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[Official] Key ღ Yagi Arisa ~ We Got Married Global Couple S2 ~ UGG Couple


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Guest krismonidavi

The preview is... I like it, and it looks like it will be a happy episode with some potentially hilarious moments. Ari is finally going to cook for him again!! I hope it turns out better than the last time, even if it doesn't, I'm happy that she gave it another shot.

They go for a picnic! That should be cute. Oh! And the zoo! Key is going to willingly let animals run across his body??? I have got to see that!

I'm happy about all of these things but I am mostly excited about what Ari's video will show! Key is smiling and all but for all I know, he could be laughing at a failed heartfelt moment lol. I hope whatever she says touches him and that it will bring them closer in their last days. I hate that I know that part will be at the very end of the episode. I want to see it immediately!!! Haha. I'll be tempted to skip the entire episode and start with that scene. I'd never do that though....I hope. Lol

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Guest krismonidavi


Isn't it?! I thought it was the cutest thing!! I put it on repeat, haha. Min says she got his number and Key just says "really?" Like oh thats nice, im busy teasing my wife right now though.

That scene gives me fuzzy feelings :)

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Guest krismonidavi

Ohhhh. I just watched the long preview!!!!! I'm so excited!!!! He brought his baby back! Comme des of course. I couldn't understand what Key was saying while Ari cooked but he was watching her closely. Nervous, Key?? Lol

I just loooooove seeing him in the kitchen. If I was Ari, we would have never finished cooking... Did you see his hands when he cut the chicken and veggies for her?! Ahhhhhhh!!!!! I'm going to die watching this episode!

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WGM ep.13 SUBBEDdramafever: http://www.dramafever.com/drama/4463/13/We_Got_Married_-_Global_Edition_Season_2/?ap=1
kshowoline: http://kshowonline.com/kshow/2177-[engsub]-wgm-global-edition-s2-ep.13
Preview episode 14

Picture of short article for preview of episode 14

My Japanese sucks, but it says what Ari recorded for Korean show We Got Married. They went to camp, they tumbled on a trampoline and did shell gathering.The last sentence is just talking about their house, where is the big Momo-chan parrot toy and Keyrisa portraits.-----I have no clue if this article talks just about ep.14 or if some activities are part of ep.15.

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Guest krismonidavi

I....Don't...Know...I don't know exactly how I feel about this episode.Don't get me wrong, it was great! I enjoyed it (especially the zoo) but I feel like something was missing. It feels almost like episode 12, where I feel that there could have been something more there. Ari's message to Key was sweet, very sweet..but I don't think showing it this late in the season was for the best. That would have been nice to see before episode 10..or 11 even. I guess I was just expecting a lot from this episode, I should really stop doing that. It makes me feel disappointed even when I'm not.
SPOILER ALERT (because for some reason the actual spoiler won't work for me today) *Please skip if you have not seen episode 13 and don't want it ruined* Let's start with the end of the episode:KEY GOT ALL HIS STAMPS! YAY!....but what will his surprise be? I hope it wasn't the video (-_-)..once again, I'm letting my high expectations ruin things for me. But even Key wanted an actual surprise. Please, Ari, just kiss the damn man or buy him a pretty watch. Haha. I was laughing when she brought it up though and he said to give him money. That was so Key. Ari's cooking actually turned out well. Key was about to have a panic attack in his chair watching her cook. He kept nagging at her over how she cooked (typical) and I know she had to have found that annoying. It was cute though. I think she was enjoying watching him squirm over her cooking, she kept looking at him and smiling even though he looked like he was about to run for the hills. But then, hahaha, in your face Key! It tasted good! And she made cheesecake! Yum!
Now, from the beginning: The went to the park. A lot of people find the park to be childish, I don't. I like going to the park on dates. It was empty because of the rain, but they are used to that by now and it doesn't hold them back anymore. They wrote wishes on their kite, and Ari wished for her and Key to eat delicious food or something. It seemed like she just wrote something random, but to me and my overly active brain, it was like she was saying that she wanted to do that with him for a longer time. They cut the string to let the kite fly and it started to fall immediately and I thought "Noooo!" Every time they do something that would involve 'fate' or whatever (like the tarot cards and the answer book) it looks like they aren't meant to be...but then *gasp!* the kite started to fly! Then I was like "YEEEESSS!!" there is hope after all!

