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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest taanjank

xxctxx : this's detail in magazine I don't know where's the magazine come out?






Credit: Bz

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Guest SillyYun

I want to ask those who met BB in thailand..

is it true???????????? that...

Someone kissed GD????????????????????????????

any pictures? Who saw it??!?!??! I heard from a friend who saw and was there..she told me GD GOT POPO T___T NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo I WANT TOO LOL

LSNFLKSNDFKSDLKFDNS im like SO HURT! hahaha my heart feels drowned

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Guest SillyYun

wow thanks for sharing taanjank! that is in HQ! seriously love it~ THANKS! *HUGGIES*

do u happen to have the one with snow cap :P the one he wore on inkigayo..any HQ for that? i mean GD :P

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Guest ★KIKO

Wow, thanks a lot taanjank for the HQ pictures! I love GD's glasses XDD

And Top's ponytail is so freakin cute omg <3

I'm gonna make a lot of graphics out of those pictures :D

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check out that facial hair on GD! hard to imagine him with facial hair haha. those are some HIGH QUALITY photos. his skin is sooo flawless.


did they have to do a crotch shot? they really want us noona fans to go crazy, huh? hahahah

(i do love that LV bracelet, his hands are really pretty)


ahhh another one. **slaps self** stop thinking dirty thoughts stop thinking dirty thoughts lol. :phew:

maybe the photographer was also a pervy noona fan? keke :rolleyes:

between those photos and the gifs of him and that lollipop, i'm in heaven hahaha.

now we have the weekend to look forward to.....one full of BB love.

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oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh those ring lollipop gifs are awesome hahahaha! i used to eat those whenever i get goody bags from birthday parties, but i do not now. anyways, just by looking at GD's lips, make me tremble so badly. he looks irresistable! yumyum. i shouldn't be thinking about these stuffs. HAHAHA! i'm craving for one of those ring lollipops right now. well thanks for posting them up sookyung.

woah! never thought GD would have facial hair! he's always been hairless to me! XD and his aviators are actually purple, not pink! haha

top looks real good :wacko:

he nibbles too much of his nails. :( he should stop and have sexy nails!

and maybe the photographer is a pervy one indeed XD haha jk!

aawh those poor panda eyes!

thanks for posting up the pictures taanjank!

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I was away for a few days and had to do a bit of catching up ^^

Thank you everyone for your bigbangin' updates! I'm really glad that they're getting so much attention at Thailand. Hopefully their fandom will spread even bigger! GD looks a little tired in some of the pictures though :/

Anyway, I've been lol-ing for the past 15 minutes cos this is so amusing.


Click here to see GD shaking his booty! XD


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Guess what came int he mail today?? My Last Farewell cd!! I super excited!!! sooooo pretty!! I had some trouble opening the box the contained the cd case..o_o. It took me a while to figure it out. But the pic inside is soooo nice!! I love it!! I guess there really is two version because the pics that I saw on soompi aren't the one that I have in mine. I super happy right now!!! Thank you everyone for all the awesome pics and gif! What I would do without you guys!

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i tell you, this lollipop's sales is going to go up immediately after this.. just look at the way jiyong eats it.. :rolleyes:




c: bestiz

why is he soo adorable?!?!


--and the new pics, they're always so flashy i love it xD

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Guest the7REAL.


does anyone know what font is used to write bigbang on their singles and albums.

^The font is called EARTH.^^

I want to ask those who met BB in thailand..

is it true???????????? that...

