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[✿OFFICIAL✿]Kim Young-Kwang(Kang Jin-Goo)♥Kyung Soo-Jin(Ma Se-Young)[✿JinSe Couple✿][✿9th Boy✿]


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Guest itashee

And this is from seoulbeats.com

Anyone born within the same lunar year, therefore, is considered to be the same age.  In other words, anyone born between, say, February 1988 and February 1989 is part of the same age group and is considered to be the same age and may be addressed by simply using the person’s first name; anyone older requires the addition of some sort of honorific term affixed to the person’s name.  And here’s where the infamous oppa comes in.  Let’s break it down:


Oppa: this term actually translates literally to “older brother.”  In South Korea, you would use the same term to address an older male friend that you would use to refer to your actual biological brother (and this goes for all of the terms, because they are all derived from words used to describe family members).  The use of the word “oppa” implies a somewhat close relationship; people don’t usually use this (and the other) term(s) unless a relationship has been established.

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Guest itashee

And here's a fun article about the "oppa" term written by javabeans.

Glossary: Oppa

by javabeans | June 26, 2010 |


Was there ever such heartbreaking confusion over the meaning of
the word “oppa” as with these two in Triple?

The Dramabeans (Extended) Glossary. First up in this ongoing series is that ubiquitous, loaded term that we see in practically every drama ever: “Oppa.”

Of all the terms in the glossary, oppa may be the most packed-with-extra-meaning-and-therefore-confusion entry. The straight definition is pretty simple — an oppa is what a girl calls her older brother, or an older guy whom she feels somewhat close to — but its application is where we get all tripped up in nuance.

The Types of “Oppa”

(1) The brother. This is the most straightforward use of oppa: the blood relative. This can mean a girl’s sibling or cousin, just as long as he’s male and older. Oddly enough, oppa can even mean one’s twin brother, if he were born ahead of the sister. In You’re Beautiful, Mi-nyeo calls her twin Mi-nam “oppa,” because ostensibly he got a few minutes’ head start in the world.

(2) The older guy. The term oppa can also be extended to guys who are not blood-related, but to whom the girl feels some closeness. When a girl is a young child, this is pretty easy to do — every boy older than you is an oppa.

When the girl starts growing older, however, she has a few more choices for things to call older guys and therefore the use of “oppa” becomes at her discretion. Now she gets to pick whether a guy is close enough to be an oppa — or maybe there’s some distance and sunbae, or his work title, or his name would be more appropriate.

A guy who takes on oppa status to a girl he’s not related to also takes on a few implied responsibilities, like generally watching over her and making sure she doesn’t get into trouble. He’s the one who might introduce her to social drinking — but he’s also the guy who’d better cut her off when she’s had too much. An oppa who takes advantage of his drunk charge isn’t worthy of the title oppa. If the currently popular trope of the cold-on-the-outside, fuzzy-on-the-inside hero can look to Mr. Darcy as its archetype, then the quintessential oppa is surely Mr. Knightley.


My Girl: Not quite an oppa

You might wonder, in My Girl, why does Yoo-rin call Gong-chan that weird formal word oraboni?

Oraboni is an older, formal version of oppa, most often heard in historical dramas. At first Yoo-rin calls Gong-chan by his title — executive director. However, once they assume the ruse that she is his long-lost cousin, she’s family and it’s no longer appropriate to use his business title. She can’t use his name because he’s older and that would be disrespectful. So why doesn’t she use oppa? Well, they’re virtual strangers, and oppa — even in family settings — suggests some level of closeness. And Gong-chan is a cold, distant sort of guy. To preserve that respect but to not appear presumptuous, she uses the more distant, formal oraboni.

Suffice to say that once you’re an adult, the lines get blurry. Add to that the following complication and here’s where things start getting tricky:

(3) The romantic oppa.

Hooo boy, now this is the big one.

A girl often calls her (older) boyfriend “oppa.” I know. It’s weird. It’s just how it is.

