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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Mărțișor (Romanian pronunciation: [mərt͡siˈʃor]  is a Romanian celebration at the beginning of spring, on March the 1st in Romania .


La multi ani de martisor! :) A beautiful spring!

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Alright, card distribution time, folks!! The things I do for you guys! ;) and the love of uri Healer-ya! :))
@uctqepe: Thanks for the money!! :D But you know what they say, 'Money can't buy you happiness.. but for everything else, there's Healer Card!! :)


@Ahpheng: Thanks! And here's your copy, privileged member of the Healer Healerites Fandom! :))


@dearme85: Hey buddy! So here's your copy of Healer Premium Membership card:


About the free O2 tank and defib machine: I swear the Healer Healerites Fandom had massive supplies of O2 tanks and defib machine.. We were equipped to handle any situation!
But then this happened!!!

All supplies used up!! :( No amount of preparation could have prepared us for this massive TSUNAMI OF FEELS !!! I blame it on JCW's deliciousness!! Even the thought of his Studio NewBIN vid makes me dizzy and lightheaded! :))
@AdelaM: Sorry the courier company messed up your delivery too.. Guess, should never have trusted SS Guard to deliver it! ;) But here you go:


A VIP Card, you say? Lemme grant you access to my very own currently-1-member-only Healer Fan Club! ;) is that VIP enough for you?? :)) :))BongsookieCard_zpsbzonnwxf.jpg

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@valsava‌ you're right. Maybe like a 10 mins extension. But I mean I'm totally happy with what we got since I know it's hard to add any extra scenes. Good thing we got some info from SJN interviews. But I LOVE IT despite any flaws which I don't see much of any if at all!

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Guest nicesmile

Afraid to tell

I dreamed of all the Cast of drama Healer attend running man program

All my dream is not real
  Like my dream by them going to the Maldives
Remember me ??

How long will wait for my dream to become a reality someday ???

I am still waiting with my dreams, even in my own life

I have a question

Supposed to review episodes drama calms my heart but why getting nostalgic to see them again ??

Why there is no second part ??

How long will wait for our hearts and minds to calm ??

Miss them so crazy

Follower silently
Thank you all

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:)>- 8-> :x ~X(

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First times, huh...

Healer drama first times:
1. First drama I've seen with no second lead "love affair".
2. First drama to make me change my Avatar of 9 years as a Soompi member (I still love So Ji Sub but JCWs facial expressions are far more better as of late)
3. Not my first time to hear a Michael Learns to Rock song. But it is my first time hearing ETERNAL LOVE. I remember growing up in the Philippines and hearing them over the radio. Healer OST brought back nostalgia of my single digit age HAHAHA!
4. First time to appreciate a screenwriters work.
5. First time to appreciate everyone's hard work in a drama (director, producer, cameraman, editors, supporting actors, etc.)

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Great Amazing Healerites Chingus!Good morning everyone! With the ensuing beautiful spring you all! With the new spring in our lives, in our soul! I congratulate all of you!Thank you all for everything, even despite the fact that the healer ended some time ago, but it is very clearly evident in the great healer thread here so far every day just more interesting news, bright emotions, love and kindness from everyone Healerites Chingus, really healer simply unforgettable drama in the heart of each of us and in the hearts of our amazingly talented actors as healer and it is very important and should be left changed our lives for the better as well as drama Healer is very instructive, and many moments of it, we can even stick in our real lives, so thank you for inextinguishable fire of love for this drama Healer still lives in this super fast and always positive thread!1wpb7vbinu0k.gif
Love you all! I am proud of all of you every day! Bravo to everyone! :x >:D< <:-P ^:)^ =D>0c2d7ya0o956.gif


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i was away from this thread and was busy with personal stuff for 2days  and now I need to do a lot of back reading  b-(
so we're talking about firsts? well, Healer was
- the first drama that made me do live recapping (tho i sucked at it coz i am only narrating what they were doing coz i can't comprehend Hangul)- the first drama that made me active in a forum (i was a soompi member  since 2011 but never been this active ever since i joined)- the first drama that made me join and participate in an international fan project - the first drama that made me re-watch its episodes for only-god-knows-how-many-times even when it was still airing - the first drama that made me appreciate JCW's acting (i only saw him in Have You Had Coffee With An Angel prior to this one)- the first drama that made me become a JCW fan- the first drama that made me become a JCW-obsessed
that would be all, i guess....anyways, it's Monday so what episode are we now? anyone?


