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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest jess1tym4life

WHEW! honestly i was kinda worried that people would bite my butt for saying stuff about GD in a non-positive context because he IS the leader and the one with the most fans in Korea...

i've complained in the past about stuff like some other idol bands and ..haha.. that DID NOT go so well... i got kicked in the ___ pretty hard.... ^^ SO THANKS FOR BEING UNDERSTANDING


u're not the only one many of us feel the same, as a group it should be equal..even though gd is the leader he does write many of their songs but the others at times do fade in the background. We do hope that we get to see more of the others in shows, solo perf etc to showcase their side. Over all if 1 member was missing it wouldn't be BB..Also cause gdyb has been with yg longer since little so they more experience..so known..

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Guest 13!hyukjae

I finally listened to their mini-album --; So late, but I just want to say that the mini album is awesome! Love all the songs except for I don't understand Crazy Dog. ^^;

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barefootboulevard i understand yah. and everything you said really made everyone else realize something.

in my opinion, hot issue is really for GD. well i don't have to elaborate more on this. as jerilyn says up there, if it alters in time, i do pray they'll start on DAESUNG OPPA! i really think that guy has got something in him that he's keepin. ugh! daesung shine! shine!

ohh yeah, thanks jerilyn for clearing the MV. i was a bit confused at first really.

the MV was really addictive! i keep on imaginin' the MV this days!

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Guest melodygreenleaf

MKMF "Best Dressers" are Park Jinhee and Big Bang

Translated by melodygreenleaf. Credit if taking!

Park Jinhee and Big Bang have been awarded the title of "Best Dresser" at MKMF in "Trend Report Season 2".

A special guest commented, "Big Bang normally dresses very well. Their clothes match their songs very well, and they also match each member's individual style very well."

Designer Ha Sangbaek said, "I've been very interested in Big Bang's style until now. As expected, they can be called tonight's 'best dresser'."

"Trend Report Season 2" that features the fashion of MKMF will air on the 27th at 11 PM.



A problem about Daesung is that he's too nice/sacrificing. Usually this is a great trait, but sometimes he should just be like Seungri and say, "I want to do this." It really is a waste that he doesn't get to show off his voice more. He definitely has the voice that pleases most of the Korean population. (I'm not saying TY or SR has any less vocal skill than DS. I'm just saying that Koreans generally prefer ballads.)

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Guest trangtwo

It's taken some getting used to, but now I'm really loving the performances. (I've been watching it in HQ haha)I already know that when Tae Yang gets on stage, he becomes a totally different person. But now, it's like whoa O_O He's like so much more confident. I'm loving all of his little random moves. You know how Top's good at being hella cool? Well now he has competition =p (Onstage anyway XD)

I dunno, I just love this move. It's like off and weird, but sexy



Korean Michael Jackson! <3


The last part reminds me of the time when he was crip walking haha.

Oh and remember those ridiculously hot pics of them in the red jackets? Yay there's a 5th one:


Tae Yang O_O ...LOL Dae Sung's always in his own little world. He was looking at his hand in the other one.

Oh yea thanks Melody for all the article translations!

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heyy everyone... havent been here in a while.. DID YOU MISS ME XDDD

anyway, im away for like LESS THAN HALF A WEEK...AN WHAT HAPPENS? THEIR MV COMES OUT **spazz**

..i just went through 10+ pages...to read through all you guy's ramblings/fan spazzings :lol:

LOT OF THANKS, to the various i-VIP's who posted up news, pics and links...

and special thanks to mon and melody for posting up/translating the interview... i loved it...sorry mon, i couldnt get around to doing it (i have an evil maths tutor =_____=")

anyway, i wont bore you guys with super duper long comments (like i usually do :sweatingbullets: )... soo

*edit, i realise this post is uber long stil...


SOSOSO, GOOD XDD. like everyone else i was playing spot bigbang xDD..OH, and TOP (and of course the other members...) LOOKED SOSO FLYYY...haha, my friend today was like,, doesnt the mv sorta connect in with lies? is the girl the same girl in lies? anywayy, basically i loved loved it,, and esp the seungri sniffing the alcohol at the end xPP

special thanks to jerylinfor uploading it onto youtube..

inkigayo+music core pref. > OH, I LOVED THIS...apart from seungri's spock hair of course...the dance moves are SO good, yet the boys still sing so well...as ive said before, i dont really like techno..but last farewell is growing on me xDD

i hope the dance moves 'evolve' like lies did ^^ - i esp. liked the inkigayo pref. cause the camera man actually let the viewers see the dance :rolleyes:

and barefootboulevard i do agree with some of what you have said, its is true that gd does get more credit/limelight etc..but he is the leader...im sure each and every member will get their chances to shine..but i gotta agree with jess>overall if 1 member was missing it wouldn't be BB.

soso, what is this hear about our (cute ponytail boy) TOP being on INFINITY CHALLENGE??? anyone give me more info please?^^

oh and certifiedPSYCHOPATH is is sampling from the taji boy's song...melody posted some news about them letting bb using it a while back..

lala..will be back with some goodies..