So you can imagine that the word now takes on all these added implications. No longer are you just the protective older brother-figure. Now the oppa is the object of romantic affection — the manly man, the stud. You take those earlier connotations of the brother-oppa (respect, guidance) and you add in romantic adulation? It’s a heady combination.

There’s a reason the denizens of the Open Thread have coined the term “Oppa Pout Wiggle,” or “O-P-W.” In short, it’s that whiny, girly, fussy way a girl pouts, “Oppaaaaaaaa” when she wants her boyfriend to do something for her. Personally, I find the oppa-whine immensely annoying, but there’s a reason the guy always crumbles. (Key example: Sung Yuri’s batty eyelashes and oppa-whine to Hyun Bin in Snow Queen. Also known as Samsooki’s kryptonite. There’s a particularly robust discussion about the O-P-W in Open Thread #81.)

The Application (and Complications) of “Oppa”

When a relationship is clear-cut, things are simple. But in kdrama-land, things are never clear-cut and one relationship always wants to be another kind of relationship. Hence all the blurry lines.

Take Triple. Haru (Min Hyo-rin) uses oppa with Hwal (Lee Jung-jae), her ex-stepbrother from childhood. They haven’t seen each other in years but when they reconnect, he’s still her oppa.

She also uses oppa with his buddy Hyun-tae (Yoon Kye-sang) — but why does she use “ajusshi” with a third friend Hae-yoon (Lee Seon-kyun), when they’re all the same age? (Ajusshi is used with older men.) Well, Hyun-tae is goofy, fun, and young at heart — oppa seems fitting. Hae-yoon is much more professional and acts like a real grown-up, so he gets the ajusshi treatment. Note that when Haru later switches to calling him oppa, he LOVES it. It makes him feel younger, plus it’s much cooler to be an oppa than a crotchety ol’ ajusshi.

There’s a scene in Triple (Episode 3) when the adorable Song Joong-ki, who has a crush on Haru, is miffed with her. She apologizes, calling him oppa, and immediately his attitude drops — he turns into a giddy, excitable boy. She doesn’t mean it flirtatiously, but it suggests that romantic vibe he so wants with her.

And then, another wrench is thrown into the works when Haru starts to develop feelings for Hwal — meaning that he starts to encompass all THREE meanings of oppa.


Two very different kinds of oppas: Cinderella’s Sister and Bad Guy

This romantic-platonic complication runs both ways. In the case of Song Joong-ki above, he wants that “oppa” usage to cross the divide from platonic into romantic. In an opposite scenario, a girl may desperately want to advance to the romantic stage with her oppa, but he sees her in a purely sisterly light. For instance, Cinderella’s Sister: Hyo-sun uses oppa readily with Ki-hoon, as she looks up to him and adores the ground he walks on. He merely thinks of her as a sister, but contrast that with Eun-jo. Could you imagine the reaction she’d get if Eun-jo ever tried to call Ki-hoon oppa? I’m guessing that would be the first and last time, since he’d be dead from shock.

In Coffee Prince, confusion about Eun-chan’s (Yoon Eun-hye) gender is exacerbated by her sister teasingly calling her oppa. Eun-chan already looks like a guy, so when her cute younger sister goes around calling her oppa (instead of the word for sister), it’s no surprise that Min-yup assumes that lady’s a dude.

In Que Sera Sera, Hye-rin calls Joon-hyuk oppa. They’re not related, but he was raised as her brother. As adults, the two have a secret affair, and you get the sense that Hye-rin relishes calling him oppa, which sounds like one meaning of the word but is spoken intending the other. (Also: WTF kdramas and your obsession with faux-incest?)

In the recent Bad Guy, 20-year-old Mo-nae has taken a liking to Gun-wook (Kim Nam-gil). Before she knows his name, there’s enough of a tangible age gap that she has to call him “ajusshi”… but after they bump into each other a few times and are on speaking terms, she asks for his name, and immediately switches to “Gun-wook oppa.” And now that she is dating him, she uses oppa freely.

