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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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I don't think that that three ladies in the pic are her PAs. They look like her relatives and friends. I think the weibo owner got mistaken and thought the person who asked her lot to take pic was her agent. Whoever that person is, I don't care much. The fact is she is in LA. But there are evidence that she had been in Seoul before cheouk. I think that is enough. If DH and Wookie are bAck together and even have made plans for the future (which I believe so), DH needs to make the transition of spending more time in Korea, for both her life and work. She also needs to make her family prepare she won't be in LA that often as she was before. If our guess is right, she is only back to LA for three weeks, and likely to be back in Seoul for CF. It is not that long Thanks of the analysis on the part DH prefers LA more. Fully understand, for a celebrity and for her specifically because of the unpleasant events happened in the past and more her family is there, she would prefer LA. But I think she must have thought about all these when she decided to be with Wookie again. I do believe that if their love stays strong and they are bonded together for the rest of their lives, they will make it through. There are times I also imagined what if our delulu theories were wrong and they were not together... I share the same belief that, if given all they did in the set and real life body language and responses to each other as shown in the BTs, they still ended up not lover but friends. If it wAs the case, I would rather believe that they tried but didn't work. I never believe that there were nothing between them, unless they were those who like flirting around, but obviously and certainly they are not. My conclusion, at this point, they are just reorienting their lives as they are not single but have a partner and ready to commit for a long term relationship. There are things they certainly need to compromise for, but I believe they are ready for that. Lucky that, communication is superb these days, even they are far apart, they can basically see each other (though not the touches that Wookie misses so much) every single minute as along as they want to. So, communication is never a problem, it is their heart and the love and bond they share. I stay strong for their love and their fate for each other. At the end of the day, only time will tell! Until the day they marry or announce dating with another person, I hold my faith in them.

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Guest turquoiseblue

@apqaria yes i agree with all you said. it's a series of unfortunate events that led to this. Eventhough she's much older now and of course we don't expect her to have minions of saesang teenagers anymore, I wish that she will have a solid core of followers in Korea who will vouch for her and support her all the way. Eventhough she doesn't do the organizing of big fan events herself, I hope that she somehow finds time to meet even a small group of supporters for lunch or snacks even out of her own pocket (I dont think it will cost that much) just to update them on her future projects and whatever is happening with her career. I don't know if actors in their country do this but these little things will mean a lot to her supporters.  And most importantly of course, that she do more projects in Korea with better character choices and hopefully do more TV guestings, I think it will boost her popularity in a good way and win back the hearts of many korean audience. I wish her all the best this year and the coming years! 

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Guest ManolitaA

Very well said my dear @bluewings666, I also want to think that Dahae maybe this time preparing her family for this special "event" in her life..."maybe" and yes if that's the case of course she needs to spend more time to them...for in this coming "event" in her life, of course her priority is her "new family with Wookie...again it is my wishful mind"...but still I also agree that as actions speaks louder in their interaction in HK...well I still beleive that Dongahae is for REAL...so let's just wait...FATE is FATE....I beleive in that....if it's gonna happen to our couple it will be.... :\"> :\">

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Reading your insights about dahae feeling more at-home in LA than in SK makes me a a lil worried...I just really(God-knows) hope [-O< [-O< that this couldnt be a reason why they cant be together inspite of their 9years of love and affection to each other...I don't know anything but please dearest wookie and cherry, we dont want any of you to be lying and making yourselves believe that you're happy and suffer for the rest of your life where in fact the universe knows that you could never be any happier without each other..please..please..


I still think that the HK writers and pd are of one us..I mean the scripts and most of the storylines...they all seemed wanna teach donghae a lesson about their relationship.. :-? :-?

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Guest turquoiseblue

samzz said:

i can sense a jealous gf later on, I don't know if the swing is the same as in HK, but there is a swing in the latest RM session 2, and the female comedian is riding on it.

I'm sensing she will chase Wookie and demand the swing kiss, -and if they do that, I will make sure the swing will be broken into 1000 pieces (I will do that on behalf of Dahae), kkkkkkk

so Dahae, stop shopping, your swing is in danger. We Donghae, can tolerate other things, but not that "swing act"-too precious for us.

btw, bf is in good hand and looked very happy with the gang.

