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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@chic-chic- thanks for the clip. I wouldn't mind one of Chansung's massage. I like those hard and forceful ones and I can stand pain :lol:

Wow another of Sy's friends got married. Looks like getting very often. Hope it will make her think of getting married soon :). So nice of her to sing at their wedding 

Realized wy change his hair colour again- now half blonde, half black :D

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10 hours ago, chic-chic said:

If you guys are wondering why WY doesn't like massages. Here it is hehehe. Traumatized by Chan's massage hahaha.


Oh we're the same! I hate having massage too, it hurts me, I mean, I don't like my body being beaten. Foot, hand & head massage is ok but not my body. I might as well choose hot bathe massage in a jacuzzi, soak with my favorite fragrant/scent. It's the water pressure that will do the massaging effect. 

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Hello guys. Check the Spoiler:blush:


Chapter ONE                       
"Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!" Everyone cheered and greeted each other welcoming 2021. The celebration was held in the exclusive bar of a five star hotel in Gangnam. Booked by JYP Entertainment. Attended by CEO, President, Staff and Artists, past and present. Including 2PM, first social event they attended as a group after army enlistment. Jun K, Junho, Chansung, Nickhun, Taecyon and Wooyoung were all present. Catch up, food, wine and champagne were overflowing. Songs from all JYP artist playing loud in the background.
"How are my boys?" JYP asked joining them in their table. Some members of Day 6 and Got7 were also there.
"We are doing well, Hyung." The men responded together.
"How are you doing with your girl?" JYP directed the question to Jun K. There are rumors within the company he is currently dating.
"We are still at getting to know each other stage. So far all is good." Jun K confirmed.
"Ooohhhh!" The group cheered.
"Jun K is rediscovering love. We are supporting you 100%." Taecyon added. Putting his arms around his shoulder.
"And you Taec?" JYP asked him.
"Too busy at the moment, Hyung." Taec replied.
"Same for me." Nickhun,Chansung and Junho added.
"What about our Wooyoung? Are you dating someone? You didn't join the three." JYP turned his attention to him.
"Hyung. I've only been discharged not long ago." Wooyoung replied. He was discharged late October.
"Here's a piece of advice to you 2PM, because you are the older ones in this table. You have done your army duties and did really well in your careers. You are pretty well set up for life. I think it is about time you date seriously. Meet a nice woman.  And if you've found the right one. Hold on to her. But for you, my Got7 and Day 6 boys, you are still young. Work hard and succeed like these Hyungs. Stay grateful for the love you receive, but don't allow the public dictate your life. Arachi?" JYP stated. "But for now, let's party the night away. Cheers to 2021! May all of us have a blessful year ahead!'. Everyone joined him and raised their glasses.
After the cheers, Wooyoung went to the far corner of the bar, by the window. It is snowing outside, while watching the snow fall thoughts of what JYP said playing in his head. About getting older and finding the right woman.

In a restaurant, one floor below Park Seyoung is celebrating New Year's Eve with her family. They all agreed to meet the year differently. Steering away from the traditional, going to her parents house for a quiet dinner and stay until midnight. Her parents, sisters, brothers-in-law and their children were all present.
"My wish for the new year is for our Seyoung. I hope love will find you this year." Her eldest sister said.
"Why me? You should be wishing for your family." Seyoung said, surprised of her sister's wish.
"Because my dear maknae. You are not getting any younger." Her sister said bluntly.
"And it's not like you are short of admirers." Her second sister stated."Are you waiting for somebody?Some lost love maybe?"
"Unnie! Mom, can you please make them stop? It's the new year." Seyoung begged her Mom, looking for an ally.
"It's the truth.This year you will be thirty four.Why can you not choose amongst your current suitors?" Her Mom probed instead.
"Dad?" Seyoung turned her attention to her Dad, who is enjoying his food, quietly listening to the conversation.
"Yeobo.And the two of you, leave your sister alone. Don't pick on her. She will date again when she meets the right man. You cannot rush these things." Her dad said, giving her daughter a wink and a smile. Seyoung quietly said thank you, happy that she found an ally.
"But Dad. Look, she is beautiful. Successful. Rich enough. But I don't undesrtand why she's still single!" Her eldest sister retorted.
"When is she getting married? When she turns forty?"Her second sister added.
"Seyoung-ah. I have work colleagues that are single and nice men that I can set you up for a blind date." Her eldest brother in law said.
"Me too. I have two in mind." Her second brother in law added.
"Thank you my dear brothers-in-law. But seriously I am good. Who wants dessert?" Seyoung asked, desperate to change topics.


