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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@missauditor D-aaawwwww... now you make me wanna watch back all their episodes!! Errr.. but I did watch it everyday! hahaa!!

This may come piece by piece depending to those wonderful translator posting....

Here goes:
[Trans] Interview JWY talks by using key words 'R. O. S. E' - extracted from "CanCam" April Edition

『R』:「Recipe」What kind of dish can you cook well ? Tell us your recommendation.
JWY: Guksu (noodle). I just dump noodles to korean style soup stock (dried sardines). Very easy but very tasty so I cook it by myself a lot

『R』:「Recommendation」Any recommendation for books that you recently read ?
JWY: "The Art of Loving" written by German psychoanalyst; Erich Fromm. It was interesting book so I recommended to Chansung.

『R』:「Road」What do you think you would be doing in 10 years from now?
JWY: I would be into music much more than now. I may have my own studio or even recording studio room in my house.

『O』:「Oops!」What was the big surprise that you had recently.
JWY: my solo concert tickets were sold out ! Thank you everyone♥

『O』:「Ocean」What is your favorite seafood?
JWY: Eels ! I love famous Nagoya cuisine 'Hitsumabusi (chopped & cooked eels over the rice) too. My hometown is near the beach, but I cannot go there so so often recently...

『O』:「Old」You did shuffle solo performance within 2PM members at the fan meetings in Jan '15 in Japan. Which song do you want to try next ?
JWY: I did Nichkhun's 'Let it rain' last time. So I want to try Chansung's 'Perfume'. I would like to learn modern ballet.

『S』:「Style」What was your favorite hairstyle to date?
JWY: hummm I can't decide, but I liked blonde hair that I did during 'Sexy Lady' performance. It was very fine color and I liked it. I like my current hair style for 'R.O.S.E' too.

You are My R.O.S.E

I used to dislike the rose.
It's beautiful flower but has thorn and it hurts...
It's like a woman.
But.. when I realized that Rose has thorn just to protect itself.
Then I loved you even more.
You exist there but the presence is not for anyone to touch you
Now I know you have such a sweet heart, hidden behind thorn..

Source: CanCam April 2015 Edition
CR: Jpn - Eng Translation: hamiruko
from twitter:
투피엠 미치게 하는 하니 @purletpunk

Fyi - my translation is not done a word by word but tried to reflect what has been said in the interview. Thank you.

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Hi @scuttler & @SazaEz! Seoulkpop's prices are almost doubled of the original price so I wouldn't suggest to order from them. I placed my orders via @myboytaec on twitter, if I'm not wrong she has closed orders last night but you can try asking if she will still accept SG orders for wooyoung's merch :) 

Oh! Thanks for the heads up. I'm actually going to order from @japanhomemaker since they ship directly from Japan to the U.S. It's a bit more expensive, but it's okay. I understand it's a business and still cheaper than me paying hundreds to fly there myself, hah! I just need to research more for upcoming stuff to be smarter. I think this time since its last minute, I'll absorb the markup. :)

Also, sorry I didn't post the survey here guys. Went to bed relatively early. But will be posting our submission soon!

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I was just googling abt contract disputes in korean entertainment coz i miss sy so much...(i shouldnt have) andddd....i found

Park Boyoung"s contract dispute lasted four years @-) ....four whole years????? Omaigad....*goes to corner and weep :((

I dont think i can survive that long without seeing sy. *throws salt at SALT*

I want it to end NOW!!!

Princess, we r praying hard for your return...wy ahhh, pls take care of her. Share her with us from time to time...

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I know i am very very veryyyyy late in commenting on his A lot like love IG post....but here goes...

I think he has discovered sthg while reading his 'art of love book" which is consistent wt his actions towards the end of wgm and his message on the love bench. The caption 'if you cant become a fool, u dont hv the right to love'. It means shedding all outward personas, yr stage alters, your cool image, your pride and just be only your actual self good and bad in front of the person you love. It's easy to love a hot idol, a cool performer, a rich handsome guy, but love is a reality that goes far and beyond that for it to last.

Can you bare your soul? Can you beg and be uncool but still be loved by her? If you dont hv the guts to be this fool, how sure are you that it is you whom she loves? only when she has seen who you really are that you can be sure of her love for you. Take this risk and find out for sure...

More than the cool, careful and calculated wy that appeared at the beginning of wgm, sy trusted her heart with the baby like, sometimes insecure, sometimes needing her strength version of wy. The one more real to her...and slowly wy let go of his fears and showed her what he"s really like, and what is it that he really wants...

He has been hurt before, he was careful...but sy proved to him that she wasnt gonna hurt him and that he was more beautiful being the real him than anything else. I think he's still at awe with this lesson learned. Love is...well, unconditional :x

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Full translation for WY's interview in Junon Mags!
edit: sorry for the long post...somehow spoiler doesn't work for me!!

TRANS: JUNON Magazine April 2015 - Wooyoung #우영 (part 1)

A girl who is like poinsettia flower
Solo Debut title song 《R.O.S.E》 is a Love song which I composed by using a rose-like-girl as my material, but if describe my ideal girl as a flower … It isn’t rose now but Poinsettia. Because I accidentally saw this flower in a flower shop just a few days ago, I was attracted by this red color which is beautiful and warmth. Not only for myself, I even bought it as a gift for others, I’ve liked it to this state (laugh). The combination between red and green color are really perfect. I thought the red part is the flower but it turn out to be the leaves, only the middle part is flower, it’s really interesting. I put a pot of flower on my table as decoration, but because it only has two weeks life span T^T it has gradually lost its liveliness….

