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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Okay, the performances was hmmmm .... waowwww? Oh my oh my, I can't help but to laugh out my lungs off when I see what happened to Seungri's fringe. From what I see maybe he's jealous of most girl's getting to have a bang for their fringe and maybe he is up to it, haha cute. And TOP, I shocked myself to death! He looks like _____ (-.-) haha I can't find a word to it (:

Big Bang Rask! G-Dragon do his Beatbox.

Okay, I posted the video in my youtube channel. His voice is (omg you got to be kidding me!) sexy !

And yae, it's kinda an old clip of him :D

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Guest ztech24


I haven't had time to check this thread because I wanted to go back and read what I missed... but then I realised that wasn't going to happen.

So I come back and Seungri cut his hair! and they released a new album! And a perfume or something...


A new album.......... Really~~~~ *runs of to z-degrees*

Thanks for your help a while back guys. I didn't mean to not say thank you, life just snatched me away.

I missed you all here at the forum. And GD!


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Guest msxadina

ohh myy goshh seungri, baby, what happened to your hair. i almost cried just seeing that!

ohh goodness baby i hope you fired your hairstylist. i would've done that.

at least he's brave to go out like that. i didn't even watch it yet.

i'm trying my best to wait for my step sister who's at work.



Tempo's hat&ponytail is so adorable seriously.

they did the circling hand motion again well differently, but yeahh like in "Lies."

TaeYang's outfit is alright, i'm sure my step sister would die seeing him with his hat&outfit.

DaeSung, I miss you're colored hair, although i can get use to your new one, but it's cute.

GD's outfit is so cute. i love his sweater and hat so adorable.

Just seeing the GIFs and pictures gets me so anxious and happy about watching the comeback.

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Guest h0ney_xT

omgsh ><" my friend's friend read this article about GD having a girlfriend. ;x and there's a picture too!


does anyone know anything about this? =OOOO

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Guest lonelybee714

OMG~!! I loved their performance~!!!

TOP and DaeSung look so cute with their

new hairstyles!!!

But first DaeSung needs to get rid of those purple pants.

He looks so funky in it. haha. He is still my favorite though. haha.

And what is up SeungRi's new hairstyle???

He is sportin' the BOWL shaped hairstyle now

or something!?? lol. It's cute but funny looking

all at the same time. haha.

ALSO the song "Last Farewell" is so catchy!! I can't wait till

I get my CD~ *pouting cause I don't have it yet.(lol)*

AND Thanks for the pics, links, trans, and gifs~!

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Guest ..kaleena..


b-b-b-b-b-but i loved their comeback performance!!!! the stage was AMAZING! and the choreography was so cute!

right when i saw seungri, i literally burst out laughing!!!!!!! hahhhhahah, omg. but he still owned that hairstyle, so we gotta give him props! ahhahaahhaha, he looks like such a nerd XD and top's lil pony tail!!

WOW, daesung and top's PANTS!! hahaha, gotta find me some of those! XD eeeek, daesung dyed his hair black again. i'm so used to him with brown hair now, though. haahha

-my theory is that their coordi's were drunk when picking out their outfits and hairstyles XDDDDDDDDDDDD

but they still look big bangin'!!! seriously, no one can pull off bright colored pants, or a perfect looking mushroom hair cut other than big bang!! ahaha

i really love their new album! i've listened to it the WHOLLLLLLLE day!! even while shopping for black friday! ahhaha

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Guest sugarcakes

I really liked their B.I.G.B.A.N.G / FOOL WITH TEAR days, because I felt like that was the true color of Big Bang. This mini album is more trendy than original in my opinion, but regardless, it will do well because the songs are catchy.

1. Intro Hot Issue - This is actually the most original track on this mini, it has a funky fresh sound that totally works for BB. I'm disappointed it's only made into an intro.

2. Fool - I'm indifferent about the song

3. I don't understand - It's a sweet R&B song, but it doesn't hold a candle to "Forever With You" and " Fool With Tears"..

4. But I Love You - GD's rap in this song is great, you can tell that he's improving more and more everyday, but I prefer GD with songs like "This Love"

5. Last Farewell - Very catchy chorus, great song to dance to

6. Crazy Dog - Another fun song to dance too. I'm sure the clubs will play this song and Last Farewell often for the next few months.

I expected more Hip Hop and R&B from Big Bang (also YG).

The performance was average (please don't hit me). It didn't hit me like some of their older performances. It felt like it was like a run-on-stage-run-off-stage-then-done type of thing.

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Guest angelic_betrayal

AHHH!!! LOL, whooo~ Big Bang's new mini album is HOT~ I love Crazy Dog <3 I love how the beginning is from SeoTaiji. Ah, sounds great. I love G-Dragon's reap part. its hilarious XD

I really love the cover for this album. The shiny-red makes it really hot :)

Haha, off to watch their latest perfs. now. :) I'm sucha inactive fan =[ this album is definately gonna be a hit like the first one!

