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♥Quack Couple♥Park Hoon(Lee Jong Suk) & Oh Soo Hyun(Kang So Ra)♥(Sora mentions LeeJong Suk-p385)


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Guest kiyasnow

^^ i don't think i posted these up here, made them when i was bored.

and here's one of Hoon being a stalker xD j/k j/k tumblr_n9b6715ue11taut28o2_1280.jpg

edited: OMG! i got promoted to a superstar!! (0__0) Being a quacker made me a superstar xD LOL!

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@angels_natdylax05 @RaniaZeid @kaiskloset @‌

like untie rania said, there are some possibilities that Sukkie trying to ignore the reporter and even the fans due something. I mean attention from people. I think he's trying to protect himself after the last failure

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ruzikie said: @angels_natdylax05 @RaniaZeid @kaiskloset @‌

like untie rania said, there are some possibilities that Sukkie trying to ignore the reporter and even the fans due something. I mean attention from people. I think he's trying to protect himself after the last failure

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Translated from chinese text from Baidu :  http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3200755722by @bryan

TV Report Interview 140801 : Kang Sora " Debut for 6 years, I thought I am already satisfied"
A woman's transformation is innocent. Shook off the high school girl image. Transformed to a mature adult. Yet there is no awkward feeling. We are talking about Kang Sora.  
After conclusion of SBS <Dr Stranger>, reporter and KSR sat down together. KSR in the drama played thoracic surgeon Oh Soo Hyun. KSR lived the character of OSH for about 3 months. In that short period of time, the significance is great. About the feelings on the ending " Now, starting to find back the vitality. Although during the filming, did not have feeling, but only after the ending,then the tension was released. As I start to put away the character of OSH , but every time when I sleep, I would find her again ". Showed her love for the OSH character.  
" Through keeping a diary,got a lot of help on acting skill" 
KSR through Dr Stranger displayed steady adult acting. OSH's performance was both feminine and showed a leading acting skill,and took control of the TV stage. And the acting of tears , that ability to interpret the flowing tears was showed out. KSR's crying acting skills also became a big discussion topic.   
" When got the script, felt that because of birth mother wept a lot of tears. felt that the birth mother she once lived with will not die.Tried hard not to have contact with her. The emotions that she tried so hard to suppressed finally exploded. Especially since she was coldly treated by the mother she respected , felt very weary. No matter how you see it, OSH 's life was not easy. All the complains she has of having to survive in her father's family, she passed on to her mother. So in this way, naturally the tears flowed."
Especially KSR's understanding of the character was more outstanding than anyone else, am very curious about this secret. KSR's focus on the script also has own secret. Listen to KSR's saying, you will feel that OSH character is not that easily born.   
"Just repeatedly read the script. Until now, for this character, I took the most time to prepare.About 4 to 5 months. While reading the script, will write down a diary concerning OSH. Like 'making Kimchi with Mum' 'doctor intern is very tiring' 'did something wrong today'.  In OSH's shoes, wrote the diary. This method, I saw in the movie <The Dark Knight>. First time using this diary method. It is of some help to the script , things which are outside of the script, thinking back, felt it has been a great help. For next project, also plan to use this method.  
< Lee Jong Suk and Park Hae Jin , mutually combine together will be good >
KSR and LJS, PHJ's acting, their mutual understanding, matching and cooperation pushed forward the plot's development. Much of the acting was cooperating with LJS and PHJ.  KSR also in the middle of romance, what is the feeling ? 
"Firstly,acting with same age actors, can be a bit noisy, a lot to talk about, also will do some impromptu performance.  The staff will also understand. With Han Jae Joon, even though are lovers, but only outwardly. Gives people a feeling of gentleman's romantic relationship. No strong feeling. With Park Hoon, is more easy going. A lot of bickering scenes. The 2  of them have completely different image. So every time when acting, the feeling is different.  This person is interesting in this way, and acting with this person is very serious. If have to choose the ideal type between the 2 of them, each take half will be fine. Park Hoon's humour and concern for his patients and  Han Jae Joon's steadiness and the sense of security he gives you.  
Besides the same age LJS, PHJ, with senior actor Jeon kuk Hwan , the father daughter relationship also match well. JKH play the ambitious Myung Woo director Oh Joon Kyu. With OJK, have scenes of opposition,contradicting father and daughter, their acting gives a feeling of reality.  
"Actually, acting with seniors gives a feeling of security. Will have ' leave it to you will be fine ' this kind of thought. Have a lot of argument scenes with JKH, really full of charm. Indeed, do gentle passionate acting, the voice and eyes will also be different.Will also advise me  how to deal with the process. And also look at his reaction and feeling etc. Really grateful. 
< I still cannot be called an actor> 
2009 debut with 4th period mystery. , already 6 years. During this time, through many works and characters occupy a place. The movie Sunny's strong leader high school student. Drama Dream High 2 's lively high school girl. Ugly Alert's warm hearted Chaebol daughter, acted in different characters.  