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3 hours ago, chic-chic said:

Now we'll know who's the next JYP hahaha

Image may contain: 2 people


19 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:

Hello guys. Check the Spoiler:blush:

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Chapter ONE                       
"Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!" Everyone cheered and greeted each other welcoming 2021. The celebration was held in the exclusive bar of a five star hotel in Gangnam. Booked by JYP Entertainment. Attended by CEO, President, Staff and Artists, past and present. Including 2PM, first social event they attended as a group after army enlistment. Jun K, Junho, Chansung, Nickhun, Taecyon and Wooyoung were all present. Catch up, food, wine and champagne were overflowing. Songs from all JYP artist playing loud in the background.
"How are my boys?" JYP asked joining them in their table. Some members of Day 6 and Got7 were also there.
"We are doing well, Hyung." The men responded together.
"How are you doing with your girl?" JYP directed the question to Jun K. There are rumors within the company he is currently dating.
"We are still at getting to know each other stage. So far all is good." Jun K confirmed.
"Ooohhhh!" The group cheered.
"Jun K is rediscovering love. We are supporting you 100%." Taecyon added. Putting his arms around his shoulder.
"And youTaec?" JYP asked him.
"Too busy at the moment, Hyung." Taec replied.
"Same for me." Nickhun,Chansung and Junho added.
"What about our Wooyoung? Are you dating someone? You didn't join the three." JYP turned his attention to him.
"Hyung. I've only been discharged not long ago." Wooyoung replied. He was discharged late October.
"Here's a piece of advice to you 2PM, because you are the older ones in this table. You have done your army duties and did really well in your careers. You are pretty well set up for life. I think it is about time you date seriously. Meet a nice woman.  And if you've found the right one. Hold on to her. But for you, my Got7 and Day 6 boys, you are still young. Work hard and succeed like these Hyungs. Stay grateful for the love you receive, but don't allow the public dictate your life. Arachi?" JYP stated. "But for now, let's party the night away. Cheers to 2021! May all of us have a blessful year ahead!'. Everyone joined him and raised their glasses.
After the cheers, Wooyoung went to the far corner of the bar, by the window. It is snowing outside, while watching the snow fall thoughts of what JYP said playing in his head. About getting older and finding the right woman.
In a restaurant, one floor below Park Seyoung is celebrating New Year's Eve with her family. They all agreed to meet the year differently. Steering away from the traditional, going to her parents house for a quiet dinner and stay until midnight. Her parents, sisters, brothers-in-law and their children were all present.
"My wish for the new year is for our Seyoung. I hope love will find you this year." Her eldest sister said.
"Why me? You should be wishing for your family." Seyoung said, surprised of her sister's wish.
"Because my dear maknae. You are not getting any younger." Her sister said bluntly.
"And it's not like you are short of admirers." Her second sister stated."Are you waiting for somebody?Some lost love maybe?"
"Unnie! Mom, can you please make them stop? It's the new year." Seyoung begged her Mom, asking for an ally.
"It's the truth.This year you will be thirty four.Why can you not choose amongst your current suitors?" Her Mom probed instead.
"Dad?" Seyoung turned her attention to her Dad, who is enjoying his food, quietly listening to the conversation.
"Yeobo.And the two of you, leave your sister alone. Don't pick on her. She will date again when she meets the right man. You cannot rush these things." Her dad said, giving her daughter a wink and a smile. Seyoung quietly said thank you, happy that she found an ally.
"But Dad. Look, she is beautiful. Successful. Rich enough. But I don't undesrtand why she's still single!" Her eldest sister retorted.
"When is she getting married? When she turns forty?"Her second sister added.
"Seyoung-ah. I have work colleagues that are single and nice men that I can set you up for a blind date." Her eldest brother in law said.
"Me too. I have two in mind." Her second brother in law added.
"Thank you my dear brother-in-laws. But seriously I am good. Who wants dessert?" Seyoung asked, desperate to change topics.


@standingtallyyHa? Finish? It feels like I am reading a suspense drama, thinking they might run into each other by the corridor....hahaha! Wild guess! More please!

I have been computing their ages at 2021. Isnt it hard for a girl to get pregnant at the age of 34-35? SY make it earlier!

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@chic-chicthe looks of the 21st century! Long hair. I like men with long straight hair one length just over the shoulders, hidden tattoos in some parts of the chest & arms looks appealing to me. It shows manliness.  2PM are clean right? Clean is appropriate. I like both extremes, It's either White OR BLack, no greys. Maginoo pero Bastos? Please help me translate.

