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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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2 hours ago, standingtallyy said:

Hi All :D @kdaddict1 all is good. Caught up with the usual stuff:D...conclusion of fanfic on it's way, sent to me last night by my friend but  fell asleep! I didn't realise I was that tired...talk soon B)


8 minutes ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:

Whoa,  @standingtallyy  Thank you for Ch 14 and Epilogue.   Pls tell your writer friend....so nicely done!   

@standingtallyy nice to have you back! Take it easy,  don't work too hard! These has always been the words I receive from my uncle whenever he sees me working hard. I want to pass it to you! Take care!

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@hazeljrr_c922 Thanks. Will pass on the message. It took a fair bit because she got busy with work, then I fell asleep last night when I was supposed to post it here:D

I'm the same @Gerry58 @chic-chic no weekedays drama interests me.I tried watching the weekend one Good Thief, Bad Thief so far it kept me interested. So I'm persevering with it. I do recognize the two male leads, they are actors/actors not idol turned actors, don't know their names though:D but apparently one of the female leads is from GG. Her acting isn't too bad. This is the time I wish we have a Park Seyoung drama! I am waiting for Age of Youth 2 excited for Park Eun Bin's character, she was my favourite in the first one.

There was a Chinese or Taiwanese drama I watched Netflix the past but I noticed they recycle their wardrobes in some scenes even if there were time jumps. The story line was good though, can't remember the title now...

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@Gerry58 yeah you're right NJH & JS are still young/boyish. Just got hooked with these 2 young men because of their height. Fond of watching romantic young couples. Thank you, I will try watching Chinese drama again, the last drama I watched was this My Amazing Boyfriend w/ Hye-Sun. I love the likes of the older actors Seung-Heon Song, Lee Sang Yoon & Ji Sub.

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3 hours ago, standingtallyy said:
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Seyoung met up with Teewhan by the river for the morning bike ride. They sat in the grassy area for a rest,their bicycles parked lying down on the ground next to them. The cold morning wind blowing on their faces as they talk.
"The other night when you told me you how you feel. I felt so lucky to be liked by someone like you. Nice, handsome and successful. But there is someone I like, have been for a while." She told him about Wooyoung."Teewhan-shi, you are a good person. I do enjoy your company and would really like to stay friends with you."
"I missed my chance again."Teewhan said. Smiling sadly."I understand Seyoung-shi.I respect your decision. Thank you for being upfront and honest with me. I guess, it was never meant to be. I'm glad you still want me to be your friend."
"I don't want to loose a good person like you because of this. No hard feelings?" Seyoung asked. Offering her hand.
"No hard feelings. Friends."Teewhan accepted her hand with a smile.
They both got up and continued with the bike ride.Betting on who bikes faster. Loser is buying lunch.

Wooyoung is doing a return trip to Japan with the boys to finalize their concert. He told the group that he will be taking the last flight back to Seoul that night. He couldn't tell them that Sarah Takanagi's rather too straightforward approach somehow makes him uncomfortable too.
"Thank you everyone.Will see you all for our first photoshoot in four weeks." The producer announced. Went around to shake everyones hand before leaving with his staff. Wooyoung quickly gathered his stuff, putting them in his backpack getting ready to leave.
"Wooyoung-shi. Why the rush?" Sarah asked casually when she came over to him. His brothers move away to keep a safe distance as not to overhear their conversation.
"I'm sorry. I have a flight to catch back to Seoul tonight." Wooyoung politely replied.Not stopping what he was doing.
"Do you have to fly home tonight?" Sarah probed.
"Yes. SOmone is waiting for me."Wooyoung answered. Looking straight into her eyes.
"Who?" Sarah asked curiously.
"My girlfriend." Wooyoung replied honestly.
"Ouch.I didn't see that coming." Sarah said.
"Ms Takanagi. I hope you dont' take this the wrong way. Or think I am presumptuous. You are a beautiful woman. Any man would be honored to be your boyfriend. One day, you will meet a man who will love you unconditionally. Just like I have found mine." Wooyoung said.
"You must love your girlfriend very much." Sarah replied.
"I do. I love my girlfriend very much. More than words can say."
"Lucky girl."Sarah said, in a sarcastic sound.
"On the contrary. I am the one who is very lucky. If you'll excuse me. I need to go." Wooyoung said.Went to bid goodbye to his 2PM brothers and left.
Sarah can only watch Wooyoung leaving. "Oh well, it was worth the try. I am Sarah Takanagi after all.I am one of the most sought bachelorette in the country." She thought to herself. One man is no loss to her. Not admitting how Wooyoung's rejection bruised her ego.

Back in Seoul. Seyoung was waiting for Wooyoung at home. He gave her a quick call as he was about to board for his flight and will come straight to see her.
Wooyoung was only few minutes away from Seyoung's place. He reached out for the ringbox that was in the front pocket of his back pack and an A4 envelope his assistant gave him earlier when he met Wooyoung at the airport.
"How was your trip?" Seyoung asked when he came. Wooyoung gave her a kiss instead before answering.
"I miss you." He answered."It was full on but everything was set. We will meet up again in a month. Until then, I have time for us." Seyoung followed to sit next to him in the couch. He reached for the A4 envelope inside his bag. Took a piece of paper that was the content, and handed it to Seyoung.
"What is this?" Seyoung asked, taking the form from him. It is a Registration For Marriage form.
"Park Seyoung. I love you. Will you marry me?" Wooyoung asked. Holding out a solitaire diamond ring. On his knees.
"Wooyoung-ah.."Seyoung can only gasp in complete surprise with his proposal.
"Will you marry me? Please?" Wooyoung asked again. Getting nervous of her silence.
"Yes! I will marry you."Seyoung answered, holding out her left hand to Wooyoung ,he slipped the diamond ring on her finger before giving her a kiss the second time.
"It may be rushed but I want us to regsister our marriage as soon as possible.We can have the ceremony at a later time. I want to be married to you. I will never let you get away again this time. Please say yes?" Wooyoung said.
"Yes. I'll go to the ends of the Earth if I had to just to marry you."Seyoung agreed.
"Are you sure?" Wooyoung asked.
"Yes. I've never been so sure in my life." Seyoung assured him.
 Wooyoung reached out to touch her cheek. Seyoung wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him."I love you," she whispered.
"I love you ten times more."He said, kissing her neck. Lifted her up,his lips shifted to her lips as he walked towards the bedroom.

