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RongYi Couple (Lego and Rong Rong)


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Guest katfish

OMG PEEPS. This has got to be by far one of the most CUTEST BTS that has ever aired. So much so that I am willing to let go of my grudge with the ads playing every 10mins! 

Lego was soo cheery in it and did anyone else notice that he was all really touchy feely with RR throughout all the practice runs? Even when they were just goofing off he was constantly finding ways to hug / have some sort of physical contact with her =P 

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@katfish YES!!!! So many excuses to hug her it was crazy!!!!! I'm still flailing limply over here.. EDIT: Ep 24 bts!!!!!! http://youtu.be/1uOR9IXrong I legit have watched this at least 4x already trying to count all the hugs but kept getting so distracted by RongYi that I had to finally get a piece of paper out so I could tally it up and keep track.. By my count, there were at least 20 full on hugs!!!!! That is not including all the playful almost-but-not-quite hugs...and the number of times they held hands!!!

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^ let me count it tomorrow  :)) :)) :)) it's 12.22 am here and i am at a semi-sleeping mode although this BTS will keep me awake if i don't close it  :\"> 
i especially love this BTS  :)anyway, thankyou for finding the BTS  :P

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@starletjul lol you'll have sweet dreams tonight that's for sure!!
 I can't stop replaying the bts.....and fangirling over RY :D :x :\"> :-* ...or lmao so hard at Lego's 'damn it' still =))

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Translation of RongYi bts Part 1

Starts at 1:37 min

Director: Can you catch her?

Lego acts out the following sequence as shown by the caption: Waits for JE to come... and then gives her a punch... and lets her fall...

Sound man: Records sound

Director: 5, 4, 3, 2...

Lego gets ready in the punching mode but immediately changes his stance and stands straight when RR runs into his arms.

RR: Why are you here?

Captions reads: Soft hearted so changes his mind (about punching her)

Sound man: Records sound

RR: You're in a very good mood today! (referring to Lego)

Director: 5, 4, 3, 2...

RR: Why are you here?

Lego motions for RR to come. Caption reads: Come, come...

RR motions back in return. Caption reads: Purposely don't want to come!

Director: 5, 4, 3, 2...

Lego breaks out in laughter when watching the playback.

Lego: I have a very pained expression right??? Sorry, sorry! I will bear with it later. I will bear with it.

RR shoots him a look. Caption reads: (RR) Glares.

Director: The pained expression is probably caused by her heavy weight right?

Lego: *Giggles* (I swear it was a giggle!)

RR: Director! We only have 2 weeks left. I'll let you poke fun of me as much as you like during these 2 weeks. Just poke as much fun as you like! Anyway, I admit that I'm the fattest Lin Jia En in history. (Lego continues giggling in the background)

Lego: Falls into the bushes. Let's enact a scene from those ancient imperial palace drama.

RR: Pounce on you!

Director: Like those European and American movies... When you pounce, you need to grip your legs first.

RR: Gripe my legs first... *practices griping her legs and pounces on Lego*

Director: Yes, yes, that's it. Gripe your legs first.

Lego: Fall down and fall into the bushes behind.

RR: *Pretends to pounce on Lego and push him* Like this?

Lego: Discovers later that I'm dressed in red.

RR: So scary!

Final take....

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Translation of RongYi bts Part 2

Starts at 3:15 min

They're rehearsing their lines before the kiss but they're doing it while hugging instead of sitting down as what was shown in the actual scene.

Lego: Then I also want an immunity.

RR: Then I also want an immunity.

Lego: *Pushes RR's head towards him* Of course no problem.

Caption reads: Uses his strength to hug.

*Still rehearsing their lines while holding hands*

RR: Let's start again tomorrow (referring to their trial separation). If not, I have to bear with it an extra day.

They hug and RR chuckles.

RR: Give my hand a jerk like this first...

Lego: Yes, I must fling you towards me.

