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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Guest FleurdeLys101

Healer is not without flaws, but to compare it to a caped crusader flick is doing the writer a great disservice. It is true that Healer for the majority of us who loves it is a squee-inducing-heart-pumping drama. But we also know that there is more to Healer than meets the eye if one is to keep- an open mind.Writer Song Ji Na as a matter of fact wants us to THINK. Yes, she wants us to look past Jung Hoo's killer smile and Young-Shin's cuteness- believe it or not. 

She wants us to realize that we are in fact under the control and manipulation of unseen hands that are much, much more powerful than we can ever think of or imagine. Thus, the "farmer-weeding-bad-seeds" allegory throughout the show.


And then there is the jab on how voting is a futile exercise:


The futility of which brilliantly conveyed by how easily Moon Shik was ushered in, just when Moon Ho et al thought they've effectively brought down the corrupt and pervert former mayoral candidate. 


That every political speech being regurgitated to us is in fact sewer water. Remember how the ousted mayoral candidate has "water reform" as his banner campaign promise? Only to be revealed later on that this is part and parcel of a grander scheme orchestrated by the farmers to privatize the water services, with them even going as far as contaminating the water to sway public opinion.


And who could forget Moon Ho and Jeung Hoo's heated exchange on how bringing the Elder down will only give rise to another?


And her take on "Women and the Workplace" as portrayed by the actress wannabe who was sexually assaulted?  How eye opening is that? 



I can go on and on, about the things that I love most about this show, but unfortunately I have to make dinner :)) . This post is by no means meant to hard sell Healer to anybody. These are just random musings of a new fan of writer SJN.

Note: All images used are from Pawel Kuczynski FB page 
About Pawel:

Pawel Kuczynski graduated Fine Arts Academy in Poznan has been rewarded with more than 100 prizes and distinctions creating thought-provoking illustrations that comment on social, economic, and political issues through satire.

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Morning ladies - no need to get all hot and bothered over a troll. We all know how much we love Healer (I to the point of writing fics!!).
Think about it, just the image of uri Healer in underwear is sufficient to launch a 1000 r-rated FFs (and yes, I will be contributing) and/or r-rated comics (more football comics, @Ahpheng ?). I have been so inspired I am writing Episodes 4 AND 5 concurrently. I am not too sure how a writer's brain should work, but I am getting snapshots of scenes with no idea how Scene B is going to lead to Scene F, but hey, something will eventually come I suppose.
Rock on Healer lovers - you guys have been fantastic!

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Hi Healerities! I'm baaaack!

I've been a bit busy recently, so I was really missing Healer these days. You know, suffering from withdrawal and all, but worry not, because I've got some free time tonight and I'll be re-watching some of my favorite scenes of Healer!

I'll catch up on ALL the posts I've missed out on too... since it's been a while. I've missed you guys! :D

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SB5mH4j.jpg After seeing all the responses , she actually deleted her whole post ?
@Eileen531 ,thanks for de-lurking and hope you will post more...and for spelling my name correctly :x
@akinahana89 , welcome back >:D<
@tehlimau , more football comics ? No inspiration, you better get @sia3 and @Maja to start posting their discussions here. :))

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EDIT: I changed my AVA, more appreciation to the jawline and neck


Hahahaha my healerities you've been having a party without me,  

This is the third time seems our lack of response just provoke THAT PERSON, all I hear from her is this BLA BLA BLA it seems someone is JEALOUS, this is what I get after mentioning our OTP lack of chemistry two or three times eh!!

One word TWILIGHT ARRGG, I watched the whole set of movies and not that I don't like it, but I don't like the leads AT ALL maybe if other actors played them I will like it more but it's not with the same bar as Healer for me. (and its more teen oriented thing)

@Ahpheng you rock :-bd =))

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>:D< Welcome home! Where have you been? Did moderating took up all your spazzing/drooling time with us? :( Please come home more often even though the thread is really quiet, but it should get really loud again when the DVD is released. :)

Umm, I've got a query. I notice my profile now has a '1xTopic', but I can't see it and I sure did not create it. Would you be so kind to tell me what's happening? I think it appeared after my this morning's smacking session (or night for others). :-/  Waeeeeee? << This kitty is reaaaaalllyyyy curious! :D

Eh, @Maja and my discussion? Our latest is pimples on JCW which you and @Minoz_joyax said you guys cannot see last night. My suggestion is save to PC and zoom it up to look at it. We haven't got any interesting discussion on him since, you know, the boy is literally playing hide & seek from all his wives... :-L *My hand is shivering from the withdrawal symptoms....*

Oh yeah, LMAO at your newest comic strip. My poor childhood hero, Superman, being laughed at again for wearing red undies. :))

And JAN did not delete her post; if your post get 5 off-topics, then it will automatically be buried (folded up). In her case, she got more than that, but you can still click open to see/read it. There are cases whereby moderators do edit the post judging by the seriousness of the contents, or remove it completely to prevent more Soompiers from getting upset and argue back etc. Although it seems like it has temporary been taken care of, but I'm actually still fuming over the fact that trolls are everywhere in Soompi, and they just keep coming back to cause trouble. [怒] Next time if more trolls come in here or elsewhere, let us all just use that Report button and if there are more people reporting, the disciplinary actions may be harsher for the trouble maker. :-?? I don't know, but I sure hope so. 

