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[Current Filipino Drama 2015] Pangako Sa ’Yo (My Promise To You)

Guest deepslumber89

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Guest deepslumber89

I can't promise that I would be able to maintain summary posts for all episodes.. for the most part I'll probably just post the episode's synopsis here with screencaps.. if there's an episode anyone would like direct translation of, just request for it and I'll try my best :)

For those not familiar with Filipino dramas, what we call teleseryes are more or less 30 minutes of runtime, Mondays to Fridays. Combining 1-week worth of episodes is similar to a 2-episode week run of Korean dramas.


PSY - EPISODE 01: First Love [05.26.15]

1st Part





The opening is a scene of a Amor and Eduardo together in a stream, confessing their love for each other. Eduardo promises Amor that he will love her not only for the rest of his life, but for the rest of hers as well. That she is his world.




San Felipe 1993

The story starts with Amor making pots out of clay. Amor's voiceover tells the audience that everyone may know her and her name, but not everyone knows her soul. It's a reference to the PSY story having been told 15 years ago, and  that this is now for the current audiences watching the re-telling of this story. After making the pots, she prepares the ingredients. She is actually making a specialty dish, literally food cooked in clay pot. The feast is for the town's Mayor having the Buenavistas as honored guests. Amor, it seems, is a cook occasionally hired for special events. Amor's family teases her having a crush on Eduardo Buenavista for years. It's mentioned that she also delivers food to Eduardo's office in Manila (capital). This may be the chance for Eduardo to know her because he'll get to taste her specialty dish.



Amor actually has pictures of Eduardo posted on her closet door, which she greets with "Good Morning, Love." Cute. She talks to Eduardo's pictures like he's actually there, acting like a lover, and asking for a kiss from her. Aww.


The festival "Fiesta de Campanilla" honors Doña Benita Buenavista and her sons Eduardo and Diego Buenavista, for providing most of the town's livelihood. Happening at the same time, Buena Mines, owned by the Buenavistas is closing down despite protests from the miners.

After arriving at the festival, Amor prepares the table for the Mayor and Buenavista family. Hearing the ongoing festivities, she looks outside a window and stares at Eduardo from afar.


She tells Betty Mae that she hopes Eduardo enjoys the food so much, he'll ask who the cook is. When Amor was not looking, Eduardo turns and saw her by the window. Is it love at first sight?






During the meal, Diego Buenavista recalls having tasted that particular kind of cooking. Eduardo loves the food and tells him to introduce the cook to him so that he may marry her, assuming the cook is a woman. Betty Mae overhears. But Amor is no longer there, having rushed to the mines out of concern for her father after learning of the protests.

Someone recognizes Amor as the daughter of the miner who is currently inside the mines. Amor insists she herself can get her father to come out.

Doña Benita suspects Governor Enrique Zalameda's closing down of Buena Mines in time of the festival is intentional. She tells Eduardo that she can't give the Governor what he wants. Eduardo asks what that is.



Amor's father fears losing his job, and tells Amor that it is often she who answers to the needs of his family (Amor's stepmother and step-siblings). Amor tells him that even though they can be annoying at times, they are still her family. She reminds her father of her promise to her mother. That of her studying well, and finding work so she would be able to bring him on a world tour. All of a sudden, Amor gets an attack of claustrophobia.

Her father starts to sing a well known Filipino folk song for children. It's the sound a crab makes when it walks. It may be his usual distraction for Amor to make her forget her fear of small spaces. Amor sings along with him as they leave the tunnel.



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Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 01: First Love [05.26.15]

2nd Part




That night, Betty Mae cries when Amor insists she retells what Eduardo has said earlier that day, even though she has already done so 16 times. Amor cannot believe Eduardo has said that he'll marry her, and that Betty Mae forgot to mention Amor's name when even Diego knows her, too.



Afterwards, While Amor molds more clay pots, she talks out loud to her mother, believing her mother still looks after her despite having passed away years ago.

Amor: "Mom, with how hard life is, it wouldn't be so bad to feel giddy, even if only in one's dreams."


Amor commutes to Manila, where she studies Nursing. She receives a call from her father that he's back to work.



