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Park Bo Gum 박보검 ♥ 朴寶劍 ♥ パク・ボゴム | Upcoming Drama 2024: When Life Gives You Tangerines | Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy


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Park Bogum at KL fanmeet at KLCC Plenary Hall. He's real tall and handsome in person. Came out wearing white suit and I was trying to video him with my handphone but staff and crew moving around telling us no photo or video. Well, I managed a few vidcams. Briefly summarizing (may not be in order of sequence since I am just posting what took place)..lots of talking about what he did during his first night in KL and what he ate. Discussion on 3 best scenes from drama Reply 1988 and Love in the Moonlight (MDBC) chosen by Msian fans. And he had his own favourite scenes from the 2 dramas. Yes, you guessed it..about father and son scenes. Showed us some photos taken while he was out and also from hotel room when he caught MDBC on tv and he even knew the drama airs every Thursday & Friday nights at 9.30pm..lol.There were questions from fans picked to ask him and he answered them accordingly. One question was who did he call yesterday with his handphone and he replied it was his family. What was his dream when he was young. He mentioned about wanting to be a flight attendant among others ^^ Another segment started with him suddenly appearing from the door behind me from the right and he changed into sweater and jeans. He was also singing as he walked slowly towards the stage passing by some very excited fans. The subject on Malaysian food came up and he was offered 3 dishes..satay, nasi lemak and chendol. He loved the food (satay included because he had it for the first time) and enjoyed it. He said he already ate nasi lemak for breakfast but hadn't eaten lunch yet so he ate it again. Kept saying "delicious" He really loves eating..haha. He last tried the bowl of chendol and asked what was the green strips inside it. He stirred and said "beans and corns ". But was apprehensive about the green stuff so he sniffed a bit. He used the spoon and ate and then the green strips of chendol and said "delicious" He thought the white liquid looked like soya milk but Owen told him not soya milk but coconut milk. Because he likes the fresh coconut water. And he took the bowl and drank from it ^^ Later he cooked tuna rice balls with dried seaweed, packed in 2 plastic containers, to give to 2 fans picked by him from ticket stubs in a box. He said he cooks this dish at home. Also his personal gifts for 4 fans also drawn by him from the box. The sunglass he wore for Bombastic dance in MDBC, a cap, OST cd and photo book. He signed on all 6 items to fans. Game segment was Bingo game with 9 numbers and 1st number was 5 which was the request for him to dance Bombastic dance. He did it happily and it was quite cute and he felt embarrassed because he said he's forgotten some steps..lol. He passed with flying colours (he did the dance again later- got it in my fancam). The game went on with him picking numbers as the fans requested. There was the ping pong ball game and he had to shake and make sure only 5 balls were left in the box tied to his waist after 60 seconds but he did it after 45 seconds..so passed again. He had to sing a song and he did it playing the piano too. I can vouch that Bogum's singing is darn good and I am not biased ^^ One more number picked on the board and it revealed a request sent in by a Malay female fan.. he had to put on Malay traditional clothes. He did it very well and looked extremely charming (I got this on video^^) and thanked her for giving him the chance to wear it. There were 4 numbers done and he still wanted one more. I forgot the 5th game revealed but there was one called "lucky" and I think this was the game where he gave away the 4 gifts.? Ok..I remembered last 5th game was to say "I love you" in Malay. He tried and fumbled a bit but did it ^^
The fanmeet was supposed to be around 2 hours but it ended after after more than 2 hours with him reading a letter to everyone. The letter was nicely binded and signed and he gave it to a family in the audience seated at the back. He was always about family..good boy. The staff handed it over to a small boy. He went in and lights went out and fans were calling Park Bogum repeatedly. Then we saw a stool being placed on stage and he appeared.. to sing "My Person"...his vocals awesome ! Thus it ended and he waved goodbye with heartfelt 'thank you' and he was crying a bit. When he finally went in..we waited a bit as section by section was asked to slowly proceed out the door and Bogum was already standing outside for the goodbye session. He was busy waving with both arms standing behind a table and he made eye contact with practically each fan and plenty of smiles for them. When my turn came I said to him "See you in Jakarta" while returning his wave. He smiled and said something I couldn't catch..I had to move on..lol. End of my very first encounter with Park Bogum..^^.  I might have left out some details of the fanmeet..or word for word what was being said but it was more or less...haha.

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Awww...BG @1:36

I'm gonna cry for his episode Ain't I? :tears: I teared up because of jjy. Sniff sniff.

 Trans: He introduced himself as bogum magic, park bo gum. He said jongmin is on 1n2d from season 1 to 3.. it's not easy and really something great.. and that is jongmin magic and invites him to try paragliding together next time.


