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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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said: So finally watched epidode 7-8....and have to admit HJ (as annoying and unreasonable as she is) was tolerable. Now HJ supporters, I still maintain and insist that her approach in dealing with the situation is completely not understandable from my perspective. I think what I mostly have a problem with is how the actress is not convincing me, as a viewer, to sympathize with her since she is supposedly the innocent one here. The fact that she was the cause of SH deciding to accept SY offer is mostly agreed upon by many here. What i don't understand is how she jumped to conclusion, upon hearing SY's voice, and decided to divorce SH and how she disconnected herself right away in that moment? I mean she only met SY what 4 times and she knew it was her, seriously :-w . I have concluded that the root of the problem is not the money, SY or even her suicide attempt. I believe she was building up on anger and she just needed a reason to snap and take it out on SH.

The fact that she can hurt SH in front of MW by stating he sold himself and that she herself was doing the same tells me that she can be very cold and not sincere. I mean how can you hurt someone you love. I understand anger can control ones emotions but if you really love someone, even if your hurt, you wouldn't want to hurt the person you love....I would never do that.

Now I see why I never liked her. Now on the other hand, SY has my full support. I admit it was wrong for her to confess her feelings to a married man. But I believe she only did it, not to steal him away from his wife, but rather to be honest with herself......

keep in mind she is honest with herself and others, so her admitting to SH her feelings goes with her character and is very understandable.

She didn't want to have any regrets, and possibly she wanted closure so she can move past this feeling of love. She knew she would be rejected. The fact that she didn't try to hold him from resigning confirms that her intentions were not to break them up. Remember also she didn't initiate any meetings after Hong Kong. I more convinced now that SY's background is very similar to the situation she is in. There's a possibility that she and her dad's wife(?) have a lot in common. Her dad's wife could be the SY in this relationship, and SY thought that if her dad fell for the temptation and married her, and she probably thought she has a chance?????? The fact that SH is attracted to SY is understandable. Would I like it if my husband did that, no.....but I've always believed communication is the key to a successful relationship. And HJ was not willing to communicate. Here's SY showing him respect, listens to him, communicates with.....who wouldn't be swayed. Sorry it's a bit long



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Guest ocpanda

@bacom: what can we said, we might be married or in coupledom but we are neither BLIND nor DEATH. LOL
Forgive me father for I have sinned :)

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Guest SherryJ

maddymappo said:


said: So finally watched epidode 7-8....and have to admit HJ (as annoying and unreasonable as she is) was tolerable. Now HJ supporters, I still maintain and insist that her approach in dealing with the situation is completely not understandable from my perspective. I think what I mostly have a problem with is how the actress is not convincing me, as a viewer, to sympathize with her since she is supposedly the innocent one here. The fact that she was the cause of SH deciding to accept SY offer is mostly agreed upon by many here. What i don't understand is how she jumped to conclusion, upon hearing SY's voice, and decided to divorce SH and how she disconnected herself right away in that moment? I mean she only met SY what 4 times and she knew it was her, seriously :-w . I have concluded that the root of the problem is not the money, SY or even her suicide attempt. I believe she was building up on anger and she just needed a reason to snap and take it out on SH.

The fact that she can hurt SH in front of MW by stating he sold himself and that she herself was doing the same tells me that she can be very cold and not sincere. I mean how can you hurt someone you love. I understand anger can control ones emotions but if you really love someone, even if your hurt, you wouldn't want to hurt the person you love....I would never do that.

Now I see why I never liked her. Now on the other hand, SY has my full support. I admit it was wrong for her to confess her feelings to a married man. But I believe she only did it, not to steal him away from his wife, but rather to be honest with herself......

keep in mind she is honest with herself and others, so her admitting to SH her feelings goes with her character and is very understandable.