Amor cooks food and brings them to Eduardo's office building to sell to the employees. She rushes for a ride to get there (the primary commute is riding a jeepney), when another girl (Claudia) pushes her aside to get on first. When a passenger climbs down, he accidentally spills drink on Amor's white uniform. She has to buy a change of shirt from the nearest store, where unfortunately only a camisole would fit her.

She arrives at the Buena Mines office building, signs in at the reception desk, and explains to the receptionist that she bumped into this "irritating" girl.

Amor's food is popular among the employees. While she hands food and lists payments, she looks up and sees Eduardo inside his office.

Doña Benita tells Eduardo that Governor Zalameda used to work for his father, and after learning everything from him, fought against him in politics. Now that he is Governor, Doña Benita asks Eduardo to do his best, as they need the Zalamedas.

Amor waits for an elevator ride and sees Eduardo walking towards her way. She does not want to be seen by him wearing something she deems inappropriate. Once inside the elevator, she closes the door but had to pick up her visitor's pass which fell on the floor. Eduardo presses the elevator door button, and sees her thus.




Amor feeling embarrassed, greets him good morning. Eduardo corrects her with "Good Afternoon."




Eduardo asks her if she works there. Amor explains that her father work as a miner for Buena Mines and that she also has a scholarship through them. She babbles along, while Eduardo can't seem to wait to get off the elevator. All of a sudden the elevator stops and the light flickers.

Eduardo: "What's that?"

Amor: "Brown-out?"

Eduardo: "What's happening? What did you do?"

Amor: "I didn't do anything!"

Eduardo: "What did you press?!"

Amor: "I didn't press anything!"

Eduardo: "You might have pressed something!"

Amor: "I did nothing! Earthquake? Maybe there's an earthquake!"

Eduardo: "We're stuck!"

Amor: "Stuck? We can't get stuck here!"


Amor screams for help. Eduardo sees her panic. She tries to force the elevator door to open with her fingers. Eduardo calls for Maintenance through the intercom. He turns to see Amor with her back turned obviously crying but trying to calm herself down while singing the crab song.  Eduardo reaches for her.



Amor: "Are we about to die?"

Eduardo: "No, no. It's going to be okay. You're going to be fine. Are you claustrophobic?"

Amor nods and cries for her mom and dad. Eduardo sees her ID.

Eduardo: "Amor, listen to me. Everything's going to be fine. I'm here, stay with me."

Eduardo hugs her.





GIFs credit to kallano




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 01: First Love [05.26.15]

3rd Part


Governor Zalameda calls Doña Benita to ask what is taking Eduardo so long.



Amor and Eduardo ends up sitting on the elevator floor.

Amor: "Sir... if this is the last day of my life... I want to say that..."

She does not get to confess her feelings, for the elevator starts working.

Eduardo rushes out after being informed that Governor Zalameda has been waiting for him. Amor does not see Eduardo hesitating and looking towards her.




Eduardo discusses with Governor Zalameda how 4,000 employees will lose their jobs if the mine closes down. Governor Zalameda counters that he needs those 4,000 votes. Eduardo asks how much money the Governor wants, and Governor Zalameda laughs. "I don't need your money. What I want is for you to marry Claudia, my daughter."



That night, Claudia, who competes at local beauty pageants, attempts to answer the most common beauty pageant question - love, knowledge, or money. Claudia tries hard to answer in english (which comes out comedic), that beggars always choose money because money can buy everything, including love and books.



While Amor replays the elevator incident with Eduardo in her mind.




Not knowing that Eduardo is dreaming the exact same thing. But in Eduardo's dream, he is confessing his love to Amor back. His dream ends with them kissing each other, and Eduardo wakes up.



Amor: "If you are just a dream Eduardo, then you are my life's most beautiful dream."

The next day, Eduardo agrees to marry Claudia. Diego asks if he's just doing it to save the company. Eduardo says he is willing to get to know her, because all he knows is that Claudia is Governor Zalameda's illegitimate daughter. Doña Benita says Claudia is a Tourism student, and she lives with her mother in an apartment provided by the Zalamedas. Diego jokes that Doña Benita can marry Claudia to him, so that he may have a use to her. Doña Benita counters to Diego if he thinks the Zalamedas would like him. Diego answers if Governor Zalameda would even be picky, since Claudia is not legitimate. Doña Benita says Claudia is the only daughter. Leonora Zalameda can not have children and Governor Zalameda had an accident, which made him incapable of siring more. So that makes Claudia the only one left to continue his bloodline.