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Chapter 1: Happy Bogum

Bogum answers questions sent in from fans (@KpopStarzLive)

  • Q: (Of the characters from) the dramas that you have played, which personality is closer to the actual personality of you in real life?
    Bogum: his character in Reply 1988 (Choi Taek)
    (@KAvenyou / @MyKpopHuntress / @KpopStarzLive)
  • Q: What are the things you always carry in your bag? 
    Bogum: first aid kit/medicine and stationery 
    (@KAvenyou / @MyKpopHuntress / @KpopStarzLive)
  • Q:  What is the last thing you usually do before going to bed? 
     Think of my fans. (@KAvenyou / @MyKpopHuntress) and just think about what happened during the day. (@KpopStarzLive)
  • Q: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? 
    Bogum: (his) family (@KAvenyou / @KpopStarzLive) because he is nervous for his fanmeeting today (@MyKpopHuntress)
  • Q: Describe yourself in 3 words?
     honest, truthful and giving his full effort in everything he does  (@MyKpopHuntress / @KpopStarzLive)
  • Q: something about what kind/genre of hollywood movie he would like to try?
    Bogum: He said he would like to act in a fantasy style movies - Harry Potter perhaps?


Going through Bogum’s photo album

Chapter 2: Happy Gallery

Bogum talks about ‘Reply 1988′ and ‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’ (@KpopStarzLive)

  • The 3 best scenes from ‘Reply 1988‘
    • Scene #1: Talking about Deoksun with Sunwoo (@KAvenyou)
    • Scene #2 his kiss scene with Hyeri (@KAvenyou)
    • Scene #3 Chose his personal scene (of his) from ‘Reply 1988′ (@KAvenyou / @KpopStarzLive)
      • “I wish you all spend more time with your family and be good kids to your parents.” (@KAvenyou)
  • The 3 best scenes from ‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’
  • Bogum playing the piano and singing ‘A Little Girl’ from ‘Reply 1988′ OST
  • Congratulatory messages from his friends/sunbaenim’s(@MyKpopHuntress /  @KAvenyou)
    • Lee Kwangsoo: (…) a night that will be an everlasting memory  (@KAvenyou)
    • V (+ BTS): I am very close to Bogum (…) (@KAvenyou)
    • Kim Jongkook: Bogum is definitely a nicer person than Yoo Jaesuk. I will wait for you at the gym (…) I am so happy that Bogum has received so much love from you (@KAvenyou)
    • Cha Taehyun: Bogum is an angel without wings. Actually if you look closer, you might see his wings. He has the heart of an angel   (@KAvenyou)

Chapter 3: Happy Dinner

Bogum eats and cooks Malaysian food

  • Making 주먹밥 (’rice balls’) for fans, which he then placed into a lunch box set and signed for 2 lucky fans

Chapter 4: Happy Game

a bingo game, with missions from the fans (@KpopStarzLive)

data: #161210


Hello! I am Park Bogum.
I’m not sure why it feels so awkward to be holding a pen trying to write this letter that I will be giving to you.
When they said that I would be holding an Asia tour fanmeeting, I had a lot of worries like, “Me?” “Will they know who I am?”. And you have no idea how nervous I was when I heard that the first city was Malaysia - a country that I have not promoted in, even once, and that I would be meeting you all in a venue that fits 4,000 people.
I was once again surprised and thankful to see everyone gathered, waiting and welcoming me at the airport despite the hot weather, and it being so late at night.
But on the other hand, I was also sorry. You are all precious sons and daughters of your respective households, and precious people - I was concerned about what if you families worry (about you), and whether there would be transport for you to go home this late at night. While I am thankful to those who wait to see me arrive/leave at the airport wherever I go, if it’s too early in the morning or late at night, I will just accept your thoughts. Because you’re all precious~❤

I would like to take this time to say thank you to all my fans in Malaysia.
Thank you for supporting and loving me from a place where I could have imagined.
I will do my very best in order to make December 10, 2016 an unforgettable and precious memory for both me and my fans.
I hope that everyone’s lives will always only be filled with thankful things.
God bless you!

source: starlight_0616
translation: prkbgm.tumblr.com

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2 hours ago, WendyHo said:

Park Bogum at KL fanmeet at KLCC Plenary Hall. He's real tall and handsome in person. Came out wearing white suit and I was trying to video him with my handphone but staff and crew moving around telling us no photo or video. 

Sorry to cut your post, thank you so much to tell us about fan meeting in Malaysia. I have had no idea that fan meeting in Malaysia would be translated in English; otherwise, I might try much harder to attend.

