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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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“Love Me Again”


SeYoung is waiting for EunHye in front of her house building. The air is still cold but you can already smell that summer is coming with the flowers and bright sun hitting her face. She got a little of break from filming, as she was filming non stop for the past weeks. She should be sleeping her break but EunHye practically begged her to accompany her to watch a play.

EunHye informed her earlier that she will be a bit late, so she decided to take a walk on the children’s playground in front of the building. She was walking along the road when a car stopped and buzz its horn to her. She was so surprised that she almost cursed.

“Nuna, why are you walking alone? Isn’t it dangerous for you to walk alone in the street like this?” a young man with a bright smile on the passenger seat of the car greeted her.

“Oh my gawd! JinWoon, I almost got an heart attack with that horn. What are you doing here?” she asked surprised.

“I’m on my way to Itaewon and then I saw you walking. I thought I was having a bad sight but it is really you. Aren’t you supposed to be filming?” he asked now getting down from his car.

“I’m on a little break before going back to filming early tomorrow. I wanted to walk around the playground while waiting for EunHye.” she explained.

“Oh you’re going somewhere?” he asked curiously.

“We’re going to watch a play.” she answered.

“What will you do after that?” he asked.

“Probably sleep. Wae?” she asked.

“Would you like to come to my party tonight at seven? I would really be happy if you will come. We haven’t hang out for so long.” he said with a smile.

“Party?” she asked thinking. “Ah, mianhe. It is your birthday today. Happy Birthday.” she greeted.

“Ah you forgot. Jinjja, you always forgot my birthday when I always text and greets you on your birthday. I am so disappointed with you nuna.” he said pouting.

“Mianhe. I was too busy with the filming and I couldn’t even look at my phone or open my email, so I don’t get to see my reminder.” she said apologetically.

“You should make it up with me then by coming to my party tonight. It will be a special gift for me if I will see you there.” he said with his puppy eyes.

“I really want to but I don’t think I…” she said unable to finished what she wants to say.

“Don’t worry hyung is not coming. He’s still in Japan, his concert tour is still on going. He called me yesterday to say that he can’t come.” he said getting what she was trying to say. “Please? Nuna? I will be really happy if you can come.” he added.

“Okay I will drop by but I won’t be able to finish it cause I need to get back.” she said.

“Call. I will see you later then. It’s at SeulOng hyung restaurant. You know where that, right?” he asked.

“Yes I know where it is.” she confirmed.

“SeYoung-ie!” EunHye shouted parked in front of the building.

“Oh, EunHye is here. I will see you later. Be careful on the road.” she said before walking to where EunHye is.

“Be careful too. I will call you later to remind you, you might forget it again.” he said giving her a sweet smile.

“Keure.” she said waving her hand.

“Who’s that?” EunHye asked.

“JinWoon. He invited to his birthday party tonight.” she said getting on the passenger seat.

“Are you coming?” she asked curiously before driving the car. “What if you see him there? They are like brothers, so he will be there for sure.” EunHye said.

“He’s still in Japan for his concert tour. He just called JinWoon yesterday to apologized for not making it.” she said. “And I don’t think it would be a problem if ever we see each other again. It’s been months and I think he already got over it.” she added.

“Have you heard his new song? Have you been active on SNS lately? I guess you’re not. I’m just worried that you might get hurt again, you know. I don’t want to see you cry anymore specially now that you’re starting to smile again.” she explained.

“I know. I think if that time comes that I need to face him, I will be fine. It’s not like we had a big fight or something, it was a mutual decision. So I will be fine, don’t worry.” she assured her.

“Would you want me to come with you? Just to be sure.” EunHye offered.

“Can you? I thought you have a practice later?” she said.

“Oh yes I forgot. Why don’t you call SooJin?” she suggested.

“She’s in Jeju-do.” she answered.

“Just call me when something comes up or when your in need.” she said.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not like I’m going to a war. It is a party, a birthday party where people have fun. And besides I haven’t seen and talk to JinWoon for a long time, so it’s time to catch up. And I’m sure the other guys will be there too.” she said giving her a smile but inside she’s really nervous.


ChanSung and JunHo are in JYP waiting for MinJun to finish his recording for his new album that will be release early next year, they agreed to come to the party together as TaecYeon and NichKhun already went this morning to Itaewon. The two youngest are waiting in the fourth floor where they usually take their vlive videos.

“Ah, what taking hyung this long? What time is it?” the impatience JunHo asked.

“It’s seven o’ five already. Maybe he is on his way here.” the optimistic maknae answered.

“Whose car are we driving to?” he asked.

“Minjun hyung.” he simply answered.

“Ah yedeura, did you wait long? Miane. I just got out from the phone with WooYoung-ie. His plane just landed to Incheon airport a while ago and he’s on his way here.” MinJun informed them.

“WooYoung-ie is here? I thought he’s still going to shoot his music video before going back?” JunHo asked.

“It was moved next week, so he decided to come back.” MinJun answered.

“Yah, call him and tell him that we’ll just pick him up to his house. I don’t wanna sit here waiting for another minute.” JunHo said to ChanSung.

“Yo! JunHo is loosing his patience waiting here, so we’ll just pick you up in your house. I will call you when we’re in front so you can come out. Neh.” he said before ending the call.

“MinJun hyung should we tell WooYoung-ah about SeYoung-ssi?” ChanSung asked Minjun nervously.

“What about SeYoung-ssi?” Minjun answered with a question.

“JinWoon invited SeYoung-ssi to his party and she’s coming.” JunHo answered instead. “Did you see his video crying when he sang Day6’s Congratulations? It’s all over the net and fans are asking and speculating that he’s gone through a break up. They even gave a name of the girl and a lot were saying it must be SeYoung-ssi.” he added.

