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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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akinahana89 said: songielove said: Sorry to go back to Sera and Gun, but I've always believed nothing happened between the both of them the first night she returned. That is not in Gun's character. She fell asleep, he left a note, and most likely went back to his office for the night. CEO always has a change of clothes handy, especially with a top-notch secretary like Sec. Tak.

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Just dropping by to thank everyone for keeping the thread alive.. am traveling but love to drop by and read everyone's post, especially all the posts on epi 8 n of cos @sooyoungdaebak posts on he/she said.. it's like re-living the show again with geon n MY..

Caught the "re-telecast" of epi 8, and just have to comment.. remember that I once mentioned that in epi 17 geon's video of him describing MY, and one of them was how MY was good at caring for people's feelings (can't remember the exact wording but something like that) and I referenced back to epi 8 at that time, that geon really appreciated how she cared about his feelings when he was trying to walk away from the pain of losing his "first love" and for being patience with him..

but re-watching epi 8, made me realise that, it's not only geon, but also sera that MY is considerate about.. (sorry if I'm a bit slow but some not so important details I will tend to gross over.. which is why rewatching is such a good thing! :P ) especially the part where the two of them were outside geon's office and him questioning what was she doing.. seriously I was annoyed too, why did she have to to lie.. but her reason totally won me, just like geon went speechless after hearing her words.. and the subtle shift in his expression was like, why is there such a woman like you, who in this situation will care about other people...

And one thing I like Abt rewatching is that I finally pay attention to the bgm, don't ask me why I didn't notice the first time round, I guess I just can't multitask.. lol.. just noticed that the rain (water dripping sound) was really loud and clear during the scene when geon came clean with sera, which made it more.. poignant?

Anyway always felt that epi 8 was one of the best in terms of direction/execution.. not forgetting the last scene - flashback of what MY said to Daniel.. rewatching just made me appreciate it n the director/writers evern more. (:

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I was just watching bits of ep 13 and ep 16. And something really struck me about the hand-holding in each of the scene. 
In ep 13, when Daniel holds out his hand for MY to hold, MY hesitates and doesn't quite know what to do. When she finally puts her hand on Daniel, you can see in her hand that it's just surface touching and not totally hand-clenching like it is. There's an obvious gap between Daniel's palm and her palm. 
However, in ep 16, after MY wakes up from her feverish sleep, she finds her hands clenched tightly in Gunnie's both hands. At first she takes it out, probably due to the fact, that she wants to refrain from having skinship with him. But once she finds out that Gunnie is fast asleep, she puts her hand in and clenches his fingers tightly. 
So much love in just the handholding itself!And sorry if I was being random :x

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Guest chunnogirl33

I love you guys! Im getting so bored with the dramas I'm trying to watch, then I come back and many of you are still here. Don't ever leave! I fell behind on the rewatch but I'll try to catch up :)

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I agree! Even down to the smallest skinship details, the actors and the directors were so precise in making sure the differences can be reflected back on. What may seem subtle and easily overlooked at first glance is actually just another crucial piece of information to dissect and another reason to love the drama even more than we already do. :D

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Guest TinaA1430294419

Did anyone else notice that when Ji Yeon wanted to list MY on her dating site, MY didn't even mention Daniel?  If she's thinking about marrying him she should have said, why would I need to be on that site, I  have a man?  Shows she had all ready made up her mind.

Also, when he got made a fool of by that phony sister, she volunteered to be his sister for the day, does that sound like something you say to a man you're thinking of marrying?  And when he bought her those shoes, picked them out for her and then tied them for her, that sure gave a big brother impression, not to mention when he told her not to drink too much and that he didn't approve of her doing the artwork for the commercial.  Definitely not a relationship of equal partners!  (Maybe that's the real reason she was so reluctant to kiss him...not a proper way to kiss your brother!)



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@heppy wrote: Anyway always felt that epi 8 was one of the best in terms of direction/execution.. not forgetting the last scene - flashback of what MY said to Daniel.. rewatching just made me appreciate it n the director/writers evern more. (:
I agree with you. Rewatching made me appreciate this drama a lot more. Especially when I'm writing down what Geon and MY said. Listening and reading the subs often made me miss crucial moments, especially with their expressions/reactions. But when I had to screencap the scenes, I had to pick the right moment and that is when I started to notice certain things that I missed during my previous viewing. Eg: MY has the most adorable face when she's pouting. And she wore a lot of white in the beginning of the episodes. White compliments her skin tone so well. With Geon, the camera loves him. It was hard for me to capture his picture because JH made it hard for me to choose. His eyes movement, his smile, his reaction, they are all so good. I ended up screen capture more JH scenes/face than MY cos he gave me a variety of expressions that I can use. I'm not saying JNR isn't good, she's as excellent as him. Except I always know which of her expression I want to use. 
When I first watched ep 8, I didn't notice he had his ring on during that fireworks dance. I also didn't notice how much he touched MY in ep 8. Geon touched MY so naturally and comfortably. When Omma was admitted in the hospital for gallbladder, MY rushed into the room and told Omma, nothing should happen to Omma cos MY needs her. Geon naturally approached MY (like any husbands would) and reassure her, Omma is in good hands. Don't worry. I love that scene. And I think I will do one of Geon and Sera (He said/She said) in the office. That part is crucial. The way Geon interacts with SeRa was so different than pre-Macau. 

