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Yoo Yeon Seok 유연석 (Upcoming Drama 2021 : Hospital Playlist S2)


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Guest jongfucius


It wasn't Jung Yu-mi or any other girl... it had been In-sung all along. DARN. Well at least he's in good hands... but hey, a girl can wish...

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Guest tiffanyndo

@mario_kam: only if you swear to never let CB to go to that house again :P
@jongfucius: LOL mind-blown over here! this must be the reason why they never showed is wife's face and name and why T is comfortable with hm being chummy with NJ :))

gosh, it all makes sense now. Remember how IS was actually the one who gave him that winning ball? Maybe after his crying scene in ep 21, IS appeared out of no where and lent him a shoulder =))

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Guest chappykoo

@mario_kam: only if you swear to never let CB to go to that house again


@jongfucius: LOL mind-blown over here! this must be the reason why they never showed is wife's face and name and why T is comfortable with hm being chummy with NJ :))

gosh, it all makes sense now. Remember how IS was actually the one who gave him that winning ball? Maybe after his crying scene in ep 21, IS appeared out of no where and lent him a shoulder =))

i died :)) remember how JIS defend CB to the other baseball mates?

remember how both of them were super chummy on the field?

remember how sad JIS was when CB was about to go to japan the next day?

CB ah,im glad you found someone who gives you unlimited love :((

but srsly tho i miss that JIS guy..YYS i demand your selca with JIS juseyoooo!!

can we have CB,JIS and miso girl in a drama about baseball?

He needs them turtlenecks to hide and cease those speculations by fans on that whatever spots on his neck, though.  ;))

i see what you did there yeonseokssi ;))

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Guest 8001spring

Personally, I quite like this picture. He looks like a Prince Charming in this night shot, with all the lights around.

  • [아주: 인터뷰] 응답하라! 유연석의 1994!

  • 아주경제 이예지 기자 = '신드롬'에 가깝다. 단순한 열풍으로 치부하기엔 어딘가 아쉽다. 각종 화제를 불러일으키며 종영한 tvN '응답하라 1994'(극본 이우정·연출 신원호·이하 '응사')의 주역을 꼽으라면 단연 유연석일 테다. '희대의 매력녀' 성나정(고아라)를 사이에 둔 쓰레기(정우)와 줄다리기를 통해 극에 흥미를 더했다. 

    지난 석달 동안 유연석은 한 시대(1990년대)를 풍미했던 엑스세대(X-세대)의 중심에 있었다. 그는 시대의 아이콘으로 분해 그들만의 사랑과 추억을 이야기했고 타임머신을 타고 간 1994년에 살면서 시청자들의 향수를 자극했다. 그리고 어느새 '첫사랑'의 아이콘이 되어버렸다.

    유연석에게 1994년은 큰 의미를 지닌다. 1984년생 유연석이 열한살이 되던 해이기도 하고, 연기자의 꿈을 마음에 품었던 때이기도 하다. 그리고 '응사'는 지난 10년 무명의 설움을 단번에 날려버린 대표작이 됐다. 

    국민학교로 입학했다가 초등학교로 졸업했던 세대, 머리에 피도 안 말랐는데 IMF라는 경제위기를 온몸으로 맞아냈던 세대, 삐삐라는 신문물로 받은 문화충격을 잊는데 오랜 시간이 걸렸던 세대. 유연석은 2000년 밀레니엄을 걱정과 환희 속에 맡이했던 엑스세대의 중심에 있던 아이였다.

    "1994년이요? 초등학생이었어요. 아마 기억엔 그때 초등학교로 명칭이 바뀌었어요. 제 초등학교 시절.. 음..  오락부장도 했었고, 전교 부회장을 거쳐서 전교 회장까지 했어요. 지금 생각해보면 사람들 앞에 나서는 데 되게 적극적이었던 아이였던 것 같아요."

    '응답하라 1994'에서 칠봉이 역을 맡았던 유연석[사진=이형석 기자]우연히 올랐던 학예회 무대에서 어떤 짜릿함을 느꼈다던 유연석은 그때부터 지금까지 연기자라는 꿈을 키워왔다. 신기한 건,  지금까지 단 한번도 바뀐 적이 없다는 것. 누구나 한번쯤은 또 다른 꿈을 꾸기도 하는 터라 지금까지 같은 꿈을 키워온 유연석의 '열정'에 박수를 보낸다. 

    공부에 소홀한 학생은 아니었다. 전교 회장을 역임하면서 공부도 열심히 했기 때문에 부모님의 기대는 당연했다. 하지만 가족 중 누구도 그의 꿈에 제동을 걸지 않았다. 동네방네 "나는 영화배우 할 거야"라고 말하고 다녔다고 하니, 1994년 유연석의 동네는 꾀나 시끄러웠을 법하다.