Basically, the rule of thumb is: the closer you are, the more you can break the rules and the more you can use oppa.

In conclusion?

Oppa is a word with power. Don’t abuse it!

To cap things off, here’s the 2000 pop song “Oppa,” as sung by Wax and featuring a young Ha Ji-won. The song pretty much encapsulates the whole oppa dilemma:

    I liked that simple, casual vibe
    I just thought of you as a good person
    But what’s up with this? I keep feeling you as a man
    I must be in love with you

    Oppa, only look at me.
    Are you so busy?
    It hurts my feelings
    Why don’t you understand how I feel?
    Oppa, why are you looking at her?
    See, she’s bad
    Look, take me now
    Take me now

    Why won’t you see me as a woman?
    Why do you keep saying it can’t work?
    Look at other couples, they all start off as oppa
    In the end they love and live happily 

Source: http://www.dramabeans.com/2010/06/glossary-oppa/



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Guest itashee

Another article.

경수진 "김영광, 이상형에 가깝지만 '우결'은 안돼" (인터뷰)

14-10-17 15:42

[마이데일리 = 신소원 기자] 최근 종영한 케이블채널 tvN 드라마 '아홉수 소년'(극본 박유미 연출 유학찬)에서 마세영 역으로 출연한 배우 경수진(28)은 털털한 먹방부터 한 남자를 몰래 좋아하는 여성스러운 모습까지 다채로운 매력을 선보였다.

최근 마이데일리와 만난 자리에서 경수진은 그동안 캐릭터 중 가장 자신을 "내려놓았다"며 '아홉수 소년'에 대해 솔직한 성격답게 허심탄회한 이야기를 전했다. 경수진은 '아홉수 소년' 속 마세영 캐릭터와 싱크로율 높은 모습이었다.

▲ "김영광과 극 중 연인, 연애세포 이제 어떻게 하나…"

"단 한 커플만 이뤄진다"는 유학찬 PD의 말대로, '아홉수 소년'에서 확실히 이뤄진 한 커플은 강진구(김영광)와 마세영이었다. 경수진은 "사랑의 결실을 맺은 커플이었기 때문에 행복했다. 드레스도 처음 입어보는 거라 좋았다. 감독님에게도 도대체 커플이 누가 이뤄지는 거냐고 물어봤다. 잘 이뤄졌구나 싶었다"며 특유의 미소를 지었다.

앞서 유학찬 PD는 마이데일리와의 인터뷰에서 "경수진과 김영광이 실제로 사귀는 것 같다. 촬영장에서 카메라가 없는 곳에서도 두 사람이서 엄청 친했다"고 말했다.

경수진에게 김영광과의 촬영 호흡을 묻자 "정말 다정다감하고 알콩달콩하지만 막상 촬영이 끝나면 티격태격했다. 우리가 노는 걸 보고 다른 사람들이 유치하다고 했다. 사소한 걸로 싸우는 거였다"며 "분위기는 정말 좋았다. 재미있었고 연기를 어떻게 할지 생각하면서 이야기를 나눴다"고 전했다.

'아홉수 소년'을 본 시청자들이 진구세영 커플을 좋아했던 이유 중 하나는 순정만화처럼 20cm가 넘게 차이가 나는 두 사람의 키 차이 때문이었다. 경수진은 "포옹을 하는 신도 그렇고 손 잡는 신도 내가 아담해 보여서 좋더라. 뽀뽀할 때 턱에 했을 거다. 점프를 해서 했는데 되게 어렵더라"며 "주변에서는 재미있게 봐주셨다"고 밝혔다.

연애세포 자극 드라마라고 불릴 정도로 두 사람의 호흡은 신선한 자극이 됐다. 연애세포에 대해 말하자 경수진은 "그러게 말이다. 촬영할 때는 그렇게 대리만족을 했던 것 같은데 이제 촬영이 끝나서 앞으로 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠다"며 현재 솔로라고 말했다.

