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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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SherryJ said: ......................

Like for example what we saw in Temptation. For me, it was hard to believe that SH and HJ have been married for ten years. Were they really living together all this time?! If so, then where is all the familiarity, the understanding, the ability to trust, relate, and work on things together and most importantly the ability to talk to one another without boundaries and without pretenses?!

Misunderstandings happen, but effective communications are there to overcome them.

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KWS is really have a funny side when he asked CJW "So, when are you going to have your first baby?" .... i do my hope CJW will met her mate soon and have a happy marriage life and will answer KSW question with bring her beautifull baby , amennn.

finally can watch marathon for ep. 5 & 6

sorry if i mean for Hong joo but after the date scene of Seyoung and SeokHoon at HK i do more love them both.  just how lovely they are. if we more learn SY and SH personality , both have the same side. maybe not in LOVE similarity but in professional work. at first i thought SY is a typical meany CEO but i was fault. she's only doing her job as a CEO. she's only want a perfectionist in everything even in have to choose who will be her employee in her big company. meanwhile Seok Hoon is a typical a hardwork man who never give up on everything and always try to learn more what more can he can explore from him so he can get a better job. Seok Hoon is a loyal man for everything he do but i think if he doesn't have support from his side (family ,mostly his wife) maybe he will be collapse or do something not good.
and what i see in ep. 5 & 6, why Hongjoo become more annoying just like MW's wife but i think MW's wife more have a smart head to make her husband will do what she want. but HJ is the opposite , always push down Seok Hoon when he try to explain something or want to make everything better for their marriage life.

i love the texte scene between Seok Hoon and Se Young ,, Se Young smile prettily , just like a crush on girl on high school , hope to see Se Young more smile in more episode.
and i must to catch up for 2 episode more (ep. 7 & 8)  and hope to see un-annoying Hong Joo , if she continue her act like that, she will loose her husband for sure, hmmmm

have a great weekend all

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@Lmangla‌. You said " SH seems like a naturally affectionate person who shows their affection by touch ~ with SY, there was those scenes like him washing her finger when she burned it or putting a bandage on her feet; with Manager Jo, he hugs his friend, pats his shoulder.... whereas with HJ, there seems a physical distance, a formality which does seem weird considering they have been married for 10 years... "

True SH is affectionate with everyone else but with his wife. We have yet to know why; it could be their relationship grew distant way after the miscarriage, before the current financial loss; or maybe HJ is not an affectionate person due to lack of trust. A person can be nice but not affectionate. I like how SH is a very affectionate character; a very honest one at that. Here's a man who could've lied to his wife about everything, yet chose the hard way by not hiding anything from her which tells us that he respects her ......but then this raises another question; is there a possibility that the pressure got to him and he wanted a way out of the marriage? I know everything he did shows otherwise but maybe unconsciously he knew the consequences of accepting the offer

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Guest sweetpurple

I like PHS...hope her character in this drama will not be disappointed me..em..she just follows the scripts..I still hope HJ will shine for the next episode..

Still admirer the chemistry between PHS and PYC in three days..

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nabuta2 said: .......................
 True SH is affectionate with everyone else but with his wife. We have yet to know why; it could be their relationship grew distant way after the miscarriage, before the current financial loss; or maybe HJ is not an affectionate person due to lack of trust. A person can be nice but not affectionate. I like how SH is a very affectionate character; a very honest one at that. Here's a man who could've lied to his wife about everything, yet chose the hard way by not hiding anything from her which tells us that he respects her ......but then this raises another question; is there a possibility that the pressure got to him and he wanted a way out of the marriage? I know everything he did shows otherwise but maybe unconsciously he knew the consequences of accepting the offer

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I've been busy so I'm a bit behind on the pages so if this comes late then I'm sorry :).
@maddymappo."Ok, went back and viewed it.  She was challenging the morality of the ultra rich and powerful. She was testing MW with the offer SY had made SH. She was trying to find out if MW would take the bait and make her an offer that her husband had taken from SY. If in his world it was okay to buy people like that.  To me she was acting out a psychological scenario - she would never accept a deal like, as she said to him whether we sleep together or not is not it -not the point,  it is what would you offer me for doing that for four days of my life, a million dollars?  Getting drunk with MW was surprisingly out of character for her, but my feeling is that she felt undervalued and undesirable as a woman and this led her to making a bit of a fool out of herself.  And MW realized that, and acted the gentleman and did not take advantage of her.  But I do not see it as two wrongs make a right. I don't think she would have gone through with such a situation or felt that would make it "right". She is trying to learn to let her anger and feeling come out, something she tells him, she had suppressed in the past."
@tessieroo."Pretty sure everyone knows that offer to MW was said in anger, nothing more. She certainly wasn't serious. She's actually working her way through the stages of loss very quickly!"