At the Buena Mines building, Amor and Eduardo sees each other. Amor greets him, but Eduardo just nods her way.



In the elevator, Amor scolds herself for even thinking Eduardo would talk to her. Looking up, she realizes that Diego is also there with her. After greeting each other, the elevator stops and Amor tells Diego that it's already his floor, the 21st. Diego moves next to Amor and tells her he's still lazy to go to work. Amor teases him that he's only going to flirt with Ms. Pinky on the 6th floor. Diego asks what she knows about it, and Amor tells him that it's everyone's favorite topic in the building who Diego will flirt with next. Diego laughs and asks why she wasn't present during the festival held at her hometown. Amor tells Diego that she was there, and that she was the one who cooked the specialty dish, but her father had an emergency. Diego tells Amor to stop calling him "Sir." Diego attempts to flirt with her, but Amor moves out of his way. Amor tells Diego he is not her type. Diego teases her that the reason why she still does not have a boyfriend is because she's a snob.

Amor: "I already have a boyfriend, Sir. But he still does not know it yet."



Claudia complains to her mother of her winning only 1st runner up. She says no one clapped for the winner. Her mother tells her that it doesn't matter, since Claudia has a date with Eduardo Buenavista. Claudia does not need to enter pageants anymore. Claudia does not like it that her father has to set her up, he is clearly using her for his own political ambitions. Claudia gets to her room and sees a stack of money wrapped in brown paper. Her mother explains that the money was sent for her own medical check-up, payment for the rent, and for Claudia's jewelry and shoes for her date with Eduardo. Claudia grabs the other wrapped package, but her mothers stops her and asks if Claudia is willing to go through with it.

Claudia: "Who am I to say no to Eduardo Buenavista?"



Claudia steps out wearing a gold dress. She jokes that she can almost forgive her father for abandoning them for 22 years. Outside, Claudia's mother boasts of her to their neighbors. The neighbors' reactions could be that of being somewhat impressed or just straight out making fun of her.



Leonora Zalameda is clearly not happy about the Governor's plans of marrying Claudia to Eduardo Buenavista. Governor Zalameda tells her that if only Leonora had given him a child, they wouldn't be in this situation.


Doña Benita is waiting with Leonora and Governor Zalameda when Claudia arrives. Leonora is obviously not impressed with how Claudia looks, and Doña Benita asks her if she does not see Claudia beautiful. Leonora gives Doña Benita a look and does not reply. Doña Benita obviously wants the marriage to go through. She compliments Claudia and says she must have gotten her looks from -, but she cannot continue and says from Governor Zalameda's mother instead. Claudia says she got her looks from her own mother, then rolls her eyes towards Leonora's way.




Eduardo arrives, and Claudia's mouth opens. Doña Benita introduces Claudia to Eduardo. Claudia expects Eduardo to give her a kiss on the cheeks, but Eduardo shakes her hand instead.





At the students' dorm, Amor scolds herself for having illusions of her and Eduardo. But she finally admits to herself that she did hope for something. A little bit.




Amor: "Sir, thank you so much. I will never forget how you calmed me down. How you held my hand to take the anxiety off my chest. How you were patient with me, talking about nonsensical things. You know, within those 30 minutes, I loved you even more. It sounds stupid doesn't it, but it's true. But no, Sir. I know where my place is. I know. You are the heavens... you are the heaven to my earth. Always to be looked upon, but never to be reached. That is why I will love you only in my dreams."


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Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 02: First Sight [05.27.15]




Episode Summary


As news about the waste leak and contamination in Buena Mines (which, apparently is deliberately suppressed from the press, by Doña Benita), Amor who is worried of his father's health, rushes to Eduardo to seek help, citing the rising cases of diseases among workers and residences, living near the mines. Believing Amor, the compassionate Eduardo Buenavista promises to send men to inspect the site, and hand aids to everybody affected by the contamination. He then comes to help the residents and through his actions, he was able to save their lives as well as prove Amor that he is a man of his words.












