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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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honeywell said: I don't think it's going to be a sad ending. It's a romance comedy and as far as I'm concerned the TW and manga both had happy endings. I don't think the writer will do that to the viewers. I haven't seen the episode yet but it doesn't seem to be clear why Gun is giving up his position.

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What happened. I only went to sleep and woke up to almost 150 new posts..

Before I go catch up with your posts, good morning(or night) to everyone! Happy Thursday. Although with each passing episodes it seems like the day we have to wave goodbye is approaching. But I m confident I can wave the show goodbye with a swelling sense of pride. thank you show, for giving me something I'll treasure. (:

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About Gun's parents..my speculation

I think Gun's father made exact same decision with Gun. 'I lover her so I leave her.' From the fear of the HD, he decides to let his loved wife go. But they are already married...! So he decides to be this horrible husband. He starts to have an affair, hoping his wife will divorce him. But his wife just stays by his side, suffering and crying. And in the process of having an affair, the woman (Yong's mom) ends up being pregnant. He ended up seriously hurting two women and screwing up everything. He must have regretted a lot.

And Gun learns these thru the diary Yong's mom gives him in next episode. He realizes what kind of screwed up result that 'i love her so i leave her' decision can bring.

Omg I was thinking along the lines that it would be his mother to finally make him realise to chase after his happiness because she never regret being with his dad. But your version is even better! I'm so impressed! Thanks for sharing @gumi !

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I missed the live recaps cause I fell asleep only to wake up at 12 am in time when the raw video is out. Now it's 3am and I can't sleep. What to do?

We were all clamoring for Mi Young to get inside Geon's mancave and thankfully we got that. But more than just seeing Gae Dong's stuff still there, I loved the way they used the video recording as the way for Mi Young to know Geon's true feelings. Oh my! I didn't see that coming! What a way to reveal Geon's feelings! The writers have been really consistent about Geon's character not being able to say his true feelings to Mi Young all the while - so it had to be revealed through the video recordings, for himself at that! Well done. She didn't see the printed articles about her yet didn't she? The last part where he was screaming, "How can I tell her not to leave?" was just ... I don't know how to describe it. That part was more than enough to let her know how he truly feels about her. When Mi Young came to return the money Geon paid for the painting, and the note Lee Young Ja left with it, I think she was somehow hoping that he'll say something to confirm what she has just discovered (that he's been single all the while and could be that he still cares for her). But the coward Geon just can't do that, though inside he was really screaming "How can I make you stay?".

Some were asking why Mi Young hadn't met Ji Yeon earlier, and now we have our answer. It's all about the timing. She was the key for Mi Young to question Geon's feelings and his true intention for breaking up with her all over again, add to that the note from Lee Young Ja.. And the lawyer, how he's struggling to tell Mi Young the truth but ended up dropping the recorder in her bag. Eh, what happened to client confidentiality? But we don't mind at all! 

The interview scene was sorta Mi Young's confession to Geon even before knowing how he really truly feels about her and about why he broke up with her. The gaze they shared during that scene was so spot on, it's like Mi Young was telling him personally that she believes in him and is thankful to him (though she referred to him as Unnie), as (s)he has been there for her at the time when she thinks she was at a slump.

Se Ra and Daniel! I'm so glad that they weren't turned into evil siblings and were redeemed (so far) especially Se Ra. I think now that she's finally revealed to Mi Young about her fault in the past, she can start off with a clean slate, so I hope that we'll get to see her happy with her Oppa. I want to see the siblings together after knowing the truth even before the last episode cause I think that from where their story picked off, some things have yet to happen for Daniel to discover that she is his sister, plus the need to confirm that. 

In the preview, Mi Young caught Geon off guard, she's urging him to tell her the truth in front of the press, when he can't even confess when they're alone together. It's like she's saying "You're busted now, I know you don't want me to go" but he wasn't prepared for it, maybe that's why he gave her that "killer glare". I didn't get what the press con was all about. Was it instigated by that guy who see's Yong's mother, after knowing about Geon and his non-existent-anymore illness? If so, will we be getting a public revelation from Mi Young the way Geon did for her when she was humiliated by Lawyer Min in one of the charity gala they attended previously? I would love to see one like that, where Mi Young will say something like "This guy, broke up with me three years ago, because he didn't want me to suffer with him", something like that. The writers can do better with the lines, of course. I can almost breath a huge sigh of relief after seeing the preview for Episode 18, for it seems we'll be seeing the rainbow after the rain. I don't even want to think that next week's episodes are the last, but all things must come to an end. 