She didn't want to have any regrets, and possibly she wanted closure so she can move past this feeling of love. She knew she would be rejected. The fact that she didn't try to hold him from resigning confirms that her intentions were not to break them up. Remember also she didn't initiate any meetings after Hong Kong. I more convinced now that SY's background is very similar to the situation she is in. There's a possibility that she and her dad's wife(?) have a lot in common. Her dad's wife could be the SY in this relationship, and SY thought that if her dad fell for the temptation and married her, and she probably thought she has a chance?????? The fact that SH is attracted to SY is understandable. Would I like it if my husband did that, no.....but I've always believed communication is the key to a successful relationship. And HJ was not willing to communicate. Here's SY showing him respect, listens to him, communicates with.....who wouldn't be swayed. Sorry it's a bit long



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@maddymappo‌ "two wrongs don't make a right". When HJ offered herself to MW, she was aware of what she was doing, the fact that she was drunk when she did that or when she insulted SH does not and should not excuse her. I've said from the get go that HJ should leave and not forgive SH. I just can't relate to emotional reactions that's all. I'm too prideful, so if my husband thinks of another woman, I'll let him go. Simple, I wouldn't react how HJ did.

I agree with you that marriage is a unity of body heart mind; but no one is perfect and we are human; and we have flaws but it's how we accept or react to these flaws and imperfection that separate or divide the unity.

I'm glad that HJ finally decided to move on by resigning from the marriage

I still insist that SY is not at fault, it's SH who is. I believe that she was sincere in her confrontation with HJ....she was being to herself

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@SherryJ‌ I too felt that HJ and SH were more strangers than a couple who have been married for 10 years......I did not see the familiarity between them also; or the connection. Instead I saw carefulness, cautiousness, formality and lack of communication

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said: @maddymappo‌ "two wrongs don't make a right".

When HJ offered herself to MW, she was aware of what she was doing, the fact that she was drunk when she did that or when she insulted SH does not and should not excuse her

. I've said from the get go that HJ should leave and not forgive SH. I just can't relate to emotional reactions that's all. I'm too prideful, so if my husband thinks of another woman, I'll let him go. Simple, I wouldn't react how HJ did. I agree with you that marriage is a unity of body heart mind; but no one is perfect and we are human; and we have flaws but it's how we accept or react to these flaws and imperfection that separate or divide the unity. I'm glad that HJ finally decided to move on by resigning from the marriage I still insist that SY is not at fault, it's SH who is. I believe that she was sincere in her confrontation with HJ....she was being to herself

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@ymiss - "Just because Hong Joo's attempt at commiting suicide was "stupid" and selfish, not thinking that no matter how hard the financial status is in their life, Seok Hoon loves, needs her as well, that don't mean that she "forced", "drove" Seok Hoon into accepting Se Young's offer!"

So you're saying...

If A = B and B = C, then A = C.

If SH loves and needs HJ, and HJ commits suicide to save SH, then SH loves and needs that HJ commits suicide?

Don't think so.  @xxxzxxx was pointing out the obvious, if SH loves and needs HJ, and HJ wants to commit suicide to save SH, then SH must do ANYTHING to prevent HJ from committing suicide, in this case, come up with the money to pay off his debts. Or, If SH loves and needs HJ, he must do anything to prevent HJ from committing suicide.

@Triton823 - No, because, the person who made the situation worse was HJ by leaving HK and by insisting they couldn't lose her father's house.

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xxxzxxx said: @vareena.
I never said it helped their problem - but it stopped their financial ruin. The point I'm making is that their marriage was shitty already and HJ was heartbroken and suicidal already. He is given two alternatives really - either accept the offer and be rid of the debt but with a heartbroken wife (because of him accepting the offer). The other being to turn down the offer still being with a heartbroken wife (because of the debt) while also being in huge debts.

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drjj3390 said: I think we all have to remember that the theme of the drama is about temptation and the plot of the drama centers around the proposal SY gave to SH. So without that proposal, indecent or not, there would be no drama. This is a k Melo drama isn't it? Lol Imo, we shouldn't put blame on one character because they're all contributing to the drama unfolding. The'yre all equally to blame.

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lonely_snowflake said: chickpea said:

@lonely_snowflake:  (sorry to cut your post):  "I think we can't just judge the character based on wrong or right, innocent or not, since they're all wrong, they're all not innocent, they're all adults."

I can't agree.  What wrong, exactly, has SY done.  Not what wrong do HJ or MW or SH think SY has done or is doing, what wrong has SY actually done.