Someone kissed GD????????????????????????????

any pictures? Who saw it??!?!??! I heard from a friend who saw and was there..she told me GD GOT POPO T___T NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo I WANT TOO LOL

LSNFLKSNDFKSDLKFDNS im like SO HURT! hahaha my heart feels drowned

^I didn't go there, but heard from Thai fans as well. But don't feel hurt, it was kind of a shady thing anyways.-_- I mean when people asked for hugs, and everyone including GD said 'ok', that was already a REALLY nice gesture! And that's a big thing from GD, because they don't really liked to be touched so much (I think most celebs are like this). BUT, a Thai friend of mine told me, that one girl, she asked for a hug but then she kissed GD on the cheek...and that was crossing the line. It took him by surprise, and he did not like that, so it made him become moody..and then the other fans afterwards weren't able to get hugs. Fans could see that GD was moody, which made YB moody--because well, these two are SO linked/connected. (I find this cute..lol) =/ I had heard that some people who went to this event were not all real fans..its just that there are just some girls who will go to see any Korean stars that go to Thailand, so maybe that was one of them, I dunno. I think real fans should know better than that, if they know how the boys are. And then I heard there were other occurrences like a girl grabbed onto TOP's arm while they were leaving somewhere, and then he was the 3rd to get moody..and girls knocking on their van windows and stuff. Like..wth..they aren't animals. People should understand that even though you are a fan (except I dunno if that girl that kissed GD really was..) that you are still a stranger to them. Hugs are one thing, but how would you like it if random people came up and kissed you? But yeah, I heard some real fans were sad at those times...even crying because they weren't able to do anything about it..Even if they are 'irresistable', fans should have some self control. -_-; This is why it always gets much harder for fans to get close to their favorite artists.. But yeah, of course we all want BB kisses..just don't steal it. lol. Like that girl in the 'Ma Girl' mv. >.> Oh also, I heard the guards weren't allowing everyone to pick who they wanted to go to sometime later because some girls would ignore YB and Daesung... :tears: JHFJKSAHFNSKJN grrrr. And the event ended earlier than planned because of the things that went on. But good thing afterwards...heard girls really like Daesunggie cause' he was the sweetest. <3 But ugh, the girls who did get proper nice..hugs..are so lucky. I want a hug from any of them. ;_;

Anyways, a better story... I heard YB slipped and fell on the street somewhere in Thailand after/before going to a restaurant and GD's face immediately went all--> :( The cute thing was that fans who saw, said that GD and YB weren't even next to each other, they just know what happens to eachother. LINKED I TELL YOU.

That's why I have this idea that I want to be YB's GD. LOL. Cause' those two are so close. XD And then Jaja says she wants to be GD's YB too. Except if we both take their places, it would only be us left...O-o lol jk I think I just thought about it too much..lol

who is CL?

ah so freaking jealous of thai fans.

i want hugs & kisses too...

CL is a YG trainee. Not much known about her except she speaks...uhh several languages..she might rap..ehh..that's it. XD

Jaja, I love that elf thingy. So cute + funny. XD Someone make one with TOP's 'XO face'. XD

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Guest Meethoing

awww.. taeyang slipped?.. i wonder how he slippped?.. fallen ice cream on the sidewalk?.. but awww GD caring.. =).. but wow!!!!!!!!! a fan kissed GD?!?!?!.. man she got guts!!!!.. i would nevere dare.. i would be too shy.. i'll just smile and smiling is already hard enough.. no.. going up to them is already making me super sonic happy!.. XD.. but a kiss.. aww poor GD.. and taeyang.. damn they're so good towards one another.. but poor fans.. like.. i would be upset if someone ruin it for all of us.. =/...

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

Thanks everyone for all the wonderful updates!

Aww Big Bang looks so tired at the hotwave thing, :( And it looks like they got tanner too, either because they don't have make up on or they just really did, haha but things like that happen normally when you go to Thailand so yeah XDD

haha Angie! :lol: a guy asked for a hug from Daesung!! Aw.. lol.

waahh~ THANK YOU taanjank for the AWESOME superrrr huge + hq pictures! *__* oh LOVEEEEE.

DANGGG, LOOK AT THE SEXINESS IN THIS PICTURE *dies* I swear to freaking gd... even JUST his arms just keeps me and my stupid nosebleeds going ahhh~~

I love all their outfits, it's so colorful and cute. And GD is BACK with his bangin' lensless glasses :P

aww that's so cute @ Jerilyn's story, <3 Poor YB T^T Hope he didn't get a bruise or scrape :(

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taaanjank!!! thanks for the pictures!! gaah their so AWESOMEE. i loveee GD's shades, the ones with the purple rims<3 my fav. and i dont kno why but i l;oved how you got the picture of YB's hands? aha im weirrrd. annnnd FREALS though i seriously want a LV wristband now:] HAHA. seungri was adorable.