EDIT! WHoo, topped a page =[ AW man... I feel bad, nothing to share >.< Sorry guys :sweatingbullets:

GAH, their perf. was HOTTT!~ I'm so happy that they danced so much. I felt their "lies" perfs. didn't let them move around a lot. Man, they sang awesome too!! :D Seungri's hair is bothering me a little... But thats ok. B)

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AHHH, i love love this thread and all you AWESOME i-VIP's

so i decided to give replies xD

mon! AHHH, thankyou for the gifs spam and interviews..hopefully ill try and translate them as fast as i can (unless melody wants to xP)

...the models arent a LITTLE DISTURBING...ITS VERY O_____O"

top model looks ok...but GBONG WHAT HAPPENED ???? :ph34r:

sookyung thanks for the pic spamm...anything else we can call you apart from your user name? ^^", you can call me wonny (yeahh, people call me that in real life xD)

jess thanks for uploading the pref. on to YGBB ^^, much appreciated..btw, i LOVE LOVE the new xmas skin =]

josephine AH, you cannot get enough MKMF :sweatingbullets:, i miss his hair too T_T

redevilica the thing is (roughly translated) about some new online big bang pic gallery (which people can contribute too)..and a "tellzone star interview" (which im guess are the ones that mon posted up before)...big bang is the 24th star to do it...heckk ill just translate it xD

안녕하세요. 텔존 빅뱅갤러리 가족 여러분!

텔존 스타 ★ 인터뷰 24번째 스타 빅뱅이 텔존갤러리 여러분들께 친필 사인 메세지를 보내왔습니다.

앞으로도 텔존 빅뱅 갤러리에 많은 사랑 부탁드립니다.

승리군 말처럼 앞으로도 사랑이 담긴 글들 많이 올려주세요 ^^

hello to the tellzone bigbang gallery family!

tell zone star interview 14th star is bigbang, and for the tellzone gallery members, they have sent a signed message.

from now on, we hope for lots of love from the tellzone gallery.

like seungri's message, from now on please upload messages with lots of love!

AHH, janny thanks for the gifs/pics **faints from too much nosebleed**

rawesome AHA, i never realised it was a 'lightbulb'y move until you pointed it out xD

I think we should all hold hands and start praying together that his hair grows back…like NOW!

amen sister.

damnalky i agree with your statement of

I expected more Hip Hop and R&B from Big Bang (also YG).

^ yeahh, i REALLY wanted more hip hop butt....we got techno/house..ohwell..its still good.

This mini album is more trendy than original in my opinion

i half agree..i see hwere your soming from, as some on the songs on 'hot issue' sound really POP. but then, i think big bang has added their own flavour..like the lyrics, arrangements and some of the beats are pretty original xD

*edit-> RARRR, i ALWAYS ALWAYS miss out on TOP'pin a page by one post. >_>

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i'm warming up to the 2nd mini album. i just love the 1st one so much. :P anyway, Last Farewell is awesome. I Don't Understand is really nice. But I Love U is so catchy. i'm so surprised at the high range of Fool. ^_^

quality is so so... gonna see if there's a more HQ version. :D

available in my CB



Do NOT take this cut out of my clubbox. Thanks! :D

Big Bang - Last Farewell on Music Bank (2007-11-23) [cashewmania].avi [36.6MB]

We got GOLD! :w00t: Thank you so much for all of your support!!

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i think i'm the only person that see's seungri's hair as cute :mellow:

I HATE TOP's PONYTAIL. I just have a thing against guys with ponytails.


--TOP has a ponytail??!?!!

*runs to go see*

I think it's HOT!!


YESSSS!! : D<3 haha. three people that agree with me that seungri's hair is adorable<3. it's growing on people :D!!

hm. that girl (on the page before this)....she's pretty, but who knows. do you have the link to the article?

damnalky i knew they would probably do more house/techno/europop, but to me, it's all good...the songs are good and catchy, don't get me wrong, but :/...i feel like it has less of an impact than the first mini-album's title song 'Lie'. :/ no idea why. but i like the songs and the performance was pretty good because i liked seeing them do a new song. i hope they do more hiphop/R&B songs. that'd be nice. i'm all for them experimenting though (: and i trust GD. it doesn't have to stick to traditional-sounding hiphop either. a fuse of different genres is always something interesting to listen to. ^^ but yeah, i'd like to hear some more slowwwwww songs that make me all warm and calm etc. songs you can fall asleep too. they're nice too (:

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^i saw this a pouple of pages before... and... WUT IS IT ABOUT?


is it some typo of event, give-out or something?

can someone be kind enough to translate it for the fellow VIPs?