RR: Eh, why didn't you do that? (referring to the hand jerking)

Lego: I'll do it later.

RR: Ok, ok...

Lego: Try flinging me (towards you) and see how it goes.

They try it out...

Lego: That's it.

RR: Did I (do it)???

Lego: You did. How about a very cool one like this... Do the fling... turn around quickly...

RR: Let's try it!

Lego: I can't!

RR: Try it! Must be fast alright...

Lego tries and breaks out in laughter before even turning.

Lego: Can't make it in time!

RR: Let's try again. I'll slow down. I'll fall slowly.

Lego: Alright.

They try again... and gets nowhere because Lego didn't turn.

RR: You must turn. After you fling me, you must turn quickly.

Lego: I'm nervous...

RR: I trust you. This is a game of trust.

Lego: I don't trust my (injured) back...

Discussing the kiss scene (4:08)

Lego: After the hug, before the peck... It seems like we can do something else first.

*They hug*

Lego: After that, we draw apart... I will say, "Mouth..."

RR: Mouth???

Lego: When I say "Mouth", you must reply, "What mouth?"

RR: (obediently follows his instructions) What mouth?

*Lego moves in for the kiss*

RR: *giggles*

Lego: What do you think of that ad lib?

RR: What kind of pickup line is that?

They try out his suggestion...

RR: Everybody look here! I even cue everyone to look at us...

*They hug*

RR: So I say (her lines)... What am I going to do? The more blissful I feel, the more fearful I become. How are we going to be able to apart from each other in future?

Lego: Then we'll move out of the hug. I'll say, "Mouth..."

RR: What mouth?

*They pause there for a moment*

Lego: You should say "What's wrong with the mouth?" (He's purposely messing with RR's mind by changing his ad lib script!)

RR: Opps... What's wrong.....

Lego: *interrupts before she can say her lines* Retake!

RR: So what should I say? What's wrong with the mouth?

Lego: You say, "What's wrong with the mouth?"

RR: (repeats) What's wrong with the mouth?

They try again and RR repeats her lines.

Lego: Mouth

RR: What's wrong with the mouth?

Lego: *Pauses and pretends to give her an exasperated look* When I ask about the mouth, you must reply, "What mouth?"

RR: But you just told me to say "What's wrong with the mouth?!!!" *Points an accusing finger at him*

Lego: *Pretend exasperation* That's because those were my lines!!! (Lol. He's confusing me too!)

RR: Sorry!

Lego: Damn it!

RR: I really cannot understand you!

Lego: Let's do it again. Move out of the hug. Mouth...

RR: What's wrong with the mouth?

Lego: When I ask about the mouth, you must reply, "What mouth?" (He's totally messing with her mind.... and mine too!)

RR: What mouth?

Lego: This mouth... *swoops in for the kiss* Kisses her. Is that nauseating?

Director: I think it's fine.

Background voice: Betrayed by the director.

RR: The director wants to go down the nauseating path.

Director: Let's ask the audience behind whether they find it nauseating.

RR: *Yells* Isn't it nauseating??!!!

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Translation of RongYi bts Part 3

Starts at 5:34 min

RR: (Practicing her lines) How can you do that? I already bore with it for one day already. If we start over, I will have to bear with it for an extra day.

Lego: (Hugs) from the back. *Rests his chin on her shoulder* Spop pose.

RR: Spop again?

RR rests her legs on Lego's thighs.

Lego: Just a single leg will do. Nobody uses both legs (Huh??? I can't imagine how a single leg pose will look like??! Is he messing with her again???)

RR: *Pouts* That's not good. I don't want... don't want!

Lego: It's a single leg. Nobody uses both legs.

RR's though bubble: A single leg is the one that looks weird!

Lego: Alright, you think about it...

Lego: Everything you also don't want! (He said this in a tone like a parent scolding a child)

RR's though bubble: What are you so fierce about?

They practice their lines some more...

