!!!:w00t:



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Fan cam during their practice so it was JH's idea of kissing the ring lol SY just followed.  


​HAHAHAHA!!!!!  This video reveals MORE than just that it was JH's idea of kissing the rings.  As "smiley" as he was, I got the distinct impression he was getting irritated with all the ATTENTION SY was getting, from the baseball player to the handlers to the mascots and all their high fiving her.  Yep.  They definitely MALE and they're definitely crushing on his wife and JH's definitely not appreciating it.  Trying to have her maintain her focus on him.  That's what that ring kiss was definitely a "focus on me" and "back off! She's mine!"  She must be exquisite up close & in person because she was getting more attention than JH and it was ALL male attention.  

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@pre Haha, I really can't wait for that too! Aren't we all waiting for that moment when either one of them posts up a selca of themselves! But can you imagine the chaos that it will bring to this thread? We're already spazzing like crazy just from their cute selca posted on Nexen's FB page yesterday, what more if it's by them personally!!!

​But with, SoLim couple So Eun ssi posted them as a couple to her twitter account the very first time they were together, so I don't think it's that big of a deal... Yes, fans will go crazy, but I don't understand what their hang-up would be for posting one together when they post themselves together with co-stars from their other projects.  It's kinda weird to me. *shrug*

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​Hope JH may change his profile or at least post some picture from their ceci photoshoot tomorrow.

​He did say that the fact that he can get pics to use for SNS is the "fun" part about doing these kinds of photo shoots.  Or did I "hear" him wrong? I think maybe that's why he's holding off. ..I don't know, if he doesn't, it would just be weird for me to understand the logic of posting yourself together with others you work with and not do the same with her.  Especially when your "comments" are FAR more "personal" than a pic with a co-star.  I mean, Baek Ji-Young and all of us agreed about the shutting mouth comment... sounds like a couple in love, what would a pic together make any difference after that???  Weird.

...and based on the preview text...  we may just find out what "should I shut your mouth again?" really means by Saturday at 5pm SK time.

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0The one thing that stands out for me (I keep thinking about it) during the baseball game was how SY entered that beer contest and guzzled a beer on national TV.  I don't know if it was broadcast on TV that night, but there were certainly enough cameras and cell phones around that it became public very fast.

What impressed me the most was what a natural, "girl next door" action it was for her to do.  Gutsy, IDGAF about my image, natural, fun thing to do.  Chugging a beer is not what you would see any girl from SNSD do in public, or any other K-POP girl group member.   Heck, you wouldn't see a K-POP boy group member do it where anyone could see it or record it!

And the whole time she did it you could see she was looking for her man in the stands and seeking his approval and enjoyment!

It was just so....awesome.   Kind of like when she decided to ride the roller coaster at the amusement park.   She first said it looked scary, but then just decided "the hell with it, it looks like fun, let's do it!" 

It seems like she has come to a point in her life where she feels she has lived comfortably and securely but without much excitement or thrills and now that she has JH by her side to protect her she can reach out and try new and exciting things and live like a 'normal' girl and have some fun.

Maybe because she is now free from SM Entertainment and works for an agency that doesn't control everything in her life, she has discovered this new freedom to experience the new and exciting things in her life?   And she has her man by her side to protect her and guide her should she fall or fail.

I think they are both at a point in their lives where they are looking for a change, for something more fulfilling in their lives, and they have found what they are looking for in each other, and it happened because of their pairing on We Got Married.  Kismet, fate, karma, unrequited love from a past life, call it what you will, but I think this was/is what they were both searching for and seeking.    

She must have been blasted!   for such a little thing (she can't weigh but 90 lbs.) to chug a beer like that would leave me with a pretty good buzz - and I'm at 190 lbs. - I can't imagine what it did to her little head!  I'm hoping we'll see more about it in future episodes!

All in all, I'm in love with her more now.   At first she was just pretty, but now I can see the beauty of what she is inside her head.  Her personality is shining through now more than the beauty that is only skin deep.

JH is a very lucky man.   I hope he realizes that to the very core of his being, and continues to protect her heart!



​CLAPPING FEROCIOUSLY! Well said and summed up everything that has been stated in the last 20 pages :D ! I WANT to see our girl next door interact with JH after that beer! I want to see if her cute face gets red! I want to see him take care of his drunk bride! I want to see her lean in and accept the help! I want to see her get cozier with her man because that is her subconscious desire and that all comes through with a little relaxation! :D 

You are so right...I honestly can't think of any other Korean actor out there that would have this much acceptance doing something like that. There is always one side or another that would criticize them. She started this not famous enough to ruin some established image, jaded enough from the trials of life to just say..."Since you are here with me husband, I can do this!". From this show she has been able to let the world see how natural she is and makes us all feel like she could be our friend!

Thank you for your post...LOVED IT"!

@amastris said, :​But with, SoLim couple So Eun ssi posted them as a couple to her twitter account the very first time they were together, so I don't think it's that big of a deal... Yes, fans will go crazy, but I don't understand what their hang-up would be for posting one together when they post themselves together with co-stars from their other projects.  It's kinda weird to me. *shrug*

Agree, That's our rational selves ...some fans of musicians don't seem to have that kind of self control. Neither JaeLim or SoEun had a fan base that was obsessive so the fear of posting it was not there. JH has a long time established  "love group" fan base that could get frenzied.