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"Maginoo pero medyo bastos" -A gentleman but rough around the edges??

@kdaddict1 No not yet. Here's another chapter..


Chapter TWO                      
Seyoung have TV guesting today for a morning show with a major TV network.  This is a promotional appearance for the conclusion of the drama she is currently doing with them. She arrived three hours early. She decided to stay in her van for the time being to read the script before she meets the style team. Later, they will be filming some scenes in the building. She is not in a hurry because everything she needs for the day are ready, prepared both by herself and her assistant. Moments later, Seyoung noticed people are approaching the area where they are. There were camera men and other staff. Seyoung recognized one of the cast member of the networks popular variety show was in the group.
"Ahh..they are also filming the show." Seyoung said and continued with her reading

2PM members are the featured guests for a variety show in the networks head quarters building. The first TV appearance for the year as a group for a longtime. Wooyoung was teamed with three cast members of the show along with Jun K and Chansung. The mission, to find an actress that is currently doing a drama. And the filming of the drama must be inside the building. The group or team member must provide photograhic evidence for confirmation. They can either go as pair or individually. None of the team members are to say who is the actress they find and took photo with until the episode is aired on TV. Not even to their team mates.
"Any idea how to find out if there will be drama filming happening today? I'm sure there will be actors around." Wooyoung asked one of the staff discreetly but replied they are not allowed to say anything.
"But she has to be starring in a current drama." The staff reminded him.
"Senja? Do you know if there is one somewhere in the building?." Wooyoung asked again, the competitiveness in him beginning to emerge. But the staff is keeping mum about it.

Seyoung was all ready for the morning show, only waiting to be called on stage. She is in a dressing room with another celebrity guest when suddenly the door opened, came are cast members of the variety show, camera men and Chansung of 2PM. It took Seyoung by surprise seeing him. Chansung recognized her immediately.
"Anyeonghasaeyo." Chansung greeted everyone in the room before turning his attention to her.
"Park Seyoung-shi.We are filming at the moment. Our mission is to find an actress currently on drama. Are you currently working on a drama?" Chansung asked.
"Yes." Seyoung answered.
"Great! Are you filming the drama here today, in this building?" Chansung asked again.
"Yes. Later." Seyoung replied.
Chansung and the other cast member were very happy because it means, they are steps ahead from the rest. They asked if they can take a photo with Seyoung, which she happily obliged.
"Good to see you Park Seyoung-shi.Thank you." Chansung said to her and to others, shaking Seyoung's hand before leaving the room. Shortly thereafter, more teams turned up in the dressing room, including Taecyon, Jun K and Junho. Wooyoung and Nickhun came later but Seyoung was gone.

Filming didn't finish until until late that night. Seyoung went home tired and thought about the unexpected encounter she had with 2PM.Well with most of them. Each time the dressing room door opened, her heart would skip a beat, wondering who will be the next 2PM turning up. The one member she thought would come never did.

Wooyoung , Chansung and Junho are on their way to the parking lot after the filming finished. Nickhun, Taecyon and Jun K were parked at another level so they went in a different direction.
"Who was the actress you found in the dressing room?" Wooyoung asked casually.
"You know we are not suppose to say it before the episode gets aired." Junho replied.
"You didn't see her?I thought you went."Chansung asked.
"I did. But when I got there with Nickhun, she's gone." Wooyoung replied, sounding disappointed."Do we know her?"
"We do. You've met her before." Junho answered.
"Really? So I know her too." Wooyoung said.
"Yes." Chansung replied.
"I wonder who could that be." Wooyoung thought loud.
Wooyoung didn't notice the meaningful exchange of glances between Chansung and Junho before saying their goodbyes going to their cars.
That night Taecyon, Jun K, Junho and Chansung sent and receieved text messages from each other asking if they knew the actress that was in east wing dressing room. The name purposely witheld in their messages. All replied with a yes.


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16 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:

"Maginoo pero medyo bastos" -A gentleman but rough around the edges??

@kdaddict1 No not yet. Here's another chapter..

