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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Gosh. Simple acts like holding hands already making us go crazy. Simple image but the underlying meaning is so deep and touching.

They lock hands but cannot lock eyes. Obviously JH is not ready to let CYS know who he is but he can't let her go so the hand hold gives her the confirmation she needs. That Healer is next to her not because someone commissioned him to. Because she means something to him.

So bitter sweet.

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What's even sweeter is that Young Shin knows Healer is under suspicion for murder, and she still trust him enough to want to meet him. Is she being foolish or... ? How can she have so much faith in someone she has never met? Did she base this on the fact that he's willing to risk his life to save her?

Okay, never mind me. I'm thinking out loud, and I won't have any answers. LOL.

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@maddymappo... yes I know. It's just that all these what-ifs keep running around in my mind, so it's just me frying my own brain. Not any of you. But thank you @mywebfoot and @terbi for pointing out the fact. Although it's still possible that Myung Hee saw JH as his father because she's seen him dressed that way before.... OK, OK won't go there. Let's just wait for Monday. LOL

And also i dont remember which epi. but KMS says that he remember calling him HEALER ( i just dont know if his talking about jh's father)

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Guest uctqepe

@sia3 i honestly think it's a foolish act.. Seriously girls, do not try this at home!! No matter how sick is your Healerities :P

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Ok! What's going on on the preview?? I'm confused!!! Is Moon Ho putting a trap on Healer?? I see them face to face! C'mon I want Healer and YS together, smiling no crying

Based on preview it looks like Healer is willing to "expose" himself to KMH as he turned on the lights and walked towards KMH.

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Based on preview it looks like Healer is willing to "expose" himself to KMH as he turned on the lights and walked towards KMH.

@juzluvpink‌ I think she knows who is Healer when they interlude hands and after that he is jumping from the roof to escape from Moon Ho? Could be that?

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@uctqepe - Maybe she's willing to risk her life for a chance to tongue good-looking Ji Chang Wook Jung Hoo again =))


After abusing the preview a few times, I think I got the gist of their convo. Jung Hoo asks Moon Ho about the picture & what happened 13 years ago. And Moon Ho says to him if he wants to know, he has to show himself - which he did.

Detective tells Young Shin about Healer being a suspect of murder, but Young Shin still decides to see Healer anyway.

@dearme85 @azzurri

Looks like I can add an event date for Healer & YS's First date next! :))

@sia3 thank you dear!

Do you have the feeling that the interlude of hands could be the goodbye for couple of episodes?

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Hmm... no. If I based what I know of SJN's style in Faith - then she's going to torture us by first 'making it look like' they will go their separate ways, but then they find their way back to each other in the next episode (and she'll give us some candies to chew on i.e. sweet scene e.g. Ep12 of Faith), and then she'll go full force torturing us by placing the OTP side-by-side, yet cannot be officially together... perhaps if they do, something bad will happen to one another. YS will want to protect Jung Hoo and vice versa, even though he'll fight with her not to, but she'll win the fight. :D 

What do you think, my fellow Faithlings @azzurri & @Maja??? :-?

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sia3 said: @AdelaM
Hmm... no. If I based what I know of SJN's style in Faith - then she's going to torture us by first 'making it look like' they will go their separate ways, but then they find their way back to each other in the next episode (and she'll give us some candies to chew on i.e. sweet scene e.g. Ep12 of Faith), and then she'll go full force torturing us by placing the OTP side-by-side, yet cannot be officially together... perhaps if they do, something bad will happen to one another. YS will want to protect Jung Hoo and vice versa, even though he'll fight with her not to, but she'll win the fight. :D 

What do you think, my fellow Faithlings @azzurri & @Maja??? :-?

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@sia3 : Yes, please! Besides, you will keep @NRGchick's and our fellow @Healerities' heart safe. And @azzuri's brain from exploding. And yours too.. ;;) ;;)No pressure though. *turns back and crosses fingers hard. :D :D
And I still cant watch the preview! :-S

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@juzluvpink‌ I think she knows who is Healer when they interlude hands and after that he is jumping from the roof to escape from Moon Ho? Could be that?

Don't think Healer will let CYS knows if he planned something with KMH. Really very looking forward to Monday now.

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@ dearme85
We've got YouTube link now!!!

Video Translations:
正厚询问文浩是否知晓照片中他们1992年发生的事情、文浩说只要让我看到你的脸,对于你的提问我都会回答。吴秘书告诉文植有人在查之前的车祸案件,尹警 官告诉英信healer目前是最少2个案子的嫌疑犯 。英信说:“healer我要见见你,这也算是我的邀约。”文浩说:“眼睛这样像似的你,你是正厚嘛?” 翻译by@lianshu125

Jung Hoo asks Moon Ho if he knew what happened in 1992. Moon Ho tells him, "If you let me see your face, I'll answer all your questions."
Secretary Oh tells Moon Shik that someone is investigating the car accident case.
Detective Yoo tells Young Shin that Healer is a suspect of at least 2 murder cases.
Young Shin says, "Healer-nim, I want to meet with you. This is consider as my invitation."
Moon Ho says, "The eyes are alike, are you Jung Hoo?"

*GASP* ~ @azzurri, Moon Ho knows! Waeeee? Why is he still using Jung Hoo?

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@sia3 : You are definitely the heart's savior!  >:D< And for saving this @Healerities mankind, I cant thank you enough. :x
Its only a short preview, but enough to bring me to tears. **I dont wanna let you gooooooo** I blame you lyrics! :-w

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