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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Did you guys know that out of allllll the dramas listed on MDL, Healer is ranked #2 and popularity at #1 with over 3,000 votes?! That's quite an amazing feat, but definitely well deserved.

I haven't read back on this thread since joining it yesterday, but I really have to wonder why the ratings in Korea were only mediocre while it's pretty explosive internationally. What a puzzle.

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Did you guys know that out of allllll the dramas listed on MDL, Healer is ranked #2 and popularity at #1 with over 3,000 votes?! That's quite an amazing feat, but definitely well deserved.

I haven't read back on this thread since joining it yesterday, but I really have to wonder why the ratings in Korea were only mediocre while it's pretty explosive internationally. What a puzzle.

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Hi guys, clearer version of the
IN STYLE magazine pictures have been released by Studio NewBin in HD!!! Please go to JCW thread to check out the rest since we are not supposed to post his solo studio pics here! He looks sooooo good!
Go! Go! Go! Here's the link:
@akinahana89Sorry for the late response. I was totally overwhelmed by all the goodies last night that I didn't manage to respond to your quoted message. Yes Yes to how endearing it sounds for 'old pervert' from JCW! I think... only it is from him that it will sound endearing and acceptable, because I still cannot imagine letting other people calling me Ahjumma, or old pervert etc. He even made 'Samcheon' endearing. GOD... 
Too bad we will never get to hear him call Young Shin's Appa endearingly, huh? Wish I could hear it... watch him aegyo Appa (if he dares too, that is!) :)) Sigh... season 2 please, SJN? Or even just a special episode! 

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akinahana89 said: Did you guys know that out of allllll the dramas listed on MDL, Healer is ranked #2 and popularity at #1 with over 3,000 votes?! That's quite an amazing feat, but definitely well deserved.

I haven't read back on this thread since joining it yesterday, but I really have to wonder why the ratings in Korea were only mediocre while it's pretty explosive internationally. What a puzzle.

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class="content-title" Park Min Young Doesn’t Care for Looking Pretty Anymore,
class="content-title"Shrugs Off Criticism about Her Looks 


Park Min Young Doesn’t Care for Looking Pretty Anymore, Shrugs Off Criticism about Her Looks

In a candid interview with Star News, actress

Park Min Young opens up about the lessons she learned during her two-year hiatus and how it fortified her to deal with harsh netizen criticisms about her looks while she was on the drama “Healer.”

She says, “I think this past two-year hiatus was a big turning point for me [...] It was a time for me to empty myself and an opportunity to reflect. In the past, even if nobody was pressuring me, I felt pressure. The pressure and the vague fear of being forgotten were really big. At a certain point, acting became less enjoyable for me, and because I wasn’t able to fully immerse myself into my characters, I felt dissatisfied and empty. But as I took a break from acting and engaged in self-reflection, I began to treasure and experience a thirst [for acting]. It was then that I crossed paths with ‘A New Leaf.’”

“A New Leaf” would become Park Min Young’s comeback drama and the launching pad for “Healer,” “Because of the two years I took emptying myself, I was able to completely focus on acting without any idle thoughts. There was never a time that acting was more enjoyable [...] I also completely let go of the idea that I had clung to stubbornly, that an actress has to no matter what look pretty.”

The actress is referring to her role as a spunky and free-spirited entertainment reporter in “Healer,” “For the first time, I abandoned myself and only thought about the character. From the hairstyle to the clothes, makeup, and fashion, I adapted everything to the character.”

She continued, “Because [i let myself go], I received quite a lot of harsh comments. (laughter) Because my character doesn’t care about her looks and lives so busily and coarsely, I filmed that way. I just laughed while reading malicious comments like, ‘I thought she was pretty, but her beauty has deteriorated,’ ‘I didn’t know she was that ugly,’ and ‘Did she get surgery to get uglier?’”

“Obviously, as an actress, it’s not the ideal situation, but as I gradually immersed myself more and more into the acting without being concerned about the angles [of the shot], everything freed up and became comfortable [...] Through letting go of that one desire [to look pretty], I became freer as an actress, to the point that I wondered why I didn’t do this earlier. Because my body and mind are at ease, I don’t have any useless thoughts. Acting becomes fun, and my desire to act only flourishes.”

Meanwhile, after finishing up “Healer,” Park Min Young is currently taking a break as she contemplates her next project.

Are you looking forward to her next role?

Source (1)

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Another awesome interview, credit to JCWKitchen! It's not enough that he makes me fall for SJH/PBS?Healer, now he's making me fall for his RL self! I'm tearing up my ICOMYM list for sure - because he's the only one on it now! LOL
And his latest video on IG - with Joo JiHoon! It's so cute! I love that he's such good friends with his former co-stars. I love that he has all these good male buddies (he came from an all boys school so it makes sense!) and his good friends are just ordinary people who are not famous. It shows he's actually a simple person in real life. @sia3, I knew he grew up with a single mother, as an only child because I read up about him while watching Healer. I knew next to nothing about him then. ;)

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Guest mywebfoot

Two superb interviews. It's really good to know that Healer was as much a turning point for these young actors as it was a refreshing new side to these up-and-coming actors for us as viewers. They are very passionate about their acting and I am happy to have witnessed the product of their own artistic evolution. Although a part of me will always see them as Young Shin and Jung Hoo, I look forward to their future roles!