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Chapter TWO                      
Seyoung have TV guesting today for a morning show with a major TV network.  This is a promotional appearance for the conclusion of the drama she is currently doing with them. She arrived three hours early. She decided to stay in her van for the time being to read the script before she meets the style team. Later, they will be filming some scenes in the building. She is not in a hurry because everything she needs for the day are ready, prepared both by herself and her assistant. Moments later, Seyoung noticed people are approaching the area where they are. There were camera men and other staff. Seyoung recognized one of the cast member of the networks popular variety show was in the group.
"Ahh..they are also filming the show." Seyoung said and continued with her reading

2PM members are the featured guests for a variety show in the networks head quarters building. The first TV appearance for the year as a group for a longtime. Wooyoung was teamed with three cast members of the show along with Jun K and Chansung. The mission, to find an actress that is currently doing a drama. And the filming of the drama must be inside the building. The group or team member must provide photograhic evidence for confirmation. They can either go as pair or individually. None of the team members are to say who is the actress they find and took photo with until the episode is aired on TV. Not even to their team mates.
"Any idea how to find out if there will be drama filming happening today? I'm sure there will be actors around." Wooyoung asked one of the staff discreetly but replied they are not allowed to say anything.
"But she has to be starring in a current drama." The staff reminded him.
"Senja? Do you know if there is one somewhere in the building?." Wooyoung asked again, the competitiveness in him beginning to emerge. But the staff is keeping mum about it.

Seyoung was all ready for the morning show, only waiting to be called on stage. She is in a dressing room with another celebrity guest when suddenly the door opened, came are cast members of the variety show, camera men and Chansung of 2PM. It took Seyoung by surprise seeing him. Chansung recognized her immediately.
"Anyeonghasaeyo." Chansung greeted everyone in the room before turning his attention to her.
"Park Seyoung-shi.We are filming at the moment. Our mission is to find an actress currently on drama. Are you currently working on a drama?" Chansung asked.
"Yes." Seyoung answered.
"Great! Are you filming the drama here today, in this building?" Chansung asked again.
"Yes. Later." Seyoung replied.
Chansung and the other cast member were very happy because it means, they are steps ahead from the rest. They asked if they can take a photo with Seyoung, which she happily obliged.
"Good to see you Park Seyoung-shi.Thank you." Chansung said to her and to others, shaking Seyoung's hand before leaving the room. Shortly thereafter, more teams turned up in the dressing room, including Taecyon, Jun K and Junho. Wooyoung and Nickhun came later but Seyoung was gone.

Filming didn't finish until until late that night. Seyoung went home tired and thought about the unexpected encounter she had with 2PM.Well with most of them. Each time the dressing room door opened, her heart would skip a beat, wondering who will be the next 2PM turning up. The one member she thought would come never did.

Wooyoung , Chansung and Junho are on their way to the parking lot after the filming finished. Nickhun, Taecyon and Jun K were parked at another level so they went in a different direction.
"Who was the actress you found in the dressing room?" Wooyoung asked casually.
"You know we are not suppose to say it before the episode gets aired." Junho replied.
"You didn't see her?I thought you went."Chansung asked.
"I did. But when I got there with Nickhun, she's gone." Wooyoung replied, sounding disappointed."Do we know her?"
"We do. You've met her before." Junho answered.
"Really? So I know her too." Wooyoung said.
"Yes." Chansung replied.
"I wonder who could that be." Wooyoung thought loud.
Wooyoung didn't notice the meaningful exchange of glances between Chansung and Junho before saying their goodbyes going separate directions going to their cars.
That night Taecyon, Jun K, Junho and Chansung sent and receieved text messages from each other asking if they knew the actress that was in east wing dressing room. The name purposely witheld in their messages. All replied with a yes.


Super BITIN naman! Fast forward please!!!!!:anguished:

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@kdaddict1 I'm the same too. I think my dear friend is out to test our patience this time :blush:

Chapter THREE                           
A celebratory dinner was held in a neighborhood barbeque place in Itaewon because of  the success of the recently concluded drama Park Seyoung was part of. It had consistently maintained high viewership rating. That night it was announced as a reward, the whole cast and crew are going on a trip overseas. Date and for how long wasn't confirmed but is happening soon.
"Well done everyone for all the hard work. This drama turned out well because of you.I would like to thank our actors for doing such a great job. To Park Seyoung-shi who didn't complain even if her role require a lot of physical endurance. You are truly amazing in the drama. Congratulations!" The director said. Talking about Seyoung's role in the drama as a fugitive,running away from the people who have wrongly accused her. She stood up, bowed and thanked the director for the acknowledgement.

