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[OFFICIAL] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho ❤ Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 2


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Guest MáriaP

 ssinz72 days agoThe heart is too dangerous Paradise and loved # # love I hear pounding heart feel something it spilling flowers # # # Really do love you are not fooled me hide inside an uncertain future and the reality absurd ask thee # Then come and ask me do that to me. So as to avoid misfortune not to be ashamed ... ... even after 12 years of inspiration not have it today, well done. Good night everyone ^^ # Healing time
Watch out for themselves !!  
 8-|   :-SS

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Guest kesara

We need to sail this ship... Time to move on.He move on really move on.. She can too... I call it the Heirs drama couple!!! That's all.. No more MinShin shippers here they have move on.. But this is a fun site. Hi! Everyone time too move on.. PSH is amazing she will find her one and only...

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MáriaP said:  translation:
 ssinz72 days agoThe heart is too dangerous Paradise and loved # # love I hear pounding heart feel something it spilling flowers # # # Really do love you are not fooled me hide inside an uncertain future and the reality absurd ask thee # Then come and ask me do that to me. So as to avoid misfortune not to be ashamed ... ... even after 12 years of inspiration not have it today, well done. Good night everyone ^^ # Healing time

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@MariaP ......I understand your disappointment chingu but Please don't make assumptions and spread rumours based on your feelings. PLEASE don't drag Shinhye's name into this. Just wish LMH and Suzy the best for their future. Shinhye is a good friend and was a costar of LMH . She liked working with him. That's it. I know you love Shinhye so Plz delete your post....

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Dear MinShinners,
Pardon me for not being able to come here as often as I did before and pardon me for not being able to write out my latest story as I am unable to commit, on top of the writer's block that I am experiencing. Weirdly enough,  even way before the revelation two days back, I was left uninspired and could not find the words to write at all even though I have the story plot at my fingertips, which is strange for me because I am usually able to update at least a couple of chapters a day. I really hope that you will find it in you to accept my sincerest apologies from the bottom of my heart. 
Moving on, I have mentioned before that for me, MinShin world is like Narnia and Alice in Wonderland combined together. However as reality checks in - on a personal level and also with the news of Min's dating, more than the Stars (i.e. Min & Shin) themselves, I worry about the fellow shippers more. The level of passion and involvement that each and everyone of you shippers has put in unconditionally, through your individual contribution - from the pics to gifs, to videos and fanfics, and even down to the silent readers and lurkers who would refresh the thread for updates and showing support for this ship, helped to keep this ship afloat and alive all this while. There's no regret in my dictionary thus far about shipping Min & Shin because it was an enjoyable and a memorable experience - to be able to spazz and laugh together with each and everyone of you. 
I wish Min and his new found love all the best, and as for Shin, I wish her all the happiness in the world. My last gift to all fellow Shippers who are still mending their broken hearts, the following quotes are for you...
eFwGdbv.jpg  M8CmGlj.jpg

Till then, take care.Stay Healthy, Stay Happy, Stay Positive and remember to keep that beautiful smile of yours on your face. *hugs*

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Guest numblp

We need them (MinShin) as a couple it's to much. but we have to realize that we not the owner of they heart.
We Love them for they happiness. cause we are fool

and this song for all MinShiner in the world

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I'm still a mess of emotions.. I know our support of Min and Shin will not disappear, so I am not worried about them losing support, I'm just really sad seeing everyone parting ways.. I am trying to make this my last sad comment and trying to be positive from now on,  after i have vented all my sadness of seeing every MinShinner exit slowly this ship..
This song is dedicated to all MinShinners and this Thread and Ship..        Leone Naess Ballerina

Ballerina Lyrics

I'll never feel the weight of your hands
Inside mine like diamonds
Lace so fine ballerina
Cupcake and my earthquake
Wakes me from my sleep that
Never comes, are you breathing
Waiting for me

I didn't really want you
But I want you now
Was so foolish of me
Feel you tumbling down
Into that empty room
The lights went out
I want to rescue want to scream out loud

I didn't think I needed you
But I need you now
Was so empty in me
Feel you crashing down
Into the empty world
The music stops
I want to rescue want to scream out loud
You will always be mine

The room spins
Pull you from me
My body burns
Tell me all the rainbows
The colors that the rain throws
Ballerina dance softly
She knows when to come only
When she's called on slowly coming to

I didn't really want you
But I need you
Was so foolish of me
Feel you tumbling down
Into that empty room
The lights went out
Want to rescue want to scream out loud

I didn't think I wanted you
But I want you now
Was so empty in me
Feel you crashing down
Into the empty world
The music stops
I want to rescue want to scream out loud
You will always be mine

So so sorry
Just come back for me now
So so sorry
Just come back to me now
Or soon

I didn't think I wanted you
But I want you now
Was so foolish of me
Feel you tumbling down
Into that empty room
The lights went out
Wanted to rescue want to scream out loud
I didn't think I needed you
But I need you now
Was so empty in me
Feel you tumbling down
Into that empty room
The lights went out
I want to rescue want to scream out loud
That you will always be mine

I never realized how much this thread meant so much in my life and how much I invested until this last days..  (I now also realize at moments I took this thread for granted, as I thought maybe we would always be here, but sadly life says otherwise) Right now I'm stuck in wanting to move on, but also not wanting to leave and staying here to continue sharing news with everyone.. In all this confusion of mine I know one thing that you MinShinners will alway be a big part of my life in my twenties. I will always love and cherish every comment and moment we shared for the rest of life and even though we have not met I still feel we have develop a friendship. Love you all. I guess for sure we will see each other in their respective official threads.Sorry for the long post.. I am trying to get closure.  