“Well, we can’t tell him not to come, he wanted to surprise JinWoon that’s why he didn’t tell him that he’s coming and we can’t tell JinWoon to uninvite SeYoung-ssi, that would be rude.” he said thinking. “Whatever. If they are meant to see other then let it be. Let’s just be there for him if he can’t handle it anymore.” he added.

“Kaja.” ChanSung said.


SeYoung is back to her house after watching the play with EunHye. She took a quick shower before changing to a casual jeans and white shirt with the blue trench coat that still hanging in front of her closet. She sent a message to her manager informing him of her going to a birthday party in Itaewon and will be back as soon as possible to get some rest before going for the drama shoot early tomorrow.

She paused looking at herself in the mirror when what EunHye said about WooYoung came across her mind. She started to type something on her phone and videos pop out from the search engine. She clicked the one that was taken on April, the latest concert that WooYoung had done in Japan.

SeYoung felt a pain in her heart when she saw how WooYoung was having a hard time singing the song because he couldn’t control his emotion and cried in the middle of singing.

“Is he the WooYoung that I know? He’s so professional on stage, why can’t he control his emotion? I guess he’s still hurting like me. But if it hurts that much, all you need to do is call me or send me a message. I thought hearing the people seeing him partying with girls almost every night means he already moved on.” she asked herself when tears started to fall on her face. “Ah, what am I even thinking. It may not be about me. He might have had dated someone after we broke up and it is about the new girl.” she said wiping her tears. “Ah, now I need to redo my make up.” she said putting her phone down and walk in front of the mirror to fix her make up.

She was about to finish when her phone rings.

“Oh, JinWoon-ah?” she answered.

“Nuna, you didn’t forget did you?” JinWoon asked.

“I didn’t. I’m on my way.” she confirmed.

“Okay, call me when you arrived.” he said.

“Neh.” she said before ending the call and went down to the parking.


“Ah uri WooYoung-ah.” JunHo greeted upon seeing him who is sitting on the backseat.

“Yah! Palli and get in.” ChanSung said who is driving MinJun’s car.

“Congratulations WooYoung-ah. We heard that the concerts were successful.” Minjun who’s sitting on the passenger seat shouted.

“Thanks hyung. It’s worth it waiting.” he said.

“Yah. What was that drama all about? You’re video crying is all over the internet. Did you really have to cry like that?” JunHo teased him.

“Ah, you’ve seen it? I don’t know, I couldn’t control my emotion, I just thought of her being with someone else made me wanna cry.” he answered.

“You mean that wasn’t stage? I thought you were playing with your fans.” MinJun asked turning to look at him.

“Jinjja hyung. I didn’t know that I would cry on the stage. I never plan anything like that. I love to joke around with fans but not like that. I mean, I kept on telling myself not to think about her but the more I tell that to myself the more I think about her.” he said honestly.

“Your set lists were all about breaking up. So fans were already talking about you going through a break up.” JunHo commented.

“JinYoung hyung was surprised too when I showed him my set list. He asked me if I was ready to sing those song and I said yes and to promote other artist too, but I didn’t really thought that I would cry.” he explained.

“You were emotional too singing JiHyun hyung’s “Love Me Again”. ChanSung added.

“WooYoung-ah it’s just a hypothetical question. What would you do if you suddenly see SeYoung-ssi?” MinJun asked when everyone suddenly turn silent.

“I don’t know hyung but honestly I really want to see her. I know she’s doing fine now but I just really wanna see her eyes again. I just wanna have a casual and not awkward greeting with her. It may be hard to take it that she’s with someone else now but I just wanna see her beautiful eyes again.” he said honestly.

The three men look at each other worriedly.

“Ah, let’s not talk about sad things. We’re going to a party we should set the mood right. Yah, ChanSung-ah will you play some music there. We’re going to party all night.” JunHo said changing the topic.

“Yah, I will not back down from you on drinking.” WooYoung said.

“I’m sure you gain a momentum with those partying every night.” MinJun commented.

“ChanSung was with me most of those nights.” WooYoung said.

“I was just looking after you.” ChanSung countered.


SeYoung arrived at the restaurant, it is exclusively close for JinWoon’s party and a lot of unfamiliar faces already busy coming in and out of it. She wanted to call JinWoon as he instructed but decided not to and just walk straight in. She looked around as she entered the door and easily spotted the celebrant in the bar with the familiar faces around him.

“JinWoon-ah!” she shouted walking closer to where he is.

“Ah nuna. I thought you’re not coming. I was about to call you again.” JinWoon greeted her with a big smile.

TaecYeon and NichKhun looked at each other puzzled.

“Oh SeYoung-ssi. I’m watching your drama, you’re a really great villain.” SeulOng praised her.

“Komabseubnida.” she said bowing.

“Hi SeYoung-ssi.” TaecYeon and NichKhun greeted.

“Annyeong TaecYeon-ssi, NichKhun-ssi.” she greeted back. “Are you with ShinHye?” she asked TaecYeon.

“Aniyo. She has a photo shoot tonight.” he answered.

“Nuna, let’s sit over there. What do you want to drink?” JinWoon asked.

“Watermelon juice. I can’t drink any alcohol, I need to drive my way back later.” she said.

JinWoon took SeYoung on one of the vacant table on the corner where they can talk without so much noise.

“Isn’t WooYoung coming here?” TaecYeon asked NichKhun.

“Yes. He’s with MinJun and the youngests.” NichKhun answered. “I thought JinWoon lost contact with her.” he added.

“Yah, what are you two talking? Your faces are so serious. Did something happened?” SeulOng asked.

“Nothing.” NichKhun answered. “Let’s just drink.” he added lifting his glass for a toss.


A few minutes later, TaecYeon and NichKhun are already sitting on one of the table opposite where SeYoung, who is now with JoKwon and JinWoon are sitting.