2PM are working for their comeback happening middle of the year. In a home studio owned by one of the song writers they are working with located in Itaewon. They have been working for the last five hours without a break. Wooyoung noticed it was way past ten in the evening, no wonder he was hungry.
"Guys, can we have a break? I am hungry. Let's get some dinner. " Wooyoung asked.
"About time. I'm starving too." Nickhun followed suit.
"What do you have in mind? Pork belly with soju?" Junho asked.
"Why don't we go to that barbeque place down the road." Jun K suggested.
"Let's do that."Taecyon agreed.
While they were heading to the place, Wooyoung wanted to drop by the convenience store to get something for his headache. Chansung went with him.
"The place must be busy. There are few cars around." Wooyoung said, looking at the road through the glass walls of the shop.
"There is a wrapped up party for a drama in a restaurant not far from here." The sales clerk confirmed."From one of the major TV network they said."
"Senja? I wonder if it's the drama Park Seyoung-shi was in."Chansung thought out loud.
"Park Seyoung-shi? How do you know? Did you watch the drama?" Wooyoung asked curiously when he heard Seyoung's name.
"Ani. I just heard it on the news." Chansung denied,forgot he was not suppose to say anything.They paid for their purchase and went to catch up with the rest who went ahead of them.

Seyoung was saying good night to everyone. She had to leave earlier than the rest because she is driving the next day for Daejun to join her church with the outreach program. Because it will be an early drive, she wanted to leave before midnight to get ample rest.

Wooyoung went out quickly from the restaurant they were having dinner to answer a phone call from his Mom. She sent him a message earlier but didn't notice it until now.
"Yeobosaeyo Omma." Wooyoung answered.
"Wooyoung-ah. Did you read my message? I need you to go to Daejon to collect that herb plant I asked from your Aunt. I was meant to go and pick it up but your Dad' arthritis is playing up again in this weather.I can't leave him. Can you do it for me son? Please?" His Mom requested.
"Okay Mom. I have free time tomorrow. I'll go and pick it up for you. Send me Aunt's address." Wooyoung agreed.
As he was hanging up, Wooyoung thought he saw a familiar figure walking towards a waiting car, few meters across the road where he was standing. He couldn't clearly see her face because of the scarf  covering half of her face and collar of  her jacket were up to block the cold. She was walking with someone.
No. It can't be her. Wooyoung thought. His eyes following until she got in the car.

"Let's go Oppa." Seyoung said to her driver. The car started to move. She looked out through her tinted window and noticed the man standing in the opposite side of the road watching her car. As they were closing the distance, he turned to speak to someone coming out from the restaurant.
There was something familiar about him. Seyoung thought. She couldn't clearly see his face because of the hat he was wearing and jacket he had on, collar partially covering his face. But can see he was wearing glasses despite the bad lighting. She looked back again to where the man was standing not long ago. He was gone.


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32 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:

"Maginoo pero medyo bastos" -A gentleman but rough around the edges??

@kdaddict1 No not yet. Here's another chapter..

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Chapter TWO                      
Seyoung have TV guesting today for a morning show with a major TV network.  This is a promotional appearance for the conclusion of the drama she is currently doing with them. She arrived three hours early. She decided to stay in her van for the time being to read the script before she meets the style team. Later, they will be filming some scenes in the building. She is not in a hurry because everything she needs for the day are ready, prepared both by herself and her assistant. Moments later, Seyoung noticed people are approaching the area where they are. There were camera men and other staff. Seyoung recognized one of the cast member of the networks popular variety show was in the group.
"Ahh..they are also filming the show." Seyoung said and continued with her reading

2PM members are the featured guests for a variety show in the networks head quarters building. The first TV appearance for the year as a group for a longtime. Wooyoung was teamed with three cast members of the show along with Jun K and Chansung. The mission, to find an actress that is currently doing a drama. And the filming of the drama must be inside the building. The group or team member must provide photograhic evidence for confirmation. They can either go as pair or individually. None of the team members are to say who is the actress they find and took photo with until the episode is aired on TV. Not even to their team mates.
"Any idea how to find out if there will be drama filming happening today? I'm sure there will be actors around." Wooyoung asked one of the staff discreetly but replied they are not allowed to say anything.
"But she has to be starring in a current drama." The staff reminded him.
"Senja? Do you know if there is one somewhere in the building?." Wooyoung asked again, the competitiveness in him beginning to emerge. But the staff is keeping mum about it.