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yes, after HK and after spending 8 months with her loved one, I wish to see a more mature Dahae in certain area (not that she's not mature before) but in certain area in entertainments business she needs a friend or someone she can trust to guide her, and to me right now, none other is her long time soul mate Wookie. Previously she got some career advice from Jang Hyuk, up to the stage she said she felt safe when acting beside him , but he's a married man, of course she cannot bother him outside of their drama projects or whenever she faced a problem.

  Compared to her IRIS 2 interview when she said some who are closed to her cannot cope with her pace, and in her latest interrview, where she said she started to apreciate someone closed as precious treasure, there is some positive light that she will be more in Korea than LA  in the future.

I don't think this statement fr In Style magazine is referring to her family bc  we know she treasure them the most, this statement is really directed to someone so special to her at the moment.

About ‘Hotel King’, Da-hae confessed that she thought of this role – a woman who considers people she loves as her most precious treasure – not only as a job but as an opportunity to mature.
Now that she entered the 30s, she happens to feel more comfortable, to settle down and to have more time to pay attention to what’s going on around her.

and talking if they only troll us or  fake it, all the lovey dovey BTS acts  in HK, I think both are mature eough to understand the consequences, the lost is only on them, they the one who going to suffer bc trying to play with their feeling.

and talking abt if they can find e same level of happiness with others, I doubt that, their face and actions don't lie,- try to look at Wookie public appearance with other actresses, there are times when I feels like he forced himself to look happy and there are times he like hever wanted to be with that women or that girl-unlike when he's with Dahae, the glem in his eyes tell thousand words.

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Guest ManolitaA

Like this one some pictures on Hotel King PC...so obvious...they are bothr cpmfortable with each other...and Wookies action...Ohh my Gosh...you can feel his giddiness... just like what @samzz pointing at...they look good together...not only for reel but still much better when it's for real... :\"> :x

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Guest ManolitaA

Missing them so much.... :\"> :\"> :(( :(705dfdacjw1ehntx31ryej20m80etq6m-6f3ca.j
Just feeding ourselves with these pictures...for the meantime...just waiting...

:\"> :\"> [-O< [-O<  right here..Oh my Gosh please...give us to satisfy our thirst.... $-) :-L

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I agree with all the opinions of people talking about the fans feelings for Da Hae in SK. It has deteriorated a lot since the scandal with EOE. And after many years have passed, I think due to the poor performance of the company's management of her, she still could not regain her reputation in Korea like its peak in 2006 , 2007. However, I see that she has regained a lot of people's feelings in South Korea since the Hotel King. To me, that is due to the relentless efforts of her time to the success of the film, due to the good support from FNC but impossible not to mention the great support for her by Wookie.It's been proven through which she thanks for him on SNS and the wrap up party of HK . She said that she was happiness being around him. She does not use the word fun that she used the word "happiness". In my opinion, the word fun to use when two friends were together. And the word "happiness" is used for the two lovers. I believe that everything he did for Da Hae because of the tremendous love he had for her during the past years. I do not know much about Da Hae but for Wookie, I find that such action gestures, voice, and his eyes when Da Hae side is completely different with the other girls.It gives me the feeling he loves her very much. He says and does everything to make her laugh, to protect her. We see it all through the images from the press conference, interviews, BTS. I remember reading an article here about a Wookie interview. In it he said He will support his girlfriend at everything in life but he would choose to control his girlfriend instead of letting her do what she likes because there are so many complex issues outside of their society. And it seems he has done so with Da Hae after I saw the actions of the Wookie in press conference, in the BTS video when he always looking at her makeup, the way he managed her clothes and conservative in their bed-scenes. I think the step across the threshold of the age of 30 with deep thoughts. Da Hae has realized the meaning of all the Wookie has done for her. Along with her ​​experience has been with Ah Mone, she realized the most important person in her life outside of her family was the one who could make her happy, protect and reminders she's in every moment of life (both in work and daily life). Who can give her the space to return to after a tiring, I think that she's talking about none other than Wookie. Just himself also gave her space. and I think she also wanted to talk about the Wookie's family, they are not rich, but very warm and affectionate. With a sensitive person like her, it is an ideal place to find the back of the tiring of work. If the information is correct that she knew Wookie's mother from MG and her met with Wookie's sister like friends in some time ago. I believe that my speculations about what Da Hae was said on Instyle isn't illusion that it has a solid base. So we just need to wait for notices about their wedding and hope it will come soon in the future. Sorry because my posts are too long