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mywebfoot said: Two superb interviews. It's really good to know that Healer was as much a turning point for these young actors as it was a refreshing new side to these up-and-coming actors for us as viewers. They are very passionate about their acting and I am happy to have witnessed the product of their own artistic evolution. Although a part of me will always see them as Young Shin and Jung Hoo, I look forward to their future roles!

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sia3 said:
@akinahana89Sorry for the late response. I was totally overwhelmed by all the goodies last night that I didn't manage to respond to your quoted message. Yes Yes to how endearing it sounds for 'old pervert' from JCW! I think... only it is from him that it will sound endearing and acceptable, because I still cannot imagine letting other people calling me Ahjumma, or old pervert etc. He even made 'Samcheon' endearing. GOD... 
Too bad we will never get to hear him call Young Shin's Appa endearingly, huh? Wish I could hear it... watch him aegyo Appa (if he dares too, that is!) :)) Sigh... season 2 please, SJN? Or even just a special episode! 

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Ji Chang Wook refrained from smoking before kissing scene with Park Min Young
지창욱 인터뷰서 "박민영과 키스 전 담배도 참았다"


I see~ kissing scene is good for your health, puppy.. since it makes you refrained from smoking!   ;;)You must got healthier during Healer filming since there's 6 kissing scene, huh?! lolHealer is indeed a healing for everyone..
:)) :)) :))

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@OO1230 YES!! I was asking just that on twitter! So glad JCW was considerate to the extreme. I just remember LBY mentioning how she made LJS refrain from smoking before kiss scenes, because, come on, no one wants to kiss someone with smokers breath. On screen it looks nice, but must be hell for the actress. Glad JCW took PMY's feelings about the intimate scenes as well as his smoking habit into consideration. Sweet guy! 
Thanks @uctqepe for bringing this article to my attention! :x 
And I said this in PMY's thread but I loved reading her recent interview on Soompi about how she has been approaching the (ridiculous) criticisms she's received regarding her looks. She gave very thought provoking answers and I'm glad that she took that hiatus to look within herself to see what is truly important. As an actress, you shouldn't have to feel like you are restrained from acting your heart out because you have to maintain that "actress image". It's unfair, reeks of double standards, and goes to show how messed up the expectations Korean society place on their youth. 
It's these unrealistic expectations and extreme pressure to fit some unachievable beauty standard that leads to such high numbers of plastic surgeries and suicide rates in Korea. People never feel like they are good enough. We are all human beings and are thus social creatures who are not immune to the influences of society however hard we try. I just wish that people would help and support each other, but if you can't do that, at least don't harm each other.  
Sorry about the mini-rant...Anyways, I actually loved PMY's looks in Healer and truly saw the change in her acting and just her overall approach to acting. I can see the energy and joy she brought to her performance and that's wonderful! 

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fidda868 said:

Did you guys know that out of allllll the dramas listed on MDL, Healer is ranked #2 and popularity at #1 with over 3,000 votes?! That's quite an amazing feat, but definitely well deserved.

I haven't read back on this thread since joining it yesterday, but I really have to wonder why the ratings in Korea were only mediocre while it's pretty explosive internationally. What a puzzle.

:-j you can just ignore about korean viewers..their kdrama taste are not like us international fans..they love melodrama, all those boring & dragging political dramas..these kind of dramas received more ratings & attention in SK..i dont even care about that as long as the drama has full filled my kdrama standard...international fans love more rom com drama with an interesting plot and of course with more lovey dovey scenes.. :\"> :x  @fidda868
Oh, I've learned long ago not to take the ratings to heart. Plenty of low rated dramas are my favorites and even more highly rated dramas were ones I couldn't stand. I'm always just completely boggled on how their tastes can be so, so different compared to international fans from all over the world. lol.

I mentioned this because in one of the interview articles posted here, JCW stated that he would feel really bad when he saw the low ratings, and I thought to myself, "If only he and the rest of the cast could see the way their ratings are soaring on MDL. Thousands of dramas and films, yet Healer has claimed the top two spots."

sia3 said: @akinahana89Sorry for the late response. I was totally overwhelmed by all the goodies last night that I didn't manage to respond to your quoted message. Yes Yes to how endearing it sounds for 'old pervert' from JCW! I think... only it is from him that it will sound endearing and acceptable, because I still cannot imagine letting other people calling me Ahjumma, or old pervert etc. He even made 'Samcheon' endearing. GOD... 
Too bad we will never get to hear him call Young Shin's Appa endearingly, huh? Wish I could hear it... watch him aegyo Appa (if he dares too, that is!) :)) Sigh... season 2 please, SJN? Or even just a special episode!  @sia3
No worries! I may be a new fan to Healer, JCW, and PMY, but that doesn't mean I'm blind. I was ogling the photos as much as everyone else. LOL.