Seyoung was all ready for the morning show, only waiting to be called on stage. She is in a dressing room with another celebrity guest when suddenly the door opened, came are cast members of the variety show, camera men and Chansung of 2PM. It took Seyoung by surprise seeing him. Chansung recognized her immediately.
"Anyeonghasaeyo." Chansung greeted everyone in the room before turning his attention to her.
"Park Seyoung-shi.We are filming at the moment. Our mission is to find an actress currently on drama. Are you currently working on a drama?" Chansung asked.
"Yes." Seyoung answered.
"Great! Are you filming the drama here today, in this building?" Chansung asked again.
"Yes. Later." Seyoung replied.
Chansung and the other cast member were very happy because it means, they are steps ahead from the rest. They asked if they can take a photo with Seyoung, which she happily obliged.
"Good to see you Park Seyoung-shi.Thank you." Chansung said to her and to others, shaking Seyoung's hand before leaving the room. Shortly thereafter, more teams turned up in the dressing room, including Taecyon, Jun K and Junho. Wooyoung and Nickhun came later but Seyoung was gone.

Filming didn't finish until until late that night. Seyoung went home tired and thought about the unexpected encounter she had with 2PM.Well with most of them. Each time the dressing room door opened, her heart would skip a beat, wondering who will be the next 2PM turning up. The one member she thought would come never did.

Wooyoung , Chansung and Junho are on their way to the parking lot after the filming finished. Nickhun, Taecyon and Jun K were parked at another level so they went in a different direction.
"Who was the actress you found in the dressing room?" Wooyoung asked casually.
"You know we are not suppose to say it before the episode gets aired." Junho replied.
"You didn't see her?I thought you went."Chansung asked.
"I did. But when I got there with Nickhun, she's gone." Wooyoung replied, sounding disappointed."Do we know her?"
"We do. You've met her before." Junho answered.
"Really? So I know her too." Wooyoung said.
"Yes." Chansung replied.
"I wonder who could that be." Wooyoung thought loud.
Wooyoung didn't notice the meaningful exchange of glances between Chansung and Junho before saying their goodbyes going to their cars.
That night Taecyon, Jun K, Junho and Chansung sent and receieved text messages from each other asking if they knew the actress that was in east wing dressing room. The name purposely witheld in their messages. All replied with a yes.



Love this much...


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1 hour ago, standingtallyy said:

@kdaddict1 I'm the same too. I think my dear friend is out to test our patience this time :blush:

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Chapter THREE                           
A celebratory dinner was held in a neighborhood barbeque place in Itaewon because of  the success of the recently concluded drama Park Seyoung was part of. It had consistently maintained high viewership rating. That night it was announced a as a reward, the whole cast and crew are going for a trip. Date and for how long wasn't confirmed but is happening soon.
"Well done everyone for all the hard work. This drama turned out well because of you.I would like to thank our actors for doing such a great job. To Park Seyoung-shi who didn't complain even if her role require a lot of physical endurance. You are truly amazing in the drama. Congratulations!" The director said. Talking about Seyoung's role in the drama as a fugitive,running away from the people who have wrongly accused her. She stood up, bowed and thanked the director for the acknowledgement.

2PM are working for their comeback happening middle of the year. In a home studio owned by one of the song writers they are working with located in Itaewon. They have been working for the last five hours without a break. Wooyoung noticed it was way past ten in the evening, no wonder he was hungry.
"Guys, can we have a break? I am hungry. Let's get some dinner. " Wooyoung asked.
"About time. I'm starving too." Nickhun followed suit.
"What do you have in mind? Pork belly with soju?" Junho asked.
"Why don't we go to that barbeque place down the road." Jun K suggested.
"Let's do that."Taecyon agreed.
While they were heading to the place, Wooyoung wanted to drop by the convenience store to get something for his headache. Chansung went with him.
"The place must be busy. There are few cars around." Wooyoung said, looking at the road through the glass walls of the shop.
"There is a wrapped up party for a drama in a restaurant not far from here." The sales clerk confirmed."From one of the major TV network they said."
"Senja? I wonder if it's the drama Park Seyoung-shi was in."Chansung thought out loud.
"Park Seyoung-shi? How do you know? Did you watch the drama?" Wooyoung asked curiously when he heard Seyoung's name.
"Ani. I just heard it on the news." Chansung denied,forgot he was not suppose to say anything.They paid for their purchase and went to catch up with the rest who went ahead of them.

Seyoung was saying good night to everyone. She had to leave earlier than the rest because she is driving the next day for Daejun to join her church with the outreach program. Because it will be an early drive, she wanted to leave before midnight to get ample rest.