Isn't there a scene in the preview for Episode 17 where Geon was screaming "I really like you"? I'm wondering if Mi Young will get to see that in one of his videos too.

You made me cry again with your post. I don't know how many times I have cried just reading all these soompi posts. But thank you, it's good to have an outlet for all these emotions this show is putting us through..

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Guest CarinaA

My eyes are swollen from all the rivers I just cried T_T and although in the 18 episode preview it looks like everything is getting better, I'm not liking the look in LG's face, not one bit, actually. He will probably do something foolish again because he is feeling guilty to MY and if so, if so, if so... FTLY won't be a rom com in my eyes anymore, and I will feel trapped because I first started watching it for its lightness, then I started to fall in love with it for its unbelievable and contagious humor and now that I can't part ways with it, now that I love it so much it feels part of my own life, all they give us is heartache! All be damned! Good thing there's more to come in tomorrowland... will there be a triunphant kiss, though? Or at least a sincere smile in their faces? Fighting! Fighting! 


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Guest butttslappedbylg

Me right now:

WOW. Episode 17....that ending.....I dunno how to start....that was........I can't.....I just.....I can't...assjakdlsfjslfsjflsjfglsjxlvgdljgslgslkdfj!!!

This show.... THIS. F*ING. SHOW. it's just----tumblr_inline_mk7f3643C41qz4rgp_zpse9f50

I've been lurking in here for like a week now and I'm just usually contented reading and awesome-ing and lol-ing everyone's posts but......I just can't take it anymore. This is my first post in here and apologies if it doesn't make sense right now. Just sharing how I feel at the moment. And everyone here sharing stuffs and insights, you guys of a lovely, crazy, awesome bunch, BIG. THANK YOU!!! 

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@garrdan75 said:

Hello fellow fans!  :)

I've been reading a wide range of views and opinions regarding Daniel...some positive, some critical, some neutral, and some optimistic about how he will deal with knowing the truth about Gun should Se Ra tell him...and what he'll do with the information... 

I'm on the side of the optimistic & honorable regarding him!  I like him....very much!

Definitely, if he shares the truth with Mi Young, he stands to lose her.  He's aware that she has lingering and residual feelings for Gun...every time she's been in contact with him, her reactions are quite transparent. 

To give MY fair credit, she has been very truthful with Daniel whenever he questions her about Gun...as "truthful" as she feels she's being...

I know...some of you must be thinking about their rainy night together...and "why" she did not mention spending the night with Gun to Daniel??!?...

simple---he didn't ask her!  He did about the hotel room encounter, since he saw Gun coming out of her room... MY did not dodge his query nor waver with explaining---she was honest about meeting Gun and would have explained the situation except that Daniel stopped her from explaining.

Here again, some of you have questioned why he would stop her from explaining?? 

My view...he trusts her!  His character is so clearly defined...candid, assertive, blunt, straightforward, trusting and kind...

We've seen how he values his privacy and anonymity as a famous person, yet with MY, he's stepped out of his "comfort zone & private domain" to help and protect her... several times.  Her sincerity and sweetness touched his heart and he opened up to her... trusts her...period!

He faults  any sad encounter or mishaps she has with Gun---to Gun and not her. True that he's chided her many times for her too trusting, soft heart, yet he is solid with his support...unwavering...

MY knows that Daniel dislikes hearing about Gun being around her, so I'm guessing...to avoid ruffling Daniel's usual genial mood, she avoids mentioning what to her are "unnecessary" Gun-related situations that even to her are puzzling...

Going back to whether Daniel will tell MY the truth...

I believe that he will tell her when he hears it and chance the risk of losing her to Gun.  I believe in his integrity and honesty!

He has yet to disappoint me with how he's handled himself with winning MY's heart...sincerely.  We may question why he's taken more than THREE years to make his romantic intentions more clear to MY...but do remember the enormity of MY's devastation with the loss of Ketongie and Gun's cold rejection...it's been a slow and painful recovery for MY... she's still feeling the remnants of loss and hurt...he doesn't want to push too hard...until recently...