Next topic: The zoo! I loved seeing them at the zoo. They were fascinated by the clown and his beeping noise. Key tried to make a flower balloon like the clown did, but he failed. It just ended up looking like a flower stem, lol. Then they got distracted by the couples sunglasses! Well, the kids matching sunglasses just like the watches. Key figured out that they tend to have a better time when they stick to innocent things like this, going to the park and zoo. I was bummed out when I realized that as well, but then I thought about it. It doesn't make Ari necessarily childish because she likes these things, it just means she enjoys little things like that. I would compare it to a woman who is older and successful, but really enjoys watching cartoons instead of the news. Ari seems like she is that type. It seems like there is no pressure on you when you do innocent dates, but they actually cause more pressure. Because its a sweet thing to go to the zoo or have a picnic, it would make it seem that your gestures are supposed to be sweeter. I wanted her to hold his hand, hell Key could have just held her hand for all I care. I just needed to see some closeness!
Key was scared seeing the reptiles, but so was Ari. I was expecting her to storm through that zoo with no fears, but she didn't even want to have the bird on her. But I guess I can understand her hesitation..I mean, she got peed on by a monkey...A monkey peed on her. THat has to be a mood damper. I applaud her for finishing the zoo tour, because that would have been my exit cue. It was cute how Key tried to help her feel better about it, blowing bubbles on her. After that, they are sitting at a table and out of nowhere comes an Orangutan...wearing clothes and shoes. Just like Key and Ari, I was fascinated by this! I would have hightailed it out of there if I was in Ari's position, but they stayed still. And then the little thief took her banana! At first I thought it was put there for him anyway, but then I thought about it...Ari does like to snack. Hahaha. And when he took it from her bag, she seemed to reach for it like "no, thats mine!". Does anyone else think its hilarious that she carries around food in her bag? I do...because I do that as well, hahaha! I only carry a purse so I can keep fruit and chocolates in it. He totally doesn't care and eats it anyway. He also refused to share with Key. Key is much better with animals than Arisa is..and she's better at physical things than he is. I've said it once and I'll say it again, they've switched roles! Ari is like the stereotypical guy in a relationship, keeping things to himself and not expressing himself, bad in the kitchen. Key is more open like stereotypical women in relationships, wanting to know how you feel and wanting to feel appreciated, having a sweet spot for animals and cooking.
Ari's video to Key, again. I had to come back to that topic. I may have expected more from her video, but after watching it again, I'm happier with it. I didn't too much care for her BTS modeling stuff, even though it was cute. What made me happy was hearing what she had to say to him. She said she knows she doesn't express her feelings much but that she wanted him to know she was happy and lucky to have met him and that she hoped he felt the same. She isn't saying a whole lot of the video, but the things she's saying between the lines are so much more. Again, I think this would have had more of an impact on their relationship if it had been seen or recorded sooner. It could have probably caused a major turn in the relationship, allowing Key to understand her better and for her to maybe be a little more relaxed with him.Maybe I'm over thinking again. 

And the preview. What is going on in it? I see that they're camping, but towards the end, what is the expression on Ari's face? The way her face looked for that second, she looked sad, but she probably isn't. The show is sneaky enough to show Key walking away and Ari looking bothered, but it may not be that way at all. I'm just going to assume Key is going to do something at that moment, maybe a video of his own? I don't know.
Finally, can I just say Key looked amazing in his black room interview during this episode.=P~Ari's dress in the beginning, too cute. I know Key had to have appreciated that outfit on her, because she looked awesome in it.

