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[Drama 2014-2015] Pinocchio, 피노키오

Go Seung Ji

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stucked said: I know that this has been discussed (quite lenghtily!) a few pages back but MAN, this toast kiss is wow. Just wow.
And this is just Dad's nightmare.tumblr_nfcntqk6md1tkq3l4o2_500.gif
I know LJS can kiss. I mean yeah. I've seen IHYV, he can kiss. But. WOW. He did open his mouth. Like reaaaally open it. I am amazed. And the way he closed his eyes before he chomps *coughs* on the bread is.. WOW.
Now I just need for the writer to write their first real kiss in a way that he's not shutting her up or surprising her or doing it while she's hysterically crying as THAT will just kill it. Haha!
*looks at the gif* Oh man. I pray for a daebak kiss! Shin Hye fighting! You can do it baby girl!  :)) :)) :))

Or better yet, I want InHa to kiss DalPo. Yes. In that order. InHa to Dalpo! *looks at the gif again* Maaaaan~

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yesssssss... i wanna i t become like that yo..

and this time i want shinhye kiss him back..
omooo i really hope that..
i know shinhye was happy go lucky girl but she very shy when do a romance scene..
but my lovely shnhye ah~ 

Looks like we're on the same ship. Let's sign petition and send it to writer nim ^^

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class="content-title" Highlights: “Pinocchio” Episode 4 rughydrangea November 21, 2014


  Highlights: “Pinocchio” Episode 4

It’s time for our two aspiring reporters to see if they’ve got what it takes to earn a spot at YGN, and the answer is… maybe? In other news, Dal Po finally cuts his hair and puts on a suit, and it is possibly the greatest thing that’s happened in the history of television. Basically, this was yet another great episode of “Pinocchio”, in which we get to meet our enjoyably kooky second leads, and Dal Po and In Ha are confronted with some uncomfortable (and, for Dal Po, tragic) revelations.

These were my five favorite scenes from “Pinocchio”, episode 4:

1. The “brothers” have a talk

I find the relationship between Dal Po and Dal Pyung so fascinating, because it seems clear that Dal Pyung hasn’t accepted Dal Po into the family in the same way that In Ha has. So he’s stuck living with this kid who’s twenty-five years younger than him, and he has to call him “hyung-nim.” It’s such an uncomfortable dynamic, and that’s on full display in this scene, as Dal Pyung confronts Dal Po about his (incredibly obvious) crush on In Ha. This isn’t an aggressive or angry scene—I think a large part of Dal Pyung’s problem with the idea of Dal Po liking In Ha is that he still doesn’t really know Dal Po, even though he’s lived with him for thirteen years. But Dal Po makes it clear that his priorities are with the family—he has no plans to act on his crush. I love how real this fake family has become to Dal Po, to the point where he is willing to withstand a lot of emotional pain just to make sure that nothing happens to it. pinocchio 4 lee jong suk 1 finalpinochio 4 shin jung geun final

2. Dad knew all along

As welcome and glorious as Dal Po’s makeover was, even better was the conversation on the bus between Dal Po and Gong Pil, in which “dad” admits that he’s known for years that Dal Po isn’t his real son, but he’s been pretending he is because he doesn’t want Dal Po to leave him. It’s such a sweet, tender moment, and it makes me so happy that even though Dal Po lost his biological father, he found a new father who loves him.

pinocchio 4 lee jong suk 2 finalpinocchio 4 byun hee bong final

3. The toast fantasy

Oh wow. I nearly fell off my chair laughing during this scene, as Dal Pyung imagines a world in which Dal Po and In Ha are coworkers/a couple. His vision of a erotically charged, softly lit, domestic morning was just so delightfully bizarre. It also served as a very welcome moment of levity before the dark final act.

pinocchio 4 lee jong suk 3 finalpinocchio 4 park shin hye finalpinocchio 4 park shin hye lee jong suk finalpinocchio 4 shin jung geun final