Wooyoung went out quickly from the restaurant they were having dinner to answer a phone call from his Mom. She sent him a message earlier but didn't notice it until now.
"Yeobosaeyo Omma." Wooyoung answered.
"Wooyoung-ah. Did you read my message? I need you to go to Daejon to collect that herb plant I asked from your Aunt. I was meant to go and pick it up but your Dad' arthritis is playing up again in this weather.I can't leave him. Can you do it for me son? Please?" His Mom requested.
"Okay Mom. I have free time tomorrow. I'll go and pick it up for you. Send me Aunt's address." Wooyoung agreed.
As he was hanging up, Wooyoung thought he saw a familiar figure walking towards a waiting car, few meters across the road where he was standing. He couldn't clearly see her face because of the scarf  covering half of her face and collar of  her jacket were up to block the cold. She was walking with someone.
No. It can't be her. Wooyoung thought. His eyes following until she got in the car.

"Let's go Oppa." Seyoung said to her driver. The car started to move. She looked out through her tinted window and noticed the man standing in the opposite side of the road watching her car. As they were closing the distance, he turned to speak to someone coming out from the restaurant.
There was something familiar about him. Seyoung thought. She couldn't clearly see his face because of the hat he was wearing and jacket he had on, collar partially covering his face. But can see he was wearing glasses despite the bad lighting. She looked back again to where the man was standing not long ago. He was gone.

@standingtallyyOh gosh! THIS IS TEASING ME!!!! 1st the new year party, 2nd, the dressing room, 3rd, itaewon? This is fate! Next in Daejun! Wow! Your friend is teasing us! Tell her to make it a little longer...


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Next chapter:blush:


Chapter FOUR
Daejon City. The fifth biggest metropolis in South Korea. Also known for nature and wildlife, hot springs and arts museum. Seyoung left four thirty in the morning to avoid the traffic. It's the first trip she is making after a long time since middle school for a school outing. It took her two hours at least to get there. She is on her own because some of her church members went on a bus the day before. Depending how she will go with today's activity. She plans to stay for two days to go trekking, walking the arboretum and visit the hot spring. She has time to play around.

"At five hundred meters after the exit, turn right." Says the navigator. Seyoung went to the right lane for the turn as she exited the freeway.

"At five hundred meters after the exit, turn right." Says the navigator from Wooyoung's car, after he entered the address of his aunt. Actually, he was to meet her in a local church because that's where the herbal plant is housed. He stopped at the traffic light sitting behind a dark grey coloured SUV. The same one that he followed all the way from Seoul, he recognized the number plate. And it seems to be going on the same direction as he was.

"At five meters, turn left to your final destination." The navigator said it again. Seyoung could only give a sigh of relief hearing that. She turned slowly in a partially dirt road that leads to the address she was given. She entered the gate of the church driveway. The big landscape impressed her, despite the cold weather the plants are well maintained looking at the trimmings of the flower bushes. Seyoung found a spot and stopped to park her car.

"At five meters, turn left to your final destination." Wooyoung's navigator said. He actually didn't need to anymore because he was sure the car in front of him is definitely going to where he was. He saw the car he was following found a spot. Wooyoung parked at the last remaining bay, three cars away from the SUV.

Seyoung then got out of the car to meet the coordinator of the activity after speaking to him on the phone. They are waiting at the reception hall building next to the church.

"Komo. I'm here at the address you gave me. Where are you?" Wooyoung asked over the phone.
"Wooyoung-ah. Come to the building next to the church. That's where I am. I'll wait for you at the door." His auntie instructed.
Wooyoung went to the direction given. He noticed there seem to be a lot of activity happening because of the few cars parked inside the compound and the noise of people talking as he was approaching the building. He went in and asked one of the ladies where he could find his aunt, giving her the name. He was told to go to that room across the hall.

Seyoung was welcomed by the pastor. She apologised for coming few minutes late but was told they haven't started yet, explaining of the aactivities they will be covering for the day. When Seyoung looked around, she saw Wooyoung coming through the door. She blinked her eyes once, twice, the third time. She can't be wrong. It is Wooyoung. She tried to look away, but it was too late. He already saw her.

Wooyoung entered the room as directed. There were few people inside talking to each other in small groups. His eyes wandered to look for his aunt but instead his eyes caught Park Seyoung looking straight at him. Wooyoung had to pinch himself secretly if who he was looking at is her. Seyoung-ah, Wooyoung uttered her name.
"Wooyoung-ah!" Wooyoung's auntie called his attention. It made some of the ladies look their way.
"Komo." Wooyoung greeted his Auntie. His eyes switching between Seyoung and her.
"Aigoo! You came all the way here. I'm so happy to see you. Come, you must be cold. Let me get you a hot drink and introduce you to my friends." His Auntie offered eagerly.