극 중 김현준(박재범 역)과 김영광 사이에서 삼각관계를 보이며 깊은 감정을 보인 경수진은 "나는 원래 과묵한 사람보다는 친구같은 연인을 좋아한다. 김영광 같은 스타일이 이상형에 가깝다. 그래서 실제로도 현준이에게는 미안하지만 영광이와 커플이 되길 바랐고 또 당연히 그렇게 됐다"고 전해 웃음을 자아냈다.

김영광과 경수진은 앞서 브라운아이드소울의 '너를' 뮤직비디오에서 케미 높은 커플 모습을 보인 바 있다. 경수진은 "'너를' 촬영할 때 만났는데 잘 어울린다고 생각했다"며 "그런데 이번 작품에서 더 친해져서 완전 친구가 됐다"고 밝혔다.

앞서 유학찬 PD는 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'처럼 두 사람의 자연스러운 모습을 그대로 노출시키고 싶었다고 전했다. 이에 '우리 결혼했어요'에 실제로 김영광과 출연 제의가 온다면 할 의향이 있는지 묻자 "안 될 것 같다"며 "평소 둘이 이야기하는 것은 '아홉수 소년' 느낌과 완전 다르다. 둘 다 많은 것을 잃을 수 있다"고 손사래를 쳤다.

▲ "모든 것 내려놓은 '아홉수 소년', 한 번 보여주자 생각했다"

'아홉수 소년' 캐릭터 소개에서 마세영은 "아무리 먹어도 살이 찌지 않는 44사이즈"라고 되어있었다. 그만큼 경수진은 이번 작품에서 44사이즈 몸매를 유지해야 하는 강제적 의무를 짊어진 채 시작했다.

이에 경수진은 촬영하면서 가장 힘들었던 일화에 대해서도 몸매 만들기라고 말했다. "살이 좀 쪘었는데 44사이즈 폭식녀라는 캐릭터가 정말 걱정스러웠다. 먹방을 많이 해서 힘들었다. 캐릭터는 정말 좋았는데 부담이 있어서, 쉬는 날에 P.T도 받고 식이요법도 하면서 살을 많이 뺐다"고 밝혔다.

이렇게 털털해도 되나 싶을 정도로 그동안 한 번도 보이지 않았던 '내려놓은' 캐릭터에 대해 "어차피 '한 번 보여줘보자'라고 생각하면서 시작한 거라서 괜찮았다"고 시원하게 답했다. "세영이 캐릭터에 맞게 털털하게도 해보고 먹을 때도 조금씩 먹는게 아니라 어떤 음식을 먹는 것에 있어서 연구를 했다. 햄버거도 진짜 맛있어 보이려면 깨부분이 보여야 한다"고 남다른 먹방 비법을 전수했다.

이어 그는 "최대한 마세영으로서 경수진의 매력을 어필하려고 했다. 망가지지만 망가져도 감독님이 예쁘게 잘 잡아주시니까 가능했던 것 같다"며 제작진에게 고마운 마음을 전했다.

남자들의 이야기를 그린 '아홉수 소년'에 이어 '아홉수 소녀'가 만들어질 수 있을까. 앞서 유학찬 PD는 긍정적인 답변을 내놓은 바, 여주인공인 경수진에게 관심도를 물었다. 경수진은 "아무래도 '아홉수 소년'은 남자 입장에서 바라본 이야기였기 때문에 부족한 부분도 있었을 것 같다"며 "대화하는 신이 별로 없어서 혹시나 여성 시청자 분들이 오해하는 부분이 생길까봐 염두하고 연기에 임했다. 여자 편이 나오면 좋을 것 같다"고 말했다.