After Eduardo takes responsibility for all the people affected by the contamination, Amor's father is grateful to Eduardo and invites him over to their place. He tells Eduardo that there will be a little gathering by the people of Libao. Eduardo looks at Amor and accepts the invite.

Eduardo finally finds out about Amor's cooking. Amor's stepmother hints to Eduardo that Amor is ready to be a wife. Eduardo asks if Amor is taken. No one answers the question though.

The night approaches, and everyone gathers by the fire, the guitar plays and singing starts.



Amor gets jealous when another woman flirts with Eduardo, and Eduardo does not seem to mind the attention. When Amor cannot bear it any longer, she stands up and leaves. Eduardo turns to where Amor sits, but she's no longer there.




Amor looks at Eduardo's picture with a frown on her face.




Amor: "You. I am prettier than that girl. Good night. What? You'll have no good night kiss."



Eduardo comes to visit Amor's home, but no one seems to be at home. He hears singing coming from the back of the house, and goes towards the sound, only to find Amor making clay pots.







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Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 03: The Affection [05.28.15]




Episode Summary


Eduardo sees Amor molding a clay pot and was mesmerized by her. He stopped by to let Amor’s family know he’s heading back to Manila, after getting assured everybody affected by the Buena Mines waste leak has been attended. As they walk along the way, Eduardo cites his previous romantic relationship. Claudia and Eduardo had their first dinner together and after that, she asks the inattentive Eduardo — whose thoughts apparently, are only of Amor — if he really wants whatever is happening and set to happen between them, or if he’s happy with her. But what has really pulled him from the thoughts of Amor is Claudia’s asking: “What do you want to happen in your life?”, a question he fails answering to because before he could actually do, a snatcher runs them by, taking Claudia's purse. Eduardo races after the snatcher, but is only stunned with horror when the latter points him a knife, before running away. The near death experience awakens something in Eduardo and makes him look further inside, deep into his emotions. For the first time he realizes how his life has been empty, until someone came and started filling it — Amor. With the advice of Diego, his brother, his realizations brings him back to Amor, and in what could be the most magical scene, Eduardo kisses Amor for the first time.



















Amor walks with Eduardo.




Amor: "Sir. Pardon for -"

Eduardo: "About Natalie -"

Amor: "Please (polite). Go ahead."

Eduardo: "Nothing. I just remembered... the news has you reached you here about my cancelled wedding to Natalie. That she left with my Best Man. I thought I was doing the right thing for our future. I was taking my Masters then. While she was here, she mastered the art of cheating."

Amor: "It's her loss, Sir."

Eduardo: "You thinks so?"

Amor: "You're 'Richard Gomez.' Women's fantasy."



Eduardo: "You. You're good at cooking. Why did you take up Nursing? Why not Culinary?"

Amor: "Because Sir, I want to be able to work abroad for my Dad and Nenet. For my family."

Eduardo: "Your talent would go to waste."

Amor: "Isn't it Sir, that sometimes in life, we don't really get to do everything we want. Most of the time, the things we do is not because it's what we want to do, but it's what we must do. Like you, Sir. You're a pilot, but your mother made you study again because Buena Mines needs you."

Eduardo: "You're updated."

Amor: "It's because you're 'Richard Gomez.' "

Eduardo: "Then that means I'm also your fantasy?"



Eduardo: "Hold on. You, if you get the chance to do what you want to do, what would it be?"

Amor: "Me, Sir? I want to be a chef. Then have a restaurant. And then during the weekends, I would have my children and husband taste different kinds of dishes."

Eduardo: "Oh, no. You would be a difficult wife. Bad for my diet."

Amor: "You, Sir. What do you want to do?"

Eduardo: "Me, I really enjoy flying. But I don't want to be a commercial pilot. I want to have time for my family. So only private flights. Then during the weekends, while I"m the one flying the plane, my passengers would be my wife and children."

Amor: "Oh no, Sir. You would be a more difficult husband."

Eduardo: "Why? Are you afraid of heights?"

Amor: "Extremely, Sir."

Eduardo: "It's not enough that you're claustrophobic, you have fear of heights as well?"

Amor: "Yes, Sir."

