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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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I still have to watch episode 4 but with that preview up there for episode 5, Gun's crazy personality seems to continue so I must say I take back my words in one of my recent previous posts that he's hiding, covering his true, real identity with the wacky, psychotic persona! I guess he's not being identity caution nor he's having some kind of mental problem! This is him! No ifs and buts about it! Hmmm!

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this drama is definitely beyond my expectation!!

 i love the way the writer-nim makes much differences to TW-version about the characters, especially the quirky yet and kind-hearted Gun. this version is really really really lovable and he made the final-decision of anything that suddenly happened to  his life by his own. i always on Daniel's side while watching TW-version. but now, i think, it'll be hard for me to stand on Daniel's side if we have that kind of male lead version :))
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Guest dongwookie

i didn't like the way MY so easily thought of doing an abortion to settle the issue. especially since Gun didn't even ask her to do it (as in the TW version). couldn't she have thought of raising the child on her own first? i mean i know her personality is meek and all, but i can't believe how easily she's decided to directly hurt her baby (especially when she would always say how she can't say no to anyone who abuses her because she doesn't want to hurt them). i don't know, but after the whole abortion sequence, i just couldn't connect with MY anymore. and when she was talking to Gun deciding whether they should just get married, i couldn't help but roll my eyes when she said she wanted to be a good mother to their child. i think the writers wanted to make Gun as considerate to MY as possible, and in the process, they actually sacrificed MY and her moral compass.

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Oh the preview!!!
I can't wait for the interaction of Daniel and Min Young! I know for sure that they are going to be good friends and buddies; but we know that good looking and kind-hearted second lead guys never get the girl in the end!!! HUHUHUH!

I feel bad for Daniel but one thing I will look forward is that Geon will sweat like a pig because the competitor is handsome and perfect!

wahhhh I think Daniel will be the most perfect well written second lead guy in korean drama land!!!

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Guest chunnogirl33

@ymiss I do think his laugh is a mask. Not a conscious thing he does. But during his breakdown he kept saying how despite his being unhappy with the whole situation. He didn't say it explecitly but implied it by saying "Everyone is happy and I, I can only laugh". He sounds like a sad clown. And to me the "arrogant, flamboyant, powerful" persona is definitely a mask. The real Geon is a bit childlike, playful, but sensible, compassionate and also vulnerable. He doesn't trust just anyone, so he won't show that side to just anyone. At least that's how I see it.

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Guest casimaxX3

Hello! I'm going to start by saying I am one of the many that fell in love with the Taiwanese version. My initial thoughts on a remake of such a popular drama was, "Oh no, not again." And I admit, I was wrong for being so biased. When I first watched the episode, I was just so confused. Nothing made sense, the main lead seemed mad, and it was just so unfamiliar. Then when we met the main female lead and it started to look more familiar and pick up, I gradually started to like it. Once episode 2 was out, I was hooked. There were certain emotions that Jang Nara put out in this character that just made you feel so sorry for her and just made you want to care for her. Also the main lead is more lovable and has better sense! I loved that~ He was very mature about all the crazy stuff that happened and even cared for her when she thought he wouldn't.I was wrong to compare the Taiwanese version and Korean version because they are both so different. Some plot, yes, but a totally different perspective on each character. Judging from episode 5, that's where we'll begin to "hate" Geon but I feel like they aren't going to follow closely with the Taiwanese plot in this sense. He seems to have a lot more empathy than how Ethan played the role and that's one of the reasons why this makes the plot so different. Both my sister and best friend have the same biased as I did but I hope they pull through and episode one and start peeling away their previous thoughts because this drama is a lot better than we think! We're all just too busy comparing it to its predecessor. With that being said, can we just have all the episodes already?! lol I feel like something is missing every time an episode ends.

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Guest chunnogirl33

@LJ I think Geon has bigger problems than Daniel at the moment. Plus Geon has his own charm and is not precisely ugly? (at least to me) If anything the rivalry would be about things other than looks

@dongwookie I understood MY decision, because she rationalized it as saving the baby from suffering. This is when I realized, Mi Young really does have self esteem issues since she doesn't feel capable to raise a child on her now. She definitely doesn't take after her mother. Also, while Lee Geon didn't ask her to do it, he accepted. They both decided it was the best. I felt those scenes were really sensitive and didn't make either one look good or bad, just "real".

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@chunnogirl33 Geon asked MiYoung to marry him becausea) He doesn't want the baby to die. This, the drama showed us how he got there very clearly
B) Asking the girl to have the baby but not get married? That's the pinnacle of irresponsibleness. As the mother and sisters said, having the baby and not getting married would totally ruin MiYoung's life. And what, it'd be like using the woman's body to get the baby and just parting, that's like the most horrible thing to do, it's like seeing the woman only as the vessel of the baby...! Unless that's what the woman wants, but in that case MiYoung could've said no to marriage proposal. On Geon's side, asking her to get married with him would be the most responsible reaction, and Geon is a responsible man. 
c) He already doesn't think he can be together with Sera. This is different from the original. In the original CunXi was going to go back to his girlfriend as soon as she comes back, that's why he asked XinYi to sign a contract that she'll disappear as soon as she gives birth (that was an richard simmons move, seeing woman only as a vessel). But Geon is different, he actually thinks it's over with Sera and is decided to be devoted to this marriage life, forever. (When he goes crazy with the snail scene, he says the thing freaks him out the most is that he has to continue this marriage life forever. There's no intention to finish this as soon as the baby is born). Geon says he is already a bad man to Sera, which I found pleasantly surprising. Becuz in the original version, I couldn't feel the guilt of a boyfriend who slept with another girl. But Geon feels guilty that he slept with another girl, and what's more now she's pregnant. As hurtful as it is, he is ready to accept the consequences of his own deeds, finish the relationship with Sera even though he still loves her, and become MiYoung's husband and the child's father. Well, when he called Sera he failed to tell her so, but that was also a special situation when Sera was rushing to her first performance and I can understand why Geon would not have been able to tell her at the moment. 

