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[Official] TaNyang (Empress Ki) Ji ChangWook and Ha JiWon - EK Guidebook pics p 1499-1500


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@nploan i'm guessing no one dared to flirt with her before? It's good to have 6x dating experience, i guess.  Then again, not all women fall for bad boys.  (oh, snap i'm gonna be banished soon cuz i said JCW's a bad boy)  [-O<

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Guest uctqepe

whoaaa.. uri haraboji doesnt look el-terror much anymore.. i actually miss you grandpa! :-* FIGHTING!! LOOOL 

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Wow after the series ended this thread is still going strong I still check here lol just in case there are some good news lol j/k ... Really this thread been one of the funnest I've been in a while and all you guys posting funny pictures that make me giggle like a weirdo at middle of the night lolz thanks guys!!

And I just happen to received @cherkell mail today thanks for the little goodie you throw in there!! <3


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Guest amayah

Here a very nice review of TH ---> click


Here you can find a poem the real TH wrote ---> click  (Yup the real one could write poems ^^)

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From the blog @amayah give link


(From Wikipedia) The lament of Toghon Temur Khan (the “Ukhaant Khan” or “Sage Khan”), concerning the loss of Daidu (Beijing) and Heibun Shanduu (Kaiping Xanadu) in 1368, is recorded in many Mongolian historical chronicles. The Altan Tobchi version is translated as follows:

“My Daidu, straight and wonderfully made of various jewels of different kinds
My Yellow Steppe of Xanadu, the summer residence of ancient Khans
My cool and pleasant Kaiping Xanadu
My dear Daidu that I’ve lost on the year of the bald red rabbit
Your pleasant mist when on early mornings I ascended to the heights!
Lagan and Ibagu made it known to me, the Sage Khan.
In full knowledge I let go of dear Daidu
Nobles born foolish cared not for their state
I was left alone weeping
I became like a calf left behind on its native pastures
My eight-sided white stupa made of various precious objects
My City of Daidu made of the nine jewels
Where I sat holding the reputation of the Great Nation
My great square City of Daidu with four gates
Where I sat holding the reputation of the Forty Tumen Mongols
My dear City of Daidu, the iron stair has been broken.
My reputation!
My precious Daidu, from where I surveyed and observed
The Mongols of every place.
My city with no winter residence to spend the winter
My summer residence of Kaiping Xanadu
My pleasant Yellow Steppe
My deadly mistake of not heeding the words of Lagan and Ibagu!
The Cane Palace had been established in sanctity
Kublai the Wise Khan spent his summers there!
I have lost Kaiping Xanadu entirely – to China.
An impure bad name has come upon the Sage Khan.
They besieged and took precious Daidu
I have lost the whole of it – to China.
A conflicting bad name has come upon the Sage Khan.
Jewel Daidu was built with many an adornment
In Kaiping Xanadu, I spent the summers in peaceful relaxation
By a hapless error they have been lost – to China.
A circling bad name has come upon the Sage Khan.
The awe-inspiring reputation carried by the Lord Khan
The dear Daidu built by the extraordinary Wise Khan (Kublai)
The bejeweled Hearth City, the revered sanctuary of the entire nation
Dear Daidu
I have lost it all – to China.
The Sage Khan, the reincarnation of all bodhisattvas,
By the destiny willed by Khan Tengri (King Heaven) has lost dear Daidu,
Lost the Golden Palace of the Wise Khan (Kublai), who is the reincarnation of all the gods,
Who is the golden seed of Genghis Khan the son of Khan Tengri (King Heaven).
I hid the Jade Seal of the Lord Khan in my sleeve and left (the city)
Fighting through a multitude of enemies, I broke through and left.
From the fighters may Buqa-Temur Chinsan for ten thousand generations
Become a Khan in the golden line of the Lord Khan.
Caught unaware I have lost dear Daidu.
When I left home, it was then that the jewel of religion and doctrine was left behind.
In the future may wise and enlightened bodhisattvas take heed and understand.
May it go around and establish itself
On the Golden Lineage of Genghis Khan.”[6]

Text highlighted for me seems like JCW has embodied and played the real Ta Hwan really well. A noble man (royal man even) but doesn't have power and seems lost in the a very scary political world. He's not politics savvy as we can see through this poem, but he still cared for his nation, his country. A country made great by Genghis Khan and Kubilai Khan. But he can only see the great nation crumbled in front of his eyes. Actually I tear up when I read the poem 'cause I can feel the sadness and his bleeding heart. Such a tragic life of Toghon Temur...

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Guest uctqepe

isn't it tragic that a man with a depth of poetic mind was portrayed as someone who could not even remember a simple poem when he's facing the ever-perfect Goryeo King?  #-o 
but i guess we cant have it all.. I am thankful enough the writers decided not to portray the real emperor with his devotion to learning of sexual skills and group sex in the palace :-SS what is a hide-and-seek scene with concubines compared to that!! 

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I cn c our chinggu @nanstarrr‌ purposely cover the face of greenman when posting the cd cover pic :> :> :>

Why..i c all are yuan ppl tat reincarnate after 650 years..where r the goryeo teams...they become guardian angels huh?? =)) =))

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i don't read chinese/korean but i went to baidu and then got directed to dcinside #talkaboutbeingdesperate.. I HAVE NO IDEA what's going on there but hey @namyo, i found our fave GIF!! LOOOOOLL

cr to owner

I'm still not convinced, chingu. There's no tongue there. *whispering* hjw unni should have opened her mouth. Ahem.. At least they seemed to enjoy it.