When Jonghyun of SHINee publicly showed PDA to his then girlfriend Shin Se Kyung....that was 5 YEARS ago.... it ruined her career until just this most recent drama "The Girl Who See's Smells" ...it redeemed her (but not at first). They hated on her so much (and some still do those diehard fans) saying she is a terrible actress. Jonghyun lost something like 100,000 from his fan cafe after this episode, had to apologize (and cried ) to his fans...he will never date in public again.


Could this happen to our JH? Who knows, but does he want to test it? 

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WOW....so excited for tomorrow...It will be a memorable episode!!! I've been waiting for this photoshoot to air for so long and now i can't believe i just have to wait just one more day!!! AHHHHH

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It's Friday afternoon, Monday is Memorial Day here in the States, and everybody is gearing down for a 3-day holiday weekend.  I finally have some time to do what makes me feel good - spazz about our lovely couple that makes my heart happy.

I was watching the English sub of one of the BTS clips, the one with the 'back massage'.

SY brings out Pas strips because her husband has worked hard painting the wall in their couple house.  She asks innocently (with her long hair flowing down one side of her head and over her shoulder) -

"Where do you ache?"

JH looks at her for a second, looks down, then looks back at her with a huge grin on his face and says, "Everywhere!"

SY locks eyes with him, a grin spreads across her face, she blushes, looks down, grabs the Pas strip and playfully tries to put the Pas strip on his mouth. :P

Nothing said, just a smile and a stare between them, and it is understood that JY wants his wife to apply the Pas strip everywhere on his body!! :wub:

This is just one small reason I love to watch them......    

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@luvtokki  I loved that BTS too!!  I can't really say what I thought the first time I saw it!!!  SOOMPI wouldn't be very happy with me or the Mods..  I kind of lost it when she said loosen your shirt and he said something like I have done alot of that lately!  I don't even want to go there!!!:blink:  They are a mixture of sweet & sexy and the way they push & pull  with passion in their eyes it makes even me eek!!!!:w00t:

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​But with, SoLim couple So Eun ssi posted them as a couple to her twitter account the very first time they were together, so I don't think it's that big of a deal... Yes, fans will go crazy, but I don't understand what their hang-up would be for posting one together when they post themselves together with co-stars from their other projects.  It's kinda weird to me. *shrug*

​It's kinda different if one of the couple is an Idol, like Jonghyun. Solim couple are both actors. Korean fans tend to "own" the idol, especially a boy band member like Jonghyun, that could be the reason Jonghyun has not posted a couple picture yet since he is protecting SY. I remember they have experienced it during their first date at SY school when the students swarm towards them screaming. :D

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And....and ...didn't I say she has a fashion model's body?  Those Instyle pics and the one from Ceci with the white man's shirt and short, short blue jean shorts.  Arrrggghh!  JH must be bleeding from his eyes..........

Not to mention that when her pretty mouth is not smiling, it falls naturally into a sexy pout.....Annngggghhh indeed!  

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Guest ayvah

​CLAPPING FEROCIOUSLY! Well said and summed up everything that has been stated in the last 20 pages :D ! I WANT to see our girl next door interact with JH after that beer! I want to see if her cute face gets red! I want to see him take care of his drunk bride! I want to see her lean in and accept the help! I want to see her get cozier with her man because that is her subconscious desire and that all comes through with a little relaxation! :D 

You are so right...I honestly can't think of any other Korean actor out there that would have this much acceptance doing something like that. There is always one side or another that would criticize them. She started this not famous enough to ruin some established image, jaded enough from the trials of life to just say..."Since you are here with me husband, I can do this!". From this show she has been able to let the world see how natural she is and makes us all feel like she could be our friend!

Thank you for your post...LOVED IT"!

@amastris said, :​But with, SoLim couple So Eun ssi posted them as a couple to her twitter account the very first time they were together, so I don't think it's that big of a deal... Yes, fans will go crazy, but I don't understand what their hang-up would be for posting one together when they post themselves together with co-stars from their other projects.  It's kinda weird to me. *shrug*

Agree, That's our rational selves ...some fans of musicians don't seem to have that kind of self control. Neither JaeLim or SoEun had a fan base that was obsessive so the fear of posting it was not there. JH has a long time established  "love group" fan base that could get frenzied.

When Jonghyun of SHINee publicly showed PDA to his then girlfriend Shin Se Kyung....that was 5 YEARS ago.... it ruined her career until just this most recent drama "The Girl Who See's Smells" ...it redeemed her (but not at first). They hated on her so much (and some still do those diehard fans) saying she is a terrible actress. Jonghyun lost something like 100,000 from his fan cafe after this episode, had to apologize (and cried ) to his fans...he will never date in public again.

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Could this happen to our JH? Who knows, but does he want to test it? 

Arghh! What a scary thought! I hope our couple will be able to brave it through when they finally decide to go public.  Hahaha pardon my delulu mind! But seriously, i hope kpop fans will realize that their idols are people too. They should realize thst it's much, much crazier and more delusional to believe that their idols can never fall in love.

as for our couple,  i think wgm will smoothen the way for our couple.  I mean jong hyun's fans can practice now and start getting used to the idea of jong hyun dating a very pretty girl. 



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