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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@wingting- yes I am in hotel, they don't have mbc channel so looks like got to miss sy's drama tonight and tomorrow:( 

So wy's sister got married, hope his parents will pressure him to be next to get married soon;)

Wy and his heart!

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I like the description: Rose girl with her rose flowers...hehehe...

@amera46: Did you see Gerry58's sharing (WY replied SY your heart in WGM)? An IG owner have the same comment with you after chic-chic shared WY's your heart clip. Are you this IG owner or this owner visited our thread? hehehe....

Edited by wingting
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@blame2pm Is it hot here or just me?  Part 4 is sooooo hawwwt!!! I need to adjust the a/c temperature in our bedroom. Keep it coming Lovely :wub:B):D

@ujiyus1 I'm the same :D:D


@wingting @Gerry58 @amera46 whoever started the rumor probably jealous of Park Seyoung and wants a 15 minute fame.Thank you my friends :wub:

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<20151108> - WY - Interview - Japanese Magazine ~ Oricon

Discover unexpected habits and actions of 2PM’s members

The release of 2PM’s tenth single “Higher” in Japan which not only represents 2PM as a group but also shows their upgraded talents. Due to the physical problem of Chansung, he can’t attend this time. They show a good relationship again through the absent of him. Other members give more passion to do this interview with us as they want to do it for Chansung.

Sexy looks or expressions of 2PM, love performance of an adult.

Q: In “Higher” MV, what are the highlights in dancing part?

WY: Putting a strong impression of “Higher”. If Hottest can dance with us, we would really appreciate it. To be honest, it’s not an easy dancing (Laugh). Thus, we will be glad if fans can dance with us together. However, if not, let see our performance.

Q: It will also record your solo song; please tell us more, Woo Young-xi?

WY: My song is  ハンパない, I want to present a naught Casanova who is frivolous, more like a freeman on the stage and don’t want to set a limit.

Q: So there’s a lyric “You’re so beautiful I can’t speak” in Higher. Under the touching that can’t describe with words, did members do something that make you surprise?

JK: I wanted to drink renshen (one of a Korean Ginseng). I bled after I opened the glass bottle. Meanwhile, Chansung was in the dorm and needed to do something urgently. However, he still took my hand, called a taxi and brought me to the hospital.

WY: Chansung-xi is really nice.

JH: As I mentioned before, it happened during my birthday and made me surprised. We were having tour in Japan on my birthday. They prepared an event to me when I bathed in the hotel. When I naked and went from the bathroom, they put a chopstick on the bread and said “Happy Birthday” to me.

WY: It’s too late. We can’t buy a cake and candles thus we only used bread which was bought in convenient store instead of a cake.

TY: When my drama finished and staff started to leave, Jun K came to our shooting location. He said let’s drink more today and he sent drinks (a kind of drink like redbull) to the staff. He then said “Thanks for your hard work, Taecyeon and everyone!” He also danced Heartbeat for us. It’s so touching…

WY: Good relationship that we have (Laugh)

Q: How about some words which said from members that made you feel warm.

JK: Yes, Junhoo-xi said something which affected me so much

JH: Only few words? I said many things even though it’s normal. (Laugh)

WY: However, it's a support even you stayed with him at that moment.

JK: Yes, that’s our team

Q: In “Higher”, there’s a lyric “You and me together, I want to fly somewhere far” If you can fly in the sky, where will you want to go and what will you do?

WY: I want to go to the universe

JK: I want to parachute in Switzerland

JH: Bungee jumping is better, there are lots of places we can do it

JK: I don’t like it

JH: I’ve done it twice, so Jun K, let’s do it.

JK: No, I won’t absolutely

WY: Okay, next question, please

Q: In “Higher”, there’s a lyric “Even tears and sadness...” Anything was happened and made you cried recently?

WY: We were very sad and worried about Chansung’s health.

Q: One of lyrics in “Higher” – I will not give up” so what is your habit?

