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[Drama 2015] Divorce Lawyer in Love 이혼변호사는 연애 중


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Thank you @alekaonu for the translation...I was so curious what CH told JW at the end of the episode. It's crossed in my mind that the one who will tell JW his saviour is CH herself. I thought SA would tell him the truth or JW would find himself. But SA didn't tell it to JW's mom.

Thanks @libra22 for the caps...The scene when JW taking care of CH...that's my fav too. JW was soooo sweet :wub:


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Episode 14 starts with the reunion kiss. Next scene, CH wakes up and dresses for her first day as a lawyer. She walks in confidently to her (empty) new office. Back at Choice lawyer office, the colleagues were lamenting that the office is much quieter without CH. Kyung received a  message on his phone and sneaks out presumably to some secret job application where it is first come first served. He went into a office where it was revealed that CH was the one who sent the message. He was hired on the spot, much to his horror. First task for him was to design the logo for Blessings Lawyer firm. JW visits with fried chicken and they kick Kyung out to spend some time alone. While eating CH frets that they did not manage to solve anything - they are back together and his mum still hates her. JW feels that his mum will eventually turn around. His own experience tells him that a person could grow to like someone he/she had disliked for a long time. He assures her that ultimately his mum wants him to be happy and if CH is the one to give him happiness she will accept her eventually. To change the subject JW says he had a congratulatory present for her. He asks Ch to choose 1,2 or 3. She chooses 1 and he kisses her.  She was pleased with her choice and asks what is 2 and 3. They are slight variations of kisses as he generously demonstrates (so cute!)

Lawyer bong broods at home. He wanted to throw the rings away as trash but CH was horrified to hear that. The one thing he hated most was to return things, and she has to either take them or he will throw the rings away. She called his bluff by waiting for him to throw the bag into the trash bin before retrieving the bag to return.

Divorce case was the lady (Hye Ri?) who betrayed Ch in the HMR case. Her mother in law was a refined lady who had brought her son up singlehandedly but was passive aggressive in the way she nags at her daughter in law - she would paste hundreds of post-its around the house with comments about everything. HR couldn't take it anymore and wanted a divorce. Guess who she approaches? CH was surprised that she had the guts to ask for her help after her betrayal but HR explained that she knows Ch is the best and she didn't want to go back to BF because she doesn't want ppl to know that she is getting divorced. JW is the opposing lawyer for HR's husband who didn't want a divorce because he still loves her. JW convinced them to move out of the mum house to avoid a divorce. Due to client lawyer confidentiality, CH and JW agreed not to speak to each other for the duration of the case. They spent the next meetings trying to communicate (plus all the lovey dovey words) via hand signals. Each has a booklet to write down all the things they wan to say to each other for the period. 

JW and CH misses each other and JW asks her out. Since they can only communicate via hand signals JW misunderstood that she has a stomachache and rushes off to but meds for her. Their phone rang - it was the divorce couple. They  told the mother that they are moving out and she has ran away from home. Turns out that the mother is hiding (and playing cards) at a friend's house. They found her and she agreed to let them move out upon hearing that divorce is the only alternative. CH and JW are happy hearing that they only need to avoid each other for another 3 days for them to move out (and drop the divorce petition)

A real estate agent brought some potential customers to look at the office which is supposedly for rent, much to Manager Yoon and Yoomi's surprise. Lawyer bong arrived at office to find out that they received a letter to pay overdue rental. He went to daddy bong and found out that daddy took back his apartment and office block. DK holdings has served them a lawyer letter regarding the return of the new building. Lawyer bong went to Cheobol Auntie to appeal. Auntie revealed that she liked Bong because he is kind, unlike many of the other rich young, but as Horrible Heiress' auntie, she is v angry with him for ruining Heiress reputation. However him coming to her is a sign that he is taking responsibility to solve his own problems. It is also his first step towards maturity. Bong seems taken by this. 

While having drinks with the gang, CH found out that it is JW mum birthday and went shopping for a present with spiteful sister. The sister seems to be softening towards her. She passed it to JW with instructions not to reveal that she bought it. At mum birthday dinner prepared by SA, JW gave the present to mum who initially like it but upon JW saying that CH was the one who bought it and they are still seeing each other, she got angry and threw it away. When washing up with SA, mum and SA had a heart to heart talk. Mum asks about the search for the peppermint candy lady and said that SA is so kind as to help JW search. Feeling guilty, SA told her that she is not kind at all so don't like her too much. Mum assures her that she loves SA because she is her daughter (with all her flaws) and not just because she is kind. 

