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[Drama 2014-2015] Cheongdam-dong Scandal 청담동 스캔들 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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Live-recapping continues....

Funny ahjumma SJ visits  CSR at her office. Sec Han when clearing the 'WSJ box', drops a photo. SJ picks it up and sees the photo. SJ asks CSR why she has the person's photo.vffNXTZ.jpg

CSR asks SJ if she knows this person? And SJ tells CSR this person is LDH, who works in the kitchen of her restaurant.3hU1Zqh.jpg

SJ wastes no time in telling her mom Mrs Jang, and her family about the photo matter.kihxGkP.jpg

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Live-recapping continues (kinda delayed due to streaming probs)....

After SJ has left, CSR recalls having asked EHS what's her mom's name and she said LDH. Ffq2Kw0.jpg

CSR calls SJ to ask for LDH's phone number.wZq3mL6.jpg

Meanwhile, it's chaos over at TBS with witness issues, funding issues and public backlashing.5lj5CpQ.jpg

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Live-recapping continues (kinda delayed due to streaming probs)....

As LJN listens to witnesses' recordings on KBH...Aw66Z0t.jpg

LJN thinks of her late husband, KBH's younger son KKH, and she recalls how he was being nice to her cos of EHS, and starts to cry.LJN's anger and hatred of KBH deepens.A6zgNDB.jpg

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@LdyGmerm,@Jadecloud,  I appreciate the both of you our daily gang is the best..   She did what she did because she was afraid CSR will abandon and leave her after has found her own bio daughter EHS.   
See this is why I don't fell sorry for Njn she still not telling the truth she did it because of SJ and trying to stop the close connection that Hs really have on all there lives.. She never look at CsR has her mom after all these years so what abandonment she full of shyt just like WsJ can't admit to what they done wrong..   


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Live-recapping continues (kinda delayed due to streaming probs)....

JSJ happily goes to visit EHS. Outside her kitchen/workshop, JSJ sees BSH talking to EHS. JSJ leaves without disturbing them (AWWW....sad)L13Y5nj.jpg

BSH tells EHS he intends to go to USA...JIhZPpb.jpg

After BSH has left, JSJ revisits EHS. JSJ tells EHS he was there earlier and sees BSH with her. JSJ asks EHS if BSH has asked to see her again?nxwizzL.jpg

EHS says no, it's not about that. JSJ smiles ...And gives EHS a fish snack which be brings for her. EHS accepts it and smiles back sweetly (Gahhh...I think they will end up together. Yay!) KZlkqE7.jpg

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Live-recapping continues (kinda delayed due to streaming probs)....

EHS goes to look for rep/mom, but she's not in her office. EHS calls sec Han to enquire...93e9NM7.jpg

Hesitating to press or not to press the doorbell...hcpgxpW.jpg

It's what CSR is grappling over...but she did it laterkrHPLii.jpg

LDH/WSJ hears the doorbell, and braces herself to her fateful meeting with the mom of the baby she kidnapped and raised as her own for the past 30 plus years...d9Mwtww.jpg

Finally...CSR and WSJ meet! PimBVzl.jpg

The end....what will CSR say to WSJ? WIll she start pulling her hair? and spilling water in her face? Or will CSR go easy on WSJ as EHS has begged her to? Hmmm... :-?
PS: Might have missed some parts of the ep during streaming....biyane. Screencaps for live-recapping all credits to CS baidu :)

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 I had posted the pictures of the wrap up party but they turned out to be something else.. So this is a deleted post.. 

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valsava said:  I had posted the pictures of the wrap up party but they turned out to be something else.. So this is a deleted post.. 

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jadecloud said: valsava said:  I had posted the pictures of the wrap up party but they turned out to be something else.. So this is a deleted post.. 

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how can HS  ask CSR to  let  her   fake  mom  go    when she herself is taking  revenge on her evil  MIL for all the  pain     the evil MIL  caused her.. CSR went  for over 30 years looking for her   daughter.  and   HS wants her  by  snap of fingers   to let her  pain go.and  save  her  evil  fake  mom.HS is   taking  revenge on  what   was  done to her.. her bio  mother have to  same  right  to    to   distroy the woman  who   took away  her  daughter.NJN don't have any  rights to   even  be in the  same house   with  CSR.  she denied   her  stepmom the right to be with  her   blood  daughter.