“Yo!” MinJun greeted walking to where TaecYeon and NichKhun are sitting.

“Where’s JinWoon?” WooYoung asked looking around.

“Hey. How’s Japan? I heard your concerts were successful.” NichKhun asked trying to distract him from looking around.

“Why are you asking me? You were there too hyung. You even came to one of my concerts.” WooYoung answered.

“Is that so?” he said failed to distract him “I will go and find JinWoon.” he said and walked out.

“What is wrong with Khun hyung? He’s acting weird.” he noticed.

“He’s just probably tired. He just traveled to four countries in just a week.” MinJun answered. “Yah, ChanSung-ah will get us something to drink.” he said giving him a wink.

“Neh hyung.” he politely obeyed.

“Hyung! I thought you’re not coming?” JinWoon shouted walking closer with JoKwon.

“Yah you brat. I just wanted to surprise you. I came back this afternoon and went straight here.” he said giving him a brotherly hug.

“Well, I am really surprised.” he said while looking all the other guys who are also looking at him.

“What?” WooYoung noticed the awkward air with their look. “You’re all acting weird. Is this a hidden camera? You’re not playing prank at me, don’t you?” he asked curiously.

“They are not.” JoKwon answered. “You know what? Why don’t you guys let it loose? You know what they say, whatever will be, will be. So, why don’t we just enjoy this night.” he suggested just in time for ChanSung to return with a bucket of beers.

“Where’s Khun hyung?” WooYoung asked when he didn’t see him returned with JinWoon.

“He’s talking to a girl. He will probably take some time to come back here.” JoKwon answered.

“Is that good or bad?” WooYoung asked.

“Let’s drink for our maknae, JinWoon.” Minjun said standing on his chair and lifts his glass for a toss. “Happy Birthday. May you live healthy and happy always. Cheers!” he added.

The guys keeps turning shift to accompany SeYoung on her table to prevent her and WooYoung form seeing each other.

“JinWoon-ah, SeYoung-ssi is looking for you. I think she needs to go.” SeulOng said popping his head between WooYoung and JunHo.

And after all that hours of walking back and forth from their table to her table and vice versa to prevent him from knowing she’s there, it just took SeulOng a second to ruin everything.

“SeYoung? Park SeYoung? She’s here?” WooYoung asked curiously while unconsciously looking for her in the crowd.

“Ah jeongmal hyung. Why are you torturing WooYoung-ah by saying her name.” JunHo said giving him an eye.

“Mianhe WooYoung-ah. I meant Kim CheYoung-ssi. It’s probably the alcohol that’s why my tongue got twisted.” he said getting the look that JunHo gave him.

“Excuse me for a while, I’ll just send them off.” JinWoon excused himself from the guys who suddenly became quiet while giving SeulOng all the look.

“I’m gonna go and check the other table before I get killed.” he said giving them a ‘whatever’ look.

“Yah, where are you going? I thought we’re going to drink all night?” JunHo said when WooYoung stood up from his chair.

“Ani. I don’t think I can drink more, I suddenly felt dizzy. I’m going to the men’s room.” he answered. “MinJun hyung and TaecYeon hyung doesn’t even drink.” he added.

“Yah! That’s because we need to drive you brats back to your homes.” he shouted to walking out WooYoung.


“JinWoon-ah, I need to go now. You know I have an early shoot tomorrow.” SeYoung said when JinWoon walked to her.

“I know. Gomawo for coming, I really appreciate it. Let’s go out and grab a bite some time.” He said giving his hand for a shake.

“Keure. You should call me.” SeYoung agreed.

“Definitely.” he said giving him a cute smile. “I will walk you to your car."

“You don’t need to. Just stay here with your guests. I’m fine.” she said giving him an ‘okay’ look. “We’re are the other guys? I’ll just say goodbye.” she asked.

“Ah it’s okay, I’ll just tell them that you needed to leave. They are all cramp in there, it’s too loud and chaotic with all of them.” JinWoon said lying.

“Okay. I’m going then. Don’t drink too much, and look after your hyungs.” she said before leaving.

JinWoon didn’t leave her sight until she saw her stopped by the ladies’ room.

“Oh my gawd! Mianhe-yo. Gwenchana-yo?” she said when he bumped to a guy while walking out of the ladies’ room.

“I’m okay. Are you okay?” the guy asked in return.

“Yes. I’m sorry.” she apologized again.

“Its fine. Just be extra careful next time.” the guy said before walking out.


“Hyung, can you pick me up here at SeulOng hyung’s restaurant in Itaewon?” WooYoung asked over the phone to their manager.

“I thought you’re driving with the guys? You didn’t drive your car?” Manager asked as he knew when he dropped him to his house that he will drive his car with Minjun to Itaewon.

“Ani. We used MinJun hyung’s car. The others are still drinking and I don’t wanna stop them.” he explained.

“Did you drink too? You can’t drive then. Are the rest of the guys drinking too? How are you all going to come back when all of you are drinking?” he asked now a little worried.

“MinJun hyung and TaecYeon hyung aren’t drinking because they need to drive back. I feel dizzy after drinking a two or three bottles, that’s why I already want to go.” he explained again.

“Okay. Go back inside first before someone sees you outside and photograph you. I will be there in an hour, I’m with my parents right now.” he said.

“Neh hyung. Gomawo.” WooYoung said and ended the call.

“Annyeong.” a woman who’s standing near him greeted.

The woman was standing near the car for a minute where WooYoung is leaning on the driver seat door looking on the ground while talking on the phone that he didn’t notice the woman walking.

“You’re leaning on my car.” the woman said to the frozen WooYoung.

“Oh mianhe.” he apologized suddenly jumping away from the car door. “Is this new?” he asked looking at the car.