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Guest PatriciaL

HoaD said: I agree with all the opinions of people talking about the fans feelings for Da Hae in SK. It has deteriorated a lot since the scandal with EOE. And after many years have passed, I think due to the poor performance of the company's management of her, she still could not regain her reputation in Korea like its peak in 2006 , 2007. However, I see that she has regained a lot of people's feelings in South Korea since the Hotel King. To me, that is due to the relentless efforts of her time to the success of the film, due to the good support from FNC but impossible not to mention the great support for her by Wookie.It's been proven through which she thanks for him on SNS and the wrap up party of HK . She said that she was happiness being around him. She does not use the word fun that she used the word "happiness". In my opinion, the word fun to use when two friends were together. And the word "happiness" is used for the two lovers. I believe that everything he did for Da Hae because of the tremendous love he had for her during the past years. I do not know much about Da Hae but for Wookie, I find that such action gestures, voice, and his eyes when Da Hae side is completely different with the other girls.It gives me the feeling he loves her very much. He says and does everything to make her laugh, to protect her. We see it all through the images from the press conference, interviews, BTS. I remember reading an article here about a Wookie interview. In it he said he would choose to control his girlfriend instead of letting her do what she likes because there are so many complex issues outside of their society. And it seems he has done so with Da Hae after I saw the actions of the Wookie in press conference, in the BTS video when he always looking at her makeup, the way he managed her clothes and conservative in their bed-scenes. I think the step across the threshold of the age of 30 with deep thoughts. Da Hae has realized the meaning of all the Wookie has done for her. Along with her ​​experience has been with Ah Mone, she realized the most important person in her life outside of her family was the one who could make her happy, protect and reminders she's in every moment of life (both in work and daily life). Who can give her the space to return to after a tiring, I think that she's talking about none other than Wookie. Just himself also gave her space. and I think she also wanted to talk about the Wookie's family, they are not rich, but very warm and affectionate. With a sensitive person like her, it is an ideal place to find the back of the tiring of work. If the information is correct that she knew Wookie's mother from MG and her met with Wookie's sister like friends in some time ago. I believe that my speculations about what Da Hae was said on Instyle isn't illusion that it has a solid base. So we just need to wait for notices about their wedding and hope it will come soon in the future. Sorry because my posts are too long

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@PatriciaL You do not know the scandal left her role with EOE in 2008? It is perhaps the biggest scandal in her career. After that incident, she was criticized a lot from Korean fans. I think her reputation has been affected since the incident. And perhaps it led to a lot of trouble for her in the coming years.

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Guest PatriciaL

HoaD said: @PatriciaL You do not know the scandal left her role with EOE in 2008? It is perhaps the biggest scandal in her career. After that incident, she was criticized a lot from Korean fans. I think her reputation has been affected since the incident. And perhaps it led to a lot of trouble for her in the coming years.

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Guest PatriciaL

tinsky73 said:  Since you mentioned the hand before the lips/mouth thing again @samzz, let me post here what body language specialists say what it may convey... 
Holding a hand before your mouth means that you are hiding something. When someone puts his hand before his mouth when he is talking it indicates that he is saying something or has said something that he did not want to say. 
Reading Hand Signals: People have been granted with two hands: the left and the right hand. The left has been dubbed as the "emotional hand" since an imaginary line can be drawn from the third finger leading directly to the heart. This is why the wedding ring is placed on this finger. The right hand, literally on the other hand. has been named the "proper hand" since it is with this hand that people communicate a blocking or stopping signal. I'd like to make special mention of the RM clip...left hand partially covering lip/mouth. You girls do the math... 
Meanwhile, on other news....donghae has just been spotted going to the wrap party a few moments ago...so, no more hiding?!?! 
 Let me take this moment to wail in excitement! Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!! *thud*

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