It's been a week since Wooyoung and Seyoung have registered their marriage. Only their families knew about it. Both families were very happy of the news and fully support their decision. They agreed on informing their closest friends,including 2PM once they decide when to have the ceremony. Seyoung's oldest sister bragged how her New Year's eve wish came true. Seyoung thanked her for that and promised she will buy her the expensive handbag she's been eyeing for months as her present. Her second sister insisted she deserved one too because she supported that wish. Seyoung promised to buy them both.
Wooyoung was at the JYPE recording studio with 2PM. The variety show they filmed weeks ago was due for airing that day. Chansung have gathered everyone to watch this in one of the offices. Chansung, Taecyon, Junho, Jun K, Nickhun and Wooyoung and some staff sat down to watch it. Then came the scene of Chansung barging into the dressing room. Wooyong's eyes grew big in surprise when Seyoung's face was revealed.
"It was Park Seyoung-shi?She was there that day?" Wooyoung asked, looking at them.
"Yes. It was Park Seyoung-shi." Jun K said.
"And none of you said anything?" Wooyoung said, giving them all a meaningful look.
"You know we are not supposed to reveal anything. It's in the agreement we signed?" Junho reminded him."Did you know about this too?" Wooyoung turned to Nickhun.

"Me? Yes. I knew about it."Nickhun admitted.

"And you did not say anything?" Wooyoung said.

"It's in the agreement!" They all said to him. Then everyone laughed.
When they've finished watching the show. Wooyoung gathered all his 2PM brothers in private. saying he has something important to tell them.
"Guys. I want to let you know that I'm already married." Wooyoung said.
"DId you just say you got married?" Taecyon said, confirming if he heard it right.
"To who?" Nickhun and Chansung asked in unison.
"We didn't even know you are seeing someone." Jun K said.
"Yes.I am already married. My wife is Park Seyoung." Wooyoung said.
"Park Seyoung-shi? You mean the same Park Seyoung we just saw on TV?" Chansung asked.
Wooyoung nodded. He told them everything starting from New Year's eve. Then Itaewon. Their chance meeting in Daejon. And that filming he only knew today. Despite the shock finding out of Wooyoung's sudden marriage. Jun K, Taecyon, Chansung, Nickhun and Junho sincerely wished him and Seyoung the best and how happy they are that finally Wooyoung have found his one true love.
Back at home with Seyoung."Yeobo. Why you never told me you were there when we filmed that variety show?" Wooyoung asked."I feel so betrayed by everyone!"
Seyoung just looked at her husband laughing.
                                                               T H E      E N D


That's my man! Bluntly telling that bachelorette (to her face) that he is already taken. It's every girl's envy to have a man like him! Very few man rejects women of her kind.

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@standingtallyy Thanks for sharing the fan fic. Tell your friend I enjoyed it a lot. It's nicely written. :wub:

I hope they also just register their marriage secretly in real life or probably they already did after WGM hehehe. I remember WY told SY for them to get married for real when the show was about to end. This explains why keeps keeps saying he doesn't have  a girlfriend because he has a wife hahaha. 

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Good morning YY Nation 

@chic-chic- so sweet of sy to help foster the dog. At first I thought she bought one like so many celebs 

Hope she doesn't get to attached to it. 

Wy filming with foreigners, he can practice and improve his English.

@yun84 glad Japan tv showing YY Wgm- wy and sy very popular in Japan  :)

@standingtallyy- kdrama nothing interesting to watch so I went to help neighbor weed and plant flowers 

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25 minutes ago, Gerry58 said:

Good morning YY Nation 

@chic-chic- so sweet of sy to help foster the dog. At first I thought she bought one like so many celebs 

Hope she doesn't get to attached to it. 

Wy filming with foreigners, he can practice and improve his English.

@yun84 glad Japan tv showing YY Wgm- wy and sy very popular in Japan  :)

@standingtallyy- kdrama nothing interesting to watch so I went to help neighbor weed and plant flowers 

Good morning @Gerry58, so you like gardening?

What flower do you like?

Wow @standingtallyy, the ending is great. So we get twin junior :wub:

Hihiii, high5 @chic-chic, no girlfriend but a wife. What a wonderful delulu :blush:


Have a nice day Ladies..

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32 minutes ago, wendy6408 said:

How po photos  :blink:

Teach me please


Hi. If the photos are from a website just copy there and paste here. If the pics are saved on your computer or phone, you need to upload them in a photo sharing site first like Photobucket then copy the image code here. Easiest would be to upload on Facebook, Twitter or IG and just copy and paste URL here.  :)

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@yun86- I love any flowering plants- the colourful ones- periwinkle, ixora, roses etc. My neighbors into gardening too but they prefer to plants vegetables like tomatoes, spinach, even corn but takes too long. Planting is good for environment  :lol:

@wendy6408- sorry what u post didn't appear, can try again, anyway welcome to our forum 

found this posted - wy 



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