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Guest spideysteve

I don't think it sacrificed her moral compass? Mi Young had thought to keep the baby, but she's still uncertain and was afraid. That's why she went back home and wanted to tell her mom. But seeing her mom's reaction and the troubles Geon got in because of her pregnancy, she would rather suffer alone than burdening other with her decision (hence going to the hospital alone). The thing is, Korea society puts an extreme pressure on single moms and their kids. If Mi Young couldn't get support from her family and the fact that she's still a contract worker, her financial state isn't stable, she's going to face extreme difficulties in raising her kid. Not to mention the hardship her kid is going to face in the future.

You can read this article here, http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/2014/03/05/single-motherhood-and-shame-south-korea. Or search other related articles.
It talks about the discrimination a single mom faces when looking for a job, AND the discrimination the children of a single mom faces at school.

One single mother regularly found her six year-old daughter isolated in a room by herself at daycare.

“It was because other mothers were aware that she was a child of an unwed mother and didn’t want her to mingle with their children,” Kim says, talking about a friend.

“Now she goes to elementary school, but during her kindergarten period she had trouble making good connections with others.”

This experience is just one of many that single mothers face to raise their children in South Korea.


Kim, a single mother herself, repeatedly had employers ask about her marital status at job interviews. When she revealed she was a single mother, her ability to be ‘loyal’ to the company was brought into question, with many Korean employers often demanding full dedication to a job.

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chunnogirl33 said: @LJ I think Geon has bigger problems than Daniel at the moment. Plus Geon has his own charm and is not precisely ugly? (at least to me) If anything the rivalry would be about things other than looks @dongwookie I understood MY decision, because she rationalized it as saving the baby from suffering. This is when I realized, Mi Young really does have self esteem issues since she doesn't feel capable to raise a child on her now. She definitely doesn't take after her mother. Also, while Lee Geon didn't ask her to do it, he accepted. They both decided it was the best. I felt those scenes were really sensitive and didn't make either one look good or bad, just "real".

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Guest chunnogirl33

@gumi I know that's what she said, but I feel it was more than just that. It's not just because of the couple, it's because it would make the baby itself a "burden" therefore making the baby suffer. I prefer to think this way because it makes more sense to me and I can identify with that feeling. Whereas if she only cared about the couple, then she is your typical self sacrificing fool and that's annoying to me. When I said she doesn't feel capable of raising the child as a happy kid herself is because if you are a confident happy person you will think you are capable of making the baby happy and complete right? Yes, she was being considerate of how the baby would affect Geon's life, but I don't believe (or don't want to believe) that was her only reason.

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Guest chunnogirl33

@spideysteve‌ Those are very interesting points. It makes understand MY even more. I loved how both parents made the decision to have the baby together.

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Guest chunnogirl33

@gumi I get all your points but I still don't see having a child without marriage as such a big deal. Maybe I'm not understanding korean society? But it seems an old fashioned way of thinking (to me, I hope its not offensive to anyone) Marrying because of a child, without love could actually be much more problematic than

raising a child together as best possible, even if not married.

Btw I'm still pleasantly surprised at the depth of this drama :) I never thought it would do more than just make me laugh. But it's doing a lot more

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chunnogirl33 said: @gumi I know that's what she said, but I feel it was more than just that. It's not just because of the couple, it's because it would make the baby itself a "burden" therefore making the baby suffer. I prefer to think this way because it makes more sense to me and I can identify with that feeling. Whereas if she only cared about the couple, then she is your typical self sacrificing fool and that's annoying to me. When I said she doesn't feel capable of raising the child as a happy kid herself is because if you are a confident happy person you will think you are capable of making the baby happy and complete right? Yes, she was being considerate of how the baby would affect Geon's life, but I don't believe (or don't want to believe) that was her only reason.

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Guest dongwookie

thanks @chunnogirl33, @spideysteve and @gumi for the insights
i guess the whole abortion thing is a matter of culture, so some would be more accepting of it than others. actually, when I saw this scene in the Taiwanese version, i was surprised how open they are to showing such a sensitive topic. but then, what i really liked about the whole sequence in the original is how the guy suggested it to the girl first, and then the girl cried, which i took to mean the idea never even crossed her mind (for which i personally admire and applaud her), and then being the pushover that the girl is, she finally agrees, which caused the guy to look even more unsure and guilty for what he's about to make the girl do.
i guess what i was really looking for, and did not really feel, in the scene with MY and G, is that level of uncertainty and regret in coming up with the decision. i mean, it should still be a hard one to make, right? no matter which culture?

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chunnogirl33 said: @gumi I get all your points but I still don't see having a child without marriage as such a big deal. Maybe I'm not understanding korean society? But it seems an old fashioned way of thinking (to me, I hope its not offensive to anyone) Marrying because of a child, without love could actually be much more problematic than raising a child together as best possible, even if not married. Btw I'm still pleasantly surprised at the depth of this drama :) I never thought it would do more than just make me laugh. But it's doing a lot more

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