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Park Bo Gum 박보검 ♥ 朴寶劍 ♥ パク・ボゴム | Upcoming Drama 2024: When Life Gives You Tangerines | Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy


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I'm posting this here, PLS take your time to vote for PBG you can sign up using FB or Twitter account it's easy. You need to vote for 10 celebs you think influenced your style. Hyeri and Lee Dong Hwi are also on the list. Please make sure to hit the button and vote for Park Bo Gum as one of the 10 and the rest are up to you but, in my opinion voting for less popular ones increase PBG chances to make it on the list. 1 VOTE A DAY and it will last until FEBRUARY 24, 2016.  Let's support Gummybear! Thank you! :D

Here is the link to the survey: http://sia.interest.me/survey

Here's the real time results http://sia.interest.me/survey/result PBG is at 2.55% as of now the highest is Gdragon with 5.11%

The results are not yet final we have until 02.24.16 so PLEASE KEEP ON VOTING. Thanks again. :)

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Loved seeing these Bogum fancam video when arriving for Music Bank MC.Notice that the crowd keep getting bigger throughout the year and his popularity peaked after Reply 1998. In  latest videos Bogum didn't accept any gifts anymore.
































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On 1/30/2016 at 10:20 AM, cagalli55 said:

Thanks for the reply. Really appreciate it :) Wow.. the age gap between him and his siblings are kind of big.. Are his siblings also in the entertainment industry like him?

Based of what I've remember. I think his siblings were not in the entertainment industry, since Bogum never mentioned about what or where his family work.

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On 29/01/2016 at 1:39 AM, heolaaa said:


He was the the 3rd child (maknae / youngest) in his family. He has sister (11 years older) & brother (9 years older).


@cagalli55 here is the link of he mention about his family



from http://prkbgm.tumblr.com/

TENASIA: Do you live with your family right now?

PBG: We live together. I have an older brother and an older sister, and there’s quite a big age gap between us, so since I’m the youngest in the family I was able to receive a lot of love while growing up. Thanks to my family, I’ve realized and come to know the things that are important to living in this world.

TENASIA: Specifically what kind of things?

PBG: My father told me to “Always live truthfully”. And he also told me that “You have to live while staying truthful to your original intention”. “You have to go with what you first believed in, in order to have no regrets.” He also told me that “Even if you fail while living like that, it will all just be an experience, and if you succeed then it’ll be a memory.” Recently whilst in the midst of filming for ‘Cantabile’, I had a bit of time, so I watched ‘Interstellar’. The movie made me think again about how I should live thankfully everyday and be good to my family. The scene in the movie where Cooper is watching the messages sent by his family while in space was so sad…. that I thought “That’s right, I should be good to my parents while they’re here”. Our family motto is “Think of today as the last and let’s do our best”, so I try my best not to forget that, and always live with it deeply embedded in my heart.

TENASIA: It seems like you’re taking a step upwards after getting the basics down pat with every production. I would think that this kind of process could be really tiring if you had the tendency to want to obtain big results in one go. Are you the kind with a lot of patience?

PBG: I think I’m patient. To me, the foundation has to be firm and sturdy in order to be able to grow more - because if the foundation work isn’t sturdy, then it can lead to the construction being faulty. At church, my parents, and even my company tells me that “whatever it may be, if you try to grasp everything in your hands at once, it will all slip out”. Thankfully, everyone at my company look over me in a manner so that I’m able to take one step at a time. Obviously it would be nice to appear as the leading main character in a big production, but if I’m unable to handle that, then I would be disappointing all the people who had their hopes up in me. That’s why I don’t think of any of the roles that I’ve played up until now as ‘small’ roles. At the time, to me, they were all big roles. I’m thankful to the directors, and script writers that cast me, and entrusted me with the roles. Looking back, I was able to grow, little by little, through each production.

source: tenasia december 2014
translated by: prkbgm.tumblr.com
[!] please link back to this post, or at least mention ‘prkbgm@tumblr’ when posting elsewhere. 

