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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest melodygreenleaf


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11/23 Fri : KBS Music Bank 2nd Minialbum Comeback [Live] 6:00 PM

11/24 Sat: MBC Music Core 2nd Minialbum Comeback [Live] 3:30 PM


Music core also this weekend~

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Guest in0centvtgrl

i am sooo excited for their comeback! i can't wait to see what they have in hold for us. whatever they do, they always find a way to surprise me.

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Guest lilangelover

CONGRATS! they won BEST MALE ARTIST! the performance was amazing! they looked extremely HOT in white suits! and the orchastra playing with mask on was great!

i'm a little confused. so..MKMF was on the 17th right? but on Crunchyroll theres a video of them also performing at MBC Teleconcert on the same day. and also MBC Graduating Friends. so they performed there before MKMF award show? or did the person get the date wrong. if they did do all these performances on the same day thats crazy! must have been super tired

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Guest melodygreenleaf

^The teleconcert was pre-recorded about a month ago. However, they did attend the Concert for Graduating Students, which is why the MKMF rehearsal videos/pics show them wearing their concert outfits.

TOP to become the new MC of MBC "Nothing is Impossible"

Big Bang's TOP and Typhoon's Solbi will Kangin as the new MCs for MBC's variety show "Nothing is Impossible" starting from the "Japan Episode". They will be hosting the show with the MCs of the previous episodes, Kim Jae-Dong, Kim Gura, and announcer Suh Hyunjin.



The article is about how SM and MBC are in a "fight" because of conflicts in Kangin's schedule. This is why TOP replaced him as the MC for MBC Music Core and will replace him for this variety show as well.

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Guest LOVEangiie


LOL! DaeSung your so cute (x

josephine thanks so much for translating daesungie's message!

glad he wrote this message, cause he didn't get to make a speech on the stage..

like what tammy said, seeing him on stage was good enough ^^

though a person who do well can succeed, winning a hardworking person is hard

Wow~ what a nice quote from the big man himself Mr YG. lol

vanessa - thanks for that fancam link! LOL.. jiyong was darn happy!

loved it how he fully went up to TOP & did the hand shake thing [x

thanks so much jaja for the MBC teleconcert links..

must of took you awhile to upload them on youtube aye? bt thanks again (:

its so good seeing them perf. all the old songs, bringing back such good memories

melody - thanks for the schedule!! yay, can't wait to watch the Comeback (=

wonder what songs they'll sing?! & thanks for that info on TOP mc'ing AGAIN!? wooop go TOP! LOL

janny - thank you so so so much for the pic spams & gifs! XD

i like nearly saved them all cause they were all so HOT! haha

& thanks for the rehearsal link.. DS was playing the cymbals!? LOL so cute ^^

woooow TY can play the voilin? thats amazing..!

thanks for that link trang..

more mr MC TOP in action! AHA




^ SeungRi looks stunning in this pic XD!

credits: on pictures!!

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Guest mon5482

^thanks melody for the schedule and this superpenginRAWESOME news!!!!! ahh more TOP!!!! tho i wouldve loved it even more more if it was both TOP and Kangin but i guess somoene doesnt want me to be overjoyed...lol

so much stuff to catch up on -.-

thanks to many ppl..jaja for awesome links to teleconcert, haha totally missed it! i was waiting for it to be aired but all the MKMF spazzing happened.

janny..awesome job with the banners for the subteam! and thanks for major pic spams

josephinee...thanks for DS message...ahh that boy is too cute!

trang...thanks for gifs and pic spams...

hi to all iVIP newbies! stick around for lots of big bangin' goodies....dont forget to read the rules tho coz here, WE SPAZZ! WE DONT SPAM! :D peace out!

oh and please join the SOOMPI BIG BANG FANCLUB

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Guest icystarz88

omg~~ so many goodies coming up....!!! :wub:

i cant wait for their comeback!! it's juz this weekend~~~


and.. we can now see more of MC TOP in action!!! :D


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Guest the7REAL.

Wow TOP's gonna be on another show? Busy busy bee, hope he doesn't get overworked. =/ But I have a feeling that , yes, he is definitely the "Drama-star" in the making! Or some kind of host-like, tv personality. XD Either way, he has a face that NEEDS to be seen! :P Thanks for the updates Melody.

Thanks Josephine for the Daesunggie message! Ha, he and the rest of Big Bang prolly replay that night over and over in his mind! Daesung is the one we know who holds everything in, and we definitely saw it all let out when they received their awards! That part in their acceptance speech (in another clip and seen in some pics) where GD just goes ahead and hugs YB from behind, always gets me. ;-; All their reactions and everything was just beautiful and heartfelt. Geee, and their performance I still can't get over! I get chills everytime I watch it! *o* I just really love the concept..it's so classy..it's so fairytale-like and went well with the theme of the show. Never thought I'd see Big Bang waltz, that was so cool. haha.