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wa anabuta2 said: The scene where she was drinking with MW . I think episode 7

@nabuta2Ok, went back and viewed it.  She was challenging the morality of the ultra rich and powerful. She was testing MW with the offer SY had made SH. She was trying to find out if MW would take the bait and make her an offer that her husband had taken from SY. If in his world it was okay to buy people like that.  To me she was acting out a psychological scenario - she would never accept a deal like, as she said to him whether we sleep together or not is not it -not the point,  it is what would you offer me for doing that for four days of my life, a million dollars?  Getting drunk with MW was surprisingly out of character for her, but my feeling is that she felt undervalued and undesirable as a woman and this led her to making a bit of a fool out of herself.  And MW realized that, and acted the gentleman and did not take advantage of her.  But I do not see it as two wrongs make a right. I don't think she would have gone through with such a situation or felt that would make it "right". She is trying to learn to let her anger and feeling come out, something she tells him, she had suppressed in the past.

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@Triton 823 (sorry to cut your post): " I take it when the markets crash hj is too blame to? Since most are blaming her for everything under the sun....its just like @tessieroo pointed out....which btw i am still rolling laughing at."

Of course!  And the two hurricanes and earthquake that hit Hawaii today are also her fault...  8-}

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@bacom - Isn't he a cutie-pie? So cute that his hair is cut just like Daddy's only it waves to the right while Daddy's waves to the left. *kekeke* Adorable. 
@maddymappo - I got the impression HJ expected SH to be just as offended by the offer as she was and firmly turn it down while telling SY off. He not only didn't do that, she discovers he lied to her about not knowing SY. Of course, she feels betrayed. (I get that he also feels betrayed by her suicide attempt but I've moved way past that - it's over, she sincerely apologized to SH for that and won't do it again) Maybe...he's still angry over the suicide so he's toying with SY in front of HJ to get revenge? Pffftttt, silly idea. (LOL) 
Agree about SY's little talks. Every discussion she has with HJ is designed to foster the idea that something did happen or is going to happen between herself and SH. She enjoys being ambiguous, cruel and playing games with HJ and making HJ feel insecure - like putting her in her place, which is SO below rich, successful, beautiful SY. ("You look nice in a uniform" = you're no better than a housekeeper and certainly not on MY level *smirk*) Her superior attitude is mind-blowing. 
Pretty sure everyone knows that offer to MW was said in anger, nothing more. She certainly wasn't serious. She's actually working her way through the stages of loss very quickly! Of course, some women go through these stages out of order or go back/forth between anger and depression. I've also heard these stages are just a guideline meaning you can't judge everyone by one standard. (this woman cries more than that one so she loved her husband more) Everyone is different. The tearing of the pictures is something I've seen before though, it's a pretty cliche move.  
1) Denial & isolation2) Anger3) Bargaining4) Depression5) Acceptance
@SherryJ - Great question! We still haven't seen much of those 10 yrs of marriage between HJ/SH and the only time I've seen them happy was during their sight-seeing in Hong Kong. That's it! We need more information. 

Does anyone besides me miss Lee Jung-Shin's longer hair? I still can't believe he chopped it all off, breaks my heart. *breaks into hysterical sobs* smiley-sad025.gif
BEFORE: LJSbefore.jpg


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nabuta2 said: @maddymappo‌ "two wrongs don't make a right". When HJ offered herself to MW, she was aware of what she was doing, the fact that she was drunk when she did that or when she insulted SH does not and should not excuse her. I've said from the get go that HJ should leave and not forgive SH. I just can't relate to emotional reactions that's all. I'm too prideful, so if my husband thinks of another woman, I'll let him go. Simple, I wouldn't react how HJ did. I agree with you that marriage is a unity of body heart mind; but no one is perfect and we are human; and we have flaws but it's how we accept or react to these flaws and imperfection that separate or divide the unity. I'm glad that HJ finally decided to move on by resigning from the marriage I still insist that SY is not at fault, it's SH who is. I believe that she was sincere in her confrontation with HJ....she was being to herself

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Whatever the reason is, it's not acceptable. Why should we excuse her actions when we are not excusing SH from accepting and working with SY? He also didn't sleep with SY. More so, I think if it wasn't for MW rejecting her, I believe she would've gone with it. Like you stated she was angry, her confidence was down, and she felt undervalued

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