Oh man, what I wouldn't give for a second season or a special episode! I love the moment where Jung Hoo went "samcheon" and Moon Ho was falling all over himself like, whaaaaat?! What did you just say?! Say it again! Ah... so cute! But seriously, every time Jung Hoo said "ahjumma," I practically swooned. Haha. There's just something about the way he says it. It's unexplainable.
Noxn said:
akinahana89 said: Did you guys know that out of allllll the dramas listed on MDL, Healer is ranked #2 and popularity at #1 with over 3,000 votes?! That's quite an amazing feat, but definitely well deserved.

I haven't read back on this thread since joining it yesterday, but I really have to wonder why the ratings in Korea were only mediocre while it's pretty explosive internationally. What a puzzle.
Actually, Healer IS the top drama in MDL right now (at #1 spot is Miracle in Cell No. 7, which is a film). :D
Oh. Thanks for that info, @Noxn! I had been wondering what was #1, but still, even more of a reason why I wish the cast knew! Then they wouldn't have felt so down about their Korean viewer ratings. Not just the cast, but SJN too, since I read the Q&A on Moru Moru Island (Omg, great job on that guys!! I love it! It's really like finding hidden treasure. Hehe.) and I think SJN expected lower ratings because she knew it wasn't something the Korean viewers usually enjoyed watching? Seemed like that was her thoughts, but she finally wrote the script because the director encouraged her to. I'm so glad she did though.
azzurri said: sia3 said:
@akinahana89Sorry for the late response. I was totally overwhelmed by all the goodies last night that I didn't manage to respond to your quoted message. Yes Yes to how endearing it sounds for 'old pervert' from JCW! I think... only it is from him that it will sound endearing and acceptable, because I still cannot imagine letting other people calling me Ahjumma, or old pervert etc. He even made 'Samcheon' endearing. GOD... 
Too bad we will never get to hear him call Young Shin's Appa endearingly, huh? Wish I could hear it... watch him aegyo Appa (if he dares too, that is!) :)) Sigh... season 2 please, SJN? Or even just a special episode!  :x One last comment or I'll be late for work! Healer really... RL seems so mundane compared to spazzing on this thread.
I just wanted to say @sia3 and @akinahana89, how much I agree with you all on how endearing JCW makes those seemingly normal or usual terms of addressing people. Ahjumma and samchoen will never be the same for me ever again. And also old pervert! How does he do that? And I don't even understand Korean! He says old pervert/fogey and I read the subtitle and you know that's supposed to be a swear/curse/rude term to call an older person, but when you hear him actually say it - you know how full of affection he is for Sabo, right? And ahjumma and samchoen. It kills me. Absolutely kills me how good JCW is. 
And aegyo-ing Appa? I would pay money to see it. Sigh. Wish they do those Jdrama special episode thingys. But what with not great ratings in Korea and all, I'd say we can dream about it, and that's about it. OK...  off to work! @azzurri
Well, Playful Kiss with their crap ratings got special YT episodes.... lol. But I do think it'll be difficult for that to happen. Isn't that practically unheard of?

JCW is amazingly good. Like, I got totally blown away by him. I've exploded into smithereens. I've probably even become borderline obsessive by the way I've been looking him up and getting my hands on his past dramas. LOL.
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Omo, so if Ji Chang Wook doesn't call Park Min Young by noona, does he call her Min Young-ah? ;) 
On a serious note, I'm super glad PMY doesn't care for the honorifics, especially since she is only 1 year older. They are close enough in age to be friends and speak in banmal. I always found it strange when he called her Min Young noona. @reemkanabta_at_hotmail.com_stv That probably explains the knowing, uncomfortable smirk LOL 

This thread is so awesomely active right now! Keep being you awesome, funny selves Healerites! :))

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It's funny you gals mentioned this because the first time I ssaw this part I was like oh my he almost touched her "ahems"

Awkward!!! But since he put his other arm over then the awkwardness faded quickly at least for me.

I never mentioned it because idk It seemed to me part of the script as if JH in trying to hug accidentally went too low and the way YS jerked was a way of telling him that he was grabbing too tight hence JH hugging her with both arms to alleviate the discomfort .

Can anyone tell or see....i can see! I can see so well!!!!! That when SJH put his right arm around her ....her RED ZONE POPPED A LITTLE!! SJH YOU SQUEEZED A LITTLE TOO TIGHT!! Omo omo..im blushing so hard here for CYS =))

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