Watched some of the Teleconcert. I realized...my most favorite part in BB's 'Oh Ma Baby' song...is...YB's part of the song. --__--; I know it sounds predictable coming from a YB 'enthusiast'..but seriously! That's like the best part! XD And especially in the Teleconcert the WAY YB sings it..whoo..@_@; I had to replay it. haha. @ 2:50 min into the video, the way he closes his eyes and is so 'in the moment' and his voice is like super silk chocolate-like *swoon* and when he switches what hand he holds the mic with~ His facial expressions and body movements are so perfect! *o* Ok, I should stop...cause I'll just keep going on about a small part of a video that is between 2:50 - 3:49 minutes..LOL. (btw here's the clip again if anyone wants to watch..haha: http://youtube.com/watch?v=9CktPc74Avo)

Ahh exciting, a few more days till 'Hot Issue' and their 'comeback' performance. (LOL I agree with whoever had mentioned it before..but once again..Big Bang never left! XD besides, when your heart is always with them, time and space have no effect! =P)

TOPPED A PAGE! :oBut....it will belong to TAEYANG! mwuahah


credit; nun@popcornfor2

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trans from http://www.tokyokiss.net/event/event_bigbang_virginhits.php

it's juz an advertising from the awards

get the tickets at 95.5 Virgin Hitz

preparing to sing Dirty Cash and dancing La La La

and having fun with Koh Jid Mal let's be the one of V I P

go for more information at


For the real BIGBANG fans

send your name and Tel Number to webmaster@gmminter.com

until the18th of this October (it's expired now)

absolutely for BIGBANG fans!



(this event is the fan meeting, 150 fans will be meeting as a party.

to watching BB stuffs and having fun with many activities and also have

the BB cover band competition)

BIGBANG in Virgin Hitz Awards 2007



Date: 1st December 2007

supported by GMMInter


translation by PdubbleJ@soompi

due to this phrase. I think, there'll be the perf.

but not sure hehe :rolleyes:

Hey does anyone have any more information about this concert in English especially information about tickets and pricing?

Because I will be in Thailand on the 1st of December and I would not mind dropping by if I can.

I know I'm just a random guy in this thread, but any help would be really appreciated. :)

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Guest StaRj9erz

I know i'm a bit late but....

Congratulations BIGBANG!!

it's no wonder they're taking big leaps in the entertainment industry,

their talents and charisma are so empowering and overwhelming that they leave everyone in awe and amazement with their music...

for the past year and a half, they've been so blessed, trully deserved that award for all the hard work and passion,dedication and excellence in their craft..

2 BIGBANGiN' awards, the whole YG family must be proud of the boys esp. MR. YG..

of course, all the VIPs and iVIPs are so proud of you, celebrating with you BIGBANG!!

it's so touching to see them honored and recognized like that... :blush:

awww~GDYB hugging and Seungri and Daesung holding hands..i wanna hug them too..

anyways, their LIES orchestra version is so cool!!! gosh,it sure is jawdropping..they've grown up soooo FINE YOUNG MEN... ^_^

their masks and waltz dance...much like PRINCEs on their grand ball...

they are the only group i know who made such tremendous versions for just one song, giving a different vibe to each version and always turning out to be unique and awesome.. *2thumbsup BIGBANG*

ahh it's so surreal to watch TOP performing his solo in the teleconcert..with all the emotion pouring out of him...

hearing the crowd singling along with him, i wish i was there too... *dies*

MC TOP, ohh yeah, more & more!!! He sure is doing a great job MCing!!

i really wanna see TOP & KangIn together too, but i guess it's still not happening..i hope it all gets settled soon...

BIGBANG singing ONE LOVE by 1TYM...Heartwarmingly good!! "...You are the love of my life.."

It's so nice to SeungRi & YB rapping...It was so cute when GD kneeled beside SeungRi.. <333

their 1TYM hyung deuls will be proud of them making a nice rendition of that song..

it's one of my all-time faves from the group, i miss 1TYM even more.. ^_^

and the new mini album is up for grabs soon!! ohh my, can't wait!!

It sure will be a flamin' HOT ISSUE for the coming weeks after its release!!!

but i do hope they'll perform ALWAYS on stage too coz they have yet to do so,

they've pretty much performed all the songs in the ALWAYS album except for ALWAYS itself..

and they're already coming up with a new single..

