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Chilbong/Yoo Yeon Seok's Fan Project (Updated with book video)

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Guest tiffanyndo


Recruiting: a fund-raiser ^^

We are currently working on planning for the fund-raising. Unfortunately, no one on the project team is experienced in this area, so we would like to ask if any YeoNizen could please kindly offer a hand. This is a very important (if not deciding) step of this project, so please help us out! Your help will be very appreciated, and you will be given credit properly.

Please PM me as soon as you can if you are interested in this fund-raising position so that I can invite you to the next team meeting. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Yo gals, our friends at the couple thread have beautifully compile the 77 reasons why Chil-bong and Na-jung would have been wonderful and a better couple in our eyes, even though we respect the writer's choice. I will that the liberty to past them all here. Some suggested that we can put it as part of our project. What do you guys think?

1. Because CB would have cheered for Sang Min oppa with NJ, instead of just allowing her
2. Because he would have accepted her decision to go to Australia with no hesitation, even if it was painful, because he respects her choice and professional endeavors
3. Because NJ wouldn't break her back cleaning their house everyday
4. Because he would have cleaned the dishes with her, no questions asked, instead of just asking her if she needed help
5. Because they would have decorated their kids' rooms with dinosaurs and bought Jurassic Park tableware sets
6. Because they can discover new things to love about each other every day
7. Because he was always on time

8. Because they shared their first kiss with each other
9. Because they would always put each other first no matter what
10. Because he would know the RIGHT answers to almost all her questions
11. Because she doesn't need to ask for him to do something
12. Because if we give them enough time, he will know everything about her and memorise it by heart
13. Because they can be like 'the beckhams' of the Baseball community
14. Because they will always have the first snow fall

15. Because their family will be financially stable and not "minus".
16. Because they complete each other, NJ's English skills and CB's driving skills.
17. Because NJ the wifey gets to have a private massage therapist for her back pain by CB the hubby

18. Becauase Joon's profession (because he has off-seasons) would have allowed him to spend more time with the kids while giving Na Jeong more time and freedom to pursue a career outside of being a housewife
19. Because Joon would drive all the way to Na Jeong's work just to see her, even if it's only for 10 seconds.
20. Because they could go on more double dates with the gang
21. Because Joon actually cooks for Na Jeong too and Na Jeong loves his ramyeon.
22. Because "Ddukkbokki!!!!"
23. Because they always see eye-to-eye
24. Because Joon runs to Na Jeong without any prompting.
25. Because Joon will risk his life to be in a car with Na Jeong and can teach her how to be a better driver (LOL)
26. Because Na Jeong acts like a woman around Joon

27. Because they always look forward to spending NYE together so they can countdown and kiss.
28. Because CB has great relationship with in-laws, he's Appa's fave and Omma's angel sent from heaven.

29. Because Chilbong will always protect Na Jung from the snow by giving her his cap.
30. Because Chilbong will always pick out the best presents for Na Jung's Birthday.

31. Because Chilbung will always get Najung a cake even if it is his birthday.

32. Because when they're finally together, missing Najung will no longer makes Chilbong feels like a lonely person

33. Because Chilbong's love for Najung was realized in real life in the story of Kim Sung-Kyun (Samcheonpo) and his wife

@mario_kam @chappykoo
34. Because CB would finally have someone to rely on other than himself
35. Because even if they were separated CB would always remain in contact with NJ and go the distance because she is worth it
36. Because NJ could help him repair the broken foundation of his real family
37. Because NJ and family would come and support CB at his games
38. Because CB would no longer have a reason to hide behind his fake smiles, he could smile for real
39. Because they can communicate without words
40. Because they experienced the critical time periods of their lives together, growing up together
41. Because NJ would never doubt her self worth with CB around
42. Because if the world ended on December 31, 1999, the last person they both saw would be each other
43. Because CB isn't embrassed by her habits in public
44. Because CB's high EQ and NJ's high IQ would balance each other
45. because the story of cb and nj can be an inspiration for those people who are expecting some miracles in their live,a miracle that is cb and nj must exist
46. because people can actually relate to their story
47. Because NJ would become a dedicated fan supporting CB even more than her idol Lee Sang Min
48. Because no matter how difficult the circumstances CB would always come back for NJ
49. Because even if they fought, one smile is enough to forgive and forget
50. because cb can somehow change nj style of clothes and nj can force him to buy new clothes for him