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Guest psycheros

When Ji Yeon brings up the dating website, Mi Young is surprised that Gun has been single for the past 3 years. There is a similar scene in SSoBG where Yang Soon and Ki Tae are separated for a while, and then she is surprised to learn from her friend that he is not seeing anyone.


I like how we see another lift scene from the security office perspective later on, when Gun turns on the lights for Mi Young as she exits the building, gets the lift to skip floors, and books her a cab.

He not only watches out for her physical well-being secretly from afar, but in his will, he ensures her future ahead will be "brightly lit", by arranging to transfer the Paris property to her name, and celebrate all her future birthdays.


I noticed that there is a bed in Mi Young's studio - why didn't they move there instead of Ji Yeon's house? Is it because there are no proper facilities eg a kitchen? Also if they didn't use Ji Yeon's house, we wouldn't have that cute house cleaning scene.

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Guest lovelyjen

itzibitzispider said: psycheros said: I noticed that there is a bed in Mi Young's studio - why didn't they move there instead of Ji Yeon's house? Is it because there are no proper facilities eg a kitchen? Also if they didn't use Ji Yeon's house, we wouldn't have that cute house cleaning scene.

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Many, many pages ago you guys may have mentioned this and I must have missed it. I noticed not once Geon took off his ring on episode 8 even when he met up with SeRa at the cafe. Even when he left home with not wearing what MY had prepared for him, he didn't take off his ring. Aww...Geonnie!      :x

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Funny isn't it that it's more believable to have DP and MY as siblings than DP and Sera? I never thought of DP (as wonderful as he is) as MY's boyfriend even after paris.
There is more chemistry as lovers with sera. Even the director noticed it. Lol.

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Funny isn't it that it's more believable to have DP and MY as siblings than DP and Sera? 
I never thought of DP (as wonderful as he is) as MY's boyfriend even after paris.

There is more chemistry as lovers with sera. 
Even the director noticed it. Lol.


Agree with you.

Neighborhood Oppa more believable as MY's siblings. MY's facial expression and body language before and after Paris, still have the same look to Daniel, a respected and grateful kind of look.

But with Geon, totally feeling of love and longing, I love their scene in elevator when Geon bowing to MY, kyaaaa, it got me a lot that expression from MY & LG, not only this scene, the other scenes of them always showing their explosive chemistry just by staring each other, holding their hands, even when they had fight, hehehe.

Meanwhile, it clearly like a lover between Sera and DP, when they meet finally and walking holding hand, not dongsaeng kind of look but long time lover meet again, hihihi. I think,it also because the body posture of Sera and DP made them so fit to be together.

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Guest rxthien



Funny isn't it that it's more believable to have DP and MY as siblings than DP and Sera? I never thought of DP (as wonderful as he is) as MY's boyfriend even after paris.
There is more chemistry as lovers with sera. Even the director noticed it. Lol.

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Speaking of the relationship between Mi Young and Daniel after she came back from Paris.... Was I the only one who thought they weren't dating in every sense of that word? In the TW version, we actually see the progression in their relationship from platonic to somewhat romantic. We could even see the opportunity in that relationship. Here, it wasn't shown. We just see Mi Young and Daniel having become incredibly close with one another after Mi Young returns to Korea. We don't see what happened to her at all in Paris. We don't see Mi Young expressing any romantic interest towards Daniel.

There were a lot of outsiders who made comments about their relationship, but both Mi Young and Daniel never flat out confirmed their relationship status. The way they grinned politely and moved on seemed to indicate they'd rather just leave it be than to correct assumptions. It seemed more like a one-sided pursuit anyway, with Mi Young unsure of how to react, so she chose not to at all. When the staff was teasing them about their first kiss, Daniel moved in for one, but Mi Young appeared startled and not at all comfortable with the notion.

They never acted much like a couple either. When Daniel proposed, it felt like Mi Young knew of his feelings for her, as expressed to Young Ja, but it appeared as though they weren't necessarily in a relationship where those feelings went both ways. When she asked for some time to think about his proposal, she said she needed to determine if her feelings for him were only gratitude or something more. Those words don't seem appropriate coming from someone if the two were in a romantic relationship.

These points, in addition to the ones that @TinaA mentioned, and the lack of romantic chemistry between Daniel and Mi Young as stated by @trixie1029, made me feel that maybe it's possible their relationship wasn't as romantic as those around them thought it was. It felt more like they were very good friends with the possibility of becoming more... but only far in the future. Of course, fate would still have never let them get that far since Mi Young was meant for Geon and vice versa.

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Guest rxthien

psycheros said:  I noticed that there is a bed in Mi Young's studio - why didn't they move there instead of Ji Yeon's house? Is it because there are no proper facilities eg a kitchen? Also if they didn't use Ji Yeon's house, we wouldn't have that cute house cleaning scene.

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Guest rxthien








said: @sooyoungdaebak

In the beginning of SSBG, didn't Yang Soon's prince that frequently needed her rescue come riding in on a white horse? In FTLY, Mi Young rescues Geon as much as he does her.


(Yeah, yeah. I know. That's really pushing the references, but hey, I tried. LOL)

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