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On 30/01/2016 at 5:29 AM, Yesin Lee said:


I'm posting this here, PLS take your time to vote for PBG you can sign up using FB or Twitter account it's easy. You need to vote for 10 celebs you think influenced your style. Hyeri and Lee Dong Hwi are also on the list. Please make sure to hit the button and vote for Park Bo Gum as one of the 10 and the rest are up to you but, in my opinion voting for less popular ones increase PBG chances to make it on the list. 1 VOTE A DAY and it will last until FEBRUARY 24, 2016.  Let's support Gummybear! Thank you! :D

Here is the link to the survey: http://sia.interest.me/survey

Here's the real time results http://sia.interest.me/survey/result PBG is at 2.55% as of now the highest is Gdragon with 5.11%

The results are not yet final we have until 02.24.16 so PLEASE KEEP ON VOTING. Thanks again. :)

I'll keep on voting everyday :w00t:... I'll borrow my sister, my brother, my husband account to voting PBG... Hwaiting chinggu..

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On 21/08/2015 at 3:09 AM, ilchul said:

@fleurofjasmine thank you chingu for the pics and video :) 

I heard of Jisoo though I didn' watch Angry Mom drama and I agree with you there is actors like PBG who needs more time to adapt to the media/variety shows world :D

 @maiwun thank you for the video chingu and for your hard work on subbing :)

@fleurofjasmine  @maiwun thank you chingus for your encouragement, I'll try my best :P

this article is the same our chingu @wizengamot shared part of it with us and it would be great if she can find the rest of the article translation and share it with us since my translation isn't that good :D 

this is what I managed to translate till now, the interview is long and I'm too slow :D

before everything let me say that I'm sorry in advance for all the mistakes I did since I'm still a new learner :D 

1st part of the article translation: (article source: http://tenasia.hankyung.com/archives/391707)

Q. After the drama shooting is over, do you sleep well ?

PBG replyed he hardly splet 6 hours while shooting the drama. After shooting for daily drama "Wonderful Mama", he started a miniserie drama for the 1st time "Cantabile Tomorrow". He wakes up five in the morning and get to the filming everyday, in cantabile drama it was the 1st experiencewhere he saw known actors like Eun Kyung ssi and Joo Won suffer.

Q. Your caharcter Yoon Hoo apeared in the 6th episode and at the 1st scene was at the end of episode 5 saving Yoo Jin (Joo Won) from drawning.

PBG replyed while laughing that however people everybody knew him as paramedics who came out about 4 seconds in the end of the 5th episode :lol: and people were wondering 'Why are you the lifeguard?' 

Q. You were called to enter the drama after it has been aired?

PBG replyed that it's true and that infact he didn't even know what the episode was about and he only had time to learn cello in a a short times before starting shooting in 17th october.

I understood nothing of 4th question.

in the 5th question it was about shouting with actors by his age and he said that it was really fun and he learned a lot and still learning.

Q. tell me something about the acting/shooting.

PBG said that his family and company really gives him an objective look at his acting, rather than giving him unconditional praise they would tell me I did not watch it/like it?.  the director in the set would describe how difficult to show the feelings of the fingers being too sick in the scene where he (Hyoon Hoo) had take medication.

Q. I liked that scene. Where you were leaning against the wall tearing out the medication's bag while saying "Just hold on for today". You did great, you were really immersed with bloodshot eyes!!

PBG was thankful and said that for those who play the cello their hands is really precious. It was too painful to think that way (Trembling hands and pretend to) and he was really nervous. (laughing)

Q. In order to join the S Orchestra you played Bach: Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007 Prelude No. 1 it was a memoriable part you played. Did you really play it?

PBG said that he learned Bach's and another synphonie and it helped that he's familiar with the musical scale since he learned the piano as a child and the cello teacher told them the digit, and although the numbers were played when shooting the scene he still regret that he didn't have a lot of time to practice because it would have been nice if he managed to perfect it better, but the teacher gave him much praise for it! (Laughs)

Q.the scene of him conducting the "Mambo" synphonie was also a big thing online/got peoples attentions.

PBG said that it was a great burden for him to look at the conducting teacher and Joo Won was so great that he was worried that he won't be able to reach his level. ("the interview says that the scene had a good reaction more than imagined and after the mambo scene was aired PBG ranked first at the real-time searches. :D)

Q. the interviewer prased his eyes escpressions and how she/he was affected by him and the saddness in his eyes when Nae il told him that she'd perform with him and he was so touched by her accepting that. 

