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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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@peggyM What I loved the most was when they put together the puzzle of the two of them as king and queen. The caption on the puzzle said: "These children grew up to become a beautiful couple." Wooyoung said: "and both of us went to win... it's really quite funny! But at the bottom... saying we grew up and got married. It's like something out of a fairy tale. It's like written in a script." Seyoung said: "It almost looks like a happy ending to a fairy tale. So they grew up and became husband and wife. That's really what happened." LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!

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Damn talk about blush, seyoung's face after wooyoung bro's peck lit up. You go man, much respect for their acting skills but if it is totally legitimate then may they live happily together.  Crazy fangirls need to give them space.

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i think just the fact that he wore the cap they bought together during a concert...where all his fans plus more can see it...speaks volume.
it's also a natural reaction to want to hold on to someone you love tightly...if example they're going on a trip or if you'll not see each other on a regular basis.
i think both share a more intimate kiss after filming... just the two of them in WY car...before they went home...around morning because they don't want to separate...and texted each other like crazy
8->  ...that wasn't just my own imagination right?   :D

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I came to the thread message board today and there were 20 pages to read. I wanted to comment as went along, but now it seems like so much of it is old news… I wish I could go back and reread some of the more eloquent posts, but there's just too much conversation to wade through. :) 
It is nice to see that the overall mood of the board is joyful. I think my favorite parts of the translations that @bladerunner and others have provided is:
1. WY's bench confession didn't include anything about wife or marriage, just: the woman I love. 2. SY's last interview "the next time we meet, we can act on our feeling." It's a foregone conclusion.
SY's bench confession said, "Marrying you was a good decision." I like to think that means 'agreeing to come on this ridiculous virtual marriage show was one of the best decisions I have made, because despite my hesitation and the intrusive cameras and forced situations, I met one of the most important and special people in my life.'

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It's been 2 weeks after their last filming, I wish there would be an announcement of them becoming Real Couple in the near future,,
[-O< [-O< [-O< [-O< [-O<

I hope you guys can check this out, a proper song for WY to GET SY BACK and make her his.
Jang Wooyoung please GET HER BACK!

ah, and to @bladerunner eonni, THANK YOUUUU <3
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and lived happily ever after WGM :x  Watching that first episode again, even though I've watched it a bunch of times, I still can't get over how awkward they were.  They sure came a long way, didn't they?? Now, it's....

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Guest ylndptrc

Sorry….to many posting from today….because I really can't sleep. But after this I have to sleep ….

If I am not wrong jokingly wooyoung talking about married 3 times:

First : when 2young, junho, chansung, seyoung 2 friends play a game. seyoung chose the same ball as wooyoung and wooyoung: you can not married with another guy.

second is this last episode: Then we just married for real

and third : In the future I'll meet her MAYBE SECRETLY!!!!!

As 2YOUNG fans….I really proud of you WOOYOUNG to have a brave to jokingly like that at national TV.

Last one, was on the beach

When wooyoung said, "do you still want to marry me if i look like this?" And seyoung clarified, "we already married". maybe what he meant was marry him in the future. Lol

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@bladerunner‌ thank you so much for clear the language problem

if not much please continue trans last speech from MC .... they are really touch in 2young too

i confuse my self in a long time...i hate WGM but why why why i watch 2young and then I fall in love them ㅠㅠ

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@crazymiss Wooyoung's done the heart aegyo a lot in the past; it's not new for him. Buuuuttttt… can I be delusional and say that the fact that he's messing with the choreography in order to insert it to his tv performances is meaningful? The aegyo is usually done after a song or during other fan service time, and the one thing I've heard over and over about Wooyoung is that he's professional. Dancing is serious business for him, and he always wants to go out and give a perfect performance. So throwing hearts in the middle of it… What would make this man do that? Hmmm…  :-/ :-B :-? :-\" 8-> :x
Oh, and he's not just throwing them into the freestyle dance portions of Go Crazy, but the choreographed parts… Think he's getting a talkin' to backstage? "Cut it out, Wooyoung, I don't care how 'in love' you are, just do what we practiced! Obvious much, dude?"

