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[Drama 2014] Make A Wish 소원을 말해봐


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@valsava, @Ldy Gmerm,
There's a person who has been posting the written preview a few days before the ep. airs  Ep 106 12/11/14. 
Twit who knows SW is allergic to kiwi secretly spikes SW fruit juice. During a live broadcast show SW suffers breathing problems. 
GM comes across HR and SW's step mother in a coffee shop and finches at the sight of the confrontation. 

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awsparkle said: @valsava, @Ldy Gmerm,
There's a person who has been posting the written preview a few days before the ep. airs  Ep 106 12/11/14. 
Twit who knows SW is allergic to kiwi secretly spikes SW fruit juice. During a live broadcast show SW suffers breathing problems. 
GM comes across HR and SW's step mother in a coffee shop and finches at the sight of the confrontation. 

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It looks like GM is not clueless after all.  She's starting to put the pieces together. GM knows HR is lying and called someone to do an investigation. HR's goose is just about cooked on both sides. HR tried to bribe HW's mother with an apartment building. She gave her the papers and walked out sure that HW's mother's greed would kick in. The mother ended up giving them back later to HR's shock. 
Does the Twit realize she could have killed SW with that spiked juice. Now all three of them in GM's household has committed a crime. 

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awsparkle said: @valsava,
It looks like GM is not clueless after all.  She's starting to put the pieces together. GM knows HR is lying and called someone to do an investigation. HR's goose is just about cooked on both sides. HR tried to bribe HW's mother with an apartment building. She gave her the papers and walked out sure that HW's mother's greed would kick in. The mother ended up giving them back later to HR's shock. 
Does the Twit realize she could have killed SW with that spiked juice. Now all three of them in GM's household has committed a crime. 

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Throw them out of the company? Investigation?  ClueLessGranny needs to use a magic eraser on her family register to remove all the criminals she has spawned!!!  How much more venal and evil can a group of con artists get?  And that includes Dimwon, who has bought into the entire mess thinking a simple "I'm sorry" will erase years of suffering and a life lost.  It happened to the girl she called "sister" her entire life, so years of suffering x 2.   What a bunch of KDrama creeps this Writer has cooked-up, if they fell into a big hole we would cheer.

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@valsava, @LdyGmerm,
The fog is lifting for GM and she's on to HR and starting to see her other face. She caught her being nasty and bullying DW. GM also knows HR lied about the adoption papers belonging to a friend. She had an investigation done and found out HR's name used to be Shin Min.  The same name of the mother on the adoptions papers.  
The secretary let it out that she only picked up the juice and gave it out per instructions from the twit. Of course the twit denied she knew anything about SW having an allergy to kiwi. DW told them later that twit did know about SW's allergy to kiwi because the twit was there when she and SH were talking about them both being allergic to kiwi. 
Step mom confronted HR about twit giving SW the kiwi juice and HR told her SW wouldn't be encountering such things if she wasn't helping JH to become President. Step mom begged HR to stop but HR told her to have DW divorce her son. Besides by law they  aren't married anyway because the marriage was never registered.  Step mom pleaded again to think of the unborn baby. HR is not having any of it and left step mom in shock by her viciousness.  
SH is starting to get his head from under his mother's skirt. He confessed to what he did and is willing to turn himself in but asked for a month to get things straightened out.  I think DW and SH already registered their marriage and HR just doesn't know. 

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It would serve HR right if DW and SH really did register their marriage not trusting her. This woman is a hot mess. She had no qualms about abandoning her first born SW so why would she care about her grand child. All she cares about is not getting kicked out of the house, that family and that company. But since her son has confessed to his crime she can hang it up as her part in the whole thing is coming out. She should have just told GM the truth about the baby in the picture and the documents. But the fool has lied and then has tried to take the papers and things. GM is going to be horrified to find out all that HR has been up to and against her own child. SH's half sister. Funny how GM is now waking up to the vipers in her nest.

Does GM ask SW if she is HR's abandoned child in the preview or does SW and JH tell her? Or did they tell her the list of HR's and twit's other crimes or what they are trying to do now?

As for Twit she should have known it would some how lead back to her. She was foolish in lying and saying she did not know about the allergy when they all know now that she did and that she would not hesitate to do anything to get SW out of her way as she sees her the reason none of her nasty plans succeeded. SMH who will end up dying next with this group of people I wonder?

DW and SH will land on their feet some how. I see him manning up and taking his punishment and starting over with his wife and kid. SW and JH well I don't know if we will get the wedding and them living together or just the supposed thought that they are finally together. Twit and HR are both coming for hard falls. Twit is crazy I think and will need to be either put away or jailed along with HR for her part in the crime of SW's hubby.Worst case scenario one or both of these two nutty women die.

Did they finally get the spy manager dude out the house?

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@Ldy Gmerm,
The stooge is still living there for some reason. JH, SW and HW's brother know he's HR's spy but I think they are keeping him around for a reason and also to keep an eye on him. He doesn't know they are on to him. JH has moved back into the house and the only ones who don't know about stooge is stepmother and HW's mother. I'm sure they will use him later to step a trap for HR. 
I don't think GM has put all the pieces together yet but she couldn't have missed the look on SW and JH's faces when she mentioned what HR's name use to be. GM is keeping a close eye on HR. She's watching her every move and questioning every word that comes out of HR's mouth. GM probably is going to have it investigated to trace down that baby. She sees now the true face of HR and wants to have all her ducks in order so HR can't lie her way out. HR is not going to go down by herself she's going to take Twit down with her. 
SH has realized the only thing his mother cares about is making it to the top in that company. Once he finds out SW is his sister it's really going to hit home that his mother only used him as a stepping stone. That all she did to hide what he did was not for his benefit but her own benefit. 
Everyone on SW's side knows what Twit did but they can't prove it. If I'm translating it right from the written preview Twit tells SW and JH if they or SW wants to live a comfortable life they need to disappear from the company. 
When Twit told HR what she did to SW HR became disturbed by what she did because she knew she could have killed SW. Twit told HR if she couldn't hold in her emotions she would do what needed to be done. I think HR realized after Twit left what a dangerous person Twit is. 
If it come down to someone dying I think it will be HR who will die by the hand of the Twit trying to save SW. 