PBG said that it was the 1st when he filmed "The Admiral: Roaring Currents" when actor Choi Min Sik and director Kim Han Min that they told him that, and while shooting the drama this time the director told him that he have a good eyes that tells/speeks everything and he was so greatful and that's when he started thinking that he has to work more on his eyes expressions. (and we saw how his hard work payed off in IRY :D)

The interviewer told him that he had many emotions in his eyes when Yoo Jin was performing and it had a lot of interpretation and PBG thanked her/him.

The interviewer told him that he have a great teary eyes/scenes too and that made him shy and I don't know what "아유" means.


that was an interview with PBG after he finished TC.

after PBG finished a project he always received good comment. PBG acting in Tomorow cantabile is very brilliant. to bad TC doesn't have a good ratings when aired. But he pay it back with rocketed rating in R88.

he is in namibia right now. so I think he won't get any interview until he got back to seoul I think. miss him already...

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Park Bo Gum (Replay 1988 + I remember You parody)

credit : https://twitter.com/search?q=%EB%B0%95%EB%B3%B4%EA%B2%80&src=typd

Photographer Reveals His Heart Warming Encounter With Park Bo Gum

Photographer Reveals His Heart Warming Encounter With Park Bo Gum

Yet another story of Park Bo Gum’s kind heart surfaced on the Internet.

On February 1, a post titled “Park Po Gum’s Personality” surfaced on the web, containing a screenshot of photographer Paek Sang Hyun’s Instagram post last December.

The post reads: “I take pictures of a lot of people as a photographer. Several of them are very kind and nice. However, the photo shoot I was most impressed with over the past six years was the one with Park Bo Gum. The words he said to me right before the photo shoot moved my heart and made me work my hardest. His first words to me were, ‘I am actor Park Bo Gum. I’m sorry to say I don’t know your name. What is your name?’ Though it isn’t much, not many ask. His small consideration was enough to warm up the set and please the staff. Park Bo Gum may be young, but I could tell that he is a man of politeness and genuineness during the photo shoot. Though it has been a while, I can still feel his warm heart when I look at the pictures I took of him. #ParkBoGum is a cool actor… I truly hope he succeeds.”

park bo gum 2

This isn’t the first time Park Bo Gum has been the center of attention for his “good guy” life style. During his first meeting with the staff of “Reply 1988,” he said he neither drank, smoked, nor cursed.

See also: Park Bo Gum’s Kind Manners Impress “Uncle Fan”

Source (1)

nice and humble Bogummy 


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I've only come to know PBG through Reply 1988, but this kid continously amazes me with his hardworking attitude and dedication. Here's a clip I just found of his cello playing in Naeil/Tomorrow Cantabile, starting at 1:02 (sorry if posted already):


Can someone who plays cello attest to his skill level in this piece? :)


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5 minutes ago, pixiemoondust said:

Here's the latest I got from twitter from our quartet filming YOF:

PBG skin look tanned. I love tanned namja :w00t: can't wait for YOF namibia air. right now YOF ice land is Ep.5. usually YOF aired every season for 7 eps. so may be R88 YOF aired 3 weeks again.


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10 minutes ago, deeand said:
21 minutes ago, pixiemoondust said:

PBG skin look tanned. I love tanned namja :w00t: can't wait for YOF namibia air. right now YOF ice land is Ep.5. usually YOF aired every season for 7 eps. so may be R88 YOF aired 3 weeks again.



Yes more manly, less flowerboy when sun-kissed :wub: I hope we PBG fans get to collectively spazz here again when the show airs.

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I've just finished Tomorow Cantabile B)

PBG is not the main OTP in this drama but... believe me it worth your time to watch it. and don't mention about the fabulous acting of PBG and his gorgeous smile, the OST amazingly eargasm.. full of beautiful music... .


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and now I'm starting watching Hello Monster (I Remember You) just finished eps.1. it's a mystery drama, and thanks to @packmule3 who's teaching me to ship the script when I'm watching IRY my brain working to solves the mystery by my self. I look every detail in the scene, read every tittle book in the book shelf try to understand the script from different perspective and amazingly I can see clues that left by directornim and writernim. 

Usually I felt boring if watching serious korean drama but the first episode is far from boring. LOVE it and PBG is a plus to add in the drama. at episode PBG he isn't show up yet so I can't commented his acting yet. but I'm sure he will be amazing.


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