4. The debate

From the moment that they turned on the footage from that fire, I knew this scene would be hard to watch, but it just kept getting worse and worse. For Dal Po to find out that his father has been dead all along, in a situation where he can’t react in any way, was simply crushing. And then for him to have to sit and listen to all the applicants talk about what happened in such a dry and abstract way was even worse. To everyone in the room but Dal Po, what happened is a sad story, but it’s old news—a topic for debate. For Dal Po, what happened shattered his life, and he deals with the effects of that every day. And then for him to hear In Ha say that what happened was nobody’s fault… It’s understandable why he reacted the way he did. To be sure, it was really cruel for him to reveal that she’s a Pinocchio. But he was so upset—and so shocked from the news of his father’s death—that I’m willing to give him a pass (as long as he apologizes to In Ha!).

pinocchio 4 lee jong suk 4 finalpinocchio 4 park shin hye 2 final

5. A revelation in the elevator

The final scene of the episode, which cut between In Ha’s realization that she likes Dal Po and Dal Po finally being able to grieve for his father, was so lovely. I love how generous In Ha is—she isn’t angry at Dal Po for revealing her secret, she’s just upset that he can’t be on her side, the way he always has been. She’s just become so accustomed to Dal Po always being there for her that her heart breaks when he isn’t. But she still needs Bum Jo to suggest that maybe part of why she’s upset is that she has a crush on Dal Po. It’s wonderful how those words are like turning on a light in In Ha’s head. Before, she had never thought of liking Dal Po that way, and she could comfortably say that she didn’t without hiccuping. But now, after losing his support so painfully, she’s finally ready to understand that she really does like him.

pinocchio 4 park shin hye 3 final

How did you feel about this episode of “Pinocchio”? Let us know in the comments below!

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Pinocchio - Episode 4

Titled "Romeo and Juliet," this episode grabbed our leads' usual family dynamic and took it apart. Dal Po and In Ha come to a point when they begin to realize that they're not really uncle and niece, but rather people from different families, aspiring reporters with rivaling beliefs, and potential love interests. Awww yeahh.

As a fan of the William Shakespeare classic (Weird right? We exist), I get annoyed with loose 'Romeo and Juliet' comparisons in pop culture very easily. The allusion kind of works in this episode, though, because as a title, it's a nice reminder for the viewers that our two leads come from two families that should be "enemies" in a sense. In Ha is the daughter of the reporter whom Dal Po blames for destroying his once happy family. Although In Ha isn't exactly like her "Snow Queen" of a mother, Dal Po can't help but associate In Ha with her, especially when, in this episode, In Ha seems to take her mother's side. Dal Po evidently cares for In Ha, but family ties at this point prove to be way stronger than any romantic feelings, and, in the end, Dal Po lashes out at In Ha as his Juliet, whom, although he likes, he naturally can't help but consider the daughter of his enemy.

While Dal Po and In Ha's relationship gets more and more complex, our supporting characters get more and more interesting. I love that everyone seems to have their own quirk, not just the protagonists. From the grandpa's endearing arrogance, Reporter Jang Hyun Gyu (Min Sung Wook)'s trollish behavior ("Biscuit, coffee, yoohoo"), Yoon Yoo Rae (Lee Yu Bi)'s sasaeng habits, and Beom Jo's even creepier tendencies, 'Pinocchio' features a fleshed out, entertaining world to watch.

I especially enjoyed Dal Pyeong's paranoia regarding Dal Po and In Ha's relationship. Fathers from all over the world would probably be able to relate to his pain as he, on one hand, attempts to protect his daughter from lusty boys and on the other, is annoyed with his own daughter's filth. I love the banter between him and In Ha, too. This relationship is very realistic to me. Reminds me of my own naggy dad. Hee.

We have now been introduced to most of the cast and the world has been pieced together. Looking forward to how our supporting characters will mix into Dal Po and In Ha's drama for the laughs and also for more serious developments. 



Dad does not approve of the wrist grab. Welcome to the K-Drama world, dad, welcome. 


