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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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I just saw this question in one of the Q&A with writer Song Ji Na... what, aaaaah, made me want for more. There could have been more, if only at least they extended for 1 more episode.
Q: Who is JH's interview video for?
Song Ji Na: In episode 2, JH copies the content of YS's laptop onto a USB memory. In episode 20, one of the skipped scenes was JH printing off "Interview questions for Healer" that YS had created that was in that data. In other words, it is him fulfilling one of YS's dreams, interviewing Healer. At this point, JH thinks of the possibility of his own death as there will be many cops with guns and there's no sure way of knowing who'd shoot first, but because of the lack of time during the final week of production, the tension was lost. The ending was initially planned to be after about a year's time had passed, and by then YS would have written her book, but...

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I received a correction about the current situation about the sale of Blu-ray. Apprently, each online retailer had been allotted a specific amount of copies to sell, and it is only the domestic copies that are sold out. In other words, you can still order your own limited edition of Healer Director's Cut on Blu-ray! YesAsia should have more left than Innolife, but if you live in Canada or USA, you're stuck with Innolife, so you'd better hurry.
So go over to YesAsia or Innolife to order your own copy! YesAsia ships globally except to Canada and the US, while Innolife ships globally, but UK is listed as "Kingdom." Instructions on how to order from Innolife with screenshots can be found here.
YesAsia DVD pre-order pageYesAsia Blu-ray pre-order pageInnolife DVD pre-order pageInnolife Blu-ray pre-order page

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Is there a difference between the serial number version and no serial number version of the director's cut DVD? (other than serial number of course) I was looking at the preorder page on Innolife and it only has no serial number option. 
Also, does anyone know if the DVD will be available for preorder on Yesasia's North America site?
Thanks, and sorry if these questions have been asked before, too many pages to go through.

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lolly* said: Is there a difference between the serial number version and no serial number version of the director's cut DVD? (other than serial number of course) I was looking at the preorder page on Innolife and it only has no serial number option. 
Also, does anyone know if the DVD will be available for preorder on Yesasia's North America site?
Thanks, and sorry if these questions have been asked before, too many pages to go through.

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@ruizaio Thank you so much for this info and insights!! I can’t believe that SJN writer-nim went all out to answer questions relating to Healer! Kudos to her! This just shows that she is a dedicated writer that never leaves her fans hanging with questions.

 It makes everything clearer to me! And I believe that it has also answer many of the fans questions here right?? Who would knew that white bedding would mean so much? I mean, I thought it’s a common colour for bedding in kdramas?  But then it also implies otherwise- to describe innocence! So detailed and crucial! Now I understand why JH likes his white bedding~ HEHE.

And the video recording of JH- wow! It’s related to the previous episodes. Daebak! I wonder what’s YS reaction when she see the video. It’ll be nice if we have a scene where JH shows the video to YS in his bachelor pad.

I am glad that we are still discussing every detail in this drama! That’s what I like about this forum! I still can’t move from Healer, not just yet!

Actually, one of my favourite scenes in Healer is when YS finally found out who PBS really is. And that JH might have also suspected that YS know who he is. The atmosphere was really tense and awkward. You can tell that he is finding excuses  as to why he was doing on the rooftop, passed out and injured. He didn’t want to just let the cat out of the bag as the time wasn’t right. And YS was also accepting his excuses because she is afraid that he might leave her if he knows she knows. He was sort of relieved when he found the star in the car, thinking that YS doesn’t know, but then again, at KMH’s house, they were awkward again. There is definitely a feeling that JH knows YS knows. Well, and then at the café, he is very sure that YS know- when YS told him that she is angry, but she’ll wait for him.  {Ahhh! Beautiful acting and emotions}

PS. I am so sad that our JCW and PMY did not have a photo together. L

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Guest MusingSoul

For anyone who has listened to the Healer OST, I have a desperate question for you. I was unable to locate the instrumental that played during the end of episode 12, when the scene first showed Jung-Hoo unconscious at the rooftop. The music doesn't appear to be in any of the OST tracks, or at least my deaf-tone ears cannot tune in to anything that sounds vaguely similar. Could anyone kindly point out which track I might have missed?

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ruizaio said: Writer SJN answered some fan questions at her website. Here are some of those.

Q: Who is JH's interview video for?A: In episode 2, JH copies the content of YS's laptop onto a USB memory. In episode 20, one of the skipped scenes was JH printing off "Interview questions for Healer" that YS had created that was in that data. In other words, it is him fulfilling one of YS's dreams, interviewing Healer. At this point, JH thinks of the possibility of his own death as there will be many cops with guns and there's no sure way of knowing who'd shoot first, but because of the lack of time during the final week of production, the tension was lost. The ending was initially planned to be after about a year's time had passed, and by then YS would have written her book, but...