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Guest mywebfoot

@akinahana89 Yup yup, I liked that one too. 
@sia3 said "it will automatically be buried"   :)) =))
Don't stress @sia3. Just bury. Then they will rise from the dead. Like in Twilight. *pffft*

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;)) Now back to being cheeky and having fun! ;))


Do you want style?
Do you want good performance during the day and night?
Do you want something or someone that's sexy and slick?
Would you like to be satisfied every minute of it?
Then this is perfect for you!

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Image source: DC
:)) Did I fool y'all? =))

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@Ahpheng as always your c-strip is so on-point! i hope the troll gets the gist of this drama now, kekeke :)) @sia3 i am on mobile, once i get a hand of my pc i would surely do your advice, like i said, i don't want to miss every single details on our puppy's body..... :-B :))

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Oh, look who's back. *tries to comprehend our lovely visitor's post* *scratches head*

- Believe me. We've all acknowledged Healer's similarities to Superman before. My question is: so what? It's not like it was a total rip-off. I'll have you know that we actually loved Healer all the more for the Superman references.
- Chemistry is subjective. I'm saying this as someone who also liked JCW and HJW in Empress Ki. However, there is no need for comparisons between JCW's leading ladies.
- Where did the Healer/Twilight comparison even come from? They're like galaxies away from each other, in terms of themes and plot.

The Healerites are in a constant festive mood, yo. I doubt there's anything you could say that would dampen our spirits (unless you'll come up with a logical, detailed and valid argument). So here I am, sending good thoughts your way. Peace out!

BTW EVERYONE! I already submitted the final list for the Shippers' Contest. We can expect some color changes soon! :D

Also, I would like to apologize to the ones who own the following e-mails:

I'm afraid it might be too late. I tried to hold off the submission as much as I can to wait for some more PMs, but the mods needed the list asap. Really sorry. :(

Idk if there was something wrong with the form. For some reason, there were blank spaces in place of where entries were supposed to be.

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Hi everyone... sorry I have been MIA. RL has been a little too busy lately for me.
But I'm up to speed, and I agree with @sia3 and @Maja. Let's not give her the pleasure of our attention which is apparently what she craves.
We are too busy for that. We have so many more important and interesting things to discuss ie Healer, Healer and Healer. Baby bear. Park Min Young. Ajumma. Song JiNa. 
But a shout out to my baddest 'kawan' @Ahpheng! Awesome c-strip as always - and I can see that you're a Star Wars fan. Because I am too! 

"Impressive. Most impressive." That's Vader's line from Empire Strikes Back, when he tried to carbon freeze Luke Skywalker, but Luke managed to fly up and climb the carbon freeze contraption instead. Only an avid fan remembers these things.


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Guest deninja

Just have to de-lurk and say how awesome this thread is!

What happy pills you all are! If only I can put you in a syringe and inject it where there is negativity then the world will be a much better place.

@Noxn, thanks for compiling the list for the color change!

@Ahpheng, your comics are always a hoot!

Keep partying on, healerities! And ignore the rude gate crashers unless they acquire some social graces, that is. As for me, I will be a wallflower soaking up all your energy.

I hope my line breaks work.

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Guest adniRose

pwahahaa you guys are so funny..! especially those shuparman and twilight stuff...lol1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862512i think everyone in this thread are all open-minded and agree to disagree, but when the discussion turn into bashing, then it's a different thing.. tsk tsk..
Healer will always be a special K-drama to me.. i think even after 4 years, maybe 40 years i will still love Healer endlessly.. it's not just about the story, or the actors, but it's about everything.. it just falls into places perfectly!just like JB said in DB, it's not that difficult to make 1 amazing episode, but to make it consistently for 20 episodes straight, that's the real challenge.. Healer crew really deserve such standing ovation..!
about OTP chemistry, well different people has different taste, so yeah... even still it's such a shame when some ppl can't feel ChangMin burning chemistry.. and more shame because probably the reason is quite childish; they used to like other otp pairing.. hahaai like CH couple, but that dont prevent me from loving Healer couple, because their chemistry is that palpable.. they can make you giddy inside-out when they just holding hands..!and how amazing Healer OTP is, in some episodes they dont even got much scene together.. of course as a greedy shipper i definitely want more of their time together.. but then when i don't get it, i find myself being just fine because although with such limited scene, their interaction is always so significant to their story, plus it's powerful and impact-ful enough..  eg; epi. 7, epi. 16..
watch this one drama, and when the otp is having a misunderstanding and start to drift apart, i scream to my screen; just go tell him/her everything!!!:-w  you guys need to learn a lot from Junghoo and Youngshin.. 

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