"Since debut already more than 5 years,thought I would already be satisfied. But now, start to have feeling of confusion.  Feels like I am standing on the starting line. Really want to show to the viewers more adult roles. Before was lively image. Now also have quiet, feminine roles. Want to challenge once, the strong feeling of a formal grown up adult." 
After 6 years, maybe the way looking at scripts will change. But KSR emphasize that she has not changed. At same time frankly confided her thoughts about her performing path. She is easy going and have charismatic personality

" Before , when looking at projects will be similar. Like beautiful female roles. The purpose is also very clear. Know exactly what I want. The type of project I want to do is this kind, Also want to try good quality work. But want to know when this luck will come. Actors cannot what they  want to do , will be able to do it. But it is a job that you must go out to try to find the work. Even if you are doing fine, will also have confuse and helpless feeling.  So being called an actor as being my career is like that. So now, if asked what is my career, will asnwer professional artiste. Feel that now, still cannot be called an actor. I will not give up all the characters that have been cast. If I can go past this stage, will I have more confidence ?"
Can see that KSR has many thoughts about her performing path. Her attitude towards research on a character is also clear and subjective. Seeing her desire to work harder to do well . So with much anticipation , look forward to KSR's future.
" Now, still do not know what kind of actor will become. At a loss. But if  can become more stable, will be good."

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@lummy @bryan AWESOME!!!!!!!

but i'm confuse which The Dark Knight that she watched?. or The "Duck" Knight that i posted earlier?...hahahaha.. @"Rania Zeid"‌ how come our jokes always come at perfect timing?..hahahaha =))

Reading all her interviews, with all mature answers given, i can finally say that my Hyun has grown up so well =D> =D>

@ruzikie i want to cry of happiness now :((

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angels_natdylax05 said: @lummy @bryan AWESOME!!!!!!! but i'm confuse which The Dark Knight that she watched?. or The "Duck" Knight that i posted earlier?...hahahaha.. @"Rania Zeid"‌ how come our jokes always come at perfect timing?..hahahaha =)) Reading all her interviews, with all mature answers given, i can finally say that my Hyun has grown up so well =D> =D> @ruzikie i want to cry of happiness now :((

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Q&A session with Kang Sora from SbS fune. Questions are from fans that chosen by staff. It's said that Sora is the first actress who has Q&A held by SBS fune. And they are suprised many questions are in english and came from international fans.

Rough translation :

Q : Are you satisfied  with Doctor Stranger?

A : There are parts that I'm satisfied more than I thought and also parts that I'm not satisfied. Doesn't character look much better? The character isn't ordinary but the unique character. The part that I feel slight disappointed is because I want to look more Oh Soo Hyun in figure of a doctor personally.

Q : In Doctor Stanger, you got a lot of favourable comments for your heart-touching acting. The crying acting is not difficult if only the situation is suitable, right? Which heart-touching scene that is the most difficult to express the feeling?

A : I'm not burdened by crying acting. I don't think about that particularly. Feeling's explosion can cause rebound effect (makes the viewers running away?) easily and can't introduce the character well. But it's lucky that Oh Soo Hyun character could get sympathy.