51. because Na Jung picking him in the end might have given CB better understanding of his mom's situation and how sometimes people's first loves are not their last loves.
52. because the mom who loved her precious son Joonah so much as to leave her apology in her voice greeting despite chances that he may not hear it deserved to attend his wedding with the girl who would fill his loneliness
53. because we would have got to see Na Jung shine as a person as she helped bring CB and his mom together.
54. because it would have showed us a different side of Najung's appa and omma having to interact with parents who were different from them in many ways. Seriously, I had looked forward to both sets of parents meeting and the ensuing culture shock in another sense.
55. because the non-disney little mermaid deserved a happier ending.
56. because Trash then would have met a woman who made him get up from the couch and try to woo her for real which would have been good for both of them.
57. because chicken girl deserved a better love story than one which started  with "I met a guy who was reminded of his first love when he saw me" and ended with "Of course, i am now the most important woman in his life. Just lemme find my hubby to confirm. Is he at her place again?  "
58. because then and only then Reply 1994 would have left us with more answers than questions

59. Because NJ makes an effort to learn more about CB's passion, even though she's not a big fan of the sport
60. Because CB wants to involve NJ in the important things in his life
61. Because it surprises CB that someone like NJ can remember details about him and stuff he says (his address, the record store he frequents) which is why her forgetting his birthday is totally out of character
62. Because other than BG, NJ is the only one he can talk to about his parents
63. Because they can travel the world together
64. Because NJ wouldn't have to whine and beg for some luvin' luvin'

65. Because NJ would keep CB's ego from growing too large because of his fame (which wouldn't happen but NJ would keep him grounded)
66. Because NJ and CB are lifelong friends which will be great lifetime companions
67. Because CB would finally have a family of his own with the person he loves and loves him just as much back
68. Because CB would be able to withstand NJ's temper and teach her to keep it under control
69. Because NJ would decorate their home with pictures of their family, filling their home with warmth
70. Because NJ and the kids would watch and record his games and interviews and they would call him afterwards with their adoration and compliments
71. Because NJ would nag CB about his shoulder and health and he would smile because of her concern and take better care of himself
72. Because NJ would teach CB to cook other healthier food than ramen when he goes away for games

73. because cb will share his ramyeon secret to nj..and only nj..(inspired by yys recent translated interview "i have a secret but its a secret")

74. Because Chilbong will always find time to be with Najung. Without being asked,  he will walk her home, hold the umbrella for her when its raining and even chauffeur her around town.
75. Because Najung as well as their kids will have more reason to be proud and to brag for having Chilbong as her husband and their dad

76. Because at the end of each year, CB and NJ would count down, greet their kids "Happy New Year", and shower them with kisses.
77. Because CB would spend hours trying to teach NJ and the kids how to see what's behind each Magic Eye picture--and it would be time well-spent.

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Guest yooshinjo

kaylanurul said: Yo gals, our friends at the couple thread have beautifully compile the 77 reasons why Chil-bong and Na-jung would have been wonderful and a better couple in our eyes, even though we respect the writer's choice. I will that the liberty to past them all here. Some suggested that we can put it as part of our project. What do you guys think?

