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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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School theme fan meeting

[Eng Sub] 2PMxHOTTEST 5TH FM 2014 DVD

**Disc 01: Fan Meeting

Part 1: https://drive.google.com/…/0B6N61daXB4YcckNaUFpOWV95Y…/view…
Part 2:

**Disc 02: FM Highlights


cr: Have fun watching!

Edited by chic-chic
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When you come to think of it Oh Hye Sang's character is very pitiful:

- as a young child, she was made to believe by the adults that she had real parents and her living in an orphanage was only temporary.That one day,they will come and take her home. Receiving those presents from DY made her even believe that indeed she wasn't an orphan.Sawol always knew she is.

-how traumatic would that be to a child that in those years she was made to believe who she was and who her parents were are not hers but someone else? And witnessing your father falling to his death when at the last minute, she tried to save him. A normal child with parents can throw a tantrum if a toy is taken from them but for Hye Sang, it's her life stripped away. Her actions, others may call it evil but I call it survival.

-knowing the truth that your adopted father's real daughter is living with you...and it's only a matter of time when truth is revealed. Of course, her insecurities piled up,especially that adopted mother prefers the real daughter,she became territorial, wanted to protect what is hers, even temporarily, she did all she could to prove her worth to her adoptive parents. Though SW have no qualifications in the building industry, yet she was allowed to come and go...yes, she does the manual job but in the reality that's all SW should do because she has no qualifications like Hye Sang -are they expecting Hye Sang to do the same for people to say she is a good person too?

-her clinging to Chan Bin...Hye Sang is the best in-law to go in that household.She can't be bullied. Honestly, that family don't need another 'helpless' in-law..She can sort out the spoiled and mighty heir to the multi-million company. She is an architect like CB & KMH, they understand and speak the same language. She can survive the tough & competitive world of architecture.

-Hye Sang never knew her mother.Saw her real father die, she can only cling to MH but now that her only hope is beginning to crumble,she need CB..When everything will be revealed. SW takes it all - rich parents and a rich bf. Hye Sang will be left with nothing except being an an orphaned architect...the means may not justify the end but any human will do anything to survive. Now, tell me if you are not sorry for Hye Sang..

This is only my point of view though :)


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@standingtallyy- I already mentioned I sympathize with hs. She was told her parents will come for her. Then the uncle director last min tells her he is her father, she was in shock so she did something stupid- lock the door. Later she went back to unlock but she didn't cause the building to collapse. it was kmh- with inferior building materials

Also her adoptive mother is clearly bias, she knows her husband love hs, she should treat both girls equally rather than favor sw. It causes jealousy.

I rather hs goes with se hoon. Cb is another spoiled brat, born with silver spoon. Sh will understand her cos he has a difficult childhood- his father is always working and only cares about his missing daughter. I hope hs gets thrown out of the house, start living on her own, so she don't feel so insecure cos I want to see her change for the better. The people on the drama threat don't want to see hs redeemed cos they say she is too evil but I want a different ending for her.

Another handbag co put sy's pic in IG

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Yes @Gerry58 the people who pushed and turn Hye Sang into what she is now must apologize to her because HS is the effect of their mistakes in the past. HS was a happy little girl and good friend to OW & SW before she was told otherwise,then tragedy happened...I agree, SH will be good for HS because he will always give her a reality check. HS only reason she wants CB is for financial security. HS doesn't get frustrated like she does with SH.I'd rather have a firm & down to earth SH than the bratty & arrogant CB for HS. SW can have him anytime :D

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