“Ani. It’s manager oppa’s car. He lend it to me so that paparazzi wont follow me.” she said. walking to the driver seat door.

“So this is why they are all acting weird.” he murmured.

“I heard you talking on your phone. I’m going back, do you want a ride?” the woman kindly offered.

“I want to but will it be okay with you? I mean, are you okay with us together in your car?” WooYoung asked shyly.

“Yes. I don’t think there’s something wrong with that. Is there?” she asked when suddenly their eyes met.

“Do you want me to drive?” WooYoung asked after pulling away his sight from her eyes and look at the key on her hand.

“You drank so you can’t drive. I only had watermelon juice so I will be fine. It’s not a long drive anyway.” she said opening the driver seat door.

“You still love watermelon juice.” WooYoung murmured again and walked to the passenger seat door.

“Did you say something?” she asked not hearing him clearly.

“Neh. Thank you.” he shyly said.

“Kaja.” she said before driving the car.

“SeYoung-ah, your driving really improved a lot. You can even apply as a driving instructor now.” he praised and suddenly felt his heartbeats beating really fast just looking at her hands on the wheel.

The sight of her driving for him when they were still filming that show kept flashing on his memory and one by one the emotions that he tried hard to conceal are now over flowing, that’s why his heart is beating fast and his knees are starting to shake.

“Are you okay?” SeYoung asked turning to look at him.

“Neh. Just look on the road.” he said nervously. “SeYoung-ah.” he called.

“Uhm?” she answered her eyes focus on the road.

“Nothing. I just wanna call your name.” he said.

“Did you drank a lot? Are you drunk right now?” she asked.

“Ani. I just wanna say sorry…” he said in a serious tone but she interrupted him.

“WooYoung-ah, don’t. Let’s just leave whatever that you’re about to say in the past.” she said glancing at him.

“Do you wanna drink coffee? Let’s go have some coffee somewhere.” he suggested.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. There might be photographers around here and that would be a lot of trouble if they see us.” she reasoned. “Where will I dropped you off?” she asked.

“I texted hyung and he’s going to pick me up on your building.” he answered. “So, I’m watching your drama online. How’s the shooting doing now?” he asked fixing his position on the seat to clearly facing her.

“Omo.” she said with a little laugh. “We’re almost done. I will resume filming later.” she answered.

“How are you and that guy?” he finally asked after gathering all his strength and fighting over if it’s okay to ask her.

“Nugu? Namja saram?” she asked puzzled.

“The guy that you have a secret relationship with?” he said pausing. “In the drama.” he added.

“Kwon Yul oppa? We are pretty close cause we have a lot of scenes together. He treats me well.” She answered innocently.

“Keure. It really shows on your scenes that you’re really close.” he said with jealousy.

“Wait, WooYoung-ah what are you thinking?” she asked hearing his jealous voice. Somehow SeYoung felt good hearing his usual jealous voice. “Is that why you sang that song and you even cried? You think that Kwon Yul oppa and I are in that kind of relationship?” she asked glancing at him who is now pouting.

“Keunyang. I read that you look good together and that you would make a really good couple. And some fans are starting to link you two together.” he said with his sad pouty look.

“Is that so?” she said reaching for the back of his head and unconsciously started to caress it. “We are not. Kwon Yul oppa is just really kind. I believe TaecYeon-ssi knows him too, you can ask him. I told you not to watch so you won’t feel sad.” she explained.

“Ah, that’s a relieve.” he said with his hand in his chest trying to calm himself. “Can you please stop caressing my hair? There’s so much thoughts coming in my mind.” he said looking at her.

“Ah mianhe.” she said pulling her hand away. “Why did you cut your hair like that? I like the old hair, the one with the bangs.” she said.

“Ah jinjja? Ah, I guess I made the wrong decision to cut it like this. Don’t worry my hair grows faster so I will have that style in no time and I’m going to stick with that until you get sick of it.” he said happily.

“Wae?” SeYoung asked WooYoung when she noticed that he suddenly become quiet.

“I just wanna take this moment and remember it for a long time. It feels like the old times when we drove around all night and go to the places that you really like and play the games that you wanted to try for the first time. It brings so much memories in me.” he said.

SeYoung stayed quiet. She herself feels the same way. They both forgotten that they already broke up months ago and this is the first time that they see each other personally after the parting but it seems like nothing change. No awkwardness, just the endless talking and joking around. WooYoung always jealous when he watched her dramas and showing her his aegyo when he wants something from her.

The silence continue until they reach SeYoung’s building. She drove straight to the parking lot. WooYoung look around first before they get out of the car.

“Are you sure you’re going to wait here? What if someone sees you here?” she asked worriedly.

“Then I’ll say hi and tell them that I got lost.” he said humoring. “Ah it’s really cold in here.” he said showing her the usual warm breath warming hands.

“I’d already seen that. Kaja, I will make you the coffee that you wanted to drink earlier. Just get down when oppa is here.” she offered.

WooYoung politely obeyed with the ‘I won’ grin on his face. “Can you make some green tea instead?” he requested.

“Keure.” she agreed.

“Wow. You re-arrange everything.” he said upon coming in.

“Neh. I had a lot of time before the starting to film the drama. I asked eomma to help me organized everything.” she answered.

“Yah. You didn’t even leave a single memory of me. When I let my house stay the same. I didn't move a single thing in there even the chair from our old house that you made me carry to place in my bedroom.” he said disappointed.

SeYoung didn’t answer her and only look at him with a smile in her lips. ‘He still the same child-like WooYoung.’ he said to herself. “Seat wherever your comfortable with.”

“How’s Eommoni and Abeonim?” he asked while sitting on the big couch.