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Hi everyone. I know I'm mighty late for this show. I just caught a glimpse of Empress Ki on Couch Kimchi and I just read the first recap, and immediately fell for the awesomeness that is TaNyang (the holy union of Ta Hwan and Seung Nyang, which still gives me butterflies). True, I did read the first recap when it was first posted on the site. I was ready to love Joo Jin Mo, and was ready to embrace the love story b/w JJM and HJW, but puppy JCW had me in the moment he was introduced as the hilarious future emperor. The moment Ta Hwan clashed with Seung Nyang, sparks flew and I forgot all about Wang Yoo. Lol. This couple had me in unlike other couples. I was obsessed with certain couples (truth be told, I still am), and there should be some kind of magnetic quality to get my attention. I'm such a goner for love-hate stories, coz there is some kinda intensity in a couple who used to hate each other, as they now fall for each other. I like the complete 180 degree reversal in a character's personality. It shows conflict in the character and the show. My only question is this: I recall in an early episode Seung Nyang gave a swift kick in Ta Hwan's family jewels, so how is he able to..... produce not one, but two- TWO!- kids? There should be some kinda mistake there right? I mean, as far as we know Seung Nyang is an a$$kicking heroine and she don't give soft kicks in painful areas when she wants to inflict pain. So Seung Nyang, who previously hit Ta Hwan in the good area, made use of that same good area to produce kids? Sounds awkward when I say that in that way. . . . . *hits head on wall- repeatedly*

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Hi everyone. I know I'm mighty late for this show. I just caught a glimpse of Empress Ki on Couch Kimchi and I just read the first recap, and immediately fell for the awesomeness that is TaNyang (the holy union of Ta Hwan and Seung Nyang, which still gives me butterflies). True, I did read the first recap when it was first posted on the site. I was ready to love Joo Jin Mo, and was ready to embrace the love story b/w JJM and HJW, but puppy JCW had me in the moment he was introduced as the hilarious future emperor. The moment Ta Hwan clashed with Seung Nyang, sparks flew and I forgot all about Wang Yoo. Lol. This couple had me in unlike other couples. I was obsessed with certain couples (truth be told, I still am), and there should be some kind of magnetic quality to get my attention. I'm such a goner for love-hate stories, coz there is some kinda intensity in a couple who used to hate each other, as they now fall for each other. I like the complete 180 degree reversal in a character's personality. It shows conflict in the character and the show. My only question is this: I recall in an early episode Seung Nyang gave a swift kick in Ta Hwan's family jewels, so how is he able to..... produce not one, but two- TWO!- kids? There should be some kinda mistake there right? I mean, as far as we know Seung Nyang is an a$$kicking heroine and she don't give soft kicks in painful areas when she wants to inflict pain. So Seung Nyang, who previously hit Ta Hwan in the good area, made use of that same good area to produce kids? Sounds awkward when I say that in that way. . . . . *hits head on wall- repeatedly*

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Hi! Nice to see another TaNyang
I believe SN don't kick it really hard so to unable TH to produce kids. Also, SN is a woman so maybe she don't have enough power.
Anyway in real life men would still okay even after the kicks (you can see it in football/sport matches if you don't believe me). It also sounds awkward for me to explain this way. LOL
Maybe anyone expert in this field can explain it better?

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Hi! Nice to see another TaNyang


I believe SN don't kick it really hard so to unable TH to produce kids. Also, SN is a woman so maybe she don't have enough power.

Anyway in real life men would still okay even after the kicks (you can see it in football/sport matches if you don't believe me). It also sounds awkward for me to explain this way. LOL

Maybe anyone expert in this field can explain it better?

HAHA. So true. It must've hurt alot, right? My poor puppy. I would never kick him in the unmentionables if he was mine. BE MIIIIINEEE. . . . .

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heartoppaya said: Hi everyone. I know I'm mighty late for this show. I just caught a glimpse of Empress Ki on Couch Kimchi and I just read the first recap, and immediately fell for the awesomeness that is TaNyang (the holy union of Ta Hwan and Seung Nyang, which still gives me butterflies). True, I did read the first recap when it was first posted on the site. I was ready to love Joo Jin Mo, and was ready to embrace the love story b/w JJM and HJW, but puppy JCW had me in the moment he was introduced as the hilarious future emperor. The moment Ta Hwan clashed with Seung Nyang, sparks flew and I forgot all about Wang Yoo. Lol. This couple had me in unlike other couples. I was obsessed with certain couples (truth be told, I still am), and there should be some kind of magnetic quality to get my attention. I'm such a goner for love-hate stories, coz there is some kinda intensity in a couple who used to hate each other, as they now fall for each other. I like the complete 180 degree reversal in a character's personality. It shows conflict in the character and the show. My only question is this: I recall in an early episode Seung Nyang gave a swift kick in Ta Hwan's family jewels, so how is he able to..... produce not one, but two- TWO!- kids? There should be some kinda mistake there right? I mean, as far as we know Seung Nyang is an a$$kicking heroine and she don't give soft kicks in painful areas when she wants to inflict pain. So Seung Nyang, who previously hit Ta Hwan in the good area, made use of that same good area to produce kids? Sounds awkward when I say that in that way. . . . . *hits head on wall- repeatedly*

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