1. Because CB would have cheered for Sang Min oppa with NJ, instead of just allowing her
2. Because he would have accepted her decision to go to Australia with no hesitation, even if it was painful, because he respects her choice and professional endeavors
3. Because NJ wouldn't break her back cleaning their house everyday
4. Because he would have cleaned the dishes with her, no questions asked, instead of just asking her if she needed help
5. Because they would have decorated their kids' rooms with dinosaurs and bought Jurassic Park tableware sets
6. Because they can discover new things to love about each other every day
7. Because he was always on time

8. Because they shared their first kiss with each other
9. Because they would always put each other first no matter what
10. Because he would know the RIGHT answers to almost all her questions
11. Because she doesn't need to ask for him to do something
12. Because if we give them enough time, he will know everything about her and memorise it by heart
13. Because they can be like 'the beckhams' of the Baseball community
14. Because they will always have the first snow fall

15. Because their family will be financially stable and not "minus".
16. Because they complete each other, NJ's English skills and CB's driving skills.
17. Because NJ the wifey gets to have a private massage therapist for her back pain by CB the hubby

18. Becauase Joon's profession (because he has off-seasons) would have allowed him to spend more time with the kids while giving Na Jeong more time and freedom to pursue a career outside of being a housewife
19. Because Joon would drive all the way to Na Jeong's work just to see her, even if it's only for 10 seconds.
20. Because they could go on more double dates with the gang
21. Because Joon actually cooks for Na Jeong too and Na Jeong loves his ramyeon.
22. Because "Ddukkbokki!!!!"
23. Because they always see eye-to-eye
24. Because Joon runs to Na Jeong without any prompting.
25. Because Joon will risk his life to be in a car with Na Jeong and can teach her how to be a better driver (LOL)
26. Because Na Jeong acts like a woman around Joon

27. Because they always look forward to spending NYE together so they can countdown and kiss.
28. Because CB has great relationship with in-laws, he's Appa's fave and Omma's angel sent from heaven.

29. Because Chilbong will always protect Na Jung from the snow by giving her his cap.
30. Because Chilbong will always pick out the best presents for Na Jung's Birthday.

31. Because Chilbung will always get Najung a cake even if it is his birthday.

32. Because when they're finally together, missing Najung will no longer makes Chilbong feels like a lonely person

33. Because Chilbong's love for Najung was realized in real life in the story of Kim Sung-Kyun (Samcheonpo) and his wife

@mario_kam @chappykoo
34. Because CB would finally have someone to rely on other than himself
35. Because even if they were separated CB would always remain in contact with NJ and go the distance because she is worth it
36. Because NJ could help him repair the broken foundation of his real family
37. Because NJ and family would come and support CB at his games
38. Because CB would no longer have a reason to hide behind his fake smiles, he could smile for real
39. Because they can communicate without words
40. Because they experienced the critical time periods of their lives together, growing up together
41. Because NJ would never doubt her self worth with CB around
42. Because if the world ended on December 31, 1999, the last person they both saw would be each other
43. Because CB isn't embrassed by her habits in public
44. Because CB's high EQ and NJ's high IQ would balance each other
45. because the story of cb and nj can be an inspiration for those people who are expecting some miracles in their live,a miracle that is cb and nj must exist
46. because people can actually relate to their story
47. Because NJ would become a dedicated fan supporting CB even more than her idol Lee Sang Min
48. Because no matter how difficult the circumstances CB would always come back for NJ
49. Because even if they fought, one smile is enough to forgive and forget
50. because cb can somehow change nj style of clothes and nj can force him to buy new clothes for him

51. because Na Jung picking him in the end might have given CB better understanding of his mom's situation and how sometimes people's first loves are not their last loves.
52. because the mom who loved her precious son Joonah so much as to leave her apology in her voice greeting despite chances that he may not hear it deserved to attend his wedding with the girl who would fill his loneliness
53. because we would have got to see Na Jung shine as a person as she helped bring CB and his mom together.
54. because it would have showed us a different side of Najung's appa and omma having to interact with parents who were different from them in many ways. Seriously, I had looked forward to both sets of parents meeting and the ensuing culture shock in another sense.
55. because the non-disney little mermaid deserved a happier ending.
56. because Trash then would have met a woman who made him get up from the couch and try to woo her for real which would have been good for both of them.
57. because chicken girl deserved a better love story than one which started  with "I met a guy who was reminded of his first love when he saw me" and ended with "Of course, i am now the most important woman in his life. Just lemme find my hubby to confirm. Is he at her place again?  "
58. because then and only then Reply 1994 would have left us with more answers than questions