“They’re doing fine. Eomma is staying in Jeju-do with unni. I’m going to stay there for a while after the drama.” she answered. “Here. Drink this while it’s hot.” she said giving him the cup of green tea. “Did oppa message you already?” she asked sitting beside him on the couch.

WooYoung checked his phone. “Ani.” he said and put down his phone on the side table. “SeYoung-ah, lets play that game.” he suggested.

“What game?” she asked but WooYoung only look at her with the ‘are you kidding me’ look. “Ah! The rhyming game? But I haven’t play that for so long.” she protested.

“I haven’t play that game too, so we’re just even.” he countered.

“Let’s rhyme the things that we wants to say to each other right now.” he said giving the subject of the game.

“Okay. You first.” she said.

“Uhm…” he started. “SeYoung-ah, uri yeobo; jeongmal bogosipeo; for giving me a ride gomawo.” he said.

“Omo.” she blurted out while laughing.

“Oh, that rhyme with mine too.” he said. “Okay, you’re next.”

“Chankaman. I don’t know what to say.” she said thinking hard.

“Yah, we always do this before, you even posted it on your SNS a lot of times.” he complained.

Uri WooYoung-ie; I’m glad that you’re doing fine; please be more healthy.” she said.

“Yah, those didn’t rhyme. Come here and I will flick your forehead as punishment.” he said excitedly while pulling her closer to him.

“Ah chankaman. They ended with ‘ie’.” she protested.

“Not acceptable.” he said aiming to flick her forehead.

“Ah…” SeYoung scream.

“Yah, I haven’t done anything yet.” he said with his finger still aiming at her forehead. “Okay, I won’t flick you. Instead I’m gonna do something stupid. You can slap me, punch me or kick me out of here, but if you won’t do anything after. Ha, you’ll be dead.” he bargained.

“Mwo? What are you saying now WooYoung-ah..?” she asked puzzled.

WooYoung suddenly aim for her lips and gives her a kiss that made SeYoung freeze. She wants to push him away but her hands doesn’t obey her mind. ‘What is he doing? We already broke up. Why is my heart beating fast? Why are my hands shaking? Why does his lips are shaking? Did he really miss me this much? Did I miss him this much?’ These questions kept flowing on her mind until WooYoung let go.

WooYoung closes his eyes as soon he let go of the kiss, anticipating that she will slap him, but instead he felt her arm embracing him and heard her sobs. “SeYoung mianhe. I didn’t mean to surprise you like that.” he said hugging her tighter.

“I hate you.” she said in between her sobs.

“I know that, but what can I do? I couldn’t help myself because I still love you.” he said with all honesty.

“Nado.” she answered.

“Mwo? Can you repeat that?” he asked in surprised. He holds her shoulder and look at her in the eyes before wiping them with his hand. “What did you just say?” he asked again.

“Nado. Saranghe.” she said.

WooYoung leaned closer to kiss her again and this time SeYoung answered. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes until his phone rings.

“It’s hyung. Do you want me to stay here?” he asked her with his phone still ringing in his hand.

“No. You should go home and rest. I need to go later too for the filming.” she said.

“Hyung, I will be down in a minute.” he said over the phone before ending it.

SeYoung stood up to get something in her room. “Wear this scarf when you get down. It’s cold outside.” she said giving him a blue colored scarf.

“I want that one.” WooYoung pointed at the one hanging on the backrest of a chair. “I want the one that look like a bunch of newspaper clips.” he added.

SeYoung walked to get the scarf. “This one? But I already wore this earlier when I went to watch a play.” she said.

“I don’t care. In fact that would be much better because your scent is still there.” he said smiling. “Put it on me.”

“Keure.” SeYoung agreed.

“SeYoung-ah, I just wanna make things clear between us.” he started to talk seriously.

“I know. Let’s do it right this time and with more patience and understanding to each other. It will not be perfect but let’s go through it together holding hands.” she said grabbing his hands.

WooYoung pulled her closer and hugs her. “Gomawo SeYoung-ah. Gomawo for giving me this chance. Gomawo for loving me again.” he whispered to her.

“I’ve always love you. Even though we have not seen and communicated for the past months, my love for you didn’t disappear it stayed in my heart and it will stay there for a long, long time.” she whispered back.

“I love you uri yeobo, uri SeYoung-ie.” he said with his emotions over flowing.

“Nado. I love you uri Jang WooYoung-ie.” she said back.



Hi Ladies. We have another fanfic from one of our friends here. I made a solemn promise not to disclose the identity. I am so in love with this one and I'm sure you will too. Let us cheer her on! Chingu-yah...I want more please :blush:

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They talked about WGM in Radio Star. Even others saw WY's actions in WGM. He really can't control himself in front of SY hahaha especially when they were in a room together. The picture was even shown hahahaha. 




INFINITE’s Sunggyu has explained why he’s never been in a virtual romance on “We Got Married.”


Sunggyu appeared as a guest on the January 24 episode of “Radio Star” along with 2PM’s Wooyoung, 2AM’s Jo Kwon, and GOT7’s Jackson.


When the hosts and Wooyoung talked about Wooyoung’s famous displays of affection with his virtual wife Park Se Young on “We Got Married” in 2014, they also turned to Sunggyu to ask him why he’s never been on the show himself.


“I received an offer,” replied Sunggyu. “But because of Wooyoung I couldn’t do it.”


He explained, “On ‘We Got Married,’ Wooyoung and Park Se Young would lie in bed together and that kind of thing. My agency said, ‘You’d be like that too,’ so I couldn’t go on.”


Sunggyu said that he was disappointed and joked that he would have told Wooyoung to tone it down if they had been friends. In regards to how he’d approach the romance on the show himself, he added, “I would do it 100 percent sincerely.”


Hearing this, Jackson asked, "Do you really develop feelings?" Wooyoung answered, "You have to maintain 50/50." Meanwhile, Sunggyu brought laughter as he said, "I can do it with 100% sincerity."