▲ 꼬리표처럼 따라붙는 손예진 닮은꼴, "내 매력 더 어필할 것"

앞서 2012년 KBS 2TV 드라마 '적도의 남자'에서 이보영의 어린시절 모습으로 데뷔한 경수진은 당시 25살의 나이에도 불구하고 아역 연기를 펼쳤다. 또 지난해에는 '상어'에서 손예진의 아역으로 출연해 높은 싱크로율로 화제가 되기도 했다.

경수진은 아역 연기를 했다는 것에 대해 쑥스럽다는 반응을 보이며 "교복의 힘이 크고 상대방의 힘이 컸다"고 답했다. 또 데뷔 초반 무수히 따라다녔던 '손예진 닮은꼴'이라는 수식어에 "싫지는 않다. 오히려 감사하고 그렇지만 한편으로는 내가 경수진이라는 매력을 더 많이 보여드렸을때 그런 부분이 자연스럽게 사라질 것이라고 생각한다. 그만큼 내 스스로 많이 어필해야 한다고 생각한다"고 당찬 포부를 전했다.

경수진은 25살의 나이로 데뷔해 약 4년째 배우 생활을 이어오고 있다. 그동안 아역 연기부터 '아홉수 소년' 주연에 이르기까지 차분히 단계를 밟아왔다. 경수진은 "어떻게 보면 그렇게 된게 운이 좋았다고 생각한다. 아무래도 25살 때는 아역하기가 힘든데 그럼에도 불구하고 감독님이 연기에 대한 열정도 봐주셨고 그렇게 시작을 해서 연기적으로도 알게 되고 그러다보니까 감독님들이 많이 예쁘게 봐주셔서 단계별로 차근차근 밟아오지 않았나 싶다"라며 주위 사람들의 덕분이라고 말했다.

"배우의 길이 내 길이다. 다른 것은 생각하지 않는다"라며 오로지 배우로서의 외길을 달려갈 계획인 경수진은 현재 차기작을 검토 중이다. 그는 "캐릭터는 털털한 부분이 있었기 때문에 세영이 보다는 좀 더 여성스럽고 그러면서도 사랑스러운 밝은 캐릭터를 해보고 싶다"라며 "나는 토끼띠인데, 알아보니까 아홉수는 없다고 하더라. 앞으로 더 좋은 모습을 보이겠다"고 말했다.

Source: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/new_yk/html/read.php?newsid=201410161137131118&ext=na

Sorry but can't post the pictures from the article (they don't show up on soompi)

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Guest itashee

Hankooki article summary - again my translation might be a little off

KSJ talks about:

- her diet throughout the drama; she felt a lot of pressure; it was hard to maintain size 44; she was worried about gaining weight because her character ate a lot;

-again she says that she’s 90% similar to Se-young’s character (eats a lot and is easy-going/laidback; it’s the closest character to her real self that she’s ever played)
About acting opposite KYK:

- She wasn’t told by the PD who would be the lucky couple in the end. She didn’t really know or think about it. Only KYK said "Can it be us?”/”Is it us?”. And that was that.

-so when Kang Jin Goo-Se-Young became a couple it was great; many viewers supported the couple enjoying their scenes together

-KSJ says that in the drama they looked like real lovers, because, as actors, their aim was to depict a real relationship (there was no hesitation?/probably she’s thinking about *skinship parts*/closeness); and the viewers’ reaction was great

- The couple received a lot of support

-she talks about understanding her character. Se-Young’s anger at Kang Jin Goo for what he’s done to her in the past (though she didn’t have the same experience, but probably would react the same way)

-they were called the “VISUAL COUPLE” – talking about 23 cm difference between them: KYK 187cm,  KSJ 164 cm. Says that for many women 23 cm is the ideal height difference between a couple. That "key” difference between the two lovers was used in many romantic scenes.

-she thinks she looked petite and lovely in KYK’s arms.

Mentions PD again and his suspicions and why he thought they were dating for real:

-she says KYK is mischievous/prankster; they were bickering on the set; and playing pranks having fun.