After Park Bo Gum announced his fan meeting in Asia, I have watched some clips of others in order to know more about fan meeting activities, I felt like I might not be the target audiences for this fan meeting kind. 

However, my mind has totally changed after following SNS yesterday and your post, I could feel warm approaching and close proceeding, as well as done the best by Park Bo Gum to his fans. In addition, Park Bo Gum's multi-talented skills could be greatly flowing the fan meeting, there is no need guest indeed esp. fans could focus only to Park Bo Gum without tiresomeness.  Park Bo Gum reminded me how I was extremely impressed when I watched his Bombastic dancing in 1st teaser of Moonlight Drawn By Clouds with his utmost and sincere confidence.:wub::)

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18 minutes ago, wyen6 said:

Was bogum spotted at pavilion? I recognised tat coffee bean shop lol

SNS mentioned they saw Park Bo Gum in KCLL and Pavilion KL.

According to conversation in fan meeting, Park Bo Gum visited a few places in the late night time for 2 consecutive days before fan meeting after arrival in Malaysia.


Credit: yoyaya





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Apparently, all three broadcasting stations KBS, SBS and MBC featured Bogummy today. The first and last ones - we have already seen the translation. Don't know what the second one is about. Looks like people still can't stop talking about him. The Bogum Fever is still affecting everyone haha...

In the recording for Jongmin, he talked about 2D1N having been around for 9 years and said if the opportunity arises, he'd be happy to be invited to 2D1N again. YES!!! Please invite him to 2D1N again or another variety show like Running Man - this time a full length appearance please!

Another YES to a drama with Yeo Jin Goo. Apparently the MC teased YJG saying Bogummy looks younger than him and if they appear as siblings, Bogummy should be the younger brother haha...MC did say she was joking.





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SNS mentioned that Park Bo Gum visited the Baby Shops, fans thought he might buy clothes and things for his nephew, recently he interviewed that he would like to do shopping for this nephew as his nephew keeps on calling him uncle uncle. 





Fan Meeting in Malaysia: MC has just posted.

Translator in Malaysia




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Okay Ladies, this is my version of FA from my very first encounter with Park Bo Gum. Seriously, i am having a bad withdrawal symtomp after KL FM last night. I will put my FA in a spoiler since it could be quite a lengthy post. 


I was among those who were lucky to get a photo session with him. I was never lucky for the past 35 years of age and maybe it's fated i got my luck when it comes to Bogum and i'm so thankful to GOD for everything. Security was rather strict during the photo session, even we've been told where to sit and stand. And i got lucky again because i got to stand very near to Bogum. I was the 2nd person standing next to him and i really got to see his close up. He was all smiles and look at his fans and when he looks at me, i said Hi to him and he smiles back. At that point, the world around me freeze for a while! He is really good looking in person with a sharp face features. He is tall, a bit skinny but with wide shoulder. When the photographer wanted to take photo of us, Bogum said SMILE! 

The FM started a few minutes late than the original schedule. I was really worried on two things. First whether the hall was full or not, then secondly if the MC was a good one or not. Thank GOD that i was worried over nothing. The hall was almost full and Owen, the MC for last night FM was really good! We chanted Bogum's name before he came out. He appeared later on in a white suit. He looks like Prince Charming but without a horse. Our group seated in center and third row from the stage. So, we really have a a good and close up view of him. From his face expression, he looked really surprise seeing the hall was almost full. I guess he never thought he has lots of fans in Malaysia.

The FM consist of few segments. Bogum shared with us some of his personal pics and answered some of the fans questions. As usual, he was so sincere and honest in answering those questions and he did gave a deep thought and clear explanation on it. He also shared with us his favourite scenes from both R88 and MDBC and both were father-son scene and he did got teary eyed when he watched that scenes. He also ren-act one scene from MDBC which was voted the most popular scenes from Malaysian fans. It is the, Puruahanda, nae saramida scene. He also said it in Malay words which was really cute! He ended the first segment with A Little Girl song from R88. He sang it while playing piano and he plays it by ear!