TY: I’m not sure whether I can improve it. If the phone doesn’t ring three times during sleep times, I will not get the phone. It doesn’t mean it rings three times. It means when he called me once, he keeps on phoning until three times. I will get the phone when he calls the third times

JK: It’s amazing that even Taecyeon sleeps; he can hear the phone ringing

Q: Don’t you sleep like a dog?

NK: Look at his ears, it looks like satellite

Q: So if Taecyeon calls you, will you pick up immediately?

WY: Yes, of course

Q: What’s your habit, Woo Young-xi?

WY: I am habited with turning on light while sleeping. Turning on light both living room and bedroom so when I wake up in the morning, all light we turned on.

JH: Doesn’t waste the light?

All: (Laugh)

TY: Are you worried to wake up so you wake up again? So you don’t turn off light?

Q: Are you too tired to turn off light?

WY: Yes, it will be good if there’s someone turn off it (Laugh)

JH: If you have a cat, during sleeping, flash it with Laser Point, it will turn off the light. I read it from internet but I still don’t try to do it.

Q: So Wooyoung-xi has to raise a cat?

WY: Ah…Yes…

JK: You have to raise a dog. As you suit for a dog, you have to raise a dog

All: (Laugh)

JK: WY raises my dogs well

WY: I take care them myself (Laugh)

TY: A dog is good

WY: I will keep it to think again.

Q: (Laugh) How about Nichkhan?

NK: I can’t tolerate dirty at home. For example, if there’s some liquid on the table, I will clean it immediately otherwise bugs will come.

JK: I hate bugs

WY: Bugs always come to my house, it’s because I have lots of trees/plants. (Laugh)

Q: So don’t you allow us to go to your house?

JH: No, all of you can come. It’s not a problem. But I will cook something for you, won’t it? Ah..I have no idea what will cook for you because there isn’t any food at my house (Laugh)

JK: Only playing with your cats, doesn’t it?

TY: Food at his house is only cat food.

All: (Laugh)

JH: Jun K went to my house unexpectedly; He phoned me and told me that “Did you hear me?” Junhoo with Bang Bang voice

JK: No, it’s knocking the door voice, “Knock” “Knock”

JH: No, he drove a car and honked “Beep””Beep”

TY: Which one is true?

JH: I was surprised.asked him “where were you?” He then answered that he was in front of my house, please open the door” I was wearing gloves due to making Cats Tower. After that, around 5 mins, he returned and said that “ah…is this your house?”

Q: Don’t you chill out at Junho’s house?

JK: It makes us feel relax and can stay for hours but it seems like Junho feel lonely

Q: It’s good that it isn’t feeling that…ahh..I want to come back my home now!!!!Laugh

JK: I think I feel lonely like him (laugh)

JH: We have an appointment in next 2 hours but he came to my house and told me that I visited your house. He then came back his home.

JK: It’s not special because our houses are near.

Q: By the way, and you, Nichkhun?

NK: I will serve him the best wine.

TY: This is Nichkhun

JH: From now on, I will do like this (Laugh)

NK: I have wine cellar that Jun K bought for me. I want to drink wine together

Q: And you, Wooyoung-xi?

WY: If it’s not the important/ busy thing, I will talk to him in front of my house

All: (Laugh)

WY: It’s hard to see him out and it’s hard to invite him inside my house

Q: Why don’t you invite him to your house?

WY: Because there are lots of bugs

All: (Laugh)

JK: I won’t go to Wooyoung’s house surely

JH: It doesn’t mean he won’t go but it means he can’t go (Laugh) / It doesn’t mean we won’t go but it means we can’t go (Laugh) (My translation)

Q: And you, Taecyeon?

NK: His parents will cook food for us

TY: I live with my parents so there are a lot of food and drinks. It’s not a problem. But if I sleep; I won’t get the phone until it rings three times.

All: (Laugh)

Q: If you plan to celebrate on Christmas Day with members, how will you plan?

TY: I have Christmas Party with OkCat every year so if we celebrate on Christmas Day together, I will invite them to join this and return to the childhood together.