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TRANS] Allure Korea February ‘18 - Wooyoung Interview

Some interesting parts. It seems he is confirming about not dating and experiencing break up.  


If we were to pick 3 keywords that could explain the present Jang Wooyoung…?
Man, dating, loneliness. Doesn’t this answer combine into one too easily? (laughs) To be honest, I don’t think there is anything else about the present me. When I was younger, I wanted to look manly and charismatic in front of the camera, so I tried really hard. I did that without even knowing what it was. But as the members and I grew older year after year, the responsibility for the music we make grew a lot stronger. This responsibility naturally turned me into a man. Now, when my real self gets caught on camera, I move around naturally. In such instances, I get to think about my human nature as a man. And dating. I really wouldn’t know dating. I want to do it so much, but I also feel like I want to protect my own personal time. The same applies to loneliness, too. I feel lonely, but I’m so used to my alone time that I even tend to avoid meeting others. I guess right now it’s just that kind of time for me.


     Do you have any habits when you make songs? I’m curious about your work methods.
I haven’t written that many songs, but I think that everyone develops a personal know-how when they work on it. I’m the type who sits down calmly and scrawls his feelings. I don’t mean anything special, just random thoughts that come to mind. “Ah, everything is so annoying right now,” “I miss this person,” “I want to love like that” – when I write down such corny, blunt, and sly things, vaguely a story starts appearing in my head. When I leave these things to rest and then later share my ideas with the producer crew I work with, we come up with various interpretations and the ways we want to express it.


For some reason, it feels like you’ve cleared one stage of life and leveled up.
It might be. As an idol, work-wise I did go through a level-up process. As a human, I suppose you can level up through having a relationship. When two people meet and love each other, and then the lightning strikes your life when you break up, I suppose you grow when you endure that time, no?




TRANS] Allure Korea February ‘18 - Wooyoung Interview

Walking Slowly

Wooyoung has stepped away from 2PM for a while, and he is now standing in front of his own music. He is about to take his first individual steps with his 2nd solo album <BYE> that is full of his worries and growth he experienced over the last 10 years. With 10 years behind us, we are facing Wooyoung who says that now really feels like a beginning. And here, I thought that we still don’t know him well enough.


Although the title “Idol for 10 years” is heavy, when we meet Wooyoung after a long while, he still has this fair boyish face. His wit that makes everyone at the shooting site explode with laughter is also the same. However, even though he’s smooth as a pebble, his words full of density allow us to catch a glimpse of how intensely he has worked on pulling his thoughts together. The year 2017 was busy for Wooyoung. As a singer-songwriter, he released two self-composed albums in Japan and carried out two solo tours without much difficulty. Also, as a part of 2PM, he performed at the final “full member 2PM” concert for a time being, as the members are preparing to enlist one by one. What’s more, not forgetting to take care of his Korean fans, he also released Korean versions of his Japanese songs in the midst of his Japanese activities.

And finally, on January 15th, Wooyoung came back to the national scene with a mini album that is full of his self-composed songs. The 7 songs in the 2nd mini album <BYE> are full of an unfamiliar voice that could easily make us doubt whether it’s really Wooyoung and of that Wooyoung’s special, sorrowfully sweet tone that quite a few us have obviously missed. The detailed setup for the title song <Quit> is especially interesting, as it tells about a breakup when your former lover is shedding fake tears. Along with the music show appearances, Wooyoung will also hold his first solo concert in Korea on February 10th-11th. Wooyoung is already running fast in 2018. An idol for 10 years, singer-songwriter, a young man who is about to turn 30. Wooyoung, who is dreaming of becoming a “pro lazist.” Here we asked him what he’s up to these days.

-          It’s been a long while since your last solo release.
It’s been over 5 years since the first solo album <SEXY LADY>. I promoted a song that was composed by Jinyoung hyung. To be honest, back then I thought that the most meaningful thing was to enjoy the feeling of standing on stage alone while working as a solo singer. However, this time it’s somewhat different. Shall I say that now I can display something that is solely mine? I get to think that “It took me 10 years to finally be so deeply engaged into properly making my own music, my album, my stage.” Lately, I see there is a trend in the Korean entertainment scene to complete new album promotional activities within a week or two. However, I would like to leave a slightly longer impression. I don’t want to go through it too fast and too easy. I want to slowly earn trust of the general public. I think that right now I’m in the process of building such things. I’ve been into this for 10 years, but it feels like now is a beginning.

-          We’re having this interview exactly a week before your comeback. How do you feel?
I’m very nervous and anxious. There’s nothing you can do about the fact that the rules of this world say that popularity is judged by rankings. Personally, there are times when I want to ignore such things because I don’t want to get stressed or hurt, but I feel that would be very selfish. It’s not like I work alone on this. There are people who watch over me and walk along with me, so I wish for good results. When you’re in this for 10 years, you realize that the judgment of the general public is not something you can guess rashly. However, I want to be acknowledged by the people around me, by those who know me. I want them to feel like “Jang Wooyoung releases good albums,” “Jang Wooyoung works hard,” or “I want to keep on listening to his music.” Rather than chart rankings, I’m more concerned about such assessments.

-          What did you focus on the most while making this album?
Songs, music video, album jacket visuals, album release promotions: these things are now secondary to me. The most important thing was the question of “What kind of person am I now?” Actually, that is a daily homework. Because, after all, creating my own music is reflecting upon myself. On the one hand, working on songs and getting acknowledged by Jinyoung hyung is a meaningful result by itself; but I don’t want to limit myself with that. Rather than worrying too much on how to sing a song and how to show it, I ask myself “Where am I going now?” and after musing over it, I answer “I must be going well.” I just wanted to make it through a more advanced work.

