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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Today is like a bungee jumping episode for me. thanks @thaoweo for the recap via LINE dear. you're the best.

I found kim moon ho ahjussi is ambigious with his motive if he is an evil deed or a good one and this is the point that i got from wether i will support him or not.
i will support kim moon ho despite he's still hiding his identity from wolrd right now. and for Chae Young Shin, poor girl, if she knows about the fact who is Healer and Moon Hoo sunbaenim, her heart will break into pieaces.

and my question is with how i can live till next monday with no preview, no spoiler for net episode while i will do any crazy things such as licking my screen when Hillo and hansdome ahjussi appear on my screen. My mom will ask me if i am a pervert or idiot ?
thanks KBS for making me like that :|

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tucci said: I love how Jung Hoo managed to confess... It doesn't happen often that the main lead comes out clear about his feelings! He immediately realized he likes YS and told her so. No drama, no disbelief, no questions, just sincerity and happiness. If she had accepted (and it would have been possible!), it would have been quite crazy for him... he would have to live his life as Park Bong Soo, maybe leave his night courrier job. It's good YS refused after all... and Jung Hoo knows it too, that's why he didn't take it too much to heart.
Park Bong Soo after all isn't Jung Hoo, his name and his personality is different... Or maybe Bong Soo is becoming more and more like Jung Hoo (or vice versa)?
If that's the case, it would be sad... YS would love only the night courrier, not JH!

The main question is: Would we refuse someone like Bong Soo??  :)) I'd take him LOL

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Guest delicatehan

I'll patiently wait for the episode where Youngshin calls Healer/PBS as Jungho :x :x and of course we'll miss youngshin calls jungho as "bongsookieeee" :D

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rrmski said: @MouniM, @noerul20, @qwenli, @aidsincera, @andy78 And I'm sorry if I forgot anyone... Thank you so much all your hard work and efforts in this live recap. It was a heartbreaking episode! I will need much patience waiting for new episodes. It's going to be a long week.

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My prediction: Healer will be framed for the murder of the pimp entertainment president. Just as his dad was framed for the murder of CYS' dad.  
KMH and detective may set up a sting operation to catch Healer. 
@nemesis90: Bong Soo hasn't been dumped...yet.  CYS never had him on board her ship.  Rejected, yeah. Poor baby.  Dumped, nah. Great comment though. I love one line zingers!  

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aroma83 said: Rooftop scene:
YS: Park Bong Soo, let's talk about you, u've always listened to my stories so tonight i'll listen to yours instead. U can tell me stories about your daily life or dating life, stuffs like that...I'm a really good listener..Healer: That person didn't come, right? The person that sunbae is waiting for..YS: That's my story, not yours. Just talk about yourself.Healer: My story u mean..YS: Right.Healer: Can't it be me?YS: Uh?Healer: Instead of that person you're waiting for that didn't come, can't it be me, the one beside u?YS: Ya, you can't joke around like that, your joke isn't funny at all, makes people confused.Healer: If you wish, i can do everything, whatever it is, beside you like this..YS: Did you just confess to me?Healer: Uhm...YS: Do you mean it?Healer: Uhm...Ah, why don't you take a moment to think and answer..YS: I don't need to think. I can't right now. There is no place left here (her heart). Right now is like that.Healer: Because of that person?YS: Uhm, because of that person. I'm sorry.Healer: I see.YS: That is?Healer: That is.. i give upYS: Sigh, u totally scared me. But Park Bong Soo: Healer: Yeah, sunbae.YS: Just now you were really strange. U seem like another person.Healer: Of course, that was my first confession ever and i got rejected.YS: Don't feel too bad. Your rival is quite strong..Healer: Quit it. Do you enjoy taunting me?YS: I'm really sorry. Ya, Park Bong Soo, since when did you start liking me? was it love at first sight?Healer: You're noisy.YS: When was it???

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I haven't watch 10 yet but from the preview I am very sure PBS would be rejected... Poor BS don't stand achance beside Healer...  Anywayyyy.. YS didn't realize this but I believe her instinct  knows better.
She turn to PBS no matter what .. she confessed her inner feeling to BS ..  no one but BS .. She is drawn to him because BS=Healer ... and PBS don't have to be sad.. it's ridiculous to be jealous of himself :D .. and JH should be very happy that YS 'reject' BS that means no matter how bad healer .. he can rest assure that.. YS without a doubt loves him... with all his baggage 
BS .. just be patient ... or just confess next week ... Na healor ... chommal ria .. kojimal anya..  Dega HEALOR!!  ... *thump chest and then pull YS into his arm and give her smoochin of a life time* ... 

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Young Shin you crazy, crazy girl. Not blaming her though. Healer IS plenty COOL. But I'd go for the geeky cutie patootie any day. Aigoo Bong Soo unni, it's okay! Come to us, we'll take you. :x

LOVED how candidly he confessed to her! I find it realistic. No fanfare, no unnecessary drama, no fuss. Just him and his feelings all laid out. Simple as that.

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only1khj said: My prediction: Healer will be framed for the murder of the pimp entertainment president. Just as his dad was framed for the murder of CYS' dad.  
KMH and detective may set up a sting operation to catch Healer. 
@nemesis90: Bong Soo hasn't been dumped...yet.  CYS never had him on board her ship.  Rejected, yeah. Poor baby.  Dumped, nah. Great comment though. I love one line zingers!  

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There are 10 episodes left and why is this drama progressing too slow?I want YS to find Healer's ID soon and firstand  I loved Jung Hoo as name for Healer,it is cool as much as HEALER himselfJung Hoo-yahhh :x we only heard from ajumma and his teacher today..I want to hear from CYS sooo badly!!! pleaseee [-O<

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Thank you very kamsa for dear recappers @qwenli @MouniM @aidsincera @noerul20!! ^:)^ ^:)^

If you wondered why I wasn't here to recap tonight, my apologies because I was going to hospital. I thought I could back in time as Healer airing, but sadly the waiting was too long that I need to wait for 2 hours [-( [-(
Sorry and thank you for dear commenters here who enjoy watching and fangirling/fanboying over Healer! :)
So now can I sign up to date PBS as he's rejected by CYS? Bong Sook-ah :-c :> :-*

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