SA met with Lawyer Bong to confirm that JW and CH are still together. Bong affirmed that he has failed in attaining CH's heart and although it hurts, at the same time he felt happy that he had done all he could to win her heart. SA is envious of his attitude, and confided in him that she couldn't be as gracious as he is now that she had lied to JW. Lawyer bong encouraged her to come clean (he took her hand! Hope they eventually come together) and shared with SA what auntie said that solving your own problems is the first step to growing up. SA takes it to heart.

Unfortunately, the son allowed the mother to enter their new house and the post-its started again. HR was fed up and insisted on a divorce this round. Our couple can't meet again, until the final court date. In court they put up their case for divorce or not. Until the mother stormed in and slapped HR for making her son into a divorced man. Finally the son realized the suffering he had put his wife through and agreed to a divorce. HR got her divorce but was saddened regarding the end of her marriage. CH counseled her by saying that unfortunate things might fall on everyone but by picking themselves up they might crest another heaven for themselves. She too went through hell when HR betrayed her but by carrying on, she found ppl she liked and through losing her lawyer license she found love. She also told HR to start work in her office tomorrow to pay off her lawyer fees. HR was flabbergasted that she ended up back to working for CH.

JW frets in the office about his empty notebook (in which he was supposed to pen down what he had wanted to say to CH in their period of no-speaking). CH calls and he rushed out to meet her at the park. CH excitedly and sweetly read out to JW all the thoughts she wrote in her notebook and was nonplussed to find JW's book blank. "Doesn't he have anything to say to her?" She asks. The only thought JW has in his mind as he watched CH walking towards him is that he wants to be with him forever. Will she marry him? CH was torn but she said no. After years of helping ppl divorce, she doesn't see any advantages of getting married. Couldn't they just remain the way they are? JW accepts her reasoning calmly but says he will find a way to convince her of the pros of marriage. 
Next day, the K entertainment news reports that HMR is getting married to the model bf and adopting a boy. Both JW and CH remember the boy from their trip to Yang Pung. CH turns to leave. END.
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Just finished watching ep 16 chinese sub.

At the ending scene, JW teared up after CH has recounted the train incident. 

He told CH that he thought she has passed away.

CH said "SJW, you mentioned marriage, isn't it?"

She passed him the mint candy wrapper and said "Let's try to live together".

Omo, will we be seeing a wedding scene in one of the last 2 eps?

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Episode 16 starts with CH and JW going to the Yang Pyung house again. They found out from neighbor that they had moved. The boy had been living there for at least the past 3 years so it couldn't be that HRM just met and adopted him. CH went to confront HMR with the fact that she knows that the boy is her son and that she duped her husband into marrying her. HMR offered her money but she only wants the truth. HMR cautions that if she is out for the truth then make sure that she got it right in case some innocent person will lose his life again.




CH went home and found that JW was at her house cooking up a storm. He wants her to experience having someone preparing a nice dinner for her after a hard day's work, touting it as one of the benefits of marriage. CH's dad and sister encouraged him and said that it is nice to have a guy around. JW is happy to be dad's son forever (ha! Good try) Feeling the pressure, CH sent JW packing back home but not without him reminding her that another benefit of marriage is that they don't have to part at night (is he thinking what I am thinking?! Ha!)


Back at office the next morning, Manager Yoon found a lawyer letter demanding the payment of rental arrears to her distress. The gang is worried that they might lose their jobs if lawyer bong goes broke.




JW went to CH office and found her engrossed in watching past news clips of HMR. He told her that since himself, CH, Kyung and HR were all involved in the case, she should get them into investigating this one as well rather than going at it by herself. The 4 of them discussed and strategized and they split up to find more info.



CH and JW have lunch. Again JW tried to convince her on the benefits of marriage. CH pointed out a couple sitting opposite then who did not speak a word to each other throughout the meal. She feels that once married the romance will be gone. JE conceded this round. He brought up that Lawyer Bong finances seems to be in trouble.