The incident in itself is wrong whether or not she meant it and her being drunk is no excuse. HJ was not challenging anything beside her own self worth it seemed more to me as if she wanted to outdo her husband or be the same as him. HJ made this offer out of spite to hurt her husband as she feels he has hurt her (again without taking any responsibility in her own part in all this).MW would never be able to take the bait and make an offer - since she herself already made the offer. The offer was made by HJ - it was not for MW to make it... 
"as she said to him whether we sleep together or not is not it -not the point,  it is what would you offer me for doing that for four days of my life, a million dollars? [...]."

I think you are turning this scene out wrong to make HJ seem a little better. Her saying the above is basically her saying that he can do whatever he wishes to do - even sleep with her if he pays her. Whether she really meant it or not is not the point - her making the offer in the first place is bad enough. The incident can be compared to SH accepting the offer from SY. Why are people mad at SH? They are mad because he accepted the offer itself even if he did not sleep with SY - then the same should be applied to HJ. Her making the offer itself is unforgivable in the first place.... If my spouse made an offer like that in a bar pretty late at night I would not forgive that - even if the offer was declined. 

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I don't think she was making a offer! She was asking him a question using herself and him as an example to explain, compare her husband's similar situation!

She's not making an offer but if I was her husband, I wouldn't forgive her for drinking with a married man to begin with!

Just like with Seok Hoon, I wouldn't forgive him for accepting Se Young's proposal which I would of divorce him already!

But if that was to happen, this drama would of ended already!

Yes, yes I know! Everyone will be quoting me on this post!

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Guest PikossaW

I like the brotherly-sisterly bonding between Atty. Choi and Se Young.. I hope he will return to her company someday.

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@ymiss.HJ was making an offer.

"CEO Kang Min Woo""No.... Mr. Kang Min Woo"'Do you want to sleep with me?'

Whether she meant it or not as I said is not the point - her saying that phrase in a bar late at night is wrong in itself. If she was not really planning to make an offer she would have said. 
"Would you sleep with me for money?" or "Would you pay to sleep with me?"
Heck even that would have been wrong but the way she said it was her making an offer.

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Guest kiury333

I really think the people who supports SY and SH are the ones who watch and loved "Stair to Heaven", 'cause I don't understand how u encourage cheating, it's obvious HJ loved her husband, and it's understandable her asking for divorce, imagine your married someone you love, but somehow you've money problems, your father may loose his home, so when you think all it's lost the only hope for your family it''s your insurance, so you try to kill yourself, then your husband accepts to stay with a woman who pays for him millions of dolars, he accepted and it doesn't matter if they didn't have sex the problem it's that he was ready for it.
He didn't answer her phone calls, he didn't call her, when he came back to Korea looked for her, told her nothing happened she trusts him and then find him with that woman (beautiful, intelligent, rich and all the world on her toes), then he works for her, and when you call him her voice sounds on the other phone, he hangs up the phone says he'll call her and never does, it's obvious the reason why she's asking for divorce, I'd do the same thing.
On other hand I must say the caracter who I really love is MW, he's so mature and really cares por HJ, and the scene of the bar I was like "ok take me, I want You" haha
It's a really interesting drama with taboo themes, but I'm so angry with SH and SY they just deserve each other.

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kiury333 said: I really think the people who supports SY and SH are the ones who watch and loved "Stair to Heaven", 'cause I don't understand how u encourage cheating, it's obvious HJ loved her husband, and it's understandable her asking for divorce, imagine your married someone you love, but somehow you've money problems, your father may loose his home, so when you think all it's lost the only hope for your family it''s your insurance, so you try to kill yourself, then your husband accepts to stay with a woman who pays for him millions of dolars, he accepted and it doesn't matter if they didn't have sex the problem it's that he was ready for it.
He didn't answer her phone calls, he didn't call her, when he came back to Korea looked for her, told her nothing happened she trusts him and then find him with that woman (beautiful, intelligent, rich and all the world on her toes), then he works for her, and when you call him her voice sounds on the other phone, he hangs up the phone says he'll call her and never does, it's obvious the reason why she's asking for divorce, I'd do the same thing.
On other hand I must say the caracter who I really love is MW, he's so mature and really cares por HJ, and the scene of the bar I was like "ok take me, I want You" haha
It's a really interesting drama with taboo themes, but I'm so angry with SH and SY they just deserve each other.

