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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest wutmuvi


At this scene, I feel sorry for SY, because she has a mixed feeling of happiness, excitement, wonder, and sad. She was wondering  whether SH applying for work was sincere or to make her falls into his wave. She's aware that she could possibly get hurt, but she's still decide to move forward and let SH take charge. Like some of you have commented, I also have the same feeling I watch and watch again SY and SH scenes together.  They have this magnetic field that they could pull my feeling sad when they're sad or make me smile when they're smiling. I have goosebumps too. Love all their scenes together. I think this quality drama deserve more views and higher rating.

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chickpea said:

You guys are funny...  :))

@tessieroo; @triton 823 - speaking for myself, if CJW played the part of HJ and the same way the current actress is playing it, my opinion of the character wouldn't change.  Actually the actress who is playing HJ has the harder role in this drama and she's playing it well since so many of us dislike her character when the synopsis put out by the production team tells us that we should sympathize with her.  BTW, I make my own opinions, I don't let the PD people tell me what I should think.

@songtre - great analogy; you're right.  The moon reflects the light of the sun; SH reflects SY's light.  This may be how he regains his confidence in business and in love.

We're at Episode 6 and I've seen no evidence of an affair,  not even evidence that SY and SH want an affair; only that they are attracted to each other as, I stated in my opus this morning, is completely human and natural.  HJ should have listened to her father's sage advice... in a marriage no partner is completely at fault and no partner is completely innocent.  SH may have been attracted to SY but HJ put the idea of having an affair with her in his mind because she keeps accusing him of it.  If things move in that direction, she is responsible.

For whatever its worth, this is what I think... if SY is going to have a child now's the time since she's entering early menopause; HJ can't have a child because she has a "weak womb" whatever that means.  SY may end up being a surrogate mother for SH and HJ.  I just don't see them breaking up.  I just want HJ to grow up and SH to regain his confidence and take back the pants-wearing in their family.

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@Triton823 - LOL, it's pretty telling that no matter what role CJW played - everyone would be on her side.  =))  Yep, Karma is gonna bite SY big time. 
I wanted to ask if it's crossed anyone else's mind that SH is playing SY? From the looks he gives her sometimes, it seems like he wants to strangle her - or is it just me that notices the glaring hatred on his face? What if...he's decided to teach her a lesson, both in business and in playing with other peoples lives? He's moved out, he'll divorce HJ, he'll work with SY at the company, make her fall in love with him and then BAM - he'll make some righteous statement about money vs love and leave her. (just something that crossed my mind while re-watching a few scenes of SH staring at SY)

@Lmangla - I still like HJ although she's very naive and somewhat simplistic. I adore her relationship with her brother, how sweet was he for immediately quitting his job because his Noona disapproved? I'm sure she wishes SH had done that ---> told SY to take a hike. The whole family seems to have issues with money and rich people, they also have strong morals. HJ will face problems when/if her father discovers she tried to commit suicide, he's gonna blast her into space for that stupid move. 
@chickpea - I do feel sorry for HJ but it appears I'm alone in that. :-S :))

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@tessieroo‌ omg nooooooooo that did not cross my mind that he might be playing with her to teach her a lesson. It sounds so cruel, cold and evil. Lol what an imagination you have :). Or maybe I was just hoping that my lead actors will find true love with each other without any issues, but then again it wouldn't be a drama lol

@wutmuvi‌ They do have a magnetic presence that disables the viewer. You can't imagine how many times I replayed their scenes together.


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Guest chajoowon

I know CJW only from few rom com films, haven't seen her old famous dramas. SY is a complex character who I feel is getting drowned under the popularity of the actress in this thread. Many here roots for SY it seems only for CJW.

I don't have that bias. I hope she fails luring in SH and he has happy ending with his love,wife . The title gives hope for that . SY sometimes I hate for going a married man like this and sometimes i feel bad for how lonely she is.

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Guest chajoowon

nabuta2 said: @chajoowon‌ Well you can't blame us for liking SY's character, CJW is doing a great job in making the viewer entertained and guessing her characters intentions. She emotes really well

