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[Drama 2014] Make A Wish 소원을 말해봐


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@spring123,  SW adopted mom told bio mom that Sw already knows she her mom and why worry now or try and get her to do anything after she went as far to pass a fake off as her mom.. The twit world hasn't start to crumble yet but it will soon and I can't wait I think she may end doing to some stock manipulation on JH dad company to try and secure her marriage and end up caught in get shyt  and he dumping her azz and his mom won;t be able to help her..  

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Ooooo, those greedy rich-people!  That little SkinnySnake has many tricks to store in her sleeves since those arms are sooooo skinny.
HotGuy should marry SkinnySnake and treat her with disdain, not sleep with her, etc. Be fun to watch her chase him around even more.  Try to tempt him with her skinniness.  He can then takeover her company, toss her by the wayside, divorce HerSkinniness after she goes to jail for whatever crimes she commits:  trying to off her competition, manipulating stock, whatever.
Of course, they will all be living at CluelessGranny's house.  In KDrama this must save on set costs, right?  Everyone works at the same company, lives in the same house... creates conflict and saves on set costs, networks win, viewers get bored.  Same.  Same.  Same.  Same.  
I tried to think of other scenarios, couldn't.  Writers must have already used all ideas, now just recycling characters, plots, sets, even the props!  Watching about every 3rd episode, haven't missed a single thing.
Yeah, I'm bored.  

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@valsava, @spring123, @watchumlots,
The twit really thought that after she threatened SW and she turned JH down he would run to her because his mother is pushing for them to marry.. She got the shock of her SkinneySnake life. JH told her he has no thoughts of marrying her. It took him 5 years to get over his first wife. Twit had the nerve to tell him she would wait. JH told her don't wait. SW's mother and HR both told her JH didn't want her. SW's mother even went as far as telling her it was a disgrace to try and buy a man. She just can't get it through her thick head he does not want her no matter what. 
HR just does not know when to stop tormenting people. She is so hateful towards DW and that pansy son doesn't do anything to stop his mother. Now she's trying to set up DW like she's having an affair to put a wedge between DW and her son. JH and SW are already on her azz for doing the things she's done and how she treats people. They are looking to nail her azz to the wall. The fight is between HR and the twit and they both have involved and using other people because of their fight for power. Both those witches need to go down together. Neither one of them should get that President seat. 
Can someone tell me why the aunt is so loyal to the twit. When is someone going to notice the aunt and the stooge are spies. 

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SW's stepmother already knew that the aunt is that wit's spy when that twit came confronting her at the shop about telling the truth. The aunt reckons it is because she's related to that twit by blood (blood thicker than water) which is why she kept siding with her. The stooge role will be uncovered by next week I think.

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gene71632 said: SW's stepmother already knew that the aunt is that wit's spy when that twit came confronting her at the shop about telling the truth. The aunt reckons it is because she's related to that twit by blood (blood thicker than water) which is why she kept siding with her. The stooge role will be uncovered by next week I think.

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  valsava said: gene71632 said: SW's stepmother already knew that the aunt is that wit's spy when that twit came confronting her at the shop about telling the truth. The aunt reckons it is because she's related to that twit by blood (blood thicker than water) which is why she kept siding with her. The stooge role will be uncovered by next week I think.

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awsparkle said:   valsava said: gene71632 said: SW's stepmother already knew that the aunt is that wit's spy when that twit came confronting her at the shop about telling the truth. The aunt reckons it is because she's related to that twit by blood (blood thicker than water) which is why she kept siding with her. The stooge role will be uncovered by next week I think.

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If after all she's been doing he's in fact not the bloodline of that family she's in deep sh!t, Even after she found out that SW was her daughter she chose SH over SW and continued to try and destroy her for the sake of SH and that company. Something is going to have to happen and SW will probably have to save her sorry azz before she repents. 
The written preview says something about the twit looking into trying to find HR's weakness. Twit will probably be the next one to find out SW is HR's bio child and try and use it against her. I wouldn't be surprised if the big mouth aunt is the one who discovers it and tells the twit. 

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Just coming here to  say hello &see all of you ...

I want to tell you .... hmmmm ......I don't want to watch the drama with stupid female leaders , only waiting for LUCKY !! and helping from the others

and going around ...around ... and all the same actions of all actors & actress ... nothing new  in order to enough 100-140 episodes !!! men ! I'm feeling... I'm stupid too !