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Im going to stir up the hornets nest with this one, on the drunk hj scene where she offers herself...i am so excited that all of you antji-hj folks never been drunk before....alcohol is a destroyer. Hj didn't offer to sleep with mw as you are thinking...hj was at this time still po with sh and believing he did sleep with sy. Hj thoughts i think was one of no value and she believed she should even the playing field. I do not believe for one moment that hj would in a sober mind would even utter that offer no less think it, but she was thinking it because she believes that her husband cheated on her.
  The betrayal in this drama is sh accepting the offer (regardless of what we think the writer has made it clear that the offer was it) the tragedy of the betrayal is hj (her understandable rage towards sh/sy)...now the mans quest to find true love.....that one is perplexing because if its not hj then that means sh never did love his wife who he claims to have been in love with each other for tens years....lots of missing pieces for me on that part....but im inclined that he never loved her, but these writers could prove me wrong.
. Also, anyone else bothered by the number of times sy is at the doctor? That just screams whatever her problem is is going to turn worse....its a melo after all! The best thing this drama has taught me so far for when i get married.....dont have sh as a role model! Lol

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I never saw 'Stairway to Heaven' but I love how people can see things so differently. I don't like cheating and I hope they divorce. The same can be said about MW-HJ shippers though - they are also encouraging cheating since MW is married with children. HJ suiciding was wrong and shows lack of trust in SH. Her actions afterwards are proof to me that HJ did not really love SH. I think the difference between HJ supporters and those in favor of SH are how important we considers her suicide attempt. When you are explaining what happened it seems you only see it from HJ point of view - just as HJ herself is doing it. HJ also just sees SH accepting a proposal for money without connecting her own suicide attempt into the equation. In my point of view her suicide attempt cannot be isolated as just a mistake and leave it at that. Her suicide attempt catalyzed what happened afterwards. SH accepting the proposal and so on. I seem to remember that SH did try to call HJ and violated part of his deal with SY not to contact his wife but at that point HJ had given up and did not wish to listen. SH working for SY and spending time with her after returning from HK is VERY WRONG that is where he made his first mistakes yet he has been apologizing and taking responsibility for everything even though HJ is also to blame. HJ also accepted to work and live five days a week in the house of MW before SH decided to join SY so HJ started this trend first ;).HJ on the other hand has made mistakes from the get-go starting from her suicide attempt. Then she accepted a job offer from MW staying at his other house five days a week which is just as WRONG as SH accepting the offer from SY. The difference is just that SH did it to clear their debts - HJ did it out of spite while throwing blame at SH the entire drama. They both did wrong but only SH has been taking responsibility for his action this drama - HJ just blames and act as the victim. I understand why HJ might not want to accept SH back for his mistakes but for me that mistake first happened when he accepted to work for SY in her company. This goes both ways though I think SH should have thrown divorce papers in the face of HJ as soon as she accepted the job offer from MW and started only blaming SH. HJ is no victim and does not deserve any revenge and SH does not deserve to be hurt by HJ anymore. SH has already been hurt by HJ more than she has from him - so why does she deserve revenge?. HJ is just selfish and only see her own pain while ignoring all the wrong she has done SH and that's why HJ comes out far worse than him.

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@Triton823."Im going to stir up the hornets nest with this one, on the drunk hj scene where she offers herself...i am so excited that all of you antji-hj folks never been drunk before....alcohol is a destroyer. Hj didn't offer to sleep with mw as you are thinking...hj was at this time still po with sh and believing he did sleep with sy. Hj thoughts i think was one of no value and she believed she should even the playing field. I do not believe for one moment that hj would in a sober mind would even utter that offer no less think it, but she was thinking it because she believes that her husband cheated on her."

I will come out very hard now (sorry) but this is wrong. This is how people avoid taking responsibility for any of their actions - being drunk is no excuse. HJ made that offer no matter how you try to turn it. HJ might have been slightly drunk but the way she made the offer and her words didn't seem like she did not understand what she was saying nor doing. I think she knew exactly what she was doing and saying. Heck even if she had been totally wasted then she would still be at fault - wasted or not she uttered those words herself. If you can't control yourself while being drunk and you still drink then you are still at blame for whatever you do or say while being drunk - being drunk does not rid you of responsibility. 
In my opinion the betrayal happened with the suicide attempt - no matter the intentions of the writer. The writer writes the story - it's up to ourselves how we relate and see it. 

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