PoPill GUy THANKS for the thailand pictures from the radio shw! haha they look pretty flyyyyy. and the fact tat they were carrying a what? a TEDDY BEAR? hha makes it unBEARableee:]

OH thanks JERILYN. danng i didnt know some grl stole a kiss from GD? danng that is going over the line and i totally agreee with you! i think its so weird if your not all of a fan but then you go anyways and then youd kiss thee? URGH no. but dannnnnng. lucky thai REAL VIP fans that got to hug theem<3 but it makes me sad to knwo that they got moody and stuff. but i guesss stuff happens? and really? YBB HUBBAE slipped and gd was like FAST REFLEX FACIAL EXPRESION how CUTE. haha LINKED? i gues soo<3 and i hecka remeber the whole YB's GD and GD's YB ordeal cute. naww not really cos your taking GD's place for YB while jaja's taking YB's place for GD.

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my littlefish, sookyung, drarmp1t, trang, xxctxx, traanjank, angie, PoPill Guy....

those were truely all GOOD.. i loved the HQ ones.. ahaha.. and i think

YG and GD need to shave.... growing pretty fast there.. aahahaa.. but

they look so HOTT.. YB always has on a LV braclet.. how cute.. ahaha.

Thanks for those links FreeSpongeBob very much appreciated..

they are so cute.. i need to look back for the translatons.... i think it might

be a few pages back..

Jerilyn are you serious?? I would have been pissed too.. MAN..someone

steeling a kiss.. wow.. YB is so ADORABLE to get mad with him.. they are so

cute.. now and days you always see more G-RI. and less GDYB..but deep

down.. it's still there.. ahaha.. GOOD TO KNOW.. T.O.P started to get moody

too?? ahahaha.. i guess they weren't used to the enviornment.. wow.. banging

on windows..that's crazy.. like Meethoing said.. i would never do that..

i'm scared enough to give a smile.. ahaha.. they might start laughing because

of my dimples.. and how deep they are.. ahaha.. i would die... if they laugh at

me.. ahaha..

The thailand fans are so lucky though.. man.. if it was in the U.S.. imagine that

there would be thousands and thousands.. of us.. wow.. they would be so HAPPY

to know how much fans they have.. man..i wish they were coming here soon...

DONT WE ALL.. that would be a few THOUSAND dream come trues.. ahaha..

i hope that Young Bae is okay.. maybe it was raining.. or something.. i hope

he's not hurt... poor BABY.. and GD is so cute.. and caring.. i LOVE THEM..

i wish i could be T.O.P's DaeSung.. because you know how they are always

together sometimes.. and how he KISSED DAE SUNG... ahaha.. i wish..

Jaja i loved the JIYONG ELF..ahaha.. too cute.. ahaha.a. maybe you should

that to them.. ahaha. they would be laughing their butts off.. did you guys

notice.. the elf is a girl.. i think....



OKAY.. i messed up a million times.. and it takes forever to load.. so... i only

got one of T.O.P right now.. MAN....




DaeSung ELF

Seung RI ELF


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Guest SillyYun

Thanks for the updates THE7REAL..

I was so super upset when i found out that our GD got kissed! i know its not allowed to..i was at first thinking that couldnt be true..unless its like an unwilling kiss! We all want kisses but OH MY GOD, ON THEIR OWN WILL please..some fans are so ARGH! i dont know how to describe..we can joke, talk about like kissing or hugging them or pervie on them, but thats just typing, of course we wouldnt do the real thing! AND THAT GIRL DID! when i heard about that i got so super upset! OMG...and YB slipped? i hope hes fine! Just hope that they wont meet anymore crazy fan there again..I HOPE THEY ARE SAFE IN HOTEL! come back safely BB!

PS: thanks to the person who put up elf yourself, its hilarious..can i take that and use on ft island too? :P thanks for it!

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