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[Drama 2014] Glorious Day 기분 좋은 날

Guest reijaye

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;) fans of HSJ and NGY ....
CREDIT SBS and Sports Today munseonho Newshttp://stoo.asiae.co.kr/news/stview.htm?idxno=2014083120405635072

So cool that DJ and JW are both helping HSJ and NGY to reconcile.  Just a matter of time.  HSJ needs time to digest and her focus has always been on her daughters.  Now she can start  to think about her needs and life ahead.
Many things that NGY has done shows that he has not given up.  And, HSJ has not given up too.  Publisher asked if she should date NGY but HSJ did not answer.
Dont exactly understand the issue on the handwritten note in her book. Subs not very clear. But provocation is working :)):))

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gigglessquiggles said:
But last weekend's episodes 37 and 38 did dampen my motivation.  A lot of things that DJ does and some of her responses toward JW ... is not making sense to me.  So far her focus is more about winning others.  Even on getting married. She told JW she was not ready but ..the next day when she discovered grandma's illness, she was in a mad rush for a wedding and talked about babies!   Why isn't she showing that she wants to get married because she is madly in love with JW? Many more pain points but I shall not labour on it.
What JW did and said so far showed his thoughts and consideration into building their relationship and life ahead as a couple. He has so much love for DJ.  For example what he said after their wedding was very touching and meaningful ... in the car, in their walk in the park/woodwatchs and beach.


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I really like the narration that JW said (of course LSW's voice made it all the more romantic and sincere) ---- watched a few different versions in the hope to get the full meaning. Somehow, I felt the Eng sub was not able to capture what G/pa and JW said in full.....

Your points about DJ not showing enough affection to JW was also noted by another viewer in SBS' viewer response. The viewer noted that DJ seemed more concerned about JW's family, the rice cake store than JW himself, even during their honeymoon, and this ran counter to G/pa's advice to them at their wedding...

These were my sentiments as well -- cannot imagine a new bride not giving her husband her affection, and always yawning when husband wants intimacy.....  Not blaming the actors/actresses as they are just executing the script... just the script not reflecting what we expect of  newly weds who are "supposed" to be very much in love.....

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She is receiving a double portion of "daddy's love" (aka "dad and granddad in law"), so not so cool

with hubby.

Da Jeong ah!!! what happened?  All the hassle and embarrassment and rush you went through to be

married fast and now??? every bedtime scene you are tired, then sleepy (yawn) and not in a good

mood, not in the mood...  Plsss  do not bully uri Jae Woo ok!

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Umm! My interpretation was that DJ's yawning was a hint to JW that she was ready for "intimacy if you know what I mean.  She was smiling and giggling each time she said it.  Also I thought she was running late in the morning due to her "intimacy" with JW.  She seems happy to me.  I think her focus on helping grandma and the shop is her way of trying to help relieve JW's stress.

I could be wrong of course, that's just how it came across to me visually and with subs.

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Guest leinbou

So, I was stalking reading all of your comments and insights, and I couldn't help but agree with everyone. In response, I've come up with my own hypothesis as to what's going on behind-the-scenes and on-screen, to at least, appease myself (or maybe you guys, too). 
Given the fact that our show's not exactly doing great, ratings-wise, probably SBS has only this amount of money for their budget, if you know what I mean. Like, why would they invest a lot on something that obviously hasn't broken grounds when they could focus on the more popular ones, that are most likely to succeed and earn more? At least, it's how I see it, business-wise. I just thought I'd point it out there.
Although it should have been planned by the production team ahead of time, like a disaster management thing. I mean-- hello, they have popular veteran actors which they can use to publicize their show. And there are the idols, too-- mainly, I'm talking about Hongbin, since VIXX has a really huge fanbase, they should give him longer scenes so the younger audience would sit and watch, not just wait for his less-than-ten-minutes scenes each episode. 
I wonder if they should have just made his character a idol-slash-college classmate of Da In, so that his role would somehow fit his idol schedules. Compared to Woori, whose group (Rainbow) isn't exactly promoting at the moment, his is quite busy and within the duration of the month, he's been at the US, Japan, and places in Korea, so-- imagine that.
Also, I may be biased because she's my favorite but I do applaud Woori, because she's been wearing the ring, like, everywhere, so somehow, that's making a buzz, and directing people to Glorious Day. 