This moment was sweet. The father-daughter feels.


Of course, he regrets his words immediately after seeing her. 


"Sigh. Why is my daughter such a slob." My dad would probably be like, "Word.




Gramps getting sentimental with Dal Po. The feeeeeels in this episode. 


Meanwhile, Dal Pyeong is still savoring the taste of regret. You've got to admit, Papa Choi, the idea of wearing your hoodie backwards to make a makeshift snack-bag is kind of genius, though. 


Of course he overhears this part of the conversation...


... and not this part. Oh drama world, you can be so cruel. 


Meanwhile, Beom Jo be creepin'.




Okay, back to creepin'. 


Five hours prior, he even sends our heroine a wink. On one hand, Beom Jo's cute in his own weird way. On the other hand, this would kind of not be okay in real life. 


Looks like these two are having a battle of who can be the better hero. Dal Po be like:


"Challenge accepted.


Meanwhile, Yoo Rae's using her past sasaeng experience to discreetly listen in on the employers. Ever so discreetly.




"Excuse me." *Sinks slowly.*


Escape plan did not work. Not that anyone (In Ha included) minds. Teehee.


Actually, he minds. Way to yell at the lead couple while they're having their moment, bruh. (Just kidding. This was cute.)


Meanwhile, Dal Pyeong helps us fangirls imagine what that scene could have been. Ooh. La. La. 


The moment they found Ho Sang's body was the moment our two brothers could have their late mourning. So sad.


Disagree. People with the Pinocchio syndrome, or "Pinocchios," can speculate too. The witness who thought that he had seen Ho Sang could've simply been mistaken. He probably was mistaken, considering that they just found Ho Sang's body.  He merely believed it to be true; this doesn't mean it was.


Dal Po argues (in his rage) that Pinocchios and reporters should be careful with their words, knowing that people would take what they said to be the absolute truth. 


In Ha argues that Pinocchios and reporters have a duty to say what they think to be true. I'm more on Dal Po's side than In Ha's here. Just because you think something is true doesn't mean it is. By reporting your speculations, there's a chance you're spreading lies--dangerous ones at that. Like Dal Po said, Pinocchios and reporters should be careful with what they say to the public.  


And then Dal Po makes it personal, which he shouldn't have, but I sympathize. Dal Po was probably hurt that In Ha, whom he wanted on his side, would imply that the reporters had no choice but to do what they did to his family. In his fury, he decides to hurt her back by calling her out on her Pinocchio syndrome and saying she can't be a reporter. Low blow, but understandable all the same. 


Guess who just won the hero game though. 


The moment In Ha realizes she wants Dal Po to always be on her side because... "You like him?


Hiccup. Beom Jo be like:


"Giiiiiiiiirl, I see right through you.


Dal Po's late mourning.


Girl, you actually believed that?! I know this was supposed to be a serious moment, but I couldn't help but giggle over this part. (And she proves my previous point by not hiccuping here because she believes this to be true when it isn't.)

source: http://www.allkpop.com/review/2014/11/drama-review-pinocchio-episode-4

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itemprop="name" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Raleway; line-height: 1.25em; margin: 0px; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-size: 28.8px; color: rgb(45, 36, 36);"Accidental Kiss Battle: Heirs Donut Kiss vs. Pinocchio Toast Kiss

by CoCo Kdrama on Fri, Nov 21, 2014


You know things are getting real in a K-drama romance when the couple has their first not-so-accidental almost kiss. Yesterday, episode 4 of Pinocchio gave us a strange but adorable surprise "toast kiss" between Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk. This isn't the first time Park Shin Hye has shared a food kiss with a hot male costar, though. How did this kiss compare to the famed "donut kiss" between her and Lee Min Ho in Heirs? It's time to decide!

Toast Kiss

It starts out the way all good not-so-accidental almost kisses do with Park Shin Hye minding her own business, just helping Lee Jong Suk with his tie. 


He pretends to be innocently gazing off into the distance...