Q: Did you have the actor for the role of Healer on your mind? What was it like working with JCW? A: It was DAEBAK! We've talked a lot amongst ourselves what we'd have done if we hadn't met JCW. I didn't know him very well, either, at first. I just knew his name because I normally don't get to go out and watch plays due to my life cycle. But then I met him by chance (at some kind of a premiers, according to SJN's earlier post), and the feeling of JH just invaded me, so I just pushed for him. I'm very proud of myself for doing that.
Q: How did Hacker Ajumma come across Teacher and visit him 5 times? I'm curious about how they started the Healer business.A: Minja visited Youngjae in 1992. (YJ got out of prison in February of 1993.) MJ had been investigating cases related to the Elder for a while, and eventually resigns from her post when she misses her son's deathbed while investigating the Elder's money laundering case.I think Gilhan and Joonsuk's 1992 case raised a lot of flags for the cops who had been trailing the Elder. (I trust that there are cops like that out there.) Even though the evidence Joonsuk had brought in disappeared, that means there were people out there who did the job of getting rid of them.So, MJ must have somehow figured out that YJ was their friends, she must have found out what kind of people they were.And later, she must have persuaded YJ into becoming Healer, as all she can do is a desk job, and she needed someone to do the action.
Q: What happened to the real PBS?A: Remember what the Elder said about missing people in Korea? That they stop looking for them after 5 years? PBS is probably one of them. Somebody gone missing over 5 years. That must be why MJ used it as a fake identity for JH.PBS, if you're alive and well, go after MJ. She'll figure something out for you.
Q: Is the reason YS feels relaxed when she holds onto JH's arm because of their childhood and does it also imply that they're destined to be together?A: A little bit of that, too, but I personally wanted to express personal contact. People these days are all busy looking at their smartphones, but I think it would be better if we actually touched each other, holding hands, hugging... then you can convey way more than just by texting.
Q: How did you feel as you watched the last episode?A: I just wanted to die. I had posted earlier that I didn't have any regrets, but actually there was one big one. Time.I could see how the cast and crew had been under so much pressure of time. Since I'm the biggest cause of their hardships, I felt like I should die.But as there were so many people around me at the theater (about 150 people rented a theater to watch the last episode of Healer, including some actors like Hacker Ajumma, Det. Yoon, JH's and YS's moms, Sec Oh, couple Someday reporters, etc., and the teaser of the fan project was played to them.)
Q: What is your favorite scene of Helaer?A: I would have to say the elevator scene. It was something impossible to shoot with the time and money we had. Yet, the director told me to write it. So my assistants and I researched the design of elevators day and night and devised a way for JH to rescue her, while keeping the cost low... and while my script was pathetic, they shot a masterpiece. Afterwards, we just couldn't afford any more action scenes like that. I hope the director and the actors get to work on a movie or something where they can really flex their muscles without worrying about the cost.
Q: Why does Hacker MJ obsess so much over money? A: That one got skipped, too. Actually, Det. Yoon was supposed to track her down and see her at a children's hospital. After her son died, MJ had been sponsoring child patients that couldn't afford their medical expenses.
Q: When did JH realize for the first time that YS knew who he was?A: At the hospital, the focus was more on him not wanting to lie to YS anymore. YS couldn't reveal to him that she knew, and JH didn't want to like to YS anymore. Then he was relieved to find the star in the car. Then he realizes at the cafe. She knows. She says she'll wait. If JH doesn't realize after that, he's either dumb or a jerk.
Q: I could tell how you love JCW, but what about PMY?A: Actually, I didn't know about her that well, and when I saw some of her work, the impression was: she has good diction, her voice is clear (something important for me), and that her eyes are clear and powerful. Then our director gave a strong recommendation. That she can be trusted.When I met her in person for the first time, I could feel the aura of "I want to do it. I want to act. I really want to act properly." PMY was someone who wanted to be an actress, not a star. I'll keep on cheering for her. Seriously. What would we have done if they hadn't played JH and YS?
Q: Why did KMS leave the bug in his library even though he knew his wife was listening in?A: I thought about that from his perspective. He finds out MY put a bug. If he gets rid of it, MY will think he's hiding something from her. No, no. I have nothing to hide from MY. MY needs to know that... This is how I felt, so that's why he left it there. (In fact, the conversation between him and Sec Oh about it was supposed to be outside, but because the crew didn't have time, they did in inside, which gave me chills.)
Q: When was the moment KMS started to believe that he didn't do anything wrong?A: I don't really know. All I know is that he was such a vulnerable person who couldn't stand it without deceiving himself like that. I think we all have a little bit of KMS in us. I do that, too, sometimes. Going through a series of steps. Keep deceiving others, eventually start deceiving myself, and then you can only fall asleep once you've successfully fooled yourself. I had such times, too.
Q: What is the message you wanted to send out to the youth today who are put off by politics or social justice?A: One of the questions JCW had asked on the phone was about JH telling MJ that he's just figured out who he needs to fight against, "What and how much did JH figure out here?"My reply was about a quote I liked back in my twenties, "I can't be free if the people around me aren't free. Therefore, I fight for their freedom so that I may be free." He gave a hearty laugh and said that he got it. I think this quote was one of the messages I wanted to say to the youth. Of course, love comes before that.
Q: I saw in the script that you specifically asked for white bedding in JH's base. It doesn't seem to match with the rest of the place. Does it signify anything?A: Ah, it had to be white. LOL I couldn't stand colorful patterns on the bedding because it was supposed to embrace the innocence of JH, and YS and JH's innocence as they'd be together some day. 
Q: I'm curious about YS's missing memories of her childhood, including the man with an iron pipe in his hand.A: I'm not curious about them at all. One of the things I absolutely can't stand is child abuse, so I tried to be as symbolic about that as possible. I didn't want to think about the details there.
Q: What triggered you to work on Healer?A: It was something I wanted to write about before I retire as a drama writer. Something about the parents' generation and the children's generation. But as I could see that the viewership ratings wouldn't be good, I only harbored the idea in my heart. But then Director Lee Jungsub came to me several times to encourage. When I feared the most when I started was about whether I could really take on the children's perspective. I'd keep trying to lecture from the parents' perspective, could I possibly take on the child's perspective with objective eyes? Like that, I started writing the backstory of JH, and thought that it might work, and that's how it got started.