*puppy eyes*

Basically, it's just a special event for people to write what they think of the 2nd mini album. And people will be picked and given a prize. 5 will get signed CDs, and 5 will get non-signed CDs. (I guess CDs will be the 2nd mini album). The long paragraph is explaining the 2nd mini, and its individual tracks.

Anyways, I just saw their Musicbank performance. I'm glad YB got to sing more. I was sad that he only had like 2 lines in Lies..and he had more in Always, but they're not promoting that one (Although it's my fave track off that album). This album, as someone else had mentioned, seems to be a bit more mainstream/trendy or whatnot. I just hope that they don't lose their originality, which is why I loved this group since the beginning. I see some similarities with their Lies perf. Like Daesung singing, and the others around him, kinda bent down and the instrumentals. But I'm starting to like the beat more, and like someone else mentioned (sorry, I don't know names..), the beats are not as overpowering so we can hear and appreciate their singing talent even more.

TOP: He looks like a kid in those clothes and the hair (A very tall and good-looking kid) :P

Daesung: I like his black hair. First, when I read that he had black hair now, I was like NOOO. (Cuz I think his hair looked so good for the 1st mini album), but I'm liking it. And it's like a shocker when you see the top half of Daesung looks quite normal, and a full shot of him shows him wearing this pastel purple pants. Same with TOP, but not as much of a shocker since his top half is quite colourful as well.

Seungri: Hm...when I first saw the hair, I was LMAO. It looks like a wig or something. But if you keep on looking at it, you kinda get used to it. I mean, it's Seungri. He could pull it off since he's maknae (or hotnae as some of you call him)

YB and GD: they look the same, so not much to say about them. They both seemed to be having so much fun during the perf (Well, they all look like they're having fun, but I notice YB more, cuz he seems to be in the front quite often.)

Anyways, it's my first time spazzing like this so much on this thread, but I just felt like it today~~

PS: I don't know about that pic of GD's girlfriend (or ex)...but personally, I don't mind if they have gf's. They can get more emotions and feelings for their songs, and whatnot. Especially with GD. Breaking up, and new loves will help him write good songs, like Lies~~ (Just my 2 cents. You don't have to agree with me~~)

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OMG! their comeback! i can't get over it yet! OMo! i watched it thrice this time and seungri's harid-do has grown on me. i kinda didn't like it the first time i saw it. but thinking of TOP havin' his pony tail, that made me think that it was intended for seungri to have that kinda style. i just dunno what it's called. i thought it was cute. haha!!! i also thought it was just a headband. but it wasn't. his hair/bangs is leveled like...sooo straight. haha! miss his old hair. and we're no longer gonna see that on their peformances, but it's a new seungri this time. hehe.. do you guys still understand what im talking about! im shaky in here. my thoughts aren't organized yet!

i gotta comment again about their perf. yeah, did you notice the piano keys on the stage? that was so cute and flashy. i love how colorful their outfits were. especially top with different style this time. men, that pants was uber red. haha! daesung's was violet, but still they managed to carry their outfits so well. OOHh! GD's rap at the start was uber. B to the I to the G BANG BANG! i sing that everywhere now! i used to sing the old intro, the one on their vol.1 album. haha! im so funny!

I LOVE THE STAGE PROPS. the lightnings were perfect, it flashes with the beat of the music. the energy was uber high! yeah..lucky back-up dancers! haha..

i also love it..coz i remembered, on LIE..there were back up voices that we hear whenever they sing on their lines. but with LAST FAREWELL all we hear are the fast beats that has kinda lowed down and their soothing voices! ahh men, i love it! DAESUNG voice really echoed the studio the moment he sang his solo lines on the middle part of the song. I LOVE THAT PART! YEAh! TOP's part was... :w00t: he's wavin' and wavin' and wavin' at us! i also noticed that. TOP also did like that on LIE. but in LAST FAREWELL almost all of them have their OWN FINGER THINGY.. haha! YB wavin at the start, SEUNGRI helf his hands up. GD also wavin', DAESUNG pointing and and..what else. my mind is floating again! haha!

OMG they owned the stage! yeah!!! BIG BANG HOT ISSUE IS SOARING UP UP!!!

and GD's outfit has stars on it. as in FuuuLL of stars! kitinami uni loves that! haha i can't wait till she spazzes about their comeback!

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Guest anna_85

i just watched their comeback... the LOVE the choreography!! seung ri's hair is... weird, but after a while you get use to it, LOL

tae yang looked super hot in the performance =D

i cant wait to get the mini album! ^^

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haha Janny you're just too cute

who COULD resist until they receive the album

when everybody is spazzing out xD

Seriously...is Seung Ri's hair a wig? They totally amaze me...

how can they stick to his forehead like that LOL

and TOP's ponytail is a wig too? His hair is growing so fast if it isn't o.o

But he's totally rocking it <3~

They look like kids in their clothes xD

kawaii desu!!

I love TOP's new hand swinging, it's all about the hands eh?

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