 -that kind of relationship came in handy when they acted and rehearsed lines together (together reading scripts)

-her goal is to be a better actress; she wants to challenge herself in acting; to show the viewers herself in variety of roles .

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Guest itashee

Newsen article summary

- KSJ talks about plagiarism controversy and that she was focused on acting rather than thinking about it;

- there was warm/friendly atmospherere while shooting/on the set

- when the plagiarism news broke out, the actors were only focused on acting and how to do their job well

- says that Plus Nine drama showed KSJ-actress in a different light; and that it’s very special to her

- she hoped for better ratings and she regrets that they were low; however, when she was shooting the drama, she didn’t dwell on it.

- the actors were only focused to their best job/ portray their characters truthfully

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Guest itashee

My Daily article summary

-KSJ says that KYK is close to her ideal, but she wouldn’t be a couple with him on the show “We Got Married” if she received the offer

-the article mentions that she was very honest answering the questions; which reflects her honest/straightforward/open personality

-on being onscreen lovers with KYK; she was glad that Jin-goo & Se-young had a happy ending; for the first time she wore a wedding dress and felt good.

-again on PD’s suspicions that they were too close on the set when the cameras weren’t shooting:

KYK+KSJ/ off-screen/onscreen difference - what the viewers saw was a loving couple; what they didn't see was the bickering couple fighting over small things after the shooting was over; the atmosphere was really good. Acting opposite KYK was fun. They talked a lot how to act out scenes.

-talks about the “fun” aspect of their height difference again; and that the viewers liked it

-on dating rumors - she says she’s single

-on the love triangle in the drama: she likes the idea of friend-like lovers (from friends to lovers) KYK’s style is her ideal, not Jae-bum (Hyun-joon). That’s why she’s sorry to Hyun-joon because she was rooting for Jin-goo & Se-young couple – and she laughs. I think she’s confusing drama and real characters - lol

-she talks about Brown Eyed Soul’s MV: First time she met KYK while shooting the MV and she thought they worked really well together;

While shooting the Plus Nine drama they became true friends and their acting became better.

- in his interview Plus Nine PD  said that he was shooting KYK& KSJ couple the same way he did when shooting the MBC reality variety show “We Got Married” where celebrities/idols are paired to show what life would be like if they were married. Asked if she would appear with KYK on “We Got Married” – she answered “no”. The experience of appearing in the variety show would be a totally different thing in comparison to shooting a drama.

- KSJ also says that she has begun her acting career late – but maybe that was her luck (I think she says she was 25 when she started acting)


And the rest is more of less repeated in other interviews

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itashee said:

My Daily article summary

-KSJ says that KYK is close to her ideal, but she wouldn’t be a couple with him on the show “We Got Married” if she received the offer

KYK+KSJ/ off-screen/onscreen difference - what the viewers saw was a loving couple; what they didn't see was the bickering couple fighting over small things after the shooting was over; the atmosphere was really good. Acting opposite KYK was fun. They talked a lot how to act out scenes.

-on dating rumors - she says she’s single

-on the love triangle in the drama: she likes the idea of friend-like lovers (from friends to lovers) KYK’s style is her ideal, not Jae-bum (Hyun-joon). That’s why she’s sorry to Hyun-joon because she was rooting for Jin-goo & Se-young couple – and she laughs. I think she’s confusing drama and real characters - lol

While shooting the Plus Nine drama they became true friends and their acting became better.

- in his interview Plus Nine PD  said that he was shooting KYK& KSJ couple the same way he did when shooting the MBC reality variety show “We Got Married” where celebrities/idols are paired to show what life would be like if they were married. Asked if she would appear with KYK on “We Got Married” – she answered “no”. The experience of appearing in the variety show would be a totally different thing in comparison to shooting a drama.

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Guest itashee

@pandalover1 I think KSJ is in denial –lol. Especially about the "oppa" thing. And everybody can see that she enjoyed spending time with KYK. PD was right – that kind of closeness is “unusual/suspicious.”


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