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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Interesting info, some still consistent with his previous previous interview-in fact only few are new actually.


  English translation using Naver Dictionary, -second opinion, just use normal google trans, for any confusing translation.

며칠 전 생일이었죠? 축하해요. 생일은 어떻게 보냈어요? 전날은 친구들하고 소주 한잔하고, 당일은 집에서 혼자 아무것도 안 하
- A few days ago was your birthday? Congratulations. How did you spend your birthday? A glass of soju with friends the night, alone at home the day with nothing.
조용하고 소박하게 보냈네요. 워낙 기념일 챙기고 이런 걸 쑥스러워해요. 그날도 그냥 (조)세호랑 친한 동생들이 “형 생일인데 그래도 저녁은 같이 먹어야죠” 하면서 불러내서 나간 거예요. 하하. 선물 뭐 필요하냐는데 됐다고, 사오지 말라고 하고.
- Send a quiet, simple. And embarrassed when something like this anniversary so. That day, just (trillion) soccer with him best younger ones are not “You still with me for dinner, your brother's birthday” and called out. Haha. What do you need? de gift that, don't think you shouldn't go buy.
그래서, 이번 생일엔 받은 선물이 하나도 없나요? 하나 받았어요. 트러플 소금. 아무 데나 쓰기 좋아요. 삼계탕에 타 먹어도,
- So, no one on my birthday gift? I got one. Truffle salt, write anywhere good. Eat some food, in samgyetang.u
Wookieshii, are you avoiding the public bc of public comments- Same with DH though, but sometimes she loves poking the 'subject".
최근 주로 집에 혼자 있는 이유가 있나요? 사실 요즘 제 마음이 그래요. 사람들 속에 있으면 미움받지는 않을까 괜한 생각과 불편한 감정이 스멀스멀 올라와서. <라이프>를 하면서 버겁고 힘든 점이 많았고, 스스로에 대한 실망도 있었고, 책임감도 느껴지고. 그러다 보니 위축된 상태인 것 같아요.

Do you have a reason to be alone at home mainly recently? Actually, it's my mind these days. I would not be hated if I was in people. I had a bad feeling and uncomfortable feelings. There were many hard and hard points in doing <life>, and there was disappointment to oneself, and sense of responsibility also. So it looks like it is in a state of downturn.
자존감이 떨어져서 스스로를 믿지 못하겠는 게 제일 큰 문제인데, 결국 답은 없어요. 제가 움직여야죠.
- Self-esteem are down, and felt that they were not believe in yourself The best deal's a big problem, finally, there is no answer. I'm moving.
“움직인다”는 말이 좋네요. 계속 축 처져 있으면 아무것도 해결되지 않으니까. 차기작도 결정했으니, 또 다른 작품에서 또 다른 캐릭터에 부딪히며 제가 느꼈던 벽을 깨야죠. 야구에서 지고 있는 팀이 반전을 이루는 건 홈런 한 방이잖아요. 홈런이 될지, 안타가 될지, 파울
- The word “Move.” is good. Still got you down if you don't solve anything. Next film, also hit another to the character in another decision, so it was what I was feeling and break down the barriers. The reversal of the losing team in baseball's home to a room. Will be home runs and hits might be, Paul.
차기작 <진심이 닿다>에선 연애에 서툰 변호사 역을 맡았죠? 연애를 해본 적이나 있는지 모르겠는 친구예요. 6년 만의 본격적인 로맨틱 코미디인데, 제가 한국 나이로 서른여덟 살이니 로맨틱 코미디는 어쩌면 거의 마지막이 아닐지. 하하. 더 나이 먹고 하면 주책스러울 것
- Playing the role of poor in love, then in the next film, <I mean it is touching.> a lawyer? Try a relationship that don't know a little at least felt that they were friends. Real romantic comedy, but I was 30 Korean age of six years seoreunyeodeol ago did romantic comedy is perhaps not last minute. Haha., will become juchaek and older.
This section of interview, even just on surface- actually giving lots of info about his feeling about LOVE, or lost LOVE-until he doesn't feel anything anymore. That's why he is not working hard on his latest 4 months Instant Love.
데뷔 초 작품을 다시 보니, 어린 시절엔 성글고 거친 이미지가 있었더라고요. 지금의 이동욱에겐 약간 체념한 듯한 우아함이랄지, 격랑을 겪은 후 불순물이 침전되고 투명해진 듯한 아름다움이 있거든요. 단지 외적인 문제가 아닐 것 같아요. 19년 동안 많은 일을 겪었으니까요
- Work again, early childhood, her debut seonggeul and scanned images are afar. A bit of a resigned to the current Lee Dong-wook impurities after suffering from a rough sea is deposited and transparent, elegant miralji a beauty. I think it's not just external problems. Have a lot of work for 19 years.- There are conflicts, and failed to meet someone, and, even away. Who do you go out with that feeling of ‘I think I want this done’ have I. I just, just one side and I, too. Such ‘, the hard way and repeat the process, then don't hate. You can't I, can he have gone to ’.
another google translate