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I thought I should also jump onto the "healer firsts" bandwagon....
1) First time I delurked on Soompi and made posts2) First time I listened through the whole one hour dramabean podcast for a drama3) JCW officially dethroned my #1 bias of 4 years4) First drama where I attempted to watch the live airing5) First drama that made Mondays the most anticipated day of the week6) First drama that made me excited to wake up on a Monday7) First time a drama made me research and notice the writer8) BEST OTP OF ALL DRAMAS IN DRAMALAND AND BEYOND <--- not a "healer first" but I have to let this out9) First drama that made me cry throughout the whole last episode because I didn't want it to end10) First drama that I REFUSE TO SAY GOODBYE TO 

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Guest sogazelle

Oh wow...
Healer is actually #1 right now on the mega chinese website Sohu.
From the top 100, Healer is #1...
I don't know how to take the screenshot, can someone please do it?
Here's the link...  http://tv.sohu.com
This is totally awesome!

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The video for the Soompi Shippers' Contest is doooooone. :)>- :)>- :)>-

I'll upload it later once my connection improves (IF it improves, lol! I hope so!) :))

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Hmm, so topic of the day's First experiences in Healer? Well, for a start, this was the first drama where I realized I'm not the only nutcase in town, Lol! That I have company in my craziness, and all you, brilliant but crazy folks on this thread are my partners-in-crime! :))
Here's the things I can think of right now..

  • Definitely the first drama that I just HAD to stream live!! I've had a few dramas where I wanted to watch live but didn't, but Healer's the one where I just HAD to!! 
  • The first and only drama which I had fallen in love with so early that every Mon-Tues as we approached 10:00 PM KST, I'd be soooo nervous.. I'd just not talk to anyone.. just sit in my little corner, worrying sick about the next episode.. hoping and praying that the next episode stays just as awesome.. LOL!!  (I'm someone who doesn't worry much.. not even for myself.. But when it comes to something/someone I love, I get mighty nervous.. Lol! I'll be worried sick for their safety, for their happiness.. Yeah, I'm the 'fool in love' kinda person, like Seo Jung-hoo, lol!)
  • The first drama (& I've said this before) where I love both lead characters equally. Not just the most perfect OTP ever, Seo Jung-hoo and Chae Young-shin are, independently, my two most favorite characters in my personal kdrama history. 
  • The first and the the only drama where I remember exactly what every character, everyone from the entire ensemble cast was doing/saying at any given moment in any episode.. I've never ever been as absorbed into a drama's universe. Like never.
  • The first and only drama where I felt (and this is really weird, I know! Lol!) to actually lead my life in this kdrama universe..! I just want to stay in Healer-world if I can.. Lol! This statement - 'I don't want this drama to end..'  I've said that before, I'm sure, but never meant it, not a word, but with Healer, I finally felt that I really didn't want Healer to end, ever. 
  • The first drama where during the entire time it aired, and ever since it ended, I'm yet to watch anything besides this very drama!
  • The first drama I got OST and ordered the director's cut dvd as well! 
  • First time I came out of the Byeontae closet, Lol! I wanted proper use of the bed, and was grinning from ear-to-ear when that wish was granted, Lol! Not to mention, I saved those slo-mo kiss gifs the minute they were posted here! :)) :))
  • First drama which made me certifiable nuts, knee-deep in love with JCW! Creating Healer Cards, Lol! and this! :))