-          If we were to pick 3 keywords that could explain the present Jang Wooyoung…?
Man, dating, loneliness. Doesn’t this answer combine into one too easily? (laughs) To be honest, I don’t think there is anything else about the present me. When I was younger, I wanted to look manly and charismatic in front of the camera, so I tried really hard. I did that without even knowing what it was. But as the members and I grew older year after year, the responsibility for the music we make grew a lot stronger. This responsibility naturally turned me into a man. Now, when my real self gets caught on camera, I move around naturally. In such instances, I get to think about my human nature as a man. And dating. I really wouldn’t know dating. I want to do it so much, but I also feel like I want to protect my own personal time. The same applies to loneliness, too. I feel lonely, but I’m so used to my alone time that I even tend to avoid meeting others. I guess right now it’s just that kind of time for me.

-          Do you have any habits when you make songs? I’m curious about your work methods.
I haven’t written that many songs, but I think that everyone develops a personal know-how when they work on it. I’m the type who sits down calmly and scrawls his feelings. I don’t mean anything special, just random thoughts that come to mind. “Ah, everything is so annoying right now,” “I miss this person,” “I want to love like that” – when I write down such corny, blunt, and sly things, vaguely a story starts appearing in my head. When I leave these things to rest and then later share my ideas with the producer crew I work with, we come up with various interpretations and the ways we want to express it.

-          So you write the lyrics first. I’ve heard there are people who start with the melody though?
Everyone really has a different approach. You can start working on a song from one short bit of melody you’ve been humming. For me, lyrics and thoughts still come first.

-          How did the members react to your new album?
I don’t know, I guess the one who listened to the entire album is Minjun hyung because he visited me in the recording room? When I think about it, I couldn’t give the songs for the members to listen to. Even if we meet, it’s not the kind of atmosphere where you would ask them to listen to your music. (laughs) And it’s not in my character to tell them “you have to hear this.” And I do not really wish for members’ unconditional approval. It’s not in my nature to pressure people, and I’m somewhat shy. Ah, now that I think of it, when Khun hyung was in Thailand, I sent him the song called <I LIKE> by mail. I really cried a lot while making that song. Khun hyung doesn’t really say cheesy things, but perhaps he was touched by the song because early in the morning he sent a lot of “I love you so much” messages to the members in our group chat room. He recited <I LIKE> lyrics too. (laughs)


-          They say that 2PM’s biggest fan is 2PM. Please tell us some news about the other members.
Lee Junho is working hard on filming his drama “Rain or Shine” in Busan. Taecyeon hyung is doing his military service well. When I saw him on his day off, he looked really healthy. Khun hyung is travelling between Korea and Thailand as he has a fan meeting and several other activities in his home country. Minjun hyung completed his album’s promotional activities last year and he is now preparing many other things. Chansung digested a very complicated schedule last year when he worked on a drama, musicals, and a play. I thought he was really great. I think everything is at the time where they expand the scope of their solo activities. As long as I do well, it’s gonna be fine.

-          You always say that you’re lazy though?
It’s true. I procrastinate until the very end, and then work myself to death when I reach a deadline. I can’t do anything in advance. I should fix this habit.

-          I can’t avoid asking you how you feel about 2PM’s 10th anniversary.
It feels like receiving an award. An award that is not given by someone. An award that we have made ourselves. It could also turn into the resolution, pride, and confidence that we have to carry. Of course I’m worried about the future. I want to make better music and spend my time with the members better, too.

-          What was Wooyoung like 10 years ago? Did you even imagine your 10th debut anniversary?
To be honest, I thought that I would start making my own music a lot faster. I was really ambitious when I debuted, my drive was burning. But when you start working in this business, you realize that it’s very hard to hold out day after day. Even so as we went through quite a lot as a group. I was weighed down by a thought that “doing music alone is quite burdensome to me.” A week ago, when I was completing the production process for this album, I stayed up all night and went home at around 8 o’clock in the morning. And suddenly a thought struck me: “Ah, it took me 10 years!” Somehow I got a very vain feeling. I feel very happy and glad that I can show something I’ve made, but should I say that I also want to enjoy it quietly on my own? It’s not like “Wow, so exciting! I’m releasing an album!” but more like “Finally, I’m releasing an album. Now, I’m somewhat ready,” or so.


-          Turning thirty is a somewhat sensitive topic for women, but what about men?
Honestly, I think men are more obtuse than women. Sensitive things, things you care about, important problems: they all seem to be different. I don’t think much about turning thirty, but at the same time, I feel that I am consciously avoiding the subject. Perhaps I’m afraid it might hit home too much. (laugh)

-          You introduce your favorite songs through live broadcasts on SNS. Is there a song or an artist that has influenced you lately?
There’s a song called “Hericane” by an American band LANY. When I first heard it, I almost thought “What is this?” Then I looked it up, and I found that they were a pretty hot band. When you work on music, you may find yourself worrying like “There are so many songs out there, does it matter much if I make something new?” But when you encounter such musicians like LANY, you get to think that it is meaningful to make new things. Their music touches me so much, so perhaps my music can also touch someone. This thought is what makes you anticipate, it gives you purpose.

-          Is there a musician who’s kept on inspiring you over years?
National music from 1980s and 1990s. Music from such seniors as Kim Kwangseok, Yoo Jaeha, Light & Salt, Sanulril. It always gives me a lot of comfort. It is reassuring that such artists were there before us.


-          “The Me I like the most.” When would it be?
When I work. When I’m immersed in creating something; whether I tap on the keys sitting at the piano, pull at guitar strings, or write a line after a line on a piece of paper. When I play a piano, it’s not the singer Wooyoung, it’s Jang Wooyoung who practices like a student, and I like that feeling.