He started the second segment with a surprise. He came out from the back and walked among the fans. He sang the Violet Fragrance song also from R88. Crowd went crazy. He also danced to the song. In this segment, he needs to play Bingo game in which each number on the board contain either fans request or games. He chose number 5 to start the game and it was a fan request of Bombastic Dance! We all went crazy when he dance and all the fans dance together with him and this was really a memorable one. Another highlight of the game was when he wore Baju Melayu and said Malay word, "Sayang, aku cinta padamu.." This was also fans request. He looks really good in it and fans were screaming like crazy! And yeah, i forgot that before this game session, the organiser prepared local foods for him ; satay, nasi lemak with chicken rendang and cendol. He really ate well and indeed our "Bap Bogum". He even fed the MC and the staffs. Then, he also prepared food, handmade by him and put it in a lunch box. Two lucky fans got it through lucky draw. He sang 24th December during this segment and he plays piano. He was surprised when fans sang along with him. Yeah, Bogum we knows the lyric, told you that you're popular. Lol

Here comes the last segment. I was started to feel sad and lost since the clock was ticking and the FM will come to an end. He wrote a letter and read it for us. The content was really touching and again shows us how kind, humble and sincere Bogum is as a person. I felt sad listening to it and to know how much he cares for his fans like how we're going home after waiting him at the airport since he arrived really late. He was overwhelmed by the reception he received during his arrival. He also said it's okay if we are unable to send him at the airport. Just sending him in our heart, it's already enough for him. He also mentioned how worried he was before coming to Malaysia since he never been here before. It was such a beautiful letter written by him..

After that he sang Nae Saram. Fans were amazing and we sang along with him. He broke down in the middle of the song and we sang for him instead. It hurt me to see him cry. Bogum-ahh, we love you and will always support you. This is where he said goodbye to us with tears in his eyes. It was again a sad but a beautiful moment for me as his fan..

I was quite dissapointed during the goodbye session. We were among the first rows being released out of the hall. Bogum was waiting outside but he was standing behind a table and we couldn't get near to him. And we being asked to walk fast and the security was again strict. When it's my turn to wave at him, he was distracted with something (maybe the security) and it was really fast, so i couldn't say a proper goodbye to him. But, i shouldn't be greedy. The overall experience from last night FM was overwhelming. Bogum really makes it memorable for all of us and it will be one of the most memorable moment in my life. This FM makes me love him more and words are not enough to describe how sincere, honest, humble and kind Bogum is as a person. He is just beyond words. I am so so proud to call myself as one of his fan.

We are also very happy and proud to make Bogum's first exprience in Malaysia such a good one. He promised to come here again and hold FM in the future. I started to miss him already and feel the emptiness in my heart. Bogum-ahh, cheongmal kumawo for the memories!

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3 hours ago, mellinadear said:

Awww...BG @1:36

I'm gonna cry for his episode Ain't I? :tears: I teared up because of jjy. Sniff sniff.

 Trans: He introduced himself as bogum magic, park bo gum. He said jongmin is on 1n2d from season 1 to 3.. it's not easy and really something great.. and that is jongmin magic and invites him to try paragliding together next time.



Watching this video makes me tearing too. He is such a warm kid. So so so lovely!!

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42 minutes ago, mai5116 said:

Okay Ladies, this is my version of FA from my very first encounter with Park Bo Gum. Seriously, i am having a bad withdrawal symtomp after KL FM last night. I will put my FA in a spoiler since it could be quite a lengthy post. 


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I was among those who were lucky to get a photo session with him. I was never lucky for the past 35 years of age and maybe it's fated i got my luck when it comes to Bogum and i'm so thankful to GOD for everything. Security was rather strict during the photo session, even we've been told where to sit and stand. And i got lucky again because i got to stand very near to Bogum. I was the 2nd person standing next to him and i really got to see his close up. He was all smiles and look at his fans and when he looks at me, i said Hi to him and he smiles back. At that point, the world around me freeze for a while! He is really good looking in person with a sharp face features. He is tall, a bit skinny but with wide shoulder. When the photographer wanted to take photo of us, Bogum said SMILE! 

The FM started a few minutes late than the original schedule. I was really worried on two things. First whether the hall was full or not, then secondly if the MC was a good one or not. Thank GOD that i was worried over nothing. The hall was almost full and Owen, the MC for last night FM was really good! We chanted Bogum's name before he came out. He appeared later on in a white suit. He looks like Prince Charming but without a horse. Our group seated in center and third row from the stage. So, we really have a a good and close up view of him. From his face expression, he looked really surprise seeing the hall was almost full. I guess he never thought he has lots of fans in Malaysia.

The FM consist of few segments. Bogum shared with us some of his personal pics and answered some of the fans questions. As usual, he was so sincere and honest in answering those questions and he did gave a deep thought and clear explanation on it. He also shared with us his favourite scenes from both R88 and MDBC and both were father-son scene and he did got teary eyed when he watched that scenes. He also ren-act one scene from MDBC which was voted the most popular scenes from Malaysian fans. It is the, Puruahanda, nae saramida scene. He also said it in Malay words which was really cute! He ended the first segment with A Little Girl song from R88. He sang it while playing piano and he plays it by ear!