*argh* i just remembered their december07 concert..it sucks big time that i'll not be able to go...

but it sure is gonna be exciting & fun to all the iVIPs who are going and representing everyone here...<333

yay!! there's so much happening to them, it's hard to catch up...Much Love to all the iVIPs & BIGBANG!!!

it's so awesome to be sharing and spreading the love & warmth of our BIGBANG family here..

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Guest xkenshinhimura7

hi does anyone else have more pictures of g-dragon doin the performance of lies at the awards? becuz i wanted to know if i have his shoes XD becuz i know where air force ones but i want to know if there low or mid lol becuz i have low and in the picture i found soo far look like there mid if u guys dont have any thanks away's i'll just ask g-dragon personally sooner or later

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Guest josephineeee






















credits to mnet.com + nun@popcornfor2

welcome everyone ! ( abt e translation ><" )

im so excited for bigbang's 2nd comeback this wk :w00t:

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Guest susmariosep

LOL am i the only one who thinks the whole "comeback" deal is kinda silly?

I mean, they never really went away in the first place, so it's odd to be

calling a performance/appearance a comeback...

Thanks for the pictures josephineeee! I'm almost over caring about

the dead fox around YB's shoulders cause HE JUST LOOK SO GOOD SJFlkmsad.fkdsa

I realized...my most favorite part in BB's 'Oh Ma Baby' song...is...YB's part of the song. --__--; I know it sounds predictable coming from a YB 'enthusiast'..but seriously! That's like the best part! XD And especially in the Teleconcert the WAY YB sings it..whoo..@_@; I had to replay it. haha. @ 2:50 min into the video, the way he closes his eyes and is so 'in the moment' and his voice is like super silk chocolate-like *swoon* and when he switches what hand he holds the mic with~ His facial expressions and body movements are so perfect!

I agree with you Lyn!

And not cause i'm another YB 'enthusiast' as well, but because his part is just so soulful

and it makes me GAH everytime i hear it XD

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I'm so happy that TOP's getting another MC gig! Our choiTOP sure is multi-talented! Thank you for the info, Melody!

Lyn, YB's part in Oh Ma Baby is my favorite too! I totally agree with everything you said :D

OMG the comeback's this Friday! I haven't seen them since... last night! XD

Anyway, there's this show called "Back to MKMF", and I've uploaded BB cuts onto youtube :D

[CLIP] Big Bang - 20071119 Back to the MKMF [CUT 1]

[CLIP] Big Bang - 20071119 Back to the MKMF [CUT 2]


Aww GD glomping maknae again...


Just look at GD's puffy eyes! IS HE LACKING SLEEP AGAIN? :/


YB getting some quick tips on fake-playing violin ^^


Seungri's having too much fun with it LOL.


choiTOP under the stage, waiting for the moment to "teleport" LOL.


Look at his eyes! Aww *hugs*

----- E D I T

I feel the need to vent. I wanted to buy a TOP pillow for my sister and to my horror, it's SOLD OUT! "This product is out of print and no longer available from the publisher". Mang I swear they still had it last night T__T And I found out that they only have YB pillows now, and god knows until when. So if you've been holding it off, you might wanna go buy it now!

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Hey does anyone have any more information about this concert in English especially information about tickets and pricing?

Because I will be in Thailand on the 1st of December and I would not mind dropping by if I can.

I know I'm just a random guy in this thread, but any help would be really appreciated. :)

Ticket is FREE, u have to listen Veigin Hitz Radio (FM 95.5)

DJ will tell u a method how to get a ticket every hour e.x. phone calling or send message or anythingelse. (u may listen it all time)

If u get a chance, u can get a number of ticket as you want. (I heard someone got 40 tickets O.o!!)

It seem likes very easy but it is very very very very HARD to get it!!

-sorry for my poor english, if u don't understand plese let me know-

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I know MKMF is already over but...

Am I the only one still so high about their perf and awards in MKMF???

The perf i tell you is the best of the best!!The absolute best unique!!MIND BLOWING!!I watch it over and over and over again and even convert it to mp3.


I'm so damm proud of them!!!

Everyone VIP and even non VIP are saying how much Big Bang Deserve those awards through hard work and not forgetting pure talent.I'm just really glad that people are saying they DESERVE it because of their SONG AND their TALENT instead of

"they deserve it because of hard work".^^

The number of awards wasn't important anyway...what's important(in my opinion) is that people,VIP,I-VIP even Non VIP actually appreciate their music and sincerely congratulate them.

OK,I'm still high about it...Lets dance

*Lie background song*



Credits:I forgot who did this...but i remember its one of the I-VIP here in this topic...PM me or sth aite??So that i can credit you!!

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