Eduardo: "Don't worry. I will hold your hand, and sing to you the crab song."




Claudia: "Simon!"

Claudia: "Simon! What again has come into that head of yours that you had to do that, huh? What do you want to prove? I thought we've already talked about this? You shouldn't have done that! What, were you really going to kill the man?"

Simon: "It's that easy for you to dismiss me?"

Claudia: "How may times do I have to tell you that when I'm already settled and married to Eduardo, that I would not neglect you! The times I have no one to turn to, the only person who was there for me is you. I know how to reciprocate love. But with what you're doing, it's like you're proving that it's Eduardo I should choose, and not you!"

Simon: "Is that the only reason why I did that, huh? It's because I want to make sure that I'm giving the woman I love most, to someone who will stand by her! To someone who can protect her. Who can take care of her."



Eduardo goes to Amor's dorm, Amor having just arrived, sees Eduardo approaching.





Eduardo kisses Amor there and then.



Eduardo and Amor by the river.




Eduardo tries to hold Amor's hand. Amor gets nervous.

Amor: "I'm still a virgin."

Eduardo: "Huh?"

Amor: "Awhile ago, that was my first time. It was my first kiss. Even holding hands, I've never done holding hands. Because if it's only sex that you're after, or if you're just going to play tricks on me, or if it's just a bet... that can also be it. I've watched something like that, where it's all just a bet..."

Eduardo: "No, no. Sorry. It's... It's just that... awhile ago, I almost died. Do you know who I thought of?"

Amor: "Me?"

Eduardo: "No. I thought of myself. I just remembered how lonely my life has been. It's like everyday I wake up, going through the motions of living... it feels empty. Then, I thought of you. For the first time, in a really really long time, it's like I felt happiness again. I don't know if... if this is too fast. But in the short time that I have known you, I believe... I have fallen in love with you."






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just found out that daniel padilla acted in this drama... just found out who he is after watching she's dating the gangster... 

oh my.. i so want to watch this drama, anyone know where can i download this drama with english sub?? 


OMG You're here lol :P 

yes.. im here.. didn't i tell you that i watched filipino's movie and some old drama? 

i remember i watched abit of old PSY and i remember that i so crazy about BITUIN (if im not mistaken, kinda forgot the title)... i wish i can download this series, especially Bituin.. but i don't know where to find them.. :( let me know if you know where to find them.

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Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 04: The Unforgettable Night [05.29.15]



Click Image above to watch the scene with English Subtitle


Or Click Link Below:

Eduardo and Amor - Clip 1 [English Subbed]



Episode Summary


Enrique's patience on Eduardo starts to run low as the businessman falls to yield to the former's demand, which is to marry Claudia. Doña Benita senses that her son is seeing someone else, so she seeks Claudia's help. A birthday party was held for Doña Benita, as it heads to its final moments, we share Amor’s horror as Eduardo’s mom announces his engagement to Claudia Salameda, and right there we see Amor’s world crumble asunder.






















Diego visits Amor at campus, and talks to her about his plans for the future. He confesses to Amor that he has not told his plans to anyone besides her, hinting that she's special to him. Amor asks him if his older brother has told him anything, and Diego wonders about what, but Amor does not continue.




Eduardo comes home looking for Diego and asks what Diego is celebrating for. Diego says he's inspired, and plans to introduce his inspiration to Eduardo.




The brothers meet up in a bar, and Diego's plan collapses when Eduardo unknowingly introduces Amor to Diego as his girlfriend. Diego is heartbroken.





Doña Benita finds out about Amor and asks Claudia for help.


Claudia: "Does Eduardo love her? Don't answer that, you did say she's a cook. But if that person's ugly, then it's likely this is Eduardo's true love."

Doña Benita: "I need your help."



Doña Benita celebrates her birthday. As part of the catering, Amor happily prepares the food for the guests and watches Eduardo from outside the hall.





Doña Benita surprises the guests with the announcement of Eduardo and Claudia's engagement. Eduardo is helpless with his mother's schemes. Amor cries then walks away.




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Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 05: The Commitment [05.29.15]





Episode Summary

Eduardo’s love for Amor is too strong to be shattered by his mom’s sudden announcement. Eduardo proved his love for Amor by telling Doña Benita about their relationship and the romance between Amor and Eduardo, gathers fire anew.