CH went to Lawyer bong with the proposal rings and begs him to return them so he can pay the rent and salaries of the staff. Lawyer bong is horrified but he agrees to try. He went to the first jewelry shop and the head sales lady was naturally delighted to see her most generous customer. She brought out all the new designs for him. In the end Bong went home with 5 new rings lol! CH couldn't believe it and dragged him back to the shop to return. There, between the sales lady and CH we see a battle of whose sob story is worse. CH won out and she managed to return the rings.


CH found out that HMR's son has a genetic illness whereby he needs a bone marrow transplant to live. There was a matching donor but apparently the person had cancelled the transplant 3 times at the last moment. Kyung was sent to find out who the donor was.


CH went to speak to HMR's bf YS to convince him to reveal the truth. Midway, Kyung called that YS was in fact the potential donor. Similarly YS warned CH that someone might die due to her meddling. CH realized that he meant the boy. (So in the end the bf is the main villain! Nice twist)



Lawyer Bong found that his dad took away all his cars and his houses. He remembers that he had loaned the penthouse to SA and ran to her (on foot as he no longer has his car awww so sweet) just as she was moving out. He tried to offer her alternative housing only to remember that he didn't have each of them anymore. SA assures him that it is ok, she will move to a hotel for the time being. Bong offered to send her but too bad, no car either.



CH went to hospital to try to see HMR son. At the moment HMR and YS came into the hospital room. She hid, and overheard HMR begging YS not to cancel the donation. But he refused until she got rid of CH and left. HMR was distraught. She caught CH hiding behind the curtain and ordered her to leave.



CH went home and was sick. Dad was away checking out a potential fish stall for sale in some other town. JW called and rushed over to nurse her. The scene whereby he climbed into bed with her to put her to sleep was so sweet! The next morning CH's fever subsided and she was touched to see JW still sleeping by her bed.



At the same time SA was in Lawyer bong's house, bringing him news from daddy bong. He gets to keep the house and no more. At least daddy was considerate enough to let him keep a roof over his head. They left the house and bumped into JW and CH along the corridor. Bong used the excuse of global warming to ask JW for a ride to office but JW declined and said that he needs to send CH who was sick to her office. SA watched pensively as they left with JW's arm cradling protectively over CH. JW dropped her off and CH expressed that him being by her side feels warm and makes her want to depend on him. So, let's get married? JW asks. But CH is still scared - 1/3 of all marriages end up in divorce, and how sad would that be. JW counters that 2/3 of marriages are still together, and with love they can overcome it. He would rather have sad memories than not have experience it. He won't force her if she is unwilling, but if she is willing but just afraid, then don't be. Just hold his hand and take the steps together, like what she did when he was at the train station. She still couldn't do it.



JW mum visited SA at her office with her favourite small cucumber pickles. SA was touched that she would come all the way in the hot sun. She cried that she is sorry that she cannot be her daughter. She had always felt that as long as she doesn't give up she will succeed but this time, it seems that it won't work. SA went to see JW but misses him as he left for lunch with his colleagues. She went to CH's office instead. CH was surprised to see her. SA explained that JW has been looking for her all the while. At the 2008 train incident, wasn't she the one who had saved him with the peppermint candy? She gave CH the lawyer nameplate she made for JW and please give him her apologies and left. CH called JW and asks him to meet her at the train station. 



She took out a peppermint sweet from her bag and and asks JW during the train incident, was the thing which made his fear go away this? How did you get this? he asks. She put the sweet in his mouth and said "eat this. so that you can live"- the same words she said to him during the accident. CH recounted the happenings of that fateful day and how she managed to escape after saving him and the volinist girl. He was moved that she did not die as he had thought. She put the sweet wrapper in his hands and said let's try to live together then. END.

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I can't believe we have come to the last 2 episodes! So sad. 

@libra22, I think so too! They should be getting married before the drama ends. I am looking forward to the scene when they tell JW's mum. I also hope that they get to work together in the same firm since they work so well together.

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Thank you so much @ohsh for the recaps. The scene when JW put her to sleep....and the next morning, JW even slept on the floor....aawww that's so sweet. :wub:

I am also looking forward for them get to work together. Since SA left JW's nameplate at CH's ...maybe at the end both of them will work together. I also hope all the crew still the same.

But I don't wish lawyer Bong accept the engagement....it's better him end with SA, they look more compatible. How about lawyer Bong & SA vs JW and CH at the court? :rolleyes:

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