B to the I to the G.. BANG BANG

YEAHH, TEAM TOP <3 (lol, mon)

A problem about Daesung is that he's too nice/sacrificing. Usually this is a great trait, but sometimes he should just be like Seungri and say, "I want to do this." It really is a waste that he doesn't get to show off his voice more. He definitely has the voice that pleases most of the Korean population. (I'm not saying TY or SR has any less vocal skill than DS. I'm just saying that Koreans generally prefer ballads.)

totally agree with you there melody. daesungie is just too nice... :ph34r:

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Guest s e n t i m e n t a l e *


yeah... my sister and her clubbing =__=;;;

but Circle is connected to YG

i believe Big Bang once performed inside the club too~

i guess that's the reason why they filmed it over there

and had fliers and the words CIRCLE written everywhere in the music video instead of trying to hide it lol

she also told me she saw a lot of trainees at the club...

I KNOW! they are underage!!! but...

that's what happens when you got connections~~~


it's true that Big Bang fans are not afraid to say bad things about Big Bang when they feel it to be necessary

lol... it's really funny sometimes when i go over to korean sites and read their comments

But it got REALLY interesting when i started reading some comments about GD and his gf pictures/stories...

i think the "HIGHLY CRITICAL" aspect of Big Bang fans has to do with the age group of these fans too

i realized that Big Bang has a lot of older fans...

meaning >10 year olds...

MOST of those people in korea who cause HAVOC and HARASS the heck out of korean people about their "OPPA DEUL"

are usually in elementary school... thus the reason why "초딩" has such a negative connotation...

Over all I think Big Bang is a very well formed, connected, and balanced group: vocally, talent wise, even down to their appearance and stage presence.

I cant imagine big bang doing trot. Daesung would OWN the members. that would be one hell of a show though. seriously.


whenever i listen to their music or see their performances

i cannot get over the structure of that group.

Taeyang reminds me of USHER. PERIOD. lol and the sound of his SULTRYYYY voiceeee GAHHH

Daesung really holds the songs together and leads songs into its CLIMAXXX with his soft Ballad verses...

ahhhh and not to mention that he is the funniest guy EVERR!!! i <333 his quirky sense of humor

Seungri definitely puts the group in its IDOL GROUP category with his Pop style.

plus... he is so dang CUTEE! hahaha

I can never get his new hairstyle out of my mind these days.. it's FOREVER embedded in my brain.

G-D.. man this guy reminds us all how talented the group is with his crazy good composing skills. I WAS SOOOO surprised at how good the Manwon Song was for TOP's Happy Shares Company episode. I still can't believe it was only a Manwon Song.. it was REALLYYYY good!!!

... and I <333 the way he spices songs up with his INTERESTING way of rapping.

like in Crazy Dog (I AM CRAZY ABOUT THIS SONG!!!) at 1:33.. "... OH MY GAWD.. I'm so HOT"

MY FAVVVVV part!!!

and TOP~ oh dear...our TOP definitely brings in the SEXAYYYY & hip hop style into Big Bang.. which i guess was "supposed" to be their original image

ANYWAYYY... and yes.

DAESUNG will OWNNNNNN all the members in TROT

I remember watching the Seungri episode of Hapy Shares Company and getting SURPRISED

at how good DaeSung was when they were singing to Chae yeon...


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Guest certifiedPSYCHOPATH

oh and certifiedPSYCHOPATH is is sampling from the taji boy's song...melody posted some news about them letting bb using it a while back..

thanks, but taijiboys' song 환상 속의 그대 sounds nothing like crazy dog

so my question is whether the sampled song is actually a remix of 환상 속의 그대 by taijiboys (at 8:37 here)?

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Guest redevilica

melodygreenleaf- thank you for the translation ^^ aw it's so nice that Baek Jiyoung praise BigBang, sure it's different and more meaningful I guess than just us fans praising them...like i can only go *spazzzzzzzz* xD

Soy, bitter SOOweet & yooohoaaa - thank you for pic spam!! *saves* i don't have all of them :P (I never bother to save pics before :rolleyes: ) and trangtwo for another hot red jacket pic ^^

not pointing out you in particular, but a lot of people have been saying "mandrake" (Which reminds me of HP;;;) anyway, the correct name is MANDARK.

LOL oops my mistake xDDDD oh right...mandrake roots in HP ^^;;;



^ is that from a recent show? (and while i'm typing this...) :w00t: more pics! thankies <3

and more more





Credit: Daum

-Edit1: Geez I TOPped a page xD ahhh, nothing really special to share people ^^; ok found something ^^v Someone posted in Daum these compilation of pics of Gd and SeungRi <3







Credit: Daum + me for editing and re-up

Old pics but are still <3 Btw, anyone has the last pic ^ of BB in FILA ad?