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@valsava, @LdyGmerm,
All of HR's dirt is coming back all at one time and biting her big time. First the son finally is told the truth from step mother that his mother doesn't want the marriage and never registered their marriage. Him and DW will have to part ways. SH manned up and finally confronted his two faced mother.. GM overheard and HR tried to lie but GM had already heard everything. 
GM's person reported back that HR changed her name and abandoned her daughter 30 years ago. (not sure if GM knows yet who the daughter is) HR along with Twit threatened to make a scandal on the internet about JH and the chef helping SW that they collaborated to push SW's career forward.   
HR thinks she has all her ducks in order but she forgot what HW's mother told her she would do if she messed with SW and JH. 
HR's greedy world should fall apart next ep.  HW's mother goes to the company lobby and shouts to the roof tops. GM goes to see SW's stepmother. Stooge drops some kind of book (Might be his bankbook) and JH finds it. Transactions in the book from 2009. 
The written preview for the next ep is not up yet.  Will try to translate it when it appears. 

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awsparkle said: @valsava, @LdyGmerm,
All of HR's dirt is coming back all at one time and biting her big time. First the son finally is told the truth from step mother that his mother doesn't want the marriage and never registered their marriage. Him and DW will have to part ways. SH manned up and finally confronted his two faced mother.. GM overheard and HR tried to lie but GM had already heard everything. 
GM's person reported back that HR changed her name and abandoned her daughter 30 years ago. (not sure if GM knows yet who the daughter is) HR along with Twit threatened to make a scandal on the internet about JH and the chef helping SW that they collaborated to push SW's career forward.   
HR thinks she has all her ducks in order but she forgot what HW's mother told her she would do if she messed with SW and JH. 
HR's greedy world should fall apart next ep.  HW's mother goes to the company lobby and shouts to the roof tops. GM goes to see SW's stepmother. Stooge drops some kind of book (Might be his bankbook) and JH finds it. Transactions in the book from 2009. 
The written preview for the next ep is not up yet.  Will try to translate it when it appears. 

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I agree about JH and his not truly seeing the twit for who she really is. . He finally got a double dose of that viper. First she almost kills SW and now she and the other viper have threatened them both. 
Did they ever find that money they tried to frame HW with. If not that could be whats in that book JH found that stooge dropped. 

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awsparkle said: @valsava,
I agree about JH and his not truly seeing the twit for who she really is. . He finally got a double dose of that viper. First she almost kills SW and now she and the other viper have threatened them both. 
Did they ever find that money they tried to frame HW with. If not that could be whats in that book JH found that stooge dropped. 

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Too bad Writer needed more episodes... Remember in the first 40 episodes, HotGuy told VPShin if she was nasty again he would reveal her misdeeds to ClueLessGranny?  He should have followed-through on his threat.  Again, it would have been a very short series.  Short.  But satisfying.

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I think Spy Manager guy, SH or someone who witness the accident took the money that HW was picking up in the road when he was hit. HW had opened the box causing the money to fly out in the street and then he went to pick it up and SH hit him by mistake. If SH did then HR got that money back from him. IF Spy manager Guy did then he has it kept somewhere because there is no way that he should be living so comfortably without a job and admitting to framing HW.  I do not care how much HR may be paying him.

I wondered where that money went that HW was trying to pick up and give back to whoever tried to give it to him. But I guess we will never know for sure or someone out the blue will be found to have that money.

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Thanks for updating this page, have't watched all the episodes because i'm still waiting for the english subs.
BTS Pics

Oh Ji Eun gave cosmetic gifts to Make A Wish staffs

Make A Wish Ratings Episodes 61-84

2014-10-03618.9 (13th)9.7 (11th)
2014-10-06629.2 (15th)10.1 (13th)
2014-10-07638.5 (15th)8.4 (18th)
2014-10-08648.1 (14th)8.5 (14th)
2014-10-09658.2 (15th)8.7 (14th)
2014-10-10668.2 (18th)9.3 (17th)
2014-10-13679.2 (15th)10.2 (13th)
2014-10-146810.3 (15th)10.8 (9th)
2014-10-15699.1 (12th)10.0 (8th)
2014-10-16709.3 (14th)9.2 (15th)
2014-10-17719.8 (16th)10.4 (12th)
2014-10-207210.1 (14th)10.3 (13th)
2014-10-21739.8 (15th)10.0 (14th)
2014-10-227410.6 (12th)10.6 (9th)
2014-10-23759.3 (14th)9.4 (15th)
2014-10-277611.0 (12th)11.0 (10th)
2014-10-29779.5 (11th)10.2 (9th)
2014-10-30789.1 (15th)8.8 (15th)
2014-10-317912.6 (9th)13.0 (8th)
2014-11-03809.1 (17th)9.6 (17th)
2014-11-05819.5 (14th)10.0 (11th)
2014-11-06829.4 (15th)10.3 (14th)
2014-11-10839.3 (17th)9.7 (17th)
2014-11-12849.4 (15th)10.3 (12th)

Source: TNmS Media Korea
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