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ep 112

workers in bh's company are busy and they pick up callls and deny the story is about their company, it's even on tv: "the owner of a large company is rumored to be immoral, the morality of rich families became focus again", "after the immoral things about some D group was out by a magazine citizens are all out to against it",  "unbelievable, such big company's chairwoman did such things", "right, her child is important to her so she should know another person's child is important too", "i really want  to see how the chairwoman looks like", "citizens are asking that chairwoman to step down", bh turns off the tv, sh is in and asks if she feels good now since she destroyed the reputation of the company she loves, she says she didn't do it but hs did it, he asks her to keep quiet until the public cry is over and he will be in charge, she calls doctor han but no answer then she calls sr and asks if they can meet.

bh sees the article and says so sr knew it too, sr says big noise on the internet so if it is true that bh did such things to hs before and if she did it for tbs, bh says not and she isn't such a person and it's hs who had mental problem, sr says what, bh says hs suffered from depression and hs visualized things and all are lies, sr says so they are lies, bh says yes and hs destroyed sh and jn and it wasn't enough for hs so hs wants to make tbs look bad and hs is totally mentally ill, sr keeps her angry controlled and says right since bh is such a excellent person so she wouldn't feed her dil bc drugs because the dil has lowly blood, bh says of course, sr says just hold on for a moment and the truth will come out, bh says she won't worry about it because she has sr so she fears nothing, she asks when she can have sr's investment money and her china plan needs a lot of money so she hopes she can get it earlier, sr says it's a bit difficult and she wants to give bh money but her financial and legal departments are against it, bh asks why, sr says public cries over tbs and its image is "immoral" and if her company invests such big money on tbs then her company will be called "immoral" too, she says don't mention about invest her company is asked to stop doing business with tbs, bh says what, sr says all companies who work with tbs are down in sales and sales of jb group is down too because of relations with tbs so public cry is scary, bh says public cry isn't scary but stupid and how hs's words can be trustful and all are just rumors, sr says she know it about public cry is like that and jb group grew under the public's care so they won't disregard the public cry, bh says so sr won't help her, sr says it's impossible she won't help bh since bh is her only friend,  bh says sr just said she won't loan her money because of the public cry, sr says she has another way to give her money, bh says what way, sr says it's secret and she knew an oversea investor whose name is jennifer who can load big money to bh and she has talked to jennifer and she agreed to loan money to bh and she is in the us and she will be back to seoul to sign the contract and bh will get the money after a week, bh grabs sr's hand and says thanks so much and she will be grateful for her for life, sr says bh said she was her only friend and they liked real sisters so bh can rest assured because she will treat bh back for how bh treated her, bh says right and so thanks and sr is her life saver, sr just smiles.

a man tells dad hs sues tbs, dad says their hs is really impressive and he asks the man go to tell sr he will help hs with all force.

bh watches down the streets and there's a protest "stop buying from tbs", ljn shows her something and says the public cry is bad and it's "immoral owner should close her company" and "company owner who bullied the poor should step down from her chairwoman position", bh says they are bad bugs and she has donated so much money to the poor every year and they just don't know how to be grateful to her, jln says the only way to put down the public cry is to win the case over hs, bh says of course she must win since she can't lose to a normal person like hs, ljn says but pubic is on side with hs, bh says it's only temporary and after a while it won't be like nothing has happened, she says forget about this public thing and they must success on china plan otherwise they will lose really, ljn says but the money isn't in, bh says don't worry and she has got it and sr has introduced a overseas investor to her, ljn says so sr helped, bh says yes and sr likes her a lot so don't worry about money and  they can use as much as they can on china plan because the invest will come in in a week, she asks ljn go to check on jennifer because they should know about her before meeting with her, ljn says she will and she leaves, bh wonders who is this jennifer, she gets a call from hs, hs asks if she is ready for court, bh says she won't lost to hs such fellow, hs says she has another witness again and she plays a recording and it's "i worked as a maid for over 10 years, i know how 2nd son of the family died, bh knew his first son can't have child and she wanted to have a heir for the company and she wanted to hide it from dil to do ai, 2nd knew it and he was shocked and he run out and had an traffic accident...", bh yells if they must want to die and it's hs who killed her second son and hs had cut off her mom/son relationship and they can just wait for her to send all doctor han/park/maid to live with hs in jail.