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You are my angel! <3Except a few little moments, I feel the same about this episode...I dont know, if you want to read my comment, because I feel like I will only complain and rant and rant... :((I dont know...I dont want to say that I expected a lot, but I definitely expected to see something nice, touching, something that will make me think that it was great episode. This episode was nice - there were actually many funny moments for me, but as you said, something was missing/lacking...
I finished watching it and just kept sighing...this show makes me ready for mental hospital. :(( I just feel disappointed by this episode...I dont know why, but I feel that their actvities were so rushed, so the final impression was kinda shalow. I didnt get impression that their relationship progressed...I will have to watch it again...I think to go for zoo date was a nice choice, BUT it didnt turn out as I expected - they didnt hold hands at all, Key got his arm around her for only short moment, they even didnt share umbrella...damn they shared umbrella during their honeymoon, so why the hell do they have to have 1 umbrella for each other? -.- I already forgave them in previous episode, when they had separate umbrellas, when they were in garden....I dont know...but isnt date in rain about sharing umbrella and skinship??? To be honest, at first I felt weird that the PD makes both couples do very similar things (go to zoo) - because I would like to see them do a little bit different things, but after giving it  second thoughts, I was like...why not? it could be actually good. But I didnt expect Ari to be so scared of animals...When they were at home...I didnt like how Ari just put stamps on his hand. Yeah, she did it because she wanted to show him the video, but couldnt she at least prepared reasons why Key got 5 stamps? For me it was like the stamp challenged sloppily done/lost meaning.Key was definitely touched, but I expected him to show more of his reaction - to tell her more or HUG her. Is one of them seriously ill that they can hardly hug? >< And why they cut her video so much??? I felt like the whole message was deleted right in front of my eyes. I just feel angry, sad, emotional...I expected that last 3 episodes to be meaningful and very important for the couple, but I am lost by what they are doing/showing to viewers. It would be also much better, if they showed part of the zoo segment already in episode 12. And I also dont understand, what made them choose the zoo moments that were shown to us...it was apparent that Ari enjoyed feeding goats (or what was it?) and it had great atmosphere, but it got only 2 seconds? What is wrong with you, WGM PD?Sorry for this post. I will delete/edit it later, after I calm down....

my comment after calming down@krismonidavi

I think the sentence "I...don't...know." summarizes this episode perfectly, at least for me. And that is pity. :(I am afraid that viewers shouldnt feel puzzled, hesitant about the performance that couple showed, especially when we are just 2 episodes away from the finale...I am worried that it indicates that something isnt right/something didnt turn out right... :( and that rips my heart apart.I 100% agree that we are in stage where there should be something more there...but it still isnt there...I actually feel like Keyrisa are 1-2 steps back. I dont know if I should blame their schedule, PD not handling shooting schedule well, frequency of their contact, bad rainy weather...I cant say much about Ari´s message, because they cut a lot and I was actually really curious about what she shooted... :( I actually expected that she prepared some special event or surprised in the video...I was definitely happy to see her show her feelings and hear her confession (that she is happy to meet him, that she enjoyed to se new places with him and try new things), it was nice...because we waited for something like that for long time and because it was something that Key was hoping for to hear, too. But I dont know...something about the atmosphere of the video didnt do it for me...It didnt make my heart jump.... But I guess most people were touched by her message.One more thing, it was nice that she tried to show him what she is doing in Japan, but I feel that it is something that she should have shown him much earlier, when they stilld dint know each other much. I know that shooting schedule made it kinda impossible for her to prepare much without prior notice, but I wished she had a chance to show him it at the beginning of the show.You said that her gratitude message-video should be revealed before episode 10...I know many things made it difficult for her, but I wish she could actually show him the video during honeymoon or even around episode 4...
I really didnt expect that Key´s surprise would be the video, because I felt that he deserved to get something nice as reward and something different as surprise event from Ari. No wonder that Key also wished to get surprised. I didnt expect her to kiss him, but I thought that it would be something sweet that would make his heart fluter or that she would hug him and ask him for his wish.Yeah, Key got his stamps, but as I said...I wished she would always say the reason why he gained the stamp, it would make it more meaningful, they could think about their shared memories and it would also tell him more what she really appreciated....
I was horrified when I saw her cooking - no wonder that Key was nervous =)) , I knew what she would cook because I watched ending scene + preview for ep.14 before I started watching ep.13, so I was really speechless, when I watched her cooking progress. =))  Actually curry meals are pretty easy and quick, so it was safe choice for her. Glad that it turned out well. =)) I guess it was thick, because she put yoghurt, when it was stil very hot...I also wonder if she put carrots out of Key´s plate...it would be so sweet, if she took care of carrots in his plate...I guess her a little bit unique attitude to cooking will stay the same. ^^"They could also make bigger highlight of the cheesecake! She is good when it comes to sweet things, so why did they have to feed me with her 5-min cooking struggle and just with a few seconds of her cheesecake? Sometimes I feel like that WGM staff isnt working hard on showing her good sides... :(
I actually think that park dates are very proper especially for young couples, I also like park dates. :DI really like the idea of buying kite, but somehow watching them write their wishes on the kite...it was kinda souless for me. :( Like not much feelings were put in. :(
I will have to rewatch the part when Key tried to make flower from baloons again, because my connection lagged. :( Did the clown explain it to him properly?Haha, the couple sungglasses and guns were hilarious. XDD I laughed so much.Yeah, I agree, that such things doesnt make her childish, but she has to be careful not to overdo it. XDI also wanted them to hold hands....why they didnt hold them? excuses like bad weather isnt accepted by me. XDThe scene when Key tried to wash her hand by bubble gun was hilarious. =))I dont find it hilarious that she carries around food...I always carry bottle of water with me. :)On a different note, I dont know...but there is something special about interaction between Key and animals that he finds ok.I think a lot of people thought that Keyrisa would have switched roles. :)
And about the video. I voiced out a lot at the beginning of this post, but I agree with you that it would cause a major turn in their relationship, if she prepared this video sooner. Key was happy to hear her thoughts now, but he alreay knew what she tried to tell him.I dont know...I think I will have to rewatch a few times and think about it more...I can just say that after first watch of this episode, he video didnt have such effect that I expected... :(
About the preview. I actually thought that he went to prepare something for her, but I am also not sure.

