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[OFFICIAL] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho ❤ Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 2


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Guest eppas05

Thank you for the owner of this... I love you chingus for all the pictures, gifs, videos and others pertaining to uri MinShin. You are all wonderful and awesome chingus... Most of you can be my kids, grandkids... Hi hi hi ;;) Good morning.... 2014-07-06-20-32-43_deco.jpg They are a perfect couple :x

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@ThaoL thanks for sharing chingu, Shin Hye is so sweet and nice to her fans. :x They are so lucky to have the chance to spend time with her for a day. She is truly Beautiful inside and out.

I'm falling in love with her more and more...and so is with Min Ho coz he is just so HOT! We are just so blessed to be a fan of Min Ho and Shin Hye together and as inviduals. They are such role models and amazing people aside from being gorgeous and hot. :x :x :x

Spread MinShin LOVE! JikJin!


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@ThaoL Thanks for sharing those FA here :x :x  :-* This is the reason why I love Shinhye very much. She is more than just a beauty. It's her heart that define her beauty. How humble and kind hearted she is :x 

I always amazed by the way she presence herself to her daily life. Her life is soo ordinary, she never take out her diva attitude despite she a big big shot in SK. Just couple a days a go we read an FA saying that she personally served her guests in Mom's resto, and also we aware how she humbly took public transport to go to school and spent her fortune with charity act. She's simply one of a kind :x 
Please support Shinhye until the end :)

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Guest TessB

My Dear Minshinners...with the ongoing Soompi QF contest, I am sadden and it breaks my heart to see the exchanges of negative remarks from some supporters of uri Shinhye and her closest competitor. :( =(( ... And I am appealing right now to all Shinhye' supporters ....SA, MINSHINNERS to please just continue voting to our baby girl and let our votes do the talking... If ever we leave comments, please, let us not bashed or say nasty words that will ruin the good image of uri Shinhye and her supporters... Shinhye and her supporters are good, calm, peace-loving people... Let us always maintain that image no matter what others say.... As Minshin say.... Let us live a healthy, happy life... Let's go forward.... :)>- :x :)>-

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Chingus! Hi! I really want to say this. I am not in delulu mode anymore. With PSH's aura these days , her latest tweet, her latest interview. She's  a woman in love. I am happy that little by little she has the courage now to say that or giving hints to the world, as what i've learned that she's really private when it comes to matters like love. Opposite to LMH that though he's not saying anything but we could see how transparent he is. I believe she's learning from him, as he is the one who is leading her, protecting her. LMH has to bear with PSH since he is the more experienced one when it comes to relationship. He has to be more careful because if i'm not mistaken this is the first relationship of PSH. And LMH, I believe he learned his lessons already in dating esp. dating a co actor. They have big things to consider in dating for  they are celebrities, big celebrities indeed. I think PSH sees how the way LMH protecting and leading her. So, whatever happens, she's not afraid anymore. 
@ThaoL , thanks for the post. i'm really happy if i read something like that. It helps me to know PSH more and oh she just keeps inspiring me. same goes with LMH.
@piecesofrainbow ,chingu can u give us a link of your story , thanks!
@Mosquito, I'll be waiting. I know there's good news in that interview.
We can do this MinShinners, vote for our couple!

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TessB said: My Dear Minshinners...with the ongoing Soompi QF contest, I am sadden and it breaks my heart to see the exchanges of negative remarks from some supporters of uri Shinhye and her closest competitor. :( =(( ... And I am appealing right now to all Shinhye' supporters ....SA, MINSHINNERS to please just continue voting to our baby girl and let our votes do the talking... If ever we leave comments, please, let us not bashed or say nasty words that will ruin the good image of uri Shinhye and her supporters... Shinhye and her supporters are good, calm, peace-loving people... Let us all mainstain that image no matter what others say.... As Minshin say.... Let us live a healthy, happy life... Let's go forward.... :)>- :x :)>-

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Yup Yup I agree with @TessB and @giselle_tw‌ ! :x

Just keep voting and let the numbers do the talk.

Lets avoid fanwars and please just ignore those haters/avoid reading those negative comments and just keep voting/supporting MinShin!

Remember SPREAD MINSHIN LOVE and NOT HATE! Lets Live Happily and Healthily (mentally and physically) as Shin Hye said.

Let our MinShin be our role models. Be kindhearted, humble, nice, funny, smart, classy and awesome MinShinners/Minoz/StarLight Angels :x :x :x

MinShin Fighting!

MinShinners Fighting!

Minoz Fighting!

StarLight Angels Fighting!