V OMG ANYBANDLOVE CONCERT?! *SPAZZZZZZ* THEY LOOK GOOOOOD!!!! i love the colour! Thanks Tukata and iluxxx ....found one more pic


Credit: as tagged edit: moved to V so to keep all pics together xD

It's LOOOOOVE XD *sorry for super long post people >.< can't help it xD *

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WHEW! honestly i was kinda worried that people would bite my butt for saying stuff about GD in a non-positive context because he IS the leader and the one with the most fans in Korea...

i've complained in the past about stuff like some other idol bands and ..haha.. that DID NOT go so well... i got kicked in the ___ pretty hard.... ^^ SO THANKS FOR BEING UNDERSTANDING


As far as I know....I-VIPs and VIPS are pretty mature fans.I can post critisim on Big Bang without worrying about forming my own bunch of antis.^^And I notice that there's no post comparing Big Bang with so and so boyband^^.I-VIPs just concentrate on Big Bang and their music,FULLSTOP.Yea...thats the good thing about I-VIP.So far,there's no crazy,REALLY crazy obsessive fan in sight yet..so..yea.. hope it stays peaceful these way

Omo!!I thought I was the only one that think that Taeyang is so...Usher-ish..he has this "Usher" aura around him from the first time i know them.

Last Farewell is LOOOVVVEEEE!!!

I think I'm weird....The part when GD raps "Come on Come on!!" in Last Farwell was one of my fav part for some weiiirrrd unknown reason^^

Are they still in Osaka btw??

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Guest give_me_venom


i'm new around here and i would like to know if anyone knows where i can download korean music and movies online?

oh yeah, and you mean gd has a gf? (haha, gd and gf! okay sorry.)

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Guest snailCOOKIE


can anybody help me, i wan't the lyrics for 'last farewell' if you can, please translate it!

the video is too hot, jiyong. OMG

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wahhhhh, thanks so much VIPs for sharing info, pics and links!

this thread has already become part of my "daily dosage" (although i'm not supposed to be here, omggg :lol:)

thanks melody for translating those articles!


i really really really love those NGs at the back! SO ADORABLE!

but i too, dont understand the role of LDG. hahaha.

i should probably watch it again (for the 10 000th time! :lol:)


^ very very very HQ~ the quality i mean! hehehe.

anddd, watch TOP's expression at 2:30 :lol: OHMY~ hahaha.

and the previous fancams~

awww, why no seungri & daesung fancams?

in mncast:



in youtube:



thanks so much, jaja for putting it up in youtube~ ^^ but yes, the quality gets killlllllled. tsk!

wahhh, more pictures from LOVE CONCERT performance today! ♥


i love the glasses! AHHA.





his hair is up again! why not the previous hairstyle? hahaha.

josephineee i know you will prefer this~ HAHAH.

yayyyy! i think we can expect more fantaken pictures from THIS LOVE~ ♥


디스럽@bestiz, gd-supporters.com


redevilica hehehe. i think it's different~ ^^

if i'm not wrong, anyband concert has only junsu, boa, tablo & bora.

continue to post those pictures! there's just SO many! hahha.

smiless no links whatsoever yet~ let's cross our fingers! :lol:

jas282 it's not broadcasted... but since it's under KBS, i think eventually they will.

or at least i hope so! ><" if not, we can just wait for fancams! hehe.

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

thanks for all the updates!

jiyoung always has such interesting eyewear <3

reading the comments about constructive criticism does bring things up that i noticed too

and of course the point about jiyoung being a music monster :P

i think a part of big bangs exponential increase in skills is due to the fact that their fans criticise constructively

okay i dont know if im making sense to anyone, but it shows the maturity of i-vips too~

big bang fighting!!!!

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yay! thanks for all the latest updates and all that =D

gd seriously looks gud with those huge stunas

oooh thanks 'redevilica' for the G-ric pics

ahh .. i miss those days~

i feel as those seungri is growing apart from jiyong .. well not technically but you know what i mean lol

wheeee .. the KBS pics are so colorful

i like what seungri is wearing ^^

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Guest smiless

Wow. There's so many new articles praising Bigbang. Thanks for translating them Melody. They totally deserve all the attention their getting. They must feel good hearing all of these positive comments. Thanks for all the pics guys. LOL. Gdragon looks super cute in his pink aviator shaped glasses. Where can I find that performance? (youtube link anyone?)

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Guest redevilica

Gonna post these down here ... so my post up there ^ won't become too long xD (will edit my post up there in a moment)





Credit : as tagged

Btw, is Anyband concert = Love concert = the same? xD


i just realised on the 1st pic ... i wish that was my cellphone xDDD

iluxxx - xD thanks for clarifying haha ... right, now my goldfish memory is telling me that i read about this Love Concert somewhere ^^;;; yeah let's hope this gets aired *fingers crossed*


(I didn't realized the image is HUGE ... so thumbnail is better)

Credit: Daum

OMG lovely lovely V.I.Ps!!!! Keep the goodies comin' :w00t: seriously, these colours look really really good on BB...made me wanna get myself a shiny green jacket and something in pink xD

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