Q : What the most difficult time when shooting of "Doctor Stranger"?

A : All of those times are tough physically and acting as Oh Soo Hyun has affected me too. If Oh Soo Hyun had a hard time I would feel the same, if she felt happy, I would be happy too. Even usual feeling got affected too. I worry if it's happened too long, so after this drama finished I went travelling and took a refreshing time.

Q : Who do you choose between Lee Jong Suk and Park Hae Jin's character?

A : I choose neither. Both of them have extreme personality. They will be a tough partner for women. I won't recommend them to my friend too. They are not suitable with me. I will be tired and have a hard time with them.

Q : Between all korean actor, who is the closest to your ideal type?

A : No one. I don't see person through his appearance. I don't have special criteria about which person whom I should date. (She became silence for a while) Aaa! I remember, "Witch Hunt" Sung Si Kyung~ssi.  He has a mesmerizing charm. Is it reversal charm?

Q : Until now, which movies or dramas you want to do again? And what's the reason?

A : "Nothing, I don't want to do my previous work again. It seems I can't do it. I don't have confidence.

Q : All this time, between the characters that she has got, whose personality is the closest to yours?

A : No one character has the most similarity with me until now, not yet. All characters have a sort of similarity with me but no one who's very similar with me.

Q : In your real life, when was the saddest time for you?

A : I will try to forget the experiences that give me the great sadness. I hope the sad time won't come to me. I haven't had experience when one of my family pass away. In the past time, in elementary school,  I had been bullied for a while. When I was at elementary school, I changed of school. I'm an introvert person so I got a lot of misunderstanding.

Q Don't you miss "We Got Married" time?

A : It is a pity that at those times, there was MBC' strikes in the process. If it didn't happen, we would have more fun. When strike ended, the show only continued for a short time so it's regrettable.

Q : Do you still keep contact with Lee Teuk?

A : Yes, I still keep contact with him. If oppa contact me again when he discharges from military service, at least for once time we should eat together right?

Q : Which do you prefer movie or drama?

A : At first, I preferred movie more. But after did some dramas, drama that doesn't turn to strange or have extreme situation is good too. Through real time airing, I can get feedback and support. Movie makes me worry waiting result for a longer time. But in drama, I can get the respond immediately. When the movie is delayed, if I can't control myself/ I'm too relax, I'll become lazy. Making comeback will face a lot of troubles

Q : What the most important thing you consider when deciding your next project?

A : First, I must like the scenario. Next things is character, film director, screen writer, and the actors/actresses who will become partner too.

Q : if there is a project that you think it's quite good, but there will be an unconventional bedscene. Will you take it or give up about it?

A : I don't have allergy with bedscene. The problem is will I be able to do that. Eventhough that part will be edited but I wonder how my parent and netizen will react. If I have boyfriend later, I must ask him too. People around me too will question if I'm capable or not. When I must show all in front of camera, I need to prepare my heart. Acting with exposing needs strong mentality, but I think that's cool.

Q : What good points for being an actress to you and what points that make you uncomfortable?

A : Good points is that my job is becoming/reborn as other people. It's a job who can make me live my life positively. I don't feel uncomfortable when I'm walking in this way. I shouldn't feel uncomfortable, acting is job and when it's aired my face will be known. What make me feel uncomfortable, drama come and go. There is a gap/difference between resting time and working time. It feels like when I'm in relationship then the relationship breaks up so it makes me quite tired.

Q : What's the reason you chose 'Misaeng'? How do you prepare?

A : When 'Ugly Alert' shooting all night, I often saw webtoon. I think webtoon is interesting so I decide to choose this project. In Misaeng, I can't take the charge of another characters beside Yeongie character. The script is interesting too. Preparation is still far-off but I'm doing it little by little.

Q : What's Kang Sora's biggest dream?

A : I want to be person who does anything properly, in real life or in drama. If I want to walk the way in direction to become advanced actress, I have to become an actress who can face the unpredictable situations. I won't set a limit to my dream.

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