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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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heppy said:

And with that, another week begins... I now dread Fridays like I did Mondays and look forward to Tuesdays like it's the end of the week. My days are now ruled by FTLY. Lol. I'll prepare myself for a huge confrontation between MY and LG. As my grandma would say, "you are in biigggg trouble young man..." Was the "lollipop man" a new creation? If so, then MY has got some explaining to do too. Hehe... Episode 17 would be interesting to watch, that's for sure. Why do I get the feeling that MY would consent to marry DP in episode 18? And that this would be LG's turning point to admit to his feelings for MY? :>

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

chinjaru said: Yesterday and today episode Goennie so handsome 
ottokae?? i'm afraid my hubby will hear me talking in my sleep like "Goennie shiii Goennie shiiii " :-SS

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I was laughing so hard when LG almost got caught by MY. I love episode 16, awwww, the feels! I'm wanting for more! An hour is just not enough! I want him to tell MY exactly how he feels that he STILL LOVES HER! But I know it is coming soon and I just need to be more patient. Another week of torture! ~X(

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Both have them so much love inside them for each other... 
I feel like jumping into the dramaworld and knocking some sense into our snail couple... 
Watching an episode without subs is really terrific! I barely understand anything, yet I can feel the essence of the scene. 
I can't wait to watch episode with subs... 
I'm loving the pace of the second part... It's breezy yet filled with pain and yearning... MY muttering GD in her sleep made me so sad... and touched... 

P.S. Our main cast really needs some sleep... Take care... Fighting!! 

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Just watched episode 16 without subs...even so...

-the writers' genius with the writing

- the director's wonderful direction

- most importantly---our OTP's flawless acting and chemistry

I'm able to totally grasp each and every interaction so easily! 

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:-B In our fast paced world, it would be so easy to want this FTLY to just have LG and MY find the courage to express what they their real feelings are for each other......they've cried, they've pushed 'n pulled, they've given each other space, they've misunderstood each other and misunderstood situations...Yes, it is easy to desire for them to just hurry up, and end up in each other's arms....at least that is what I thought I wanted, till I watched the end of eps 16..... And I about burst into flames from watching LG and MY when they encountered each other at Elli's studio".......beezeus.........I don't know how these TWO didn't just right melt into each other's arms....powerful....just amazingly powerful......how are we supposed to wait another week after that scene!?? :-O :-/

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Although it's obvious that JH is not getting enough sleep, it winds up being perfect for the drama.  LG is obviously not sleeping.  MY has shown back up into his life and he's being hit full force with the consequences of his actions.  The woman he loves and the baby he loves are both gone and to top it all off he's lost her to the neighborhood oppa.  Not because she was taken away, but because he gave her away.  He's in an epic battle with himself should he approach her and try to start anew or let her go.  This is driving him crazy since his mind is telling him to let go but his heart just won't let him.  Everytime he tells MY that he doesn't care about her or want her, he tears a little bit of his soul.
It will be interesting to see what happens when DP, LG and MY are all together in one place, and LG is not in stalker mode.  I think DP is going to be the one to recognize that LG and MY have feelings for each other.  It will probably catch him off guard since he believes that LG never cared or loved MY.

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I'm not an avid "poster", having held my impressions and reactions to myself, but somehow this drama...the two Jangs...this duo and their unbelievably awesome interactions and chemistry---simply irresistible!!

Even with episode 16 not fully subbed, each and every scene clearly expresses itself so well and so effectively! 

Gun's expressions while watching MY asleep, or at work grabs my heart every time... squeezes it so tight that I'm breathless watching the scenes, and I'm filled with helpless emotions of agitation and excitement---wanting him to "just grab his gal, hug and kiss her silly... and not let go!!" 

Ho!  Jang Hyuk---you've rendered me back to being a young girl in the realms of her first, thrilling crush!!  As much as I miss his earlier, dashing hairstyle and colorful suits and ties, the newly groomed and dapper Gun is a wonderful expression of how much he's matured in the three years. 

Of course when his bold laugh comes out, I'm giggling and somewhat relieved that the "old Gun" is still " present and kicking!"

So many wonderful scenes in this episode---love, love the scene between Gun and Tak!!  I keeled over and laughed so loud, my Mom looked at me with raised eyebrows!!

Wonderful cast with wonderful writing, direction and acting!!  My fav drama to date!!

Finally...Thanks so very much to all of you who provide "live recaps" after each episode--- before the upload is shown on the sites!!  Truly appreciate your generous hearts in taking the time to explain and share.  :)

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Sometimes when I see MY, I think she atleast had the support of Daniel and her mom...

But Lee Gun is worse... He never told anyone what he did, why he did it, had no one to lean on at all... 
I always see Daniel besides MY... Yes I feel sad for her, but I don't feel the need to console her
... But when LG is crying, I feel like hugging him... He seems like he has no way of venting his real feelings.
Ofcourse I tear up when both our leads are crying... :((
It's painful to see that MY and LG couldn't be there for each other then ... and now... 
I really wonder how MY will feel 
-if she magically stumbles into LG's mancave ... -if she finds out LG's reason of pushing her away... -if she finds out that SeRa and LG are just friends and totally nothing more... -If she finds out that Sera had given the wrong, fake divorce agreement to her... 
I really want to see MY give LG a tight hug and they talking to GD together... 

P.S. Being back to FTLY forum ... is like returning back to my home... After Master's Sun, this is the only other drama that has made me feel that way ... 

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Guest fiovial

Thank you all live recappers!!! Amazing posts as always!

I'm a bit behind since I just finished episode 15...I have to say for sure no doubt episode 15 was lots better than episode 14.

Sorry to steer the conviction away from episode 16 but there are just some parts of episode 15 that I absolutely adore:

- Geon telling Sec Tak and Yong that those candies and chocolates are too sweet and giving him headache, instead he wants something that will warm his heart. And voila where did he go? His uhmma's restaurant! Just love love love love love the whole sequence. He goes to MY's mom's restaurant on an unusual day. So cute that they really have date nights. The scene of uhmma feeding him is so heartwarming. And of course the rice by his cherk was pure =)) .Dare I say I ship Geon-MY's mom as much as I ship Geon-MY? :))

- The conversation in the cottage. When Geon said that the sound of the rain hitting the eaves of the house sounds like 'tap...tap..tap' as if the rain is patting him and said it's not you r fault it's okay. OMG that's such an awesome dialogue. I get a bit teary there.

- secretary Tak knowing full well that Geon was going to go to the street where Ggae Ddong died. Gaah these little touches of warmth from the supporting characters are what really make FTLY super awesome. I mean all of the characters are fleshed out well. Even secretary Tak we feel like we know him. Writers. ..you two are just super amazing to make us feel for every single characters there.

Now I feel like I should defend Sera's mom. In no way do I find her evil. She is taking steps of what a mom would take. She has tried to talk things out with Sera but obviously Sera is one stubborn gal. So what would be the next logical to do to save her daughter from more heartbreak? Of course to go to the guy causing the heartbreak. From how I see it Sera's mom wasn't really asking Geon to marry Sera but more of telling him to stay the heck off her daughter. Only Geon could break things off completely with Sera. Sera obviously still harbored feelings for Geon and nothing pained a mother more than seeing her child hurt. I totally understand Sera's mom's actions.

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