He started the second segment with a surprise. He came out from the back and walked among the fans. He sang the Violet Fragrance song also from R88. Crowd went crazy. He also danced to the song. In this segment, he needs to play Bingo game in which each number on the board contain either fans request or games. He chose number 5 to start the game and it was a fan request of Bombastic Dance! We all went crazy when he dance and all the fans dance together with him and this was really a memorable one. Another highlight of the game was when he wore Baju Melayu and said Malay word, "Sayang, aku cinta padamu.." This was also fans request. He looks really good in it and fans were screaming like crazy! And yeah, i forgot that before this game session, the organiser prepared local foods for him ; satay, nasi lemak with chicken rendang and cendol. He really ate well and indeed our "Bap Bogum". He even fed the MC and the staffs. Then, he also prepared food, handmade by him and put it in a lunch box. Two lucky fans got it through lucky draw. He sang 24th December during this segment and he plays piano. He was surprised when fans sang along with him. Yeah, Bogum we knows the lyric, told you that you're popular. Lol

Here comes the last segment. I was started to feel sad and lost since the clock was ticking and the FM will come to an end. He wrote a letter and read it for us. The content was really touching and again shows us how kind, humble and sincere Bogum is as a person. I felt sad listening to it and to know how much he cares for his fans like how we're going home after waiting him at the airport since he arrived really late. He was overwhelmed by the reception he received during his arrival. He also said it's okay if we are unable to send him at the airport. Just sending him in our heart, it's already enough for him. He also mentioned how worried he was before coming to Malaysia since he never been here before. It was such a beautiful letter written by him..

After that he sang Nae Saram. Fans were amazing and we sang along with him. He broke down in the middle of the song and we sang for him instead. It hurt me to see him cry. Bogum-ahh, we love you and will always support you. This is where he said goodbye to us with tears in his eyes. It was again a sad but a beautiful moment for me as his fan..

I was quite dissapointed during the goodbye session. We were among the first rows being released out of the hall. Bogum was waiting outside but he was standing behind a table and we couldn't get near to him. And we being asked to walk fast and the security was again strict. When it's my turn to wave at him, he was distracted with something (maybe the security) and it was really fast, so i couldn't say a proper goodbye to him. But, i shouldn't be greedy. The overall experience from last night FM was overwhelming. Bogum really makes it memorable for all of us and it will be one of the most memorable moment in my life. This FM makes me love him more and words are not enough to describe how sincere, honest, humble and kind Bogum is as a person. He is just beyond words. I am so so proud to call myself as one of his fan.

We are also very happy and proud to make Bogum's first exprience in Malaysia such a good one. He promised to come here again and hold FM in the future. I started to miss him already and feel the emptiness in my heart. Bogum-ahh, cheongmal kumawo for the memories!



Thanks for sharing the long and detailed fan account. I could not write and remembered every single details. Luckily to have young chingus here. 

I agree with you on the goodbye session was a bit rush,. Me too could not had a proper goodbye with him. He was still looking at the fan before me when i started to talk to him and he could only heard my the later part of my say but he has tried his best to respond. Nothing to complain as i know he has already tried his best and indeed we have a wonderful night with him and no regret. 

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 Everyone loves uri cutie pie!! The gentleman sat beside me was smiling whole night long with us during FM. When Bo Gum could not remember how to say i love you in Malay he looked at us and asked for help. The gentleman helped and taught Bo Gum together with us. When you look at him you just can't stop loving him.  :D

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5 hours ago, mai5116 said:

Okay Ladies, this is my version of FA from my very first encounter with Park Bo Gum. Seriously, i am having a bad withdrawal symtomp after KL FM last night. I will put my FA in a spoiler since it could be quite a lengthy post. 




Thank you so much for sharing Park Bo Gum's fan meeting esp. including your feelings to him, it's really meaningful. 


After reading fans' praises on Park Bo Gum's body, it reminded of his preparation, not all 24-year old guys would have graceful figure, only the disciplined guys could achieve. 

Park Bo Gum's Discipline to keep body fit and firm with strong muscles, wide shoulder, tight chest, and triangle shape to wear hanbok and modern clothes elegantly in Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, tons of Ads and impressive appearances. 

As in Running Man, Kim Jong Kook mentioned weight training with continously difficult patience to encourage this man as Park Bo Gum's training Set. As we knew from Park Bo Gum's interview and Kim Jong Kook's mention in clip to support Park Bo Gum's fan meeting that he has coached Park Bo Gum on body weight training. (Kim Jong Kook has coached several celebrities including Song Joong Ki and Lee Kwang Soo)


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