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Guest ylndptrc

No more sad tears, all i have is tears of happiness. Thank you for the translation, now i have a happy morning. Happy sunday everyone!! ♥♥

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just wake up and reading back the 8 pages :D

@bladerunner‌ thank you so much for the translated..wish you have a sweet dream now :x

@PeggyM‌ I use your YYNation Flag for my IG profile picture \:D/

now watching the raw again and again ;))

HAPPY SUNDAY everyone!! :*

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Good Morning everyone,,Yesterday i promise to myself to moved forward after watching their last ep,My heart cant calm until the live streaming aring,i prepared myself for heartbreaking ep,i dont

Want to see Wy hurt!!but in whole part of their ep i feel something weird i dont understand what they talking i just see the gaze and body language,what is this a confession or farewell ep,?i just feel Sy totally revield something coz the past ep showing,i really feel Sy how to express herself towards Wy,,i cant hold my tears as a woman i want to hug Sy and cry together!the full ep am just looking Sy ,,i was relieved when Wy kissed her lips with passion,,Wy speechless and gaze are worth for me,,then watched again the raw ep,, i cried again WTF!!this time am looking Wy the whole ep Wy is not sad at all, i can see his confidence,,passion and the man in love,intamate part when Wy called her name Park Seyoung then gaze but he holding back to wipe Sy tears,,aigoo then i woke up to read the translation im here like red nose and pluffy eyes!thank you @bladerunner‌ to relieved me more,,i will support this 2 beautiful couple come what may!!and praying their happiness!!thank you 2young squad !!

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Thank you @bladerunner for the translation. Certainly put a hell lot of emotions after rewatching it. It's so bittersweet that I cried 5 times out of 5? 2times without the translation and thrice with it. It's been a while since I have been such an emotional wreck.
Their conversations and BRI really reflect the honesty in both of them. Even though Seyoung's career is really taking off at the moment, I really hope as a viewer and hardcore shipper, they would record more songs together at least. 2 hands intertwined was so meaningful and good to hear in my honest opinion compared to most of the trashy songs that are sold as albums these days. I know the chances of it occurring is close to zero but still...
Really hope their mutual friend Jinwoon from 2am would help to pull the strings even more and for their respective friends to encourage them. It's an easy thing identifying an ideal type, but its really difficult to find someone whom you can connect. 
I know WGM only shows the happy side of marriage w/o the bickerings, woes etc but to me, 2Young represented what I would want to achieve as a couple. Soulmate, companion, playmate and a sense of appreciation for one another. 
Argh, my weekend will never be the same again. Maybe I shall start reading this entire thread from next week on. Page by page, post by post to relieve this unforgettable memory that 2Young couple, shippers have created. 

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Thanks everyone for making this ship sail. Thanks unni @bladerunner‌ for the translation. Indeed it's a very very meaningful ending.i'm excited for the Real deal . there were definitely soo much love/intimacy/affection between them.i love how they ended it with 2young style. they were both smiling and relieved.they'll definitely keep what they've already started. Yes i believe and i have faith in them :D. Let's keep praying YY NATION :D But most of all. THANK YOU JANG WOOYOUNG AND PARK SEYOUNG for making our saturdays complete and for making us fall inlove with YY and your individual selves. Thank you for that beautiful 'virtual love story'. and we'll continue praying for your individual future and as a couple :x Thank you for uniting us. Different nation supporting and loving 2young couple. Big hugs and kisses everyone. Let's keep on sailing :D Time to prepare our bionic eyes.ears.let's prepare our CSI and FBI team.haha =)).love you all chinggus :* :* >:D< >:D<

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Guest ylndptrc

Eventhough our saturday will never be the same, i know that our heart and their heart will still the same even growing more and more. It hurts to know that we no longer watch their affection to each other on tv but let's celebrate their new chapter of dating secretly. Lol.

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