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♥Quack Couple♥Park Hoon(Lee Jong Suk) & Oh Soo Hyun(Kang So Ra)♥(Sora mentions LeeJong Suk-p385)


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What do you think guys about the script writer of the movie? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
Are these possible if they change the plot and the ending? @-) @-)
From dumb8-}ss drama to a total brilliant movie?

I still want to kick the screen writers anyway >:) >:) >:) >:)
ah, whatever :-@ :-@ :-@

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dramaquack said: What do you think guys about the script writer of the movie? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
Are these possible if they change the plot and the ending? @-) @-)
From dumb8-}ss drama to a total brilliant movie?

I still want to kick the screen writers anyway >:) >:) >:) >:)
ah, whatever :-@ :-@ :-@

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Guest hoonhyun

dramaquack said: What do you think guys about the script writer of the movie? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
Are these possible if they change the plot and the ending? @-) @-)
From dumb8-}ss drama to a total brilliant movie?

I still want to kick the screen writers anyway >:) >:) >:) >:)
ah, whatever :-@ :-@ :-@

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The ending will be same in the drama. They just give us the prologue and the epilogue. And the writer seems want to make another ariadne in this movie. well, represnt for someone ( Zeus must be angry if he see who is the Ariadne in this era and maybe he will say, have you lost your mind. Sorry, Zeus. This isnt me who write those crap )

Ariadne in Greek Mythology

Home | Greek Heroes | Heroes A-C | Ariadne

The tale of the Greek mythological heroine Ariadne is a favorite for artists and poets. Ariadne’s legend has inspired poetic interpretations, such as the version found in the Roman poet Ovid’s Ars Amatoria, which in turn have influenced painters such as Titian to create masterpieces that celebrate the beauty of this story.

Why is the myth of Ariadne so important to artists? One reason is that Ariadne’s story is so powerful. It has dramatic scenes of tragedy and triumph, of love lost and found again. Ariadne truly is a heroine in the most dignified and exalted sense of the word.

In mythology, Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos of Crete and his wife Pasiphae. And her story begins with a chance encounter with a handsome stranger. As fate would have it, Ariadne fell in love with the dashing Greek hero Theseus. They met in Crete, where Theseus was sent to kill the deadly Minotaur. According to the myth, it was Ariadne who helped Theseus to escape the Labyrinth (which was the Minotaur’s lair) by supplying the hero with thread used to navigate the tangled passages. In appreciation for her assistance, Theseus promised to make Ariadne his bride, and he brought her with him when he left Crete and sailed for his home in Athens.

But something happened on the way to Athens. During their journey, Theseus stopped to rest on the island of Naxos (also known as Dia). However, when he again set sail, the Greek adventurer did not have Ariadne on board - he simply left her alone on the island. Ariadne was devastated. Her love had abandoned her. As she was crying and lamenting her cruel fate, a miraculous event took place. The god Dionysos appeared, in all his divine glory, and rescued the forsaken heroine. In some versions of the myth, Dionysos then married Ariadne. So in Greek mythology, sometimes there really is a happy - and beautiful - ending.

So, Dionysos will be Agent Cha and Theseus will be Hoon ??? Hahahaha =)) =))

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I really have my doubts that the DS movie could end up being decent - doesn't matter if they make changes or don't make changes, it's still the same inept writer at the helm. Well it's not impossible for a miracle to happen and he would deliver a movie that is coherent. But I'm not holding my breath. The shooting for the movie was done in a hurry right after the drama ended so not like there was any time for the writer to properly review his work and look at the response.
I really like the Ariadne legend, @ruzikie. It's one of the few Greek myths with a happy ending.
But in my interpretation it would be like this:Ariadne = SooHyun, Theseus = Hoon and Dionysus = Choi Yong Do  =))

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Guest aya52893

Have you guys read the portion of the script of the movie version? There, Jae Hee is Cha jin soo's woman that's why he's chasing after Hoon and Jaehee. Hahaha another head scratching moment. 

@anjesi Hahaha. So there should be a SooHee shipper now. Lol. i find Comrade cha attractive as well. He has a charisma. Hahahaha =))

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FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Doctor Stranger by @ZombieMamma 

This week brought us the finale of one of the most interesting and frustrating dramas I’ve watched in quite a while. Chock full of spies and double agents, miracle-working doctors, dirty politicians, plots to rule the world and long-lost love, Doctor Stranger was certainly one of the most complicated dramas I’ve ever watched and one that hooked me right away so it’s only natural for me to feature it as this weekend’s drama to marathon. 
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HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 19-20 (1/2)

I can’t believe the end of my beloved Doctor Stranger is finally upon us but it is so here I sit, with tears streaming down my cheeks, trying to figure out if I’m sad because this drama is actually over or if it’s because absolutely nothing that I predicted for the end came to pass. Maybe it’s a combination of the two? Since I can’t really decide, I’ll just dig into these two episodes and try to find the source of my sorrow. Care to join me? 
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HALLYU ZOMBIE DRAMA REVIEW: Doctor Stranger Episodes 19-20 (2/2)

Zombie: So the end has come and I just have to ask, how many tables did you flip before the end? Personally, I lost count.
Tanya: Are we talking real or metaphorical here?