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Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 06: The Beginning of a Lie [06.01.15]




Episode Summary

Buenavistas experience a tragic drop of shares in the stock market, immediately after an embarrassing incident, involving Diego. However, much of this misfortune, is caused by an illegal "insider trading" happening inside the company, which, as it turns out, Amor has something to do with (though, unintentional). This involvement puts weight over Eduardo and to his relationship with Amor, a weight, that is, apparently, enough to make him start questioning, and drive Amor away. Hurt, Amor finds comfort in Diego, who we’ve seen to be really in love with her, even before Amor said yes to Eduardo. Having Amor as an audience, a drunk and emotional Diego, bursts with his anger for his mother and jealousy toward his brother. Amor, amidst of her own personal emotional load, is more than willing to provide comfort. But when Diego suddenly kisses her, she knows something just isn’t right. For Claudia, who has secretly followed Amor and Diego, the moment seems to come across as a potent advantage for her own pursuit.














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Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 07: The Exploitation [06.02.15]





Click Links Below:

MPTY - E007 Clip 1

MPTY - E007 Clip 2 [English Subbed]

MPTY - E007 Clip 3 [English Subbed]


Episode Summary

Amor’s world has already started crumbling apart. She struggles to escape as Diego tries raping her, while Claudia stares from the distance in horrified silence. The ambitious and tough Claudia, is still human enough to confess everything she saw, including her sympathy for Amor, to Doña Benita. But the old woman knows such event could only drag down her family further, so she instills on Claudia’s mind that it is more of Amor’s mistake, feeding again on Claudia’s desire to leave her impoverished situation, to get Claudia into her side. Emotionally crushed and painfully stunned, Amor begins to succumb to self-pity and guilt, making everyone around her, including her bestfriend Betty Mae, concerned and wondering. The news reaches the terrified and baffled Eduardo, who furiously rushes to the prison to confront his brother Diego. But the manipulative Doña Benita already has the situation under her control, managing to keep both Claudia and Diego mum about what really happened. Instead, she uses it for her advantage, painting a disgusting picture of Amor on Eduardo’s head to make the woman he loved the most look guilty and the one to blame. Soon, Eduardo has almost cut his ties to Amor, and Amor desperately awaits for him to rescue her from the depths of her despair.















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Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 08: The Liability [06.03.15]




Click Links Below:

MPTY - E008 Clip 1

MPTY - E008 Clip 2 [English Subbed]


Episode Summary

Amor's father loses his job at Buena Mines, and their home as well. Amor asks for forgiveness from her father. She promises that she will raise herself back up with her family. Eduardo and Claudia announces their Engagement. Eduardo realizes what he is giving up and rushes to Amor's house, but Amor and her family is long gone. Amor's family finds a place to live in nearer the mines. Amor finds out she's pregnant. Eduardo makes a decision to push through with the marriage with Claudia. Amor bears a daughter and names her Maria Amor. Maria Amor grows up loving her mother's cooking. Betty Mae sends money to Amor so that Amor can finally leave for Hong Kong.


























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Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 09: The Law Of the Downtrodden [06.04.15]




Click Links Below:

MPTY - E009 Clip 1

MPTY - E009 Clip 2 [English Subbed]

MPTY - E009 Clip 3 [English Subbed]


Episode Summary

Amor while taking care of an old woman in Hong Kong learns that there has been a tragedy in Talimpao where her family resides. The community blames the mining activities of the Buenavistas for the landslide that killed hundreds of people. Amor begs her employer to allow her to go home to no avail. She learns from her friend Betty Mae that her whole family died from the tragedy and that her daughter Maria Amor was seen dead with her Nanay Chayong. She eventually comes home to Talimpao and sees the whole community in ruins. There is nothing left of her home. She also digs up Maria Amor’s doll. Amor crumples to the ground in tears and swears vengeance.






















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  • 1 month later...
Guest deepslumber89

PSY - EPISODE 10: Yna and Angelo [06.05.15]






*To add videos once uploaded*


Episode Summary

The promise of love lives on as Yna and Angelo's paths cross.






















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