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I've noticed that a few people said that SY is going after SH, but I don't think she is. I find SY to be more of a look and appreciate but do not initiate type of girl so far. SY likes SH but knows she shouldn't. She categorizes her feelings as bothersome, fantasizes about him, and even scolds herself for thinking about him at one point. However, I don't believe she's actively trying to seduce him. She is trying to keep her feelings in check 24/7 behind that pokerface which is hard because feelings don't have blue prints. They're illogical.
When provoked she let's herself be purposely misunderstood by her choice of words and walks away, while hitting that persons insecurities and letting it devour them whole. She clearly told SH he can't be hired for any special reason, and if he doesn't rise to occasion she won't hire him. With HJ she said it was a mistake not to of hired him and she intents not to make it twice, which HJ takes out of context and accuses SY of trying to seduce him which made me straight up laugh because she hasn't or at least not yet, and if she has been I'm blind and she needs to take lessons because her method of seduction is like watching paint dry
Besides holding onto his waist/shirt when after going over the bump during the bicycle ride SY has not initiated any forphysical contact with SH even though she waaaaants some. Sure it's true at first she sought him out a few times w/ business, but eventually gave up on hiring/contacting him at the around the beginning scenes of epi five. SH is the one who came back. As of now SY's method of "seduction" can be considered purely psychological, even though I don't view it as a temptation, I see it as an opportunity. 
Oh and this is random but am I the only one who's seen the microphone boom in a couple of scenes? It's makes me lol evertime, I swear they need a taller boom operator. 

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Guest Narda

Thoughts on epi 5:More of SH's abs, less flashbacks.
Thoughts on epi 6:Less of SY's sister and more of MW's wife.
MW is just as shady as his wife and though I love her for protecting her children, I can't say the same about her intentions with Roy. Sure, she took him shopping and was unpacking his things...But I can still recall when she said to HJ: "Oh what to do? My children likes tomato sauce [on spaghetti]" in reply to HJ who said that Roy likes it with cream?I take it that MW's wife means that she'll always prioritize her childrenor that she doesn't have the slightest concern for Roy's likes/dislikes 'cause that's not her child?
If anyone is (or will be) the villain, it'll be Roy's older sister. (lol)Did you guys see her glare at Roy?
I wonder why SY overworked herself since she was young?I know she's the eldest and was trained about the business from the get-go but did she at least "desired" to have her own family? It seems to me she only thought about it when the gynecologist warned her of her medical condition.
SH's friend is a family man too right? But why is he not living with his wife?
Gotta give props to the musical scorer? All the OST gives me the ~feels.Especially that duet, played couple of times in epi 6. Anyone care to tell me the title/artist?

p.s.SH is such a fine species. I wonder when I'll get the opportunity to "buy his time?" ;))

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Regarding the possibility that SH might have revenge plans on his mind , i don't see that happening , as there is no reason for him to take revenge on SY , she did nothing to destroy his marriage , she offered him and he accepted , he is the guilty one and he knows it plus he is not the type to put the blame on her , he is actually amazed that she was right about the fact that no woman would understand such situation when he was confident that his wife would understand ( ep 1 i think ?) , so i don't think he has any kind of hatred towards her , for now at least. 

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I finally watched ep 5 and 6, and I can see why some are saying SH may have revenge on his mind....his glances, his words lead to that but I'm hoping not. SY wasn't at fault, you are right @moony94‌, why would he.

Did anyone find MW expression strange when lawyer choi said that SH and SY met one another in Hong Kong (I don't remember the dialogue)

I think that SY is the innocent one in all this. Yes initially she made that deal, but I think she did it to truly help and I have a feeling it has to do with her background. She knew that SH wouldn't have taking the money without doing something in

return. She is not seeking him out, it's the exact opposite. He's the one who sought her out, now his intentions are what I'm questioning. Pls writer don't make SY a sad character or get a bad ending because I would rather someone like her stay her confident independent self than get love that will destroy her because she's been played with

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nabuta2 said: I finally watched ep 5 and 6, and I can see why some are saying SH may have revenge on his mind....his glances, his words lead to that but I'm hoping not. SY wasn't at fault, you are right @moony94‌, why would he. Did anyone find MW expression strange when lawyer choi said that SH and SY met one another in Hong Kong (I don't remember the dialogue) I think that SY is the innocent one in all this. Yes initially she made that deal, but I think she did it to truly help and I have a feeling it has to do with her background. She knew that SH wouldn't have taking the money without doing something in return. She is not seeking him out, it's the exact opposite. He's the one who sought her out, now his intentions are what I'm questioning. Pls writer don't make SY a sad character or get a bad ending because I would rather someone like her stay her confident independent self than get love that will destroy her because she's been played with

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Guest chajoowon

moony94 said: Regarding the possibility that SH might have revenge plans on his mind , i don't see that happening , as there is no reason for him to take revenge on SY , she did nothing to destroy his marriage , she offered him and he accepted , he is the guilty one and he knows it plus he is not the type to put the blame on her , he is actually amazed that she was right about the fact that no woman would understand such situation when he was confident that his wife would understand ( ep 1 i think ?) , so i don't think he has any kind of hatred towards her , for now at least. 

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