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Guest krismonidavi

I don't feel very angelic at the moment (-_-)

I think the biggest..BIGGEST...issue I have with this season is this..
HEEPUFF IS WINNING! I don't want them to be the more successful couple! I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it! I know it isn't a competition and they shouldn't be compared, I firmly believe that myself, but I can't stand seeing them progress in their marriage and then see Ari and Key playing this back and forth game! It makes me sick to my stomach! It feels like every wish I have for Key and Ari is granted by Heechul and Puff. I don't want to see HeePuff snuggled up looking cozy...thats supposed to be KeyRisa! Dammit! lolIts driving me crazy! I don't know how else to put it. I'm losing my mind! I was so sure that after episode 11 that things could only get better..but I'm starting to see that episode 11 will inevitably be the highlight of their season. I know this is a very temporary feeling for me, I get emotional over them, haha. I should be right back in my happy bubble by the time the making video comes out. But at the moment, I'm going to embrace my heartbreak and disappointment. I will wallow in the misery and thoughts that maybe...maybe I've been wrong about them the entire time. Actually, no, I won't. I am still a firm believer that Ari and Key have a chemistry between them, that she actually likes him but let her worries hold her back. I believe Key likes his wife and would love to be more affectionate with her, but expects more from her even though he already knows what she is like. He's holding back because he's waiting on her to make a move...which leaves us, the viewers....with nothing. =((
I'll have to comment again later, when I'm not so bothered.  I'm actually pretty ticked off right now and need to let my anger blow over. It has to be said that I'm happy to see them, always happy to see them, and I'm sure I'll be super happy to see the making videos (which will probably make it all better), but right now I have all this negativity rolling around in my head and I need to get rid of it before I give a deeper review.
....Hmmm.... a little light at the end of the tunnel: Why is it that they always seem closer in the making videos? Is it because there are less cameras? Is she more comfortable that way? 

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@krismonidaviI know that we have still 2 episodes left and that many things can happen and that approaching end can make them behave a little bit different, but...I cant help, either...and be worried what they will show us. :/I thought that we were slowly crawling to their romantic stage of relationship, but we are like on seesaw that goes down much faster than up. :(
I focused on Keyrisa couple only, so I made arrangements not to compare Keyrisa and Heepuff couple, but I am sure that their very similar concepts must make other viewers compare them (at least unconsciously)... Keyrisa seems to do very similar stuff what Heepuff did in previous episode or you see them do one thing and then remember that the other couple actually also did it...What just concerns me much more is that I wished for Keyrisa to show that they are good fit for each other...because there were people who said that Arisa was miscasted and that someone else should have been chosen (because it would be better fit for Key couple). you know, my naive wish to tell them "See, you were wrong, they are great together!"... -.-
Btw, am I really the only one that find Keyrisa segments to be always rushed? Because I didnt have problems with other WGMG couples...but when it comes to Keyrisa, I feel like they jump from one place to another, everything is cut abruptly...like episode is packed, but the content isnt so rich overall.