    "막연하게 꿈을 키워왔던 것 같아요. 경남 진주에서 태어나고 자랐어요. 지방이라는 지역적 한계 때문에 학생 때 할 수 있는 거라고는 방송반 활동을 하는 거였죠. 하하. 연기자라는 꿈과 가장 가까운 느낌이었어요."

    "연기요? 너무 좋아요. 음.. 생각해보면 제 주위에도 아직까지 꿈을 갖지 못한 친구들이 있거든요. 저는 꿈도 이뤘는데, 많은 분들이 좋아해주기까지 하니까. 이것만큼 좋은게 또 어디있겠어요."

    형의 대학 입학과 동시에 상경한 유연석. 낯설고 무서웠던 서울에서 보낸 지난 십 몇 년 동안 그는 한층 단단해졌다. '배우'의 꿈을 꾸기 시작했던 그의 1994년. 유연석에게 1994년은 꾀나 오래 기억되지 않을까. 

  • 이예지 기자
  • eyejida@ajunews.com
  • ©'한·중·영·일 4개국어 글로벌 경제신문' 아주경제. 무단전재·재배포 금지
  • http://www.ajunews.com/view/20140108091340253
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June.2008 Play 'A nice person in Setzuan' performed by Sejong university acting art department students.Yangsoon: YYS Sente: Yi Sol Ji (Now Mnet announcer, MC of Mnet wide entertainment news)
Whole performance (2h 27m) mms:// http://www.mille21.com/millevod/millevod_view.php?pkey=369&cate=
YYS cutshttp://www.mediafire.com/watch/s89qg05ut9vyukk/Nice%20person_01.avihttp://www.mediafire.com/watch/j9ys8ypn2p31kh2/Nice%20person_02.avihttp://www.mediafire.com/watch/c2ad319123anpms/Nice%20person_03.avihttp://www.mediafire.com/watch/6ji175z1szu5pv6/Nice%20person_04.avihttp://www.mediafire.com/watch/6ruucuc9hgkchkc/Nice%20person_05.avihttp://www.mediafire.com/watch/aqbao24q9a7a2l1/Nice%20person_06.avi
Rough story:Sente is a nice girl living in town Setzuan. She always helps the poors, but they never appreciate, just ask more. She can't reject them, so sometimes she disguises herself as her fake cousin brother and rejects their asking.On a rainy night, she goes to under a tree to avoid rain, then she finds a guy who is attempting hanging himself. She shouts out to stop him. He is Yangsoon, was a pilot, now has no job, no money. They talk, he kisses her and she falls in love.Yangsoon says if he has silver 500 nyang, he can get a pilot job at Beijing. So Sente gives him 200 nyang. He asks 300 more. She says she has a cigarette shop and if they run the shop together then sell it later, they can make money.Yangsoon goes to the cigarette shop and meets cousin brother there. (=Sente) He says he will sell the shop right away in just 300 nyang. The brother asks him if he has extra money for 2 persons' living and going to Beijing. Yangsoon answers he will go by himself. The brother(=Sente) feels betrayed. He says if Yangsoon doesn't show him 2 tickets to Beijing, he can't sell the shop and orders him to pay back 200 nyang right now. Then he(she) asks a wealthy divorced man to get married to his sister. Yangsoon hears it and comes to meet Sente. She firmly says she doesn't want Yangsoon anymore. But Yangsoon persuades her, reminding her their memory, how they met at rainy night under the tree, and kisses her again. Poor Sente falls for him again and says the rich guy that she will follow Yangsoon.Yangsoon holds their wedding ceremony to persuade the cousin brother. On the wedding day, the brother never come of course. Yangsoon waits and waits then gets disappointed. All his plans failed. So he drinks a lot, ruins the wedding, and sings a song, 'The day will never come, the day when I can fly high again'. Sente the bride is very disappointed and feels betrayed. She makes up her mind that she will no longer be a nice person.She has Yangsoon's baby, but she hides it, wears men's suit always, pretends she is his cousin brother. She concentrates on her cigarette business, and the shop grows bigger and bigger.She suits Yangsoon for 200 nyang debt, and let him work at her cigarette factory to pay back. He works very sincerely, never waste time, helps co-workers. He even returns his salary when it was given too much. It was all to please the factory owner(=Sente). The owner assigns him a manager. After he becomes the manager, he ill-treats the workers for better profit.One rainy night, Sente presents him a hat, is sad to see Yangsoon talking about all business thing to her. He asks her why she always feels blue on rainy day. One of Sente's old friend, a water seller comes to ask where Sente is. And he says that he heard Sente was pregnant. Yangsoon is surprised, Sente says she's not. Yangsoon sees a scarf which belonged to Sente, and hears a woman's crying from inside, sounds like Sente. He thinks he should find her.Soon the trial for the case of Sente's missing is held. The cousin brother is a suspect. The factory workers testify how nice Sente was to all of them and how evil the cousin brother was. They say he could have killed his sister to take the cigarette shop. Then Yangsoon says at least he didn't murder, because he heard her crying sound recently. Sente asks the judges to let all others get out and leave her alone. Then she confesses she is the missing Sente. She says she doesn't want to live as nice herself anymore to protect herself and the baby. The case of missing Sente is canceled. The trial is over.

