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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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We should blame @bacom for making us think naughty thoughts

Yes, yes! I totally agree with you! Because I scanned through those pics like lightening just looking at their faces! But since @bacom mentioned that, I had to slowly scroll down the page and counting the pics one by one! Anyways, I will pretend my eyes never saw that picture! La la la!
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Yes, yes! I totally agree with you! Because I scanned through those pics like lightening just looking at their faces! But since @bacom mentioned that, I had to slowly scroll down the page and counting the pics one by one! Anyways, I will pretend my eyes never saw that picture! La la la!

Hahaha lmao I did the same thing.....I'm like what did I miss, then it hit me lol.......oh my innocence is gone i tell you , gone lol

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@ocpanda‌, the pic is in annichoi‌'s post on page 85! You have to click the show button next to spoiler to see all the pics! And it's the eighth pic counting down! That pic only has KSW in it and he's standing!

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@hazelzerone - Nice post, thanks! I think the majority of people here have been very respectful to differing opinions. smiley-love005.gif
@ymiss - Those shoes are EVIL! *kekeke* I agree about HJ being friends with MW but I also felt that way about Roy? She got too attached to him (I think). 
@maddymappo - I also don't think any of these characters will be happy but I'm not sure what the writer has in store. I do think that SY will truly fall in love with SH (her first love) and MW will truly fall in love with HJ. The problem will be lingering feelings between the married couple. (were they also each others first love? HJ ---> SH and SH ---> HJ) My thought about MW being all righteous was that he's never broken up a marriage? (ie - all the women he plays around with are single)
@hazelzerone - Omo, I thought SH DID notice the shoes! It was right after he put the bandaid on? He stares at the shoes, looks up at her and she looks away? O_O LMAO! We're all seeing things differenty, it's awesome. 
@Triton823 - *sigh* I know - HJ is also to blame for world famine. tornadoes, electricity outages, plants dying...she's just a horribly evil entity and must die. Or she must live alone, miserable and in the dirt for the rest of her life to make up for the absolutely disgusting things she's done:|
@annichoi - Isn't CJW also really close friends with KSW's wife? (read that somewhere but don't remember) My favorite pictures of KSW are the ones when he's out with his wife and that gorgeous, adorable little boy of his! He's sooo cute! :x
@moony94 - I firmly believe HJ knows her husband likes and is attracted to SY and has decided instead of being miserable (constantly insecure if he's with SY) or questioning him all the time OR holding him back (either from career or SY) she's choosing to move on and not be a victim. That doesn't mean she's making some huge, grand "sacrifice" for him because I also believe her feelings for him have changed. He's no longer the man she loves or he wouldn't be confessing to, spending time with and taking care of another woman. I too want SH to move on and for both SY/SH to leave HJ alone and stop seeking her out. (but I know that's not gonna happen or we wouldn't have any conflict) :P

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Guest cececece

@bacom - now that you mentioned it, thanks to you,....i see what you meant. But I am sticking to my innocence so..perhaps the fabric is stiff like cotton, as supposed to soft polyester, so certain area appears more puffy? I even enlarged the pic! ROFL!!

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ymiss said:  Se Young, you don't confessed to a married man whether he's your first love or not! You should of snatch him after that interview years ago! Money and power can't buy love!

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@k0de - SY was the one who sought out HJ in this last episode and HJ finally told SY to leave her out of it. So there should be no reason for either SH or SY to seek her out now. 
Found it! (knew I saw this, it was posted here at Soompi!) Isn't their son adorable? flirtysmile3.gifHe's so pretty! think he's only 5? 

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So i go to a waterpark to enjoy my first vacation in 6 years come back and you guys move too quickly.....slow down!
@tessieroo you read my mind perfectly....lingering feelings....lingering memories will surface....both sy/sh will not leave hj alone. Even when hj dropped the divorce thr sh/sy shippers protested with some excuse to blame her. You are right in hj simply tired and wants out of sh/sy game. Yes she wanted revenge but heck i say that when someone hurts me, but it was all talk...hj is removing herself from the triangle so lets see how sh/sy do now. My thoughts only.