Seyoung knew he said her name reading the movement of his lips. She heard the lady greeting Wooyoung was his aunt.
"Do you know him?" The pastor asked Seyoung. Noticed the reaction from her face when she saw him across the room.
"Yes. I know him."
"Good. That means you have someone your age you can talk and keep you company. I'd better go and introduce myself to the young man." The pastor stated.
"He might not stay. I know he is very busy." Seyoung said trying to stop him.
"You will never know the answer if you don't ask, right Seyoung-shi?"
"You are right, Pastor Lee." Seyoung replied.


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9 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:

Next chapter:blush:

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Chapter FOUR
Daejon City. The fifth biggest metropolis in South Korea. Also known for nature and wildlife, hot springs and arts museum. Seyoung left four thirty in the morning to avoid the traffic. It's the first trip she is making after a long time since middle school for a school outing. It took her two hours at least to get there. She is on her own because some of her church members went on a bus the day before. Depending how she will go with today's activity. She plans to stay for two days to go trekking, walking the arboretum and visit the hot spring. She has time to play around.
"At five hundred meters after the exit, turn right." Says the navigator. Seyoung went to the right lane for the turn as she exited the freeway.

"At five hundred meters after the exit, turn right." Says the navigator from Wooyoung's, after he entered the address of his aunt. Actually, he was to meet her in a local church because that's where the herbal plant is housed. He stopped at the traffic light sitting behind a dark grey coloured SUV. The same one that he followed all the way from Seoul, he recognized the number plate. And it seems to be going on the same direction as he was.

"At five meters, turn left for your final destination." The navigator said it again. Seyoung could only give a sigh of relief hearing that. She turned slowly in a partially dirt road that leads to the address she was given. She entered the gate of the church driveway. The big landscape impressed her, despite the cold weather the plants are well maintained looking at the trimmings of the flower bushes. Seyoung found a spot and stopped to park her car.

"At five meter, turn left for your final destination." Wooyoung's navigator said. He actually didn't need to listen to because he was sure the car in front of him is definitely going to where he was. He saw the car found a spot. Wooyoung parked at the last remaining bay, three cars away from the SUV he followed.

Seyoung then got out of the car to meet the coordinator of the activity after speaking to him on the phone. They are waiting at the reception hall building next to the church.

"Komo. I'm here at the address you gave me. Where are you?" Wooyoung asked over the phone.
"Wooyoung-ah. Come to the building next to the church. That's where I am. I'll wait for you at the door." His auntie instructed.
Wooyoung went to the direction given. He noticed there seem to be a lotof  activity happening because of the few cars parked inside the compound and the noise of people talking as he was approaching the building. He went in and asked one of the ladies where he could find his aunt, giving her the name. He was told to go to that room across the hall.

Seyoung was welcomed by the pastor. She apologised for coming few minutes late but was told they haven't started yet, explaining of the activitied they will be covering for the day. When Seyoung looked around, she saw Wooyoung coming through the door. She blinked her eyes once, twice, the third time. She can't be wrong. It is Wooyoung. She tried to look away, but it was too late. He already saw her.

Wooyoung entered the room as directed. There were few people inside talking to each other in small groups. His eyes wandered to look for his aunt but instead his eyes caught Park Seyoung looking straight at him. Wooyoung had to pinch himself secretly if who he was looking at is her. Seyoung-ah, Wooyoung uttered her name.
"Wooyoung-ah!" Wooyoung's auntie called his attention. It made some of the ladies look their way.
"Komo." Wooyoung greeted his Auntie. His eyes switching between Seyoung and her.
"Aigoo! You came all the way here. I'm so happy to see you. Come, you must be cold. Let me get you a hot drink and introduce you to my friends." His Auntie offered eagerly.

Seyoung knew he said her name reading the movement of his lips. She heard the lady greeting him Wooyoung was his aunt.
"Do you know him?" The pastor asked Seyoung. Noticed the reaction from her face when she saw him across the room.
"Yes. I know him."
"Good. That means you have someone your age you can talk and keep you company. I'd better go and introduce mself to the young man." The pastor stated.
"He might not stay. I know he is very busy." Seyoung said trying to stop him.
"You will never know the answer if you don't ask, right Seyoung-shi?"
"You are right, Pastor Lee." Seyoung replied.


Hay Naku! Even if I read it slowly, word for word...I'm still near the end of the chapter......suspense drama...I thought I had graduated from the cases of Perry Mason (the defense lawyer)..."The case of a Howling dog & Borrowed Brunette".

@standingtallyy your friend's story is giving me a heart attack! 

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