-          And if you were to pick a moment when you dislike yourself the most?
When I start doing something because it’s fun, but then suddenly it turns into studying and I hold onto it against my own will. I really dislike it when something starts out good, but then it turns into a compulsion or ambition that says you must do it. I just like it when I enjoy doing something when I’m fully immersed into it and I have no place for such thoughts. I think Jinyoung hyung might scold me if he heard me talk like this. But I really feel pressured the moment the thought: “I must do it no matter what,” pops into mind.

-          You don’t prefer the sense of accomplishment that you strive for even though it might be painful?
To my mind, it is a rather senseless ambition. If I work according to a plan, it’s already something I’ve planned, so I don’t feel any fun doing it. Instead, I just keep on postponing it until I finally sit down thinking “Well, shall we try and do something?” and this unexpected immersion is really interesting. Actually, I might get even lazier because of that. But the funny thing is that being lazy is also very hard. I don’t do something because it’s tiresome, but then again if I suddenly feel that I must do something, it’s really stressful.

-          I don’t think you’re a naturally lazy type.
I’m not. A few years back, I used to harass myself to the point they would call me the “practice bug” at the company. But shall I say I got sick of it? When I turned 25, I began asking myself things like “What am I lashing myself so much for?”

-          Was there any special reason that instigated such thoughts?
I think that such time comes no matter what you do. When I was young, I didn’t know anything, so I just focused and worked hard, but when I was lucky enough to fulfill one or two dreams, my heart suddenly felt very empty. Even as I stood in front of the practice room mirror every single day, I thought: “Why am I so tied down to such trivial things? Is this really important?” So, starting from around 5 years ago, I began letting go of the things I was obsessed with. Because I wanted to see the real world. Of course, even before that I was always plagued by the fundamental worries and questions like “What do I live for?” or “Yeah, so what?” So I spent my time meeting different people, travelling, visiting exhibitions, getting rid of the things I thought were important and filling up the empty space with something new.

-          For some reason, it feels like you’ve cleared one stage of life and leveled up.
It might be. As an idol, work-wise I did go through a level-up process. As a human, I suppose you can level up through having a relationship. When two people meet and love each other, and then the lightning strikes your life when you break up, I suppose you grow when you endure that time, no?

-          What do you wish for 2018?
I’m really looking forward to it! I don’t want a single day to slip through my fingers. I definitely want to be lazy, and definitely want to work.



Editor: Kim Soeun

Photographer: MOKE NA JUNG

Stylist: Park Yura

Hair & Make-up: Yang Hyungshim (YangYang Salon)


Kor-Eng: Egle0702


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Good morning YY friends

@standingtallyy- I love this new fanfic; thanks again

@chic-chic- wy on radio star - they mentioned his Wgm but briefly but glad he admit there are feelings involve with sy :D I don’t feel anything wrong with their bed scenes cos every Wgm couples have them but only YY is more loving

Will there be eng sub for this?

Love reading his interview about his work process and his thoughts. U can tell he takes his own sweet time to do things. Seems like he is happy producing his own music so we get to hear more songs in future 

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@Gerry58 There will be English subs. Next week we will be able to see it. Yes, WGM was only mentioned briefly. Since WY doesn't really have a scandal with Sy so they haven't elaborated on it. I am glad too that at least 50% he had feelings. At least he did not say like others that it was just for a show. 




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56 minutes ago, annisyadwir said:

I read in MF drama forum, somebody posting about money flower cast and crew will go to Jeju island as a reward from MBC because their successful rating and well received drama

.so one year ago, SY went to Jeju with whisper team now with MF team

Wow that’s great. Congrats to sy and Money Flower cast- sy gets to go holiday twice 

@chic-chic- ya at least wy admitted he got feelings- felt maybe more than 50%, he bluffing cos he wouldn’t have cried so hard. Anyway he better don’t be slow in proposal (slow at work is ok) cos his gf won’t wait. 

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2 hours ago, chic-chic said:

@Gerry58 Since he's still an idol he's just being safe in saying it's 50-50 hehehehe. Hopefully after his military service, both he and Sy are still single hehehehe. 

I agree @chic-chic...what he said was only half the truth. WY is still being protective of SY. I bet you, WY’s heart skipped a beat when that scene from the pension was shown, thinking of how happy and jealous he was of SY’s kiss scenes in her drama.


Another bonus triop to Jeju Island for Seyoung...I wonder if our favourite 2PM is thinking of having a short trip there as well...hahaha!

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On 1/19/2018 at 11:30 AM, hazeljrr_c922 said:

WY has talent in spades and a lot to contribute.  Glad he renewed with JYPE  and hope the other 5 follow, considering MS for all but Khun.    While they are the top moneymakers,  the road to their maturity and success  were with JYPE since recruitment, traineeship and Hot Blood Men (time flies,  been around 10 years!)

I think they know that in terms of market cap,  YG was 7x that of JYP In 2015 and now JYP just exceeded YG Jan 17th.   While these are both conglomerates with multiple companies,  it still is a huge leap for JYP over the last 2 years.   I think it matters that JYP has a big roster of current and potential groups, duos and solo acts that are succeeding,  plus recently finalizing the purchase/ownership of the new HQ. 


SY is such a versatile actress.  With MF rating high,  am hoping that directors, producers, casting people all have taken notice that she certainly is one of the very reliable lead actresses of this generation.  I certainly hope she continually has interesting roles, be it movies or dramas.   I also hope she gets lead in a female-centric action film,  fulfilling one of her wishes.  

This! just found the interview today in YT, she loves action movies, and wants to be a heroine,,.she is so badass inside despite her cute, beautiful exterior. She said hard to play/act in wgm cuz it is hard for her to act cute. And as wgm lovers, we know who is being in charge in cutesy in WGM 2Young:grin::D

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