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I can't with this guy. He knew he would be killing his fangirls but he acts so bashful about it. He killed me with the three shots : bashful laughter, wink and lip licking afterwards. You nappeun namja you, YYS.You have no idea how loud the inhuman noises coming from me was when I was making the gifs, lmao.
tumblr_mz3du3LsDT1to9y0zo1_r1_250.giftumblr_mz3du3LsDT1to9y0zo2_250.giftumblr_mz3du3LsDT1to9y0zo3_r1_250.gifThe gifset post can be found here : fyeahyooyeonseok

Edit: @saturn. 
omg thank you for the links and detailed explanation on the play. I love love love you for you always give us amazing indie / non mainstream YYS goodies. I really appreciate it. Let me love you

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Guest chappykoo

@saturn gosh that is an amazing story!! thanks for sharing that..i can see yys as yangsoon through his vilain roles :))

but omg can they make it as a movie and cast yys?

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Guest tiffanyndo

@day_dreamer: I realized that he had that radio appearance and the talk with RM94 staff on the same day (same shirt and jacket)
I love that shirt btw, the neck line is neither too high nor too low, just enough ;))


oppa! what did I tell you about rubbing your body? >"<

I also realize that he has ear-holes on both of his ears. I think they were for some of this roles (at least the one in "Possesed") because he doesn't look like one who will wear earring, like ever X"D. I'm too stalkerish now lol Maybe tmr, I will be like "his finger nails are a little bit too long today :))

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jongfucius said: @Autumn_Bliss thanks for the translation, would you happen to have a link to the actual interview? I wanted to post this up on Tumblr and credit both the original source and you for the translation. 
@msash lol he dresses like an old grandpa with all of those turtle necks and pull over sweaters. I would really love to see him sport more V-necks and plain white dress shirts, with his hair styled like 2013 Joon......


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Guest jongfucius

@saturn thanks for sharing the cuts, ahh I just realized you are the same saturn who translates a lot of CNBLUE stuff thank you for that as well ^^
I'm watching the cuts... he had to have been 23-24 here, so very young yet it's amazing he still manages to maintain such youth now in his 30s. And I agree with you @chappykoo I'd love to see this be made into a motion film with YYS as Yang-soon, I quickly wiki'd the play to fully understand what it's about... and it's a rather interesting play. 

Which brings me to another point, I'd love to see YYS in a film in which he portrays a character with split personalities (MPD/DID), or a character that embodies both good and evil that would require YYS to switch back and forth between both. I think this is a great skill of his, one that I find so chilling but fascinating, and he could definitely pull off such a character. 
Anyways gonna go back and finish those cuts (ermergerd I flailed at that kiss scene thooo) ^^

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@jongfucius said: @saturn thanks for sharing the cuts, ahh I just realized you are the same saturn who translates a lot of CNBLUE stuff thank you for that as well ^^
I'm watching the cuts... he had to have been 23-24 here, so very young yet it's amazing he still manages to maintain such youth now in his 30s. And I agree with you @chappykoo I'd love to see this be made into a motion film with YYS as Yang-soon, I quickly wiki'd the play to fully understand what it's about... and it's a rather interesting play. 

Which brings me to another point, I'd love to see YYS in a film in which he portrays a character with split personalities (MPD/DID), or a character that embodies both good and evil that would require YYS to switch back and forth between both. I think this is a great skill of his, one that I find so chilling but fascinating, and he could definitely pull off such a character. 
Anyways gonna go back and finish those cuts (ermergerd I flailed at that kiss scene thooo) ^^

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Guest 8001spring

Autumn_Bliss said:

I just picked the easiest article that I've sighted to translate for those keen to know some of the contents. Here goes:

<Please Reply! Yoo Yeon Seok> The Secret to His 30 Years Old's Baby Face? No Drinking & Smoking

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Guest jongfucius

@day_dreamer YEP EXACTLY! If this were ever to happen, this film would be at the top of my "to watch" list. I know there are other actors out there who can pull off the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde persona just as well and/or even better, but since I'm such a fan of YYS I'd vote for him to be nominated for a role like that. It'd be such an interesting watch, and I think it'd be a great challenge for him as an actor! Dammnit, if only someone could answer our prayers lol. 

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Guest teamcider

Guys i have a fever. YYS FEVER. :\"> :x I CANT WITH THIS GUY. hahaha! who says chilbong doesnt exist? Yys is chilbong in real life. Hahaha! Oh yys where have u been? Even if i hate writernim and pdnim for what they did. (sorry but everytime i think about how it ended. I still feel bitter about it hahaha!) I will forever grateful to them for casting uri yeonseokie. :x :P

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