59. Because NJ makes an effort to learn more about CB's passion, even though she's not a big fan of the sport
60. Because CB wants to involve NJ in the important things in his life
61. Because it surprises CB that someone like NJ can remember details about him and stuff he says (his address, the record store he frequents) which is why her forgetting his birthday is totally out of character
62. Because other than BG, NJ is the only one he can talk to about his parents
63. Because they can travel the world together
64. Because NJ wouldn't have to whine and beg for some luvin' luvin'

65. Because NJ would keep CB's ego from growing too large because of his fame (which wouldn't happen but NJ would keep him grounded)
66. Because NJ and CB are lifelong friends which will be great lifetime companions
67. Because CB would finally have a family of his own with the person he loves and loves him just as much back
68. Because CB would be able to withstand NJ's temper and teach her to keep it under control
69. Because NJ would decorate their home with pictures of their family, filling their home with warmth
70. Because NJ and the kids would watch and record his games and interviews and they would call him afterwards with their adoration and compliments
71. Because NJ would nag CB about his shoulder and health and he would smile because of her concern and take better care of himself
72. Because NJ would teach CB to cook other healthier food than ramen when he goes away for games

73. because cb will share his ramyeon secret to nj..and only nj..(inspired by yys recent translated interview "i have a secret but its a secret")

74. Because Chilbong will always find time to be with Najung. Without being asked,  he will walk her home, hold the umbrella for her when its raining and even chauffeur her around town.
75. Because Najung as well as their kids will have more reason to be proud and to brag for having Chilbong as her husband and their dad

76. Because at the end of each year, CB and NJ would count down, greet their kids "Happy New Year", and shower them with kisses.
77. Because CB would spend hours trying to teach NJ and the kids how to see what's behind each Magic Eye picture--and it would be time well-spent.

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 The deadline for the poll is Jan 17th! If you have NOT cast your vote yet, please click on the link to vote! :)

Thank you all for participating in activity 2! Keep them coming!
Just A Friendly Reminder: Please re-count the words before you post
 your response, and don't forget to include your name&country. :)

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Guest tiffanyndo


>> New Activity! <<

Rules to Participate:
1) All the responses will be put under Chapter 1 - Message to Chilbong. (Therefore, please use "I" to address yourself and "you" for Chilbongie :) )
2) Post the response in the project thread.
3) What to include:
- Confession of your secret desire ;))
- Name and country
4) Have fun, but keep things safe :)) (we can't put explicit stuffs in the book, you know it ;)) )

Example:  "I wish you could hold my hand and teach me how to grab and throw a curve ball. I would put my fingers on the stitch part, too~ ^^"

NOTE: Activity 1 and 2 are closed. If you want to answer those activities' questions, feel free to email us at chilbongiefanproject@gmail.com! We would love to hear from you!

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The title with the most vote is "Answer Me, Yoo Yeon Seok: So The Thing We Really Want To Say Is..." !!!

Since there are 4 popular choices, we are thinking of combining the titles together.

"Answer me, Yoo Yeon Seok: So The Thing We Really Want To Say Is..." will be the TITLE of the front cover,
and "It's Chilbong No Matter What" will be place on the back cover of the book.
What do you guys think??

All opinions and comments are welcome in the project thread!

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Guest chappykoo

i think its a good idea to add a title in the back cover as a conclusion sentence..but i think its better be 'it's YYS no matter what' because its for YYS not particularly CB :)

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Guest kimchiflavoredplot

I love, love, love that there's one title (front) related to YYS and another (back) about Chilbong... Great idea!
Because regardless of the ending, no one can deny that YYS's portrayal of Chilbong brought all of us together.  :x

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