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I am surprised at some notes about comments on soopmi contest...to be honest, i am surprise that there are comment section there.... I never browse down, i vote MINSHIN and leave the page... 
And you are right, at the end, it has to be numbers that has to do all the talking....!
Life is already complicated as it is and i am sure we all bear our individual crosses in life... We are here to have fun and be happy, giggly (and pervy) with our MINSHIN... Period! 
MINSHIN IS HAPPY and so am i...MINSHIN IS LOVE thus it is their love that i am sharing!
p.s.@MosquitoI am holding my breathe till i see your post on the vids translation...! Your teaser just knocks me off already! Went to the moon and still floating till i read all ur translation..! Hahahaha....! Many thanks in advance chingu! Kisses, Kym;) ;))

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awww pieceofrainbow ur the owner of TRUE LOVE HAS NO ENDING.I catch u hehe anyway thank for fast update of our minshin story.I love ur story and support till the end.fighting all minshin writers nim.Oh where is my another awesome fanfic writer sin2sa WHERE R U :(( :((

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Guest ObirO


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Hey there beautiful MinShinners :-h How are you all doing? As always I've been back reading and enjoying all of your posts :)

Our baby girl looked so beautiful, glowing and radiant today at Millet's fan signing event, how can someone look so gorgeous wearing such simple clothes, her hair, (did you notice that she died her hair from black to a lighter brown tone after movie shooting ended) then her skin, her body and most of all her genuine and contagious smile that captures you, she is just one of a kind :x

And also baby boy as always looking so dashing, handsome and breathtaking in his latest events, I loved all his looks but most of all I loved the white shirt one, how can he be so handsome, it should be illegal to be this handsome LOL!

Both of them look so happy and glowing these days, could it be.... dare I say, love? Yes, yes, that must be it, love is in the heirs 8->

On another note, about the voting contests that are happening now, I know that sometimes we can come across hurtful, harsh comments that have nothing to do with the reality but don't take them too close to the heart my fellow minshinners, as lovely @giselle_tw said, we should never downgrade our levels to them, let them talk and waste their time, the results as always will be the best answer to the haters, let the actions speak louder than words ever can, as the famous saying goes "instead of bashing what you hate, promote what you love", and that is what we should do, we are too busy spreading the love and the positivity, having fun and just supporting two amazing people, hurtful words can never touch them or make any kind of difference, it's just their way of dealing with the obvious! And also please never compare and unite the comments of so called "fans" with their favorite actor/actress/idol, just because their fans are acting in a certain way doesn't mean they are like them, though I agree that it definitely ruins and damages the reputation of their biases!

Let's just keep supporting our couple, together and individually, let us never be part or even get mentioned in any sort of bashing or negative comment, we can always make our point wisely choosing our words and yet not hurt anyone's feelings!

While back reading I saw @pixie0622 comment and just wanted to say something! First of all thank you for correcting the misinformation and the incorrect news we may have post here  in our thread about Min Ho, as always you and all Minoz fandom is welcome in our thread to give us more insight about Min Ho, to correct our shortcomings as we may not know too much about him and are his new fans. This way it becomes a more healthier way for us to ship, we can keep our foot in the ground. I wanted to thank you as a Minoz and also all our SA as well for advising us, correcting us and giving us insights about our couple with rightful information! Granted, we are shippers and we tend to over think things, give them too much meaning, analyzing every little detail, that's the fun in shipping right? But of course we also should remember that they are two individuals as well, of course not everything they do is related to each other, they both are independent, strong willed and hard working people so naturally they will do things that are solely for them or for their career. For example as a shipper I tend to think that they influence each other positively in doing things that are beneficial and that serve a cause, like Min Ho's PROMIZ charity initiation, of course that my shipper heart wants to somehow connect them in this event too, that maybe he got influenced by her but in the other hand my other part of the heart that loves Min Ho as an individual believes that this project of his is because he always wanted to help others and serve a good cause, be the reason of improving someone's life, same goes for Shin Hye too.

I guess what I am trying to say is that even though we ship them we should never forget that they are two individuals with independent will, with their own ideas and sense of humanity that isn't always necessarily attached to them being a couple, although of course, knowing how amazing they both are, they would definitely only influence each other for good, and that's why we fell for them :)

PS: Did you see how Shin Hye put a heart after her writing oppa? After I saw it, I couldn't help but do a "kyaaaahhh" scream about it, haha, I know it is related to her Yoggi CF and all but she is a smart girl too, she knows how to mask things LOL, I mean, was it absolutely necessary to put a heart after "oppa", I don't think so, not if she didn't want a certain someone to  see it  ;)

Keep on sailing guys, love you!

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Guest myhepyending

@lameoser‌ you are back chingu! PSH is so beautiful in that Median cf....I love all three! Hope you can make more gif from that cf 8-> 8-> 8->

Thank you so much for the gifs chingu~ :x :x :x

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Guest twinky1

keepvoting for shin hye,bcz votes of 2nd place increasing rapidly.If we dont continue voting shin hye will loose 1st place..please keep voting and increase thea rate of voting..i cant see shinhye being dropped to other positions than 1st place :((.aja aja fighting :)>-

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