In any case-- very unpopular opinion: I really, and I still have hopes for So Yi. I don't know. I mean, yeaaaah, she's a big, spoiled, whiny brat who's been running after In Woo, she's done nothing but wreak havoc wherever she goes and all that shenanigan, but-- hmmm. In the back of my head, I'mm hoping she's just a girl who sincerely likes In Woo, and that she's only done the things she did because her mother wanted her to actually get together with him (because of the $$$$). I don't know. I'm reaaaaaally hoping Writer-nim reconciles her character fast, because I don't think there's enough time to actually introduce another character for him to like.
Besides, they look kinda cute together. And when In Woo actually hurried to the dduk shop after her accident and got all mad.. I went like awww. It's probably just me, though.
This is probably another unpopular opinion, but I don't know -- the publisher kinda annoys me????? I don't know. She's overly energetic and I-- I don't know. She didn't do anything wrong at all, but I suppose it's just me getting annoyed that she's getting in the way of Mama Song Jung and Goong Young. Like, woman, get off. And is she literally after Goong Young? I mean, why is she aiming for him-- I don't see any reason why she should because they've only met like-- is she a gold digger--
I wonder if this is what Song Jung feels...
Now, we have 12 episodes left. I wonder how they'll manage to resolve the current problems at hand. I mean, we have a lot.. anyway, I'm trying to figure out the ending already. Of course it'll be all happy. In Woo getting a girlfriend (a reformed So Yi, hopefully--I really liked her ; ; ), an engaged Da In and Ji Ho (since I'm really just biased-- we really can't leave the maknae out can we), and a married  Song Jung and Goong Young. 
And then, a preview of the future, like-- a 9 years later thing, where Da Jeong and Jae Woo have children of their own, a girl and a boy, which they'll name after Grandma and Grandpa. And then there's cousin Eun Chan taking care of them like they're his own siblings. The Han sisters and Seo brothers hanging out with their respective spouses, and stuff like that while Mama Song Jung looks on with Goong Young and all that feel-good drama bgm and stuff. Something like that.
Ah, I can't wait. I'm looking forward to the remaining episodes, really.

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The words that JW spoke to DJ were actually from a poem by Susan Polis Schutz  

Let me be the person that you walk with in the mountains
Let me be the person that you pick flowers with
Let me be the person that you tell all your inner feelings to
Let me be the person that you talk to in confidence
Let me be the person that you turn to in sadness
Let me be the person that you smile with in happiness
Let me be the person that you Love

Susan Polis Schutz

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skyzora said:

The words that JW spoke to DJ were actually from a poem by Susan Polis Schutz  

Let me be the person that you walk with in the mountains
Let me be the person that you pick flowers with
Let me be the person that you tell all your inner feelings to
Let me be the person that you talk to in confidence
Let me be the person that you turn to in sadness
Let me be the person that you smile with in happiness
Let me be the person that you Love

Susan Polis Schutz

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i watched episode 38 with sub i was shocked to hear what SL about DJ " every body loves DJ for nothing and i think it is unfair" is she nuts i want IW to broke up with her soon or may when she knew  about grandma being sick she will leave on her own 

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Theoretically, publisher lady & NGY suit each other nicely. She certainly represents a possibility for him. Fact: people marry for various reasons. I think they have companionship, laughter and some appreciation to each other's physical attributes between them, and it's not so bad isn't it? One may not end up married to the person that stirs one's heart the most, but that doesn't mean it won't be a good thing. Love comes in many forms and marriage is what you make out of it.