Q: What do you think we need the most to become a real adult instead of just possessing a dinosaur's brain?A: Love boldly. Instead of being tentative without committing yourself, start with loving with all your heart. Not flirting for a momentary flutter in the heart, but to wholeheartedly love someone. Then, it would become very difficult to let the world your loved one lives in hurt your loved one.
Q: Is Healer no more? Has it become a world that is fine without Healer?A: I wouldn't say JH is an ordinary cameraman. I think he's a freelancer that brings in information and pictures an ordinary reporter couldn't possibly get his hands on to Someday. He probably won't make as much money as he did as Healer. But who knows? Maybe his partner MJ helps out while stealing some their money...
Q: What do you think is the right way of fighting against the Elders of this world?A: I don't think it's worth it to fight against the elders of today. We'll all soon die and leave this world. What I fear is the youth of today becoming just like us and doing the same things we did. So don't take after us. Find today what you're most interested in doing... what makes you most happy... what you love the most. Find it and protect it.
Q: How fast is JH? He ran so fast when he ran to rescue ajumma and teacher.A: I know. Even the camera couldn't keep up with him. I did hear that the actor likes soccer and that he normally plays as a striker.
Q: I heard that Healer is based on many real life cases. Could you tell us what they were?A: There are too many of them, and actually citing names would get me in trouble. 
Q: If you could express each character (JH, YS, MH, MJ) in a line?A: JH: I don't know how to run away. YS: I knew it.MH: My crime is silence.MJ: I had to see those eyes.

She'll do more tomorrow.

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Guest sooshin

I know... that shocked look at YS at the cafe was THE moment that confirmed his suspicions.  Sigh!!!  Love love that part also!  :x   

Yes I love that part to... YS just want to let PBS that she had figured it all out but she kinda understand healers situation and for some reason it'll be hard for him to come right out at that moment so she just assured PBS that she'll wait for him... It was bittersweet...

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For anyone who has listened to the Healer OST, I have a desperate question for you. I was unable to locate the instrumental that played during the end of episode 12, when the scene first showed Jung-Hoo unconscious at the rooftop. The music doesn't appear to be in any of the OST tracks, or at least my deaf-tone ears cannot tune in to anything that sounds vaguely similar. Could anyone kindly point out which track I might have missed?

@musingsoul : oh hi there chingu :)

we're talking about this :


If you're talking about the track used until 2.46 min --> it's " To battle " . ( it's one of my favourites ♡ )

However , There is a fast tempo track from 2.48 , when they show Jh unconscious after ajumma's calles ... uhmm I din think it's a track , it's just 5 seconds , I didn't even hear it in any other scene....

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Guest sooshin


i will work on the shipper contest later afetr work, but for now, can everyone help me on two things:


1. Nominate 2 scene of our couple that you think most beautiful and fit to describe them. If you can, please provide picture (HD) and UNEDITED, means just the screencaps. I was thinking the snow kiss, the holding hand while sleeping on couch, the elevator where JH wanted to kiss the scared YS, anything else?

2. Give me THREE words that you think describe our couple. From me: TRUST, FATE, PARTNER.


Please tag me when you give ur answers! and thank you for those who have given your answers and picture. sorry cannot tag everyone!


In my opinion

I think the scene where YS found out that JS father may have murdered her biological father. When YS runs down the stair to ask JS to come back to him after finding the evidences that his father wasn't a murderer. The epic thing here is when JS went back to kiss YS unfearlfully in front of YS Dad and ajussi.... For me that shows how deeper they love for each other have grow. They have this unfailing faith that nothing can come between them or tear them apart. They have each other no matter what.

I have the screen cap... Dunno how to put it here... Lol

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Guest blossomnagr

Ji Chang Wook IG and weibo update 

배가본드..!! 갖고싶었던 만화책!!! 방매니져가 사줌 이놈도 가끔은 쓸모가있음!!!! 푸하하하 방치구 고마움ㅋㅋ

#만화책 #삼매경 #재밌겠다 #집밖으로 #안나감 #고마움 #선물


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