sr recalls hs's words about jn, hs says jn had made a lot of efforts to ask for forgiveness from her,
sr recalls jn's dad's words, he says sorry about what jn did but jn must be very scared now.
she calls the secretary to take care of the box and she needs it no more and and she says she will be out for a moment.

silly woman asks jn to eat otherwise she will faint so she must eat, she tells silly man jn only cries, he wonders why she cries, she says her 6th sense tells her jn made mistaken when her mom found her daughter and he agrees and says her sense gets better, she says she will go to see sr.

sr asks if jn fears she would abandon her, jn nods and says it's because she isn't mom's bio daughter and both bh and yi said she was fake daughter to mom because she hasn't mom's blood so she feared, sr says how jn believed in so stupid words, jn says she was abandoned by her real mom, sr asks who's her real mom and if she who has been working so hard for 20 years for being her mom isn't her real mom, jn syas she feared she will be abandoned again so she did bad things and she is sorry, sr says she waned to treat jn as hs's substitute but slowly she forgot jn wasn't born by her and never a moment she thought jn was another person's child and from beginner jn is her child, jn says she knew it, sr says even a beast won't give up on its child and either hating or loving jn is her child and how can she abandon her, jn says sorry and she really was wrong, sr says yes jn was wrong and if she did wrong again she will beat her a$$ or her back and she will be her vicious mom, jn hugs her.

silly woman is told sr will be back so she will wait for her, she sees fake mom's photo and takes it, sr is back, she says she is worried for jn and sr should forgive jn and take her back, sr says she did and she thanks her for jn, silly woman asks who's the photo and says a woman worked in their kitchen looks like her but with a different name and it's ldh and she has left, sr says she stole hs.

jang is told silly woman went to sr, silly is back and says kitchen woman looks like the kidnapper, silly man says there are people who looks like, she takes out the photo and he looks at it and says it's her the kitchen woman, later jang wonders if she changed her name.

sr recalls hs told her mom's name and it's ldh, she calls jang to ask for phone no of ldh.

sh tells bh they must stop china plan, bh says they can't because it's their only chance to get bigger than jb group, he says people are protesting and they don't have money, she says a jennifer will invest and china plan must be continued, a lawyer comes in and says evidence isn't good for them and they can't win the case and they must apologize by newspaper, she says he got so much money from her so he can't say things like that and she won't apologize because of a few witnesses, he says more and more people are protesting, ljn says public opinion is with hs, bh says stupid public can't believe hs alone, sh says because hs has witnesses, ljn says witnesses said bh threatened them, hb says as if china plan isn't enough for her and she says they must find a way to stop public cry, sh says he will do it.

sr calls fake mom and asks if she knew the kidnapper's name, fake mom says yes and sr says so let's meet.

ljn has copies of hs' recordings for safety reasons, she plays it and remembers her hubby and cries.

bh says she must put down public cry and then get investment and the company will be big and she won't have to be looked down by sr and she will be over with sr.

sh goes to see hs for and he says he has a way to put off the public cry and stop bh and he needs hs's help, he says so she will help but what is his method.

sj asks if hs will be back to sh, hs says she won't and he feels happy... she goes to see sr but sr isn't there and she calls secretary to asks where sr is, sr goes to see fake mom.

ljn: someone is drawing away our co-companies, they are black force.
bh: black force?
fake mom: i want to be punished in whatever way even death..
sr: die, you go to die.
sh: i will leave after all is over, but i can't let you go.
ljn: it's urgent shareholder meeting, you will be dismissed.
bh: who did it?
ljn: sh.

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Well BkH head on collision is coming today she's been hit all they way around and with SH sideing with HS and throwing her out of the company she's will be out for the kill today.. I think Wsj or Sh will get it because my favorite villain should be going cray cray.. I like to LjN and Hs owing that company because of her immoral conduct..
@prettystone thanks and merry christmas.. 

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@LdyGmerm,  Thanks for the recap,,
I like you felt this was a filler episode nothing really happen not enough of our villain time so it will be sunday episode before we start to see bkh self destruct.. csr is going to sock it to her with just like you brought me a fake I did the same in return.. You tried to pass your son mistress off on me as my daughter.. 

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