BUT because this is a kdrama, there is no way NGY is hitching himself to a woman that just comes up at episode 35+. All those build up between NGY - HSJ must come to fruition, and lots of fruits at that. Otherwise I'll sulk in my corner and eat dust.

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i  just  finished  ep 38.  should  we  take  this  so lee  character seriously or not? i  know  this is  a  kdrama but i  can't  make her  character   as  a  retard  or  plain  immature.  this  character  shouldbe killed  off  asap .  give  im  woo  someone  who  is  a little  mature and intelligent.  her  character is really off  to  me.now  they  are  dealing  with  parkinson's

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to continue,now  they  are  dealing  with  parkinson's  the  right  way.  they  need  a  caregiver,  they  need  somebody,  younger, more energetic  and  with  a  medical background to  care  for  the  grandma. members of  the  family  should  be  informed  of  her  real  condition.  i  bet  the  next  epi  will    be  over  the  top  crying from   sin  ae,  the  son  in  law  and  im  woo  as if  their  tears  can   alleviate  her  sickness. i  should  know i   was primary  caregiver for  my parents(  cancer  and  stroke  patients).  i am  relatively  young but  we had  to  hire  a caregiver because  we  had  regular  jobs.  but  caring  for  them  was  not  left  to  caregivers alone,  we  had  to know  about the  sickness,  their  meds,  theraphy,  what  to  do  in  case  of  emergencies.the grandpa  needs  help.as  for  the  hotel  uncle  and  dajeong's  mom,  the  move  for  them  to  be  together  should  come from  the latter.  she  ignored  the  hotel  uncle for  so  long  and  now  that  somebody  is interested in  him,  she  gets  jealous. i wonder  what  will  happen to  the  biological  dad? he  should  leave  when  his  son  enters  the military.

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@Gigglessquiggles, Thanks for posting the pics.

I shall attempt to translate some parts of the article which spoke about the BTS happenings at the shoot of the first night scene. The article that I am translating is based on the version below, the version posted was slightly shorter in terms of details.    


According to the article, as the first night scene was shot in complete darkness, LSW did actually knock into something. When PSY asked if he was alright, LSW responded that he was ok, the two had unintentionally delivered the exact lines of their script, and the crew wowed at their chemistry.

In particular, LSW, with his unique ad lib (impromptu) response and sense of humor, never fail to create a sea of laughter at the shooting scene,     

In the scene when JW gently brushed DJ's hair and told her that he expecting her to wake up at 2.30 am, LSW followed immediately with such a voice that was loaded with intention (for sexy time) that PSY could not help but burst into laughter. PSY continued laughing for quite a while covering her face with her hand, and shooting had to take a break as a result. 

In the scene when JW pulled the blanket over he and DJ for sexy time, upon hearing the producer shout "cut", LSW immediately got out from under the blanket saying that it was simply "too hot", causing yet another round of laughter at the scene.      

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skyzora said:

@Gigglessquiggles, Thanks for posting the pics.

I shall attempt to translate some parts of the article which spoke about the BTS happenings at the shoot of the first night scene. The article that I am translating is based on the version below, the version posted was slightly shorter in terms of details.    


According to the article, as the first night scene was shot in complete darkness, LSW did actually knock into something. When PSY asked if he was alright, LSW responded that he was ok, the two had unintentionally delivered the exact lines of their script, and the crew wowed at their chemistry.

In particular, LSW, with his unique ad lib (impromptu) response and sense of humor, never fail to create a sea of laughter at the shooting scene,     

In the scene when JW gently brushed DJ's hair and told her that he expecting her to wake up at 2.30 am, LSW followed immediately with such a voice that was loaded with intention (for sexy time) that PSY could not help but burst into laughter. PSY continued laughing for quite a while covering her face with her hand, and shooting had to take a break as a result. 

In the scene when JW pulled the blanket over he and DJ for sexy time, upon hearing the producer shout "cut", LSW immediately got out from under the blanket saying that it was simply "too hot", causing yet another round of laughter at the scene.      

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