  • First drama where I'm so impressed with the writing that it left me awed! I was not familiar with SJN writernim's work when I started watching Healer, but her characterization and her writing made me a fan for life! I just had to look her up.. And then I found out that she's a superstar writer, and  has had hugely successful projects, it was hardly surprising.. 
  • First drama where if I'm not watching the episodes, I'm either watching the BTS on loop, or watching every single MV out there, or reading reviews/comments .. everything revolves around Healer. 
  • First time working on blog (morumoruisland), first time managing FB page (HIFP ), Lol! So much so that I'm n FB all the time, but never on my profile.. It's always HIFP that stays open, Lol! .. not the first time being a part of organizing team on a fan project, but definitely we did things very different this time - those teasers, other videos, newspaper, comic strips, Ask Ahjumma and of course, the incredibly awesome fan submissions!! So may not be the first time, but definitely the more memorable one, at the end of it all! I wonder if it's because we got to see fans' reactions to the blog, to their own submissions, to the HIFP goodies, first hand, and that coupled with the amazing reactions from SJN and cast just made everything infinitely more awesome! 
Just like the countless feels for YS and JH, I feel that this list's gonna be countless too..! Need to stop now.. 
Though just wanted to add this - In recent interviews when I see PMY and JCW gushing non-stop about the awesomeness of their characters, it feels so AWESOME! I mean, I read PMY recalling the Ep 5 scene where she grabs PBS's hand and makes a run from President Hwang's house, said that 'when do you get characters like that? how awesome is that?' and she also said that if CYS was not as awesome or as lovable in any scene, then it was her fault and that the writing was perfect! Many of JCW's words also show such utter and complete faith in the writernim and the director and crew, that it's hardly surprising that Healer turned out so beyond awesome! I mean if the actors are so awed by their characters that they kinda feel compelled to give it their best shot, not because of personal reasons of wanting to act better to ensure more good projects in future, but for such a simple and honest yet so incredibly powerful reason that they don't want to let these brilliant characters down! They want to give it their all because they know that SJH and CYS deserve no less! These two became CYS and SJH with all their heart and soul for the past few months! And such was the case with everyone.. Healer was a result of the culmination of constant hardwork of possibly the most like-minded and focussed people (the entire cast & crew), working together to bring to life writernim SJN's vision which was perfect to begin with, not because they were tasked with it, but because they believed in it.. That's what made Healer special.. These guys continued working so incredibly hard, even when the ratings constantly remained low.. they still kept faith in SJN's vision.. It's something definitely rare, to get folks talking about a project so passionately, as if this meant so much to them.. kinda like it changed them a bit.. This infectious awesomeness that Healer had, that Healer lent to everyone associated with it, is what's stopping us all from letting go.. It's so awe-inspiring, this whole experience.. you start looking at things a little differently yourself... It's like a life lesson in making, Lol! 
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Guest mywebfoot

Just revelling in OTP goodness today. Text from my tumblr, image credit: @allmyliesarewishes 


After this scene, where two halves of an OTP have a ridiculously (for kdramas) honest discussion, I wonder now why we even bother with misunderstandings as a kdrama trope. If they circumstances are complex and pressing enough, even simple honest talk is intriguing to watch. Look at these two, each struggling with a reaction they don’t want to have. Each trying to love, but each also trying to deal. I didn’t want to throw things at the screen, shouting “Tell him/her!” at all. 

Of course, so much credit goes to the actors. Look at Ji Chang Wook - without words, he brought out the struggle of a young man in his first relationship, trying to figure out exactly what to do even while he is breaking up inside. Look at Park Min Young - she brought out the internal struggle of a woman who was unable to reconcile two competing impulses - push, or pull, trust or not.

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All of you are cracking me up with the healer card reminds me of Daejang Money during the Faith days lol

Looks like we've uodgraded from cash to card!!

As for first times well there isn't much of a first for me since what I experienced with Healer was basically the same thing with Faith... Coincidentally written by SJN. only exception is Healer is the first drama I actually enjoyed from beginning to end. I was really satisfied by the ending unlike most kdramas where I am mad, sad or outright confused

So this is my firsts feels after two years

1)Loving for the OTP

2)Killing my brains cells overthinking the plot and characters

3)I loved all characters, villains included

3)Loved there was no cliches

That's basically it

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Guest jchealer

I still want to download SJN script drama Healer...

I want to know where there scene was deleted or adlibs..

But still dont know how to..

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