 I believe Key likes his wife and would love to be more affectionate with her, but expects more from her even though he already knows what she is like. He's holding back because he's waiting on her to make a move...which leaves us, the viewers....with nothing. 
I do agree. I wish he would also gently push her...
Why Keyrisa seems to be closer in making of video? I dont know, but I have also impression that WGM tries to influence viewers by content that they decide to release. And you will very often meet people who dont like WGM, because WGM manipulates public too much.I think WGM production team actually has many great Keyrisa scenes in archive, but they are not willing to put them on broadcast...I really wish they would include many unseen scenes on DVD.I am curious what they will show in making of video and I also hope that next episode wont disappoint me much again, but to be honest I dont find their plans for next episode/s very appealing....I hoped for something much more romantic.
P.S. I also hope that you will cheer up. :) Try to watch something nice or go for a walk. :)I am really glad that night very soon follows after my WGM session, so I can escape from my worries about WGM...
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@krismonidavi Ari probably looks sad in the preview for 14 because they are beginning the "break up" stuff.....I am so not ready for this to be over at all!!!  :((  I got teary just watching this episode and the video Ari made for Key, so very touching I thought.  It's too bad that they seem to be closer, yet still appear on screen as so far apart.  I understand what you mean about the other couple, but it's hard to compare...there are lots of negatives to me about them as well, because I feel Heechul is not as genuine with his emotions as Puff is...but really, it's hard to tell with these shows.  I felt that way with Taec/Gui Gui, but he was stating in BRI that he was starting to feel "love" for her.  Like I said, who really knows what goes on when the camera's are not around.  I think at best we can hope that they all take away from this experience some really great memories and a new lasting relationship, even if it doesn't go any further than friendship.  Of course in delulu land where I like to go and hang out, I am hoping for them to be couples in real life 8-} :x 8-> [-O<

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@PeggyMDo they usually begin break-up stuff already at the end of next to last episode (in other words at the end of ep.14)? :-OIf it is so, then I am sure next episode will also break my heart. Damn, I still hoped for super-amazing episode after ep.11. :((

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@I.K.A.H. They did that in season 1, the start of the break up was at the end of the next to last episode and they usually decide what to do for their last day together before they go their separate ways....Hong Ki and Mina re-lived their first meeting together and then had a "movie" date....I cried like a baby!!!  Same for Taec and Gui Gui, but they went camping for a day, which I thought was weird, but she cried so much and so did I!!!  Let's just be prepared to have tissue ready for the last two episodes, because no matter what they are going to be heartbreaking.  Of course, this is just my speculation and from what happened with the first season, they could do something completely different this time.  Either way, to me the end is always sad to deal with.

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@PeggyMThank you very much for your quick answer. :)Sigh, this new information about start of breaking-up stage made me even more gloomy. =(( How come that the situation got even worse for me? :(( Seriously, the break-up part is always the saddest one, so why could they start it already in next episode? X( It just makes everybody more unhappy and pitiful...Hmm, Keyrisa will also go for camping, but I hope that it wont be part of their break-up stage... Besides that I find it surprising that campign theme was used again - in season 2. So I think that WGM created plan/schedule system for their whole project, which they seem to use again and again - so they the similar/same things in similar order. There were also many things that season 1 and 2 had in common. :(I guess I will decide after watching another preview for next episode, but I wonder if I will have courage to watch new episode next week..

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@I.K.A.H. You are welcome, sorry that my response made you more gloomy :((  It's unfortunately an inevitable part of these shows that they have to come to an end, just when the couples seem to be getting closer.  Even though it will be hard, you need to watch for closure or to see what kind of clue you can gather for possible future relationship the couple may have.  We will all support each other through it :)  At least it's not like the regular WGM series where the couples are together some times for a year, those break ups are even harder to me.

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@PeggyMIt is clear to me that they will break up in the end (in the show), I just didnt expect that the next episode is the one which will bring me first pain...And I also hoped for one more episode that would give me comfort after last 2 episodes... :(No, I meant something else when I said that I am not sure, if I will watch next episode next week. I will definitely watch it, but I might watch it together with the last one. I am toying with the idea of skipping watching WGM next week and watching ep.14. on the day of release of ep.15. I have to meet deadlines for a lot of school work, so I have to eliminate too much big distractions for me...But I will decide after watching other previews of episode 14... :)

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