About Marriage expectations
About marriage, i think if there is a person who match with me, I can marry her tomorrow, it’s OK even I’m marry around 40 years old. I dont care about her age, and also she doesn’t need to be a good wife. Compare to those, i think the most important is we can take care of our feelings, even we’re arguing we can make up quickly. I think it’s important for me whether my partner can build this kindof relationship. I think those old couple who can stay together not because they have a match personalities nor because of destiny but because they can take care of each other feelings and willing to try listen to each other feeling. So do I, if someday there is a woman who can make me work hard for her appeared, i will marry.

Really care about the rose’s thorn

I’ve interested in rose. I have a question 《why rose has thorns?》, with this base I composed this song 《R.O.S.E》. At the background of the music, it got a feeling where there are lots of funky artist on the streets who are playing happily. I also added some romantic element in it. At the same time, i do hope everyone can focus on the freestyle dance in the middle of the song. The man in the song is very confidence about himself, also is a type who is active in a relationship. I myself is a type where I’d become timid and overcautious before the relationship start. But, I’ll become a hot man who would only see my partner in a relationship!

Sense their silence trust
I participated with my ideas for various points from lyrics, melody, MV, costumes, so i can said it more close to myself and more real, it’s my confidence works! Before me, Junho and Jun. K have done solo activities in Japan, but they dont really give me special opinions. Others members didn’t give me any supports words too. Because we’re all men, it’d feel embarrassed and shy by saying some words (laugh). Also we’re always together, though we don’t say it through words, we can understand each other, i can feel their support for me. I can say it as silence trust.

Helping in Parents’ market
I have a lot of tiny scars in my hand because i used to help my parents when i was in primary school. My parents are running a market, I’d use bicycle to send boxes, i did a lot of physical works during those years. At that time, i really mind about my arm being longer than others, “I carried a lot of heavy things that made my arm become longer! I’ve scars and wrinkles around my fingers too”. I really regret said these at my parents. Having longer arms are really useful for dancing so I feel gratitude towards my parents, the trace for helping my parents remain on my hands, i feel so happy now!

Jun. K’s hands
My hands aren’t consider big compare to other men’s, and its not really consider pretty. I think Jun. K’s hands are pretty, his fingers are long, and very thin compare to mine. My usual treatment is put a peppermint hand cream in my bag then use it once a while only. I like things that have peppermint flavour. So do my nails, i cut them myself (laugh). I don’t really care about girl’s hands. Women’s nails is one of their self-manage too, i think it’s not bad too. My favourite hand gesture is probably comb hairs. Ah isn’t it simple (laugh)

Like to read physiological books
Reading is my hobby, my favourite book is 《Love’s Art》 from Erich Fromm. The book i found interesting recently is about Chanel’s history and spirit called 《The Spirit of Arena》.
I’ve read a lot of physiological books. When i just started to do music, i thought, “A pure happy is enough”, but after it become my profession, I’d think seriously, “Why i want to do music”. After i studied about how the other musicians face the music, i feel shocked at some points that difference with me. After this, i want to understand more thoroughly about human’s emotions and feelings, and also become interested in Psychology. It’s really interesting.

Drawing time
I really like design interior, where should i put the desk lamp in my bedroom, i’d keep on considering. I’d never install fluorescent light.My furniture are all made by wood, some of them are custom-made. When buying something, I’d buy it if I’m going to use it usually, I wouldn’t buy it if i dont really like it. Sometimes i will draw at home. The materials consists of acrylic, colors pencils and else. It’s interesting when drawing, the idea would appear just like lyrics and image. Especially before creating an album and doing tour, need a lot of imaginations, for me drawing is a must.

Use warm water to reduce nervousness
I don’t really take care of my hands, when i heard people said my hands is pretty I’d feel embarrassed. But i do like my hands~ I’m really careful, i really care about the movement of toes and fingers when I’m dancing, so I’m very strict about my hands. When I’m tired or before drawing, I’d put my hands into warm water to reduce nervousness. With this, not only my hands but my heart will become free. I feel so easy and smooth when I’m drawing. I saw this method from a pianist’s documentary, simple yet have a good result, open up a new world door~~

My sensitive nature make me feel tired (laugh)
I think my temperament is quite sensitive. I’d never let go if something i liked or i think its match with me appear in my eyes. For example, when i went to somewhere, “Ah, the atmosphere is good here”, this table is really pretty, this glass is not bad and else, I’d take a photo of them immediately. My mind will keep on portraying too. Although I’m just absorb in looking at it, my eyes will keep on find something, I’m always observing. Although it’s useful when I’m composing music, but to speak truth sometimes it (my nature) make me feel tired. (laugh)

JPN > CHN = 大瓜 & 二蛋 @ DearJWY张祐荣中文个站
CHN > ENG = phny0203 @ BesideWooyoung

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jann17 said: I was just googling abt contract disputes in korean entertainment coz i miss sy so much...(i shouldnt have) andddd....i found Park Boyoung"s contract dispute lasted four years @-) ....four whole years????? Omaigad....*goes to corner and weep :(( I dont think i can survive that long without seeing sy. *throws salt at SALT* I want it to end NOW!!! Princess, we r praying hard for your return...wy ahhh, pls take care of her. Share her with us from time to time...

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He likes to think so much about everything..thats why it make him feel tired..thinking about his solo..his group tour..his fans.he is a perfectionist.And he definitely thinking about seyoungie.. being away with your sweetheart is not easy for the beginner (new)relationship.when people so deep in love..there always want to be around with his lover..i think this is the first time he act like this.. Yes. Its effect your work sometimes..but i couldn't agree more..he looks so down this couple day..ahh cheer up Mr Jang..Seyoung is always there for you.. (Sorry guys..this is my opinion ONLY..my delulu) and now I'm listen to "Only Girl" nonstop from my Iphone and my ears getting numb already..aaigoo lol.. :D

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