Looking back at my debut film, I had a rough and rough image in my childhood. It is a graceful elegance to the present Lee Dong-wook, and there is beauty that seems to be settled and transparent after the ripple. I do not think it's just an outside problem. I've had a lot of work in 19 years. There were conflicts, failures, meeting someone, and leaving. When I meet someone, I feel like I've done it all this time. Sometimes we go together, sometimes we go on one side. If you repeat the process, you will not be hurting at the end. I can not help but feel that my heart is fading.

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21 minutes ago, dolley said:

@samzz I learned a lot from that interview. The actor lee dong wook and the social worker lee dong wook


And I agree he seems considerate and caring towards his co worker, his team was with him for years already.


Yes, that "caring attitude" making him where he is now bc how he was raised since kids, working since young age and took care of his family especially his sister. That;s why he always hard on himself, at the end making his heart dry-emotionless. 


어떻게 그렇게 안 울어요? 부정적인 감정을 숨기는 게 버릇이 돼서 그래요. 기분이 안 좋다고 티내면서 주변을 힘들게 하고 싶지 않거든요. 그런데, 왜 혼자 있을 때도 안 울지? 감정이 메말랐나 봐요. 하하.


How do you cry like that? It's a habit to hide negative emotions. I do not feel like I'm feeling bad and I do not want to get around it. By the way, why do not you cry when you are alone? I guess my emotions were dry. haha.

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Chinggus, as what we discussed in DM. Now it's been exposed, even not all of it, but now we know how it is operated, and our curiosity is answered once again. Now we know why,how and where the money coming from. Birds of feather flock together.


Only time will tell. Let's them enjoy it before been exposed.




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37 minutes ago, dolley said:

@samzz Haha award giving body based in votes, of course they earned a lot through voting. Another cheat awards in the making. 



Why need to buy the vote? It will lead to scam. I wonder why ... I saw this activities twice this year. Did EXO and Yoona's fans knew who behind that..

For us, we only know the location of the cafe...hehehe.

As many said, everything is FAKE in kpop lately.

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2 hours ago, samzz said:

Why need to buy the vote? It will lead to scam. I wonder why ... I saw this activities twice this year. Did EXO and Yoona's fans knew who behind that..

For us, we only know the location of the cafe...hehehe.

As many said, everything is FAKE in kpop lately.

Haha I think that area is not good for business, unless if it’s for monkey business:D


Kpop fandoms are very huge, and they are all fighting for the top spot. And they are all young, their moves evolve, and they really worked hard bc they are in group. As long as there’s a lot of money on it,can fill big domes on their concert, kpop groups multiplies easily. And those old ones be a group or solo performer can be easily replace

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22 minutes ago, dolley said:

Haha I think that area is not good for business, unless if it’s for monkey business:D


Kpop fandoms are very huge, and they are all fighting for the top spot. And they are all young, their moves evolve, and they really worked hard bc they are in group. As long as there’s a lot of money on it,can fill big domes on their concert, kpop groups multiplies easily. And those old ones be a group or solo performer can be easily replace


Yes, they are using the stupidity, arrogant, ignorant souls for money scamming. Some thought they are untouchable, that's why they are enjoying doing it. Some in the comments, I think they knew it already, that's why they said, companies like that are snake and leeches.

Well, look at what happens to some celebrities, if the karma didn't go to them, few years later, their kids will face the music. Even 1 cent, you take from other without their consent, is considered scam.

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13 hours ago, samzz said:

@dolley You are so right, "daddy" helps with the award. Poor C-fans, their money goes to that..

Majority said, AAA2018 was a disaster award, one award with 2 or 3 winners, if you are present you will get an award. Seriously felt sad for those who spent money for them.


also the award category, so funny like they just invented it.

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7 hours ago, dolley said:

Majority said, AAA2018 was a disaster award, one award with 2 or 3 winners, if you are present you will get an award. Seriously felt sad for those who spent money for them.


also the award category, so funny like they just invented it.

Not many know the organizer belongs to that desperado. Shell agency or company is always used as shield. I'm just happy what we know all this while proven VALID. So clear.


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MAMA aka formerly known as MNET is approaching.


Before EOE fiasco, DH and Mnet were BFF, she used to have hat trick either as MC or presenter, even as guest singer.


She can challenge any idols if she wants too, but she just want to stick to once a while as an actress.







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