When BAM, he swoops in for the bite-kiss! This moment is actually incredibly adorable.


I think we need a close-up to judge form:


The close-up shot looks a bit awkward, but I can't say toast is the most comfortable food choice for an accidental kiss with its triangular shape and pointy edges, so points to them for taking the challenge. Plus she is actually closing her eyes for once, so the moment looks more natural. Good job, Park Shin Hye! 

Donut Kiss

This time Park Shin Hye is not quite as innocent. She isn't just simply minding her own business and eating her food; she's teasing Lee Min Ho a little by looking into his eyes with each bite. And Lee Min Ho isn't pretending to gaze off into the distance. His eyes give away that he's scheming!


BAM! He swoops in for the bite-kiss! 


Park Shin Hye doesn't back down, though. She stares back like she's a dog defending it's bone (this is exactly how I would feel if someone tried to steal my donut too). The moment is funny and sweet.


And for the close-up:


The close-up reveals that Lee Min Ho is extremely close to pressing lips, but it's closer to a bite than a kiss. And Park Shin Hye's eyes are wide open, but it seems more fitting in this case since she had been daringly staring into his eyes already. 

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Guest lychnobite

I appreciate scriptwriter. Very touching and sweet drama, seriously >:D<
Both Ahjussii! Did you fall from heaven to us?  One of them warms our hearts up with his kindliness, other fires us up with his delusions and fantasies. I am melting now. Please throw me some ice  :))  Can't wait coming episodes. Ha-ha  :))
Btw, have fun to everyone :)>-

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         Accidental Kiss Battle: Heirs Donut Kiss vs. Pinocchio Toast Kiss


You know things are getting real in a K-drama romance when the couple has their first not-so-accidental almost kiss. Yesterday, episode 4 of Pinocchio gave us a strange but adorable surprise "toast kiss" between Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk. This isn't the first time Park Shin Hye has shared a food kiss with a hot male costar, though. How did this kiss compare to the famed "donut kiss" between her and Lee Min Ho in Heirs? It's time to decide!

Toast Kiss

It starts out the way all good not-so-accidental almost kisses do with Park Shin Hye minding her own business, just helping Lee Jong Suk with his tie. image

Spoiler:He pretends to be innocently gazing off into the distance...


When BAM, he swoops in for the bite-kiss! This moment is actually incredibly adorable.


I think we need a close-up to judge form:


The close-up shot looks a bit awkward, but I can't say toast is the most comfortable food choice for an accidental kiss with its triangular shape and pointy edges, so points to them for taking the challenge. Plus she is actually closing her eyes for once, so the moment looks more natural. Good job, Park Shin Hye! 

Watch the kiss in action on the latest episode of Pinocchio:

Donut Kiss

This time Park Shin Hye is not quite as innocent. She isn't just simply minding her own business and eating her food; she's teasing Lee Min Ho a little by looking into his eyes with each bite. And Lee Min Ho isn't pretending to gaze off into the distance. His eyes give away that he's scheming!


Spoiler:BAM! He swoops in for the bite-kiss! 


Park Shin Hye doesn't back down, though. She stares back like she's a dog defending it's bone (this is exactly how I would feel if someone tried to steal my donut too). The moment is funny and sweet.


And for the close-up:


The close-up reveals that Lee Min Ho is extremely close to pressing lips, but it's closer to a bite than a kiss. And Park Shin Hye's eyes are wide open, but it seems more fitting in this case since she had been daringly staring into his eyes already. 

credit to the owner dramafever

thanx - thank you animated

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I can't enough with the bread kiss...
It's only a simple bread bt already became a big hit...
I hope Shinhye and Jongsuk will makes their kiss scene as a greatest hits ths year hihihi ;))
In Ha-ya, Dal pho-ya pls show us your best kiss neh?


cr: to the respectful owners of all the pics

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Guest rogue0716


It's been a while since I've joined a thread. I'm a PSH fan but even Heirs didn't tempt me to put in my few cents on that thread. BUT THIS! THIS! LJS is a revelation to me and thank god I love PSH so much that I would watch anything and everything that has her in it. This pretty boy has enough charms to launch a thousand ships and then some. And the fact that the drama itself screams, "AN ACTUAL PLOT!" just cinches it for me.