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Guest hoonhyun

aya52893 said:

Have you guys read the portion of the script of the movie version? There, Jae Hee is Cha jin soo's woman that's why he's chasing after Hoon and Jaehee. Hahaha another head scratching moment. 

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Review by pther with quack moment pics :D

My rating: 6/10

So this Kdrama was a real hit for a lot of people. It felt like everywhere I went my friends were talking about it and loving it. When I started it, it was a bit slow - which is common. Dramas like this one need the background information to set up the suspense of the story. I personally don’t mind too much.  After those first three episodes, the story starts to fly. It’s exciting and fun. There’s a lot of good moments. I really like the main character, Hoon. He’s likable in every aspect because he has high morals and he’s super funny. However, once you hit about episode 12, it gets kind of repetitive - there are multiple medical “competitions” that take place. It goes back and forth for a while. All that is okay. I was not too bothered by it because I personally like the medical stuff. All of these competitions are building up to this political climax. That’s where the issues come in for me: the ending. 


SPOILER Warning!

The ending sucks! Okay, it’s technically a “happy” ending, but it totally felt like a let down. I’m personally a more rational person - although I do appreciate artistic embellishment. However, the ending of Doctor Stranger was way too unrealistic. So, pretty much, Hoon and Jae-Hee find themselves in the exact situation that they were in before (Hoon holding her hand over the bridge with Jin-Soo threatening to kill Hoon). Well, this second time around, Hoon refuses to let go of Jae-Hee since that was his biggest regret from last time. As a result, Jin-Soo ends up shooting Hoon and Hoon and Jae-Hee fall over the bridge - at least that is how it appears to the viewers. Well, all the other characters in the drama also think the two are dead. Come to find out at the end that both are actually alive. The drama then ends with Hoon and Jae-Hee together and Soo-Hyun and Jae-Joon being back together. Here are my problems with the end.

1. It’s not explained how Hoon and Jae-Hee survived. It’s briefly swept over that somehow they were helped and saved, possibly by Tae-Sool. I really thought that they died at the end. In fact, I think it would have been better if they died. This is suppose to be a melodrama right? Their strong love going into death would actually make sense. Although it would be quite tragic since their whole love story was so difficult and filled with trouble. Then again, that’s the definition of a melodrama. Mostly, I was just disappointed in the unrealistic ending. Like, why would everyone believe they were dead if their bodies weren’t found? And how did Hoon survive if he was shot in the head? I know to some viewers that doesn’t matter, but to me, it does. 

2. Why did the writers put in all those Hoon and Soo-Hyun scenes if the story was to highlight Hoon and Jae-Hee’s unwavering love? Personally, this probably reveals more of my bias since I happen to like Soo-Hyun. I know some viewers found her affection and concern for Hoon to be childish and annoying, but she was completely unaware of the larger political scene happening. Can you really hold that against her? She was an extremely virtuous and strong character. I think her ethnical standards and conduct match that of Hoon more than Jae-Hee. Soo-Hyun seemed to value the life of the patient more than Jae-Hee. I thought this would be one of the reasons why Hoon would pick Soo-Hyun at the end. Jae-Hee seemed untruthful and scheming at times. I know that was suppose to be her cover, but I found it hard as a viewer to attach to her after all that. Also, one of the most pivotal moments of Hoon and Soo-Hyun’s relationship was when Hoon did surgery on Soo-Hyun’s mom and the mom died. Like, that was a big deal. I just found that to be like the connection between them. Then for them to not end up together, just felt sad. I know I know - Jae-Hee and Hoon went through so much more, but their relationship did not feel nearly as intimate or real to me. I guess I liked how I got to see Quack grow in the drama and Hoon was what helped her to grow. It felt sad and just not right to me. It just felt that underneath it all, Hoon really liked Quack too. Like, she made that comment about his permed hair and then he went and cut it. And there was also the part when he went to comfort her after she found out the truth about Jae-Hee. It even appeared that Jae-Hee saw how Hoon was feeling. There were all these underlying feelings. Ughhhh, why drag us through all the Quackhoon moments for nothing! *tears* I think that Soo-Hyun fans are suppose to be happy at the end that she kinda ends up with Jae-Joon, but it doesn’t feel satisfying either. I really should have seen it coming though. One thing I’ve learned watching Kdramas is that whoever kisses each other, ends up together. Haha. This isn’t like American soap operas where people kiss everyone. In Kdramas, it’s pretty much exclusive. The male lead kisses the girl he is going to end up with and the female lead always only kisses the guy she ends up with. So it should have been obvious in the third episode already. Still, I couldn’t help but keep hoping. I will say, it was hard not to be bored with the last few episodes because there were no Quackhoon moments. :( 

In the end, I wouldn’t rewatch this drama. That’s ultimately why I gave it such a low review. The ending really plunged the drama down. If you like the main couple (Hoon and Jae-Hee), then you’ll probably like the drama. But if you didn’t like the main couple, then you probably will be biased like me and not care too much for the drama. Also, if you aren’t easily bothered by things being left unexplained or incomplete, then you probably won’t be that bothered by the unexplained rescue at the end either. Overall, Doctor Stranger started out with a lot of potential but ended up being a let down. 