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@k0de - SY was the one who sought out HJ in this last episode and HJ finally told SY to leave her out of it. So there should be no reason for either SH or SY to seek her out now. 

Found it! (knew I saw this, it was posted here at Soompi!) Isn't their son adorable? flirtysmile3.gifHe's so pretty! think he's only 5? 


There's no reason for SH and HJ to seek other out......SY and HJ need to avoid each other......SY and SH can seek each other every second, every minute, every hour of every day....I and everyone wanting SH and SY together will not complain 8->

The fact KSW's son is pretty is no surprise....he takes after his parents

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So i go to a waterpark to enjoy my first vacation in 6 years come back and you guys move too quickly.....slow down!

@tessieroo you read my mind perfectly....lingering feelings....lingering memories will surface....both sy/sh will not leave hj alone. Even when hj dropped the divorce thr sh/sy shippers protested with some excuse to blame her. You are right in hj simply tired and wants out of sh/sy game. Yes she wanted revenge but heck i say that when someone hurts me, but it was all talk...hj is removing herself from the triangle so lets see how sh/sy do now. My thoughts only.

You shouldn't have taken a vacation ...wrong time.

Have you caught up yet

:!! How long do we have to wait for you :-w [-(

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ymiss said: Seok Hoon, you don't go work for a woman that you like and misses! And you definitely don't want, need to know her no matter how bad you want to know her! You love your wife yet you want to know another woman! You're doing this to prove to your wife that you love her yet you're attractive to another woman but regardless, you will always choose your wife! Sure, I guess! Go tell that to a man instead! Se Young, you don't confessed to a married man whether he's your first love or not! You should of snatch him after that interview years ago! Money and power can't buy love! If Seok Hoon truly likes, loves you, he will come to you again! If not, you may go to him if you wish! I swear, it must be those pair of heels huh! Se Young, you kept on wearing them then after Min Woo informed you that both Seok Hoon and Hong Joo separated, you put those shoes away! Hong Joo committed suicide after she wore those shoes before you! Se Young, you offered the proposal to Seok Hoon after you noticed the shoes and tried them on! Those shoes must be possessed or something! Hong Joo, if you need a friend, someone to drink with and/or talk to, I'm here! I know, I know! You're not attractive to Min Woo but it's pretty hard to resist Lee Jung Jin's charm huh! Don't ever be friends with a married man! Before you're his friend, make sure you're his wife's friend as well first! I understand you asked Min Woo to sleep with you as in comparing to your, your husband's situation of Se Young's proposal! Wow! I was surprised Min Woo knew what's up or else he would of rape you right there! Next time, please just talk to yourself since it seems like you have no friends besides Min Woo in this drama! What's up with that, writer of this drama! And I agree with Se Young's friend, the head department and Hong Joo's brother, Hong Gyu that no one's "normal" in this drama! Well, I like both Se Young and Hong Joo's fathers so I guess they're the only two that are normal! Haha!
@ymiss  I am with you on this!  I pretty much view these characters the same way, except I do not like Se Young except for her clothes.   

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@Triton823‌ I wish my boss can force me to take a vacation. My day starts at 5:30 till 6, been working Saturdays too :-<

Well it's good to have you back...,make sure you don't take another vacation while temptation is premiering :)

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Guest bacom

@ymiss, @nabuta2, @ocpanda, @cececece, alll of you tries to play HJ now? I didn't say anything, I just dangled a carrot and you get it. Now you blame me for lost innocence??? tsk, tsk, tsk... [-XAnyway, it's such a waste if the pervy mode is not on. We have two gorgeous, deng hawt men here for our fantasy, but we're too busy spazzing about wife and girlfriend :))
@ymiss, my husband would have to understand. Unless that other hot man stands there and beckons me over. Hmp, wonder what wifey like me would do with THAT temptation? :-?
@tessieroo, thank you for the pic. His family is sooo gorgeous,  from daddy to mommy to kid

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