And have I mentioned the super smooth, oh-so-natural, so many freaking butterflies kind of chemistry these two are emanating? WOW. And have I mentioned how the two leads are bringing in their A games not to surpass each other's acting chops but to complement each other and feed each other's talents like bacon and eggs? Speaking of breakfast...THE TOAST! THAT FREAKING TOAST! I WOULD BE HAPPY TO BE THAT TOAST! PSH has done some pretty credible kisses despite the criticisms (ex. FBND) but I gotta say, THIS WAS HOTTER THAN AN ACTUAL KISS! So can you imagine when there isn't a yummy toast coming between those lips? And you know, I never did like toast. If somebody told me that toast was a sexy food prop, I would laugh and brush it off. But damn, toasts are sexier than strawberries dipped in chocolate! Ok, I obviously can't get over the toast.

I don't want to watch episode 4 because I don't want to be left in suspension for a week. No. I might burst into tears and when I realize that i'm crying over a show that isn't even over yet, well...it's too sad to contemplate. Ugh, these two are giving me so much rainbows and butterflies despite the obvious angst foreboding that I just want to eat toast forever.

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sleepykid said:

I have a feeling that Grandpa will die in  the mid of the drama ( like Hye Sung's mom in IHYV) :(..and DalPo will leave the house since the main reason for him to stay is gone..and offcourse cz of In Ha and his feelings towards her...he ll prefer to stay away so he can get over those feelings  as he promised her dad (although i think the dad wants Dalpo for InHa cz he trusts him ) 
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Dear @rogue0716‌ said:

And have I mentioned the super smooth, oh-so-natural, so many freaking butterflies kind of chemistry these two are emanating? WOW. And have I mentioned how the two leads are bringing in their A games not to surpass each other's acting chops but to complement each other and feed each other's talents like bacon and eggs? Speaking of breakfast...THE TOAST! THAT FREAKING TOAST! I WOULD BE HAPPY TO BE THAT TOAST! PSH has done some pretty credible kisses despite the criticisms (ex. FBND) but I gotta say, THIS WAS HOTTER THAN AN ACTUAL KISS! So can you imagine when there isn't a yummy toast coming between those lips?

I made it bold and italic because YOU just wrote down my mind. Exactly each word in a very clear description --That I'm not able to do because of my English limitation. Thank you chingu >:D<

Just reading your post give me another butterflies and the eggs just turning into caterpillars too now inside my tummy. Tickling like crazy ^_^


@selena1993‌ you said,"I would definitely buy the toast kiss rather than the doughnut kiss. The sexual tension is there.. ----> damn right girl. I'm with you ;)

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Guest rogue0716

TOAST KISS FOR THE WIN! In fact, you can put it up against an actual meeting of the lips and it would still win! Lol. LMH, to put it bluntly, looked like he was going to swallow PSH whole. Nothing sexy about it for me and I have nothing against the yumminess that is LMH. The toast kiss in comparison, particularly Dalpo's gentle gaze, seductive patience and that soft way he has of inviting intimacy...I'm melting just typing this. So, for me...there is no competition.

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Guest selena1993

@rogue0716 TOAST KISS FOR THE WIN! In fact, you can put it up against an actual meeting of the lips and it would still win! Lol. LMH, to put it bluntly, looked like he was going to swallow PSH whole. Nothing sexy about it for me and I have nothing against the yumminess that is LMH. The toast kiss in comparison, particularly Dalpo's gentle gaze, seductive patience and that soft way he has of inviting intimacy...I'm melting just typing this. So, for me...there is no competition.

right chingu! jong suk's gaze is sexually enticing! :) HAHAHA

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Guest rogue0716


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