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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guest Kdrama-lover

samasta93 said:


said: the central of their pains are ggaedong..their beloved unborn child..like everyone here..i would like to see before the drama end..another ggaedong for them..pls drama heaven..lets that happens..as i noticed our gun can't really hold his desires toward MY anymore..he want to touch her, kiss her..arhhh poor my gun...i hope in the next episode we can see another rice pounding scene..the real one

:\"> i bet in one try..they will succes..lol..to think again..in just one night our snail couple had ggaedong compared to gun and sr who had a long relationships...and our snail couple will have an award as the fastest baby maker's couple in K-drama..

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The opening scene was also emotional for me and signifies Geon's pitiful self-denial or hiding his own pain from his own self. When Mi Young was saying KaeDdong's name during her feverish sleep, Geon answers:
"You're still hurting by that (KaeDdong's loss). You shouldn't"
And contrast that to the reveal of his initial grieving over KaeDdong in his man cave, when he just bawled out his pain and cried so hard, my heart broke a million pieces with him. Oh a father's love for his child is just so beautiful - no words can describe it.
Credit: Dramabeansftly16-00022.jpg

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is the much-talked about passionate kiss from the TW version going to happen in the next episode? I know the writer made some differences (thank heavens!) between the two but I think that's a need-to-do. (or am I just wishful thinking?)

it's just that you know how sometimes when you get really mad, some feelings that you've hidden deep, deep down just bursts out and you get riled up and passionate and honest? then it's confession time. but sadly, I think Daniel will call to interrupt before "something" actually happens. I mean, they are waiting for MY in the restaurant right?


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Kdrama-lover said: cloe said: the central of their pains are ggaedong..their beloved unborn child..like everyone here..i would like to see before the drama end..another ggaedong for them..pls drama heaven..lets that happens..as i noticed our gun can't really hold his desires toward MY anymore..he want to touch her, kiss her..arhhh poor my gun...i hope in the next episode we can see another rice pounding scene..the real one
:\"> i bet in one try..they will succes..lol..to think again..in just one night our snail couple had ggaedong compared to gun and sr who had a long relationships...and our snail couple will have an award as the fastest baby maker's couple in K-drama..


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Guest aaa1188

garrdan75 said:

The last minute of episode 16 was incredible!  The tension between Gun and MY was tight, breathtaking and nerve-racking...both were unbelievable with their gazes and expressions!!  Ho!  My heart...

Gun's stunned expression on the discovery of the painting and its "implications and truth" of MY's feelings... MY's stunned and disbelieving face seeing him with the painting--- took my breath away in one swoop...my heart thumped in overdrive! 

What I hope to see...

MY goes ballistic with anger and torment, lashing out at him for deceiving her...Gun reacts by impulsively pulling her in for a passionate embrace and kiss, which she resists...for five beats...then helplessly returns kiss after kiss mindlessly...sigh...

I realize that there's much to resolve between our couple...the misunderstandings that may still keep them apart--- MY's hurt from Gun cold rejection of her three years ago and Gun's fear of his condition and it's devastating effect on MY.  As in the past, MY still gets confused by Gun's actions and behavior! 

Gun needs to be resolute and clearly tell her that he loves and wants her back!!

The kiss may happen, but it may be brief and it may not bring a happy reconciliation between them...

We may well have to wait for the BIG REVEALS--- about the fake divorce document and of Gun's Huntington disease fear...

I would like to see MY "step it up" by going after Gun...please be "the aggressor"---being strong, assertive and stubborn... not letting Gun shy away in his fears.  She's shown that she's no longer a Post it girl...let's see her in her Bond Girl mode!!  :)

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

mywebfoot said: fourleafclover said: @mywebfoot
I'm throwing all the awards at them. I hope Jang Hyuk wins the Grand Prize this year. The range and depth that he's shown through this character are ridiculously amazing. From the subtle to outrageous expressions, he's done it all at the most appropriate moments with flawless abandonment and control. Also, kudos to the writing team too for flushing out this wonderful character. I was afraid that Geon might act too macho like how male leads usually are in rom-coms, I'm thinking Dokko Jin, but he blew that stereotype apart.

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Guest pinkbunny2014

trixie1029 said:

is the much-talked about passionate kiss from the TW version going to happen in the next episode? I know the writer made some differences (thank heavens!) between the two but I think that's a need-to-do. (or am I just wishful thinking?)

it's just that you know how sometimes when you get really mad, some feelings that you've hidden deep, deep down just bursts out and you get riled up and passionate and honest? then it's confession time. but sadly, I think Daniel will call to interrupt before "something" actually happens. I mean, they are waiting for MY in the restaurant right?


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Guest hello95123

Episode 16  is the best of this series! Those looks and all that chemistry was completely insane. 
FYI: Did anybody else notice the bed in the corner of Mi-Young's studio??? I don't remember it being there in previous episodes. Well here's to a Gae-Dong rice cake (literal translation not so appetizing). Note: Jang Hyuk and his hair were looking rather awesome this episode.
I'm so excited about episode 17, especially if this is going where I think its going (♬ BED, BED, BED ... BED, BED ; I mean why else incorporate one in the set design - its bulky and takes up a lot of room ... is all I'm saying). But I do feel terrible for Daniel. Don't worry Daniel-shi stop by, I'll kiss your boo-boo all better. In fact, I'm sure most of this forum will line up, to do so too.
Argh! Still kind of hating on Se-Rah.  Who the hell is she to inform and ask  Gun's ex-wife, mother of his unborn baby and eternal obsession to not spend time with Gun, as it makes her feel uncomfortable and therefore could Mi-Young kindly 'step-off'. Wake up Se-Rah, Gun still continues to meet you out of pity and guilt. Your a part of his past and any interest he shows towards you is only out of loyalty to that. Your interference in the past was unwelcome and detrimental, however, your nobody to him now, so any current interference is totally unwarranted and should not be tolerated.  