I am very happy BG looks beautiful and happy in her latest events. God Bless ALL!
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Guest TessB

To my fellow Minshinners, this for us from me.. :x :x :x >:D< >:D< ... Though my heart is still hurting and my mind is still foggy, let me say my two cents in the best way that I could say it... through this.... =P~ 8-} ....

***** JUST FOR PUN******

Young Do ----- chingu-yah.... I gave up CES for you but what is this I heard... you and who??? Ms. A  ..... #-o :-/

Kim Tan ---- chingu-yah .... yes, its true....  :x :x ..... us .....   =(( :(( =((

Young Do ---- what happened ??

Kim Tan ---- as you know, am a busy bee and I got tired of photo-shopped, it's all photo-shopped.... I want a real person to love, to hug, talk to and not just photo-shopped .... :-?

Minshinners ----  b-( \m/ ~X(

as the saying goes..... laughter is the best medicine..    :x ;) ;;):)) >:)

as we go on our next chapter of our Minshinner's life, I wish everyone to move on gracefully, in dignified manner and not resort to bad mouthing the new couple...we are all adults here... We took a silent code of loving, supporting Minshin equally as a pair and as individual.. Let's be magnanimous and wish the new couple all the best ... It's not like our girl was dumped or the third party in Minho's new love..... our spazzing, delulu here are all for fun, based on our speculations, maybe too much analysis, I do not know the answer.. all I know is Minshin to most of us if not all became a member of our family that this recent news is so hard for us to accept, but life has to go... I will still visit this thread and spazz with you my chingus but mostly on silent mode.... Fighting everyone....

:-* :x >:D
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Guest twingals

It occurred to me... food for thought....LMH is living a Kim Tan life...why? He is actually with one who could be a HS student...he is basically defying his "parents" US! To be with her, that is, if we are in delulu mode. Seriously,he actually stated in interviews about having some apprehensions regarding him going to be in his late 20s,not feeling young or being a "boy" anymore.that was why he took the role in The Heirs....the story goes back to our formerly beloved MinShin

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Guest twingals

It cut off again..Yes, .let's send LMH a good farewell and may he find what he's looking for. And for the lovely Shin Hye....more success and meaty roles like Pinocchio, that she will find her own soulmate and hope for lots of babies!

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Guest DonitaA

I ve unfellow oll da possible post of lmh cox showng his new relationship status in da post ..sorry I can't take it. .cud not resist anymore ...I block oll de possible post of him...I m still in stock.. it's really painful. ..sob sob :(

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@piecesofrainbow, i just wanna give thanks to you, sis, for all your wonderful contributions to the minshin world. Did you know that the last ff i was still enjoying reading was yours before the sad news came out? I hv to take time out before i can go back to finish it. I still dont know if i can. And do you know that i hv bookmarked also your three vids? You are awesome. I feel like crying while writing this, thats how mch i cherish all of you and your efforts in coming up with those contributions for us to enjoy. Gomowo, chingu yah!

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@banilaria , i feel for you, chingu! You are one of our long-timer! Can you stay on? We need your views. Cn you pm purpleismycolor? @piecesofrainbow, we also need your further analysis, can you pm purpleismycolor?

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Guest LadyNess

Hi EveryOne How All You Doing Right Now87fd45fcb0bd4e9cbbcce906b5a46645.gifI find this funny I don't know why :D
credit to the lovely owner691753.gif
Image result for how's everybody doing gif
credit to the ownerCryingBrain.gif
Just to make you laugh my Chigus...

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I have withdrawal problems and I really don't know when I'd be able to recover.This habit of mine has been big part of my system for a year or two and it would be hard to be back on track minus such habit.
Just like many of you, I too, am hurting.And honestly, I don't know how and when I'll be able to accept the fact that what I've longed for is not gonna happen.Not today, nor tomorrow. Time would only tell when such magic will come true.I am devastated. Broken. Yet, I choose to be happy for the both of them.I maybe selfish but it was the first time I've develop such strong connection and devotion to a couple.So I think I'd be forgiven if I say that I am torn between loving and hating.
I would still be around (and I got jinxed from my comeback post) but I'd settle for silent lurking.I'll miss the pervy Fridays and the ahjummas.Thank you for the shared friendship(insights and humor of course)
I hope our friendship doesn't end here....
I'd really want to still have conversations with you guys and well, just PM me in here.if you want too, we could be friends on other portals like twitter, FB or something.Just PM me :)
Now I leave you with this:18494_938322699553470_764271723773633966

I love you all.And Min Ho and Shin Hye hwaiting!<3

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