Director: 5, 4, 3, 2...


Lego: We won't be separated. Even if we are apart, our hearts will always be together.


The End :x :x :x

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hahaha oh god im giggling with their conversation..hahaha i think lego should start thinking about directing..he seems to have a good vision for it..i feel like this boy has all these romantic scenarios in his head that he wants to do with RR and feels very comfortable on acting it out with her..And you have to admit you have to be really comfortable to do such things especially if you are professional actors..and you can tell they don't have this wall between them because they can discuss things freely..Lego is such a boy at heart that compliments the girl at heart in RongRong..You will never get bored on watching their BTS..no wonder they are never bored when they are together.

honestly lego lol i think it looks cuter and more swoon worthy when RR's two legs were on top of your lap..i can't envision it with one lego lmao

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Guest nutella101

too much self control for lego not to make the kiss deeper. i can feel it.
:)) :)) i thought they are just pressing their lips but.... did i just saw his lips open up a bit?

Los Angeles Girl 024.gif

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I'm here girls! Okay! First contact of the kiss was DEFINITELY open lips for both....then both remembered camera is rolling then they went dead fish....mere lip pressing, so the action is at the beginning!!!! And of course who don't love the hugs.....was it cold that night? Those hugs MUST have warmed them up enough to set the stage for the KISS, of course....knowing there's a kiss later, L must have been either nervous or hyped up about it, that's why all that goofiness ;)

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Guest dongwookie

Thanks @elezez for the awesome and squeal-inducing translation! My cheeks are hurting from too much grinning so early in the morning from my part of the world. ;) Lol forever and ever at the "Mouth" adlib part. I don't know about you guys, but this is the first time I've seen Lego full-on flirting with RR. See, I knew we were having too much focus on the treasure hunt when Lego could show this much enthusiasm over a non-treasure related scene! :D Edit: ok, finally watched the video. It wasn't as "flirtatious" as I expected, but still squeal-worthy for sure. :)

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@nutella101 @Elezez‌ oh BOTH of them had their lips open!!!! Nutella, I agree...you can definitely tell that Lego is trying his best not to get too carried away and deepen the kiss, just like before..but this kiss being the umpteenth time they've kissed (talking about bts for different camera angles here since of course this is only their 2nd actual ChuanEn kiss) it is just so natural!!! Secretly though, or not so secretly lol, I wish for at least one unrestrained passionate kiss - I don't care if it's for their wedding or not till the movie but I want to see at least one..you hear Settv?! :)
 Thank you so much @Elezez‌ for staying up late and taking the time to translate the bts for us!!!! I think Lego giggled too hahahaha.. I like @clauric am still giggling like mad at all of their playing around, touchy feely-ness and ad-libs!! 
Ok...first off, all that hugging...seriously, I've never seen costar's "practice" hugging so much before....or even keep holding hands while rehearsing!! It's just so natural the way they hug and automatically reach out for each other's hands..I love it, aside from the awesomeness that we get to see, I love that they're both so dedicated to make ChuanEn as real as possible!! That trust game cracked me up when they kept jerking the other towards themselves....RR trusts Lego completely, and Lego trusts her, but doesn't trust his back, aww....I also like to think of all these hugs as RR giving some small comforting support for Lego's back. although with all their playing around you'd never guess he was in pain.. 
Lego lmao what was with all the crazy adlibs during the mouth part and messing around with RR's..and OUR minds?? I was so confused even following along with the translation hahaha and lmao Mr. Director, you already know the fans so well - we want a pouncing hug (which I wonder if they would've practiced if Lego's back wasn't bad)...WE WANT THE NAUSEATING ROUTE!! =)) And LOL again Lego, a single leg? That would look so awkward lololol.....RR looked so cozy with her legs across Lego's legs and her arms around him and it was so adorable the way Lego hugged her legs before launching into his singlevsboth leg spiel....UGH I can't with these two!!!!!!

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