I’m glad it ends happily, but unfortunately things did not turn out well for team Quackhoon. Just to keep things positive, here are some of my favorites Quackhoon moments :)

1. When Hoon hugs Soo-Hyun after her mom’s surgery:


2. When Hoon comes back and she’s saved his coat:


3. When he comes back to help her after she finds out the truth. She gets hit by a patient and he gives put the ice pack on her face, but her real hurt is inside - which he of course knows … man, I cried so hard during this episode. Hahaa. 


4. When Hoon was joking about Quack leaving hair on him and how she needs to massage her head. And then she makes fun of his perm which he ends up cutting (so cute!). 


5. When he opens her eyes to visualize the surgeries (swoon!)



6. When he encouraged and picked her after Jae-Joon didn’t pick her as the first surgeon. 


Okay … now seriously tell me they shouldn’t have ended up together. :( No hates to Jae- Hee. She’s great, strong, meticulous, but in the end, my heart as a viewer was captured by Hoon and Soo-Hyun. That’s my personal review. Check the drama out for yourselves :) 


by pther.tumblr.com here

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Guest hoonhyun

sandjh said:

Review by pther with quack moment pics :D

My rating: 6/10

So this Kdrama was a real hit for a lot of people. It felt like everywhere I went my friends were talking about it and loving it. When I started it, it was a bit slow - which is common. Dramas like this one need the background information to set up the suspense of the story. I personally don’t mind too much.  After those first three episodes, the story starts to fly. It’s exciting and fun. There’s a lot of good moments. I really like the main character, Hoon. He’s likable in every aspect because he has high morals and he’s super funny. However, once you hit about episode 12, it gets kind of repetitive - there are multiple medical “competitions” that take place. It goes back and forth for a while. All that is okay. I was not too bothered by it because I personally like the medical stuff. All of these competitions are building up to this political climax. That’s where the issues come in for me: the ending. 

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Wait wait what's happening with the DS movie? sorry i have been M.I.A from anything related to DS for the past few days. They are going to film 50mins of new scenes? isn't movies like 2 hours plus the most? So technically they are filming again for the movie? So they are adding Greek Mythology into the story line now, so NK story is a no no?? Is the writer for the movie same as the drama?Cha is JH's lover!? *not surprised*So are they adding in more flashbacks and epilogue.The movie is very different from the drama, are they following the novel? It sounds so bizzare, i don't know whether they can pull this off. About the ending, i'm not expecting anything might be the same as the drama, only wishing it to be less awkward. 

No, it seems he doesn't follow the novel, he is farther and farther, creating his own delulu world :))

According to spoiler, he will make Hoon stealing Cha's woman, and JH into a cheater who has affair with another man? Hahahahah daebak! So DS will become makjang movie.

"Their love is like a fire" hahahaha I wanna throw up.. Yeah just burn them all. =))

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rynn_peace said: No, it seems he doesn't follow the novel, he is farther and farther, creating his own delulu world :)) According to spoiler, he will make Hoon stealing Cha's woman, and JH into a cheater who has affair with another man? Hahahahah daebak! So DS will become makjang movie. "Their love is like a fire" hahahaha I wanna throw up.. Yeah just burn them all. =))

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Since we're sharing reviews of DS, here's an interesting one I found on tumblr:
Doctor Stranger : Thoughts

It's from a LJS and Kim Woo Bin fan blog.

I'm just constantly seeing so many people who are dissatisfied with the DS ending. I think the show was so promissing at the start that many, including me, just kept hoping and hoping that it would deliver on that promise though it was apparent halfway through that the writer did not know what he was doing.
I know we've had a lot of fun and laughs about how Quack shipping is delulu, but the thing is I don't think we were delulu in our hope that HoonHyun might end up together. In my kdrama watching history, this is the first time I saw a second lead being treated and portrayed this way - all the background story we got for SooHyun, all that screentime, all the scenes and skinships between her and Hoon... All these things are usually used in kdramas to point the viewers towards the couple that is going to end up together. In contrast, JH and Hoon got none of that.
But I get it - the production team caught on that there was buzz around Hoon and Hyun and they inserted more moments because it would draw viewers. Of course they then would say that there are no unnecessary scenes in DS - how can a scene be unnecessary if it will get better ratings and keep people watching? 
Aaaah, I'm sounding so bitter... :)

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