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Just finished Dramabeans' recap.
It really is Geon's inability to be let out his true feelings that causes the gap now. And we can understand him because he has always been that way - his goat like laugh is the automatic shield he puts up for other to see instead of his vulnerable heart.
You are such a teddy bear in the core, Geonnie-ssi!
All his life, he may never have unveiled his heart but in that confrontation in MY's studio. He's admitting that he is Lee Young Ja may be the first time he's admitted loudly to someone else what he truly feels. He could only be really honest with his grandmother, and now, Mi Young. 
Secretary Tak is a different case because Geon doesn't have to voice out what he feels, Tak is just able to read him like an open book. 
It's how Geon is made: his outer shell is very different from what's inside and there's very few people he has let come in because of his family history and all the hurt he's experienced compounded that complex.
I think Mi Young the one for him - she's the woman (other than granny) who can draw him out of his shell and finally recognize what he feels and not be afraid to lay himself exposed to the woman he loves, and then to the world.

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Guest chunnogirl33

@MaurienL‌ I see everything you are saying except the part about grandma. I don't think Geon opens himself to her. He is always pretending everything is ok to spare her from

any pain. She loves her grandson but I don't think she understands how much he truly hurts inside. There is love but not communication and yes its mostly Geon's doing because he is always hiding his vulnerability, but I think this is how he coped with his parents death. He probably wanted to only show a happy side to Grandma. And this is why he craves a mother, cause Grandma has not been that to him. Grandma is sweet but she also pressured him to produce a heir at all costs. That part wasn't on Gun's best interest but on the family business. Secretary Tak is the only one who really knows what Geon has gone through all these years coping with his loss, his illness, his loneliness, etc

Geon craves a mother and he also craves a confidant, a friend. He was his most vulnerable and honest with Mi Young. She was that perfect companion for him. All of this before the illness of course.

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I just love FTLY. JangHyuk and Jang Nara totally immersed themselves into their respective roles.I can feel every bit of their emotions here.When JangHyuk as LG crazily laugh out, silly me also laughing out loud together with him.:\">I've seen JH in many dramas and movies, but his acting as LG deserves a GRAND PRIZE!

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pinkbunny2014 said: trixie1029 said:

is the much-talked about passionate kiss from the TW version going to happen in the next episode? I know the writer made some differences (thank heavens!) between the two but I think that's a need-to-do. (or am I just wishful thinking?)

it's just that you know how sometimes when you get really mad, some feelings that you've hidden deep, deep down just bursts out and you get riled up and passionate and honest? then it's confession time. but sadly, I think Daniel will call to interrupt before "something" actually happens. I mean, they are waiting for MY in the restaurant right?


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nnai said: mywebfoot said: fourleafclover said: @mywebfoot
I'm throwing all the awards at them. I hope Jang Hyuk wins the Grand Prize this year. The range and depth that he's shown through this character are ridiculously amazing. From the subtle to outrageous expressions, he's done it all at the most appropriate moments with flawless abandonment and control. Also, kudos to the writing team too for flushing out this wonderful character. I was afraid that Geon might act too macho like how male leads usually are in rom-coms, I'm thinking Dokko Jin, but he blew that stereotype apart.

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Episode 16 is absolutely the best!  i could not help but teared at their project over, goodbye scene outside the lift. Love all the scenes they were together. The chemistry between Mi Young and Geon is just electrifying. 

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

@trixie1029   yes he was wasn't he?

Ep 16,

Another favorite scene of mine is when she came to his office to do research of which he insisted on staying in the same room to make sure non of the confidential information is being taken out lol

So, he sits there, at one corner.


As she worked diligently, he watched her with admiration, a slight curl of smile was about to form from his contented pout.


But then, she felt she was being watched and gave a piercing glance towards him,


What did he do? This part made me chuckled hard.
Usually, in movies, dramas, even in real life, the 'watcher' would avert his/her eyes abruptly that was obvious to the one/s  being watched.
But him.. LG ... he didn't turn his head or looked the other way.. he just .. looked slightly downwards and away for a few degrees ..LOL!!
And his face ...  LMAO!


Once in a bus years ago, as I stood in the middle of that packed bus, my right hand reached out horizontally to grab a steel column while the other hand grabbed on the back of a seat, I felt warm skin on my arm. I turned to my right to find a man, a perve 'resting' his chin on my arm, his face .. contented.

That look was exactly on LG's face when he looked away just slightly and seemed to be in his own 'zone' acting oblivious to her accusing stare.

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we already see MY progress after 3 years in ep 13 and 14... we see how hurt MY is in ep 15... we see how hurt Gun is in ep 16... i just wish after that in the coming ep we will see some sort of reconciliation attempt from either one of them... the progress is slow but it is needed for the the viewer to see all that... but if the pace is stay this way at the end it will feel very rushed... really wishing in the next ep it's either Gun or MY will start to try to grab hold the other one...  no worries about the ending coz this is a remake i don't think they will change the ending...

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