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Well hello to you too!!!!! 
 It's been quiet in here because I think everyone has gotten bored with this drama going around in circles. 
I did watch today to see if any new developments happen to move this story along but its the same thing over and over. SW's family is trying to play match maker between her and JH but she's still playing the noble idiot.  As @gene71632 stated the stooge will be found out probably in ep 94. 
It's very frustrating to watch these stories when the bad guys takes up most of the story doing one evil thing after another and end up being forgiven at the end. 

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@gene71632,  Can you please help me out when you get a chance in episode 94 I know they found out about the stooge.. What info the stooge was passing to her and what was SW and bio mom conversation was about..?   and what did Jh mom tell him that made him change his mind to marry the snobby twit..?

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SW's bio mum wanted to know how that twit found out her involvement in selling the recipes to rival company (in order to frame SW) and asked the stooge to investigate how much the twit knows. 
The stooge had a conversation on a phone with someone, wanting to know if the person knows someone in the rival company to get a security position there but he lost the name card SW's bio mum gave him. SW stumbled upon the stooge having that conversation and queried about it. 
The stooge had a conversation on the phone with the SW's bio mum that the contact person at the rival company is meeting a woman from CE Group and assumed it was that twit but later, the stooge sms and said it was SW. Bio Mum tried to dissuade SW from meeting the contact person at the rival company and finding out about the truth concerning her involvement in selling of the recipes so that she doesn't ends in ruins after all the hard work she had done to get to this point, and her and her stepbrother be driven out of Song's family. SW refused to be persuaded and told her bio mum that she doesn't fit to be her mother. 
The stooge claimed to HW and his brother that he never wore a raincoat when HW claimed to see him at the time of his accident was seen wearing a raincoat by SW, HW's brother and JH. All is suspecting that the stooge and SW's bio mum had something to do with HW's accident.
JH's mum told JH that his father has cancer and the date is set for the operation. They will not know the outcome till after the operation. His father wanted both their companies to merge and JH to get married quickly and so the gift (expensive jewellery) was given to that twit quickly. His father is refusing to gave the operation until their wedding date is set. JH's mother told JH that it is his fate even though she doesn't want to do that to him. She asked JH not to be stubborn and set the wedding date with that twit quickly for the sake of his father. 

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JH's mum told JH that his father has cancer and the date is set for the operation. They will not know the outcome till after the operation. His father wanted both their companies to merge and JH to get married quickly and so the gift (expensive jewellery) was given to that twit quickly. His father is refusing to gave the operation until their wedding date is set. JH's mother told JH that it is his fate even though she doesn't want to do that to him. She asked JH not to be stubborn and set the wedding date with that twit quickly for the sake of his father. 
@gene71632,  Thank you..   I have yet to see Jh father I wonder if mom is making all this up and for some reason I think mom is lying and they don't need to merge companies dad say who he supposed to marry this could be mom and the twits plan I wonder how he will find out hoe bad the twit manipulated her marriage to him and he don;t even like her.. 

So from the preview that what Halmoni overhears coming out of Sw mouth how bio mom been giving they recipes do the rivalry company..   

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Thank you for the translation. 
I saw this marriage business coming a mile away. I guess they had to find a way to fill up the rest of the eps. 
The twit finally is getting what she wants she thinks. This piece of news is not going to sit well with SW's mother, sister or HW's mother and brother. HW's mother has been the match maker ring leader. Would not be surprised if SW's side comes up with a way to stop this setup. 
From the preview when the twit hugs JH I bet she did it knowing SW was there. I did love the look on JH's face like why is she hugging me. Dumb twit still thinks she can get him to fall for her. 

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awsparkle said: @gene71632,
Thank you for the translation. 
I saw this marriage business coming a mile away. I guess they had to find a way to fill up the rest of the eps. 
The twit finally is getting what she wants she thinks. This piece of news is not going to sit well with SW's mother, sister or HW's mother and brother. HW's mother has been the match maker ring leader. Would not be surprised if SW's side comes up with a way to stop this setup. 
From the preview when the twit hugs JH I bet she did it knowing SW was there. I did love the look on JH's face like why is she hugging me. Dumb twit still thinks she can get him to fall for her. 

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