I laud him for his patience and unwavering support of her. Also, Daniel cuts such a dashing and romantic figure---his smile is glorious!! I would like to see him be more aggressive in his "wooing" and courting of her, but I understand why he's been so patient...having been witness to how much hurt she's experienced from the whirlwind that is Gun! 

Don't misunderstand---I absolutely love Gun...love it whenever he says "it's me Gunnie!"...super adorable... am rooting for him and MY, but he's been such a knucklehead with what he believes to be "noble intentions"...arrrughghh!  I bet MY feels that a relationship with Daniel is safer and more stable...she knows "where she stands with him"...with Gun---she's reeling constantly in confusion...it's no wonder she's decided to move on...

We are at the cusp of major storyline developments...so I'm wishing...

1.  Daniel promptly discovers that Se Ra is his younger sis and his happiness with this revelation will ease much of the hurt of losing MY to Gun.

2.  Gun finally coming to realize that MY is his fate and destiny...for the better and whatever challenges lie ahead...let his romantic wooing of her begin!...

3.  Mi Young finally opening her heart and trusting the vibes emanating from Gun that he truly loves her---snail/ post-it/ super glue/Bond femme fatale package complete!

I believe that Daniel will be gracious in defeat when MY reconciles with Gun...an event we all anticipate will happen.  He did say that he will accept her decision, be it love him or "friend him"...regardless...he'll remain her friend forever.  He has yet to disappoint me!!


I love reading each and every posting by fellow fans of this show!  so fun to join in the "fanfest".  Thanks for sharing!  :

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Guest mlaureeen

Hey guys, anyone out there who has download links to torrent of Episode 17? Appreciate it if you could send me the link so I can download it. My source haven't updated yet. I was so excited to download the episode last night that I literally just clicked the most recent download link I can see .. turns out, it wasn't updated yet and I accidentally downloaded episode 16 again. Ugh. -_- I was like, "WTF, I've watched this ep already." So yeah, too much excitement does that to you. LOL 

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Guest LieS1430294362

I just sleep for six hours...And here come six pages...... :P

Why I think their reactions in the preview looks like after kiss? =)) I think I'm not desperate for a kiss :))

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Haven't watch still.. But some thoughts.. I like how the writers are building the story.. they don't tell u if geon has a confirmed dianogsis.. because the story is about these 2 people making the choice to be together despite the looming end hanging in front of them. It does not matter eventually if he really has it and die, it's about making the most out of what they can.. which makes the story so so so beautiful, I can't bring words to describe.

Sure they took a long time (how many episodes?!) for them to reach this moment, but it makes it all the more real for me! For a couple who is only together for 2 months, sure you can convince me of their love, how love conquers all and MY will stick by geon's side if he didn't make that stupid decision, no need for the noble idiocy and push-pull whatever, but honestly at the back of my mind I'd think, will they last? Call me cynical, but that's my first thought if the story really went that way.

I can't sing more praises for the writers than I already have. Instead of showing us love conquers all, they took us on a roundabout trip, putting us viewers in both characters perspective, drawing us in, that we become so invested in how the characters are feeling even if the story did not give us anything new!

What made me all the more appreciative of the writers is that despite the roundabout journey, they made geon n MY stay true to their characters. How wonderful.

Thank u writers, PDs, whole team of FTLY crew and all the actors and actresses! Have a good rest after the show ends. You guys so deserve it!

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"...to me it's just one painting?" What a way to deliver more pain into MY's heart. MY is a much better person than me. I would've delivered a slap right there. :( Although I would also give him a hug at the stairs... It hurt him more to say those words... We all know that... ~X(

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i think Jang hyuk is the most handsome korean actor ever 


Yess. Agree with you. He is one the most handsome korean actor ever..I always loved his pouty lips, it's unique and very adorable, and now I noticed I'm crazy over JH's beautiful tip nose.in ep 17 when he talked with the lawyer, the camera focus on JH' side profil..it's very handsome **faints*.about ep 17 I cried, bawled like crazy.*rghhh it' has to be a romcom right??

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