WY: If I am free, I will go

JH: Unfortunately, we are busy….ahhh..what a pity

All: (Laugh)

TY: Although we have the same schedule, they always tell me they have no time and leave me alone (laugh)

WY: No, we have scheduled at that time, I will join Taecyeon’s event

JH: I will wear OkCat costume and dance!!!

TY: You are not in the mood to do it! You don’t join it forever

JH: Ahhh….tear comes

All: (Laugh)

CR: http://www.oricon.com.jp/special/48348 - Japanese version, Jujang_J - Japanese to Thai version, 2PMNation  - Thai to English version,  2pm_4ever_@Instgram - English version, Theman張祐榮個人應援博 & xue6tian6shi6@百度兔絨谷吧 - Chinese version


It really a long interview cos I followed the Chinese version to translate it. However, I found other parts in IG, I translated part of it and copied part of it from this IG. I still didn't know my posting is a full version or not. Thus please share if you find out a full one. Thanks....

I highlighted what JH said and posted two translations cos fans didn't put a subject in Chinese version therefore I don't think JH said only Jun K....in order to make you clear, I shared two translations....

Enjoy it.....Happy Sunday...YY friends.... 

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@blame2pm OMO this is getting even better and hotter:wub:
thank u so much for your hard work 
waiting for more from u 

@wingting thank u for the translation
and no this is not my ig (I only have a facebook and twitter)
but it is funny how we both remembered the same thing 
that pic from the B&B ep 
I still till today can't watch it well 
I just can't help myself giggling and squealing all the time 
they ware so so cute 
miss them together badly

I didn't know wooyoung sister is getting married 
at my culture when someone get married the other unmarried family members
follow them in a short time 
hope wooyoung is next 
he already found his bride (uri seyoungie)

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Let's listen to a beautiful song from 2pm.  Chikai no Christmas (Christmas Vows).

cr:Aoi Yuki

[ENG translated by dawnjelly.tumblr.com]

2PM - Vow For Christmas / Chikai no Kurisumasu lyrics

The rain until just recently became snow and colored the town
You’re surely sleeping at this time, so I’m refraining from giving you a goodnight call

Ah, I can’t control it   I want to give my adoration shape

I want to keep protecting you at all times
I’m serious, I want you to believe me
The seasons turn and the coming winter will become a grand memory
Let’s melt together and keep growing

I’m anxious about being separated from you   I keep turning over in my sleep
When I wake up I become impatient thinking it will all disappear like a dream

I don’t need anything anymore   I can only think that way if I’m with you

Let’s celebrate 100 more Christmases together
I promise you that I’m serious
Let’s keep drawing our dreams for the two of us toward the future
With our hopes put into white sighs to float in the sky

Since I want to see your smiling face
I want to keep gifting you with happiness, forever
Like the snow falling and piling up
I will envelop you

I want to keep protecting you at all times
I’m serious, I want you to believe me
The seasons turn and the coming winter will become a grand memory
Let’s melt together and keep growing
JPN-ENG: dawnjelly

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Good morn YY friends

@chic-chic the lyrics of the Christmas song is so good, a love song

@wingting thanks for translating 

@blame2pm- wow your fanfic is sizzling hot- u outdo yourself, pls continue writing

saw bits of sy's drama from the drama thread. So glad to see her in a little black lace dress, though they didn't show the full length. Bjh got to wear a sexy short red dress and they show her legs:(

sy looks so pretty, there are so many pretty pics of her. Her character is getting important, tonight she will blackmail kmh 

Sy is so pretty here- I prefer this makeup, the night makeup is too heavy

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Good day everyone :D

"Holding Hands" would have been the perfect wedding song for Wooyoung's sister and her groom...maybe it was played or sang but not by the original singers...what @wingting said was correct...if Seyoung was invited, they are more careful that a photo of  her isn't published anywhere at all, i.e only official the photographer is allowed, mobile phones are not allowed in the ceremonial hall and reception. With Wooyoung's celebrity status and maintain both family's